Apache > HTTP Server > Documentation > Version 2.4 >

ġ mod_autoindex

ֽ ƴմϴ. ֱٿ ϼ.
:ڵ н ls ɾ Win32 dir ɾ 丮

丮 ΰ:

, Ѵٸ ڵ (Ȥ ü) ִ.

ڵ Options +Indexes ϴ. ڼ Options þ ϶.

IndexOptions þ FancyIndexing ɼ ָ, ̸ ٲٴ ũ . ̸ ũ ϸ ٽ . ̸ ݺؼ ϸ ̸ . IndexOptions þ SuppressColumnSorting ɼ ̷ ̸ ũ ʴ´.

"Size(ũ)" µǴ ƴ϶ ũ ϶. , 1010 Ʈ ϰ 1011 Ʈ Ѵ "1K" ̴ ׻ 1010 Ʈ տ ´.

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Autoindex û ƱԸƮ

ġ 2.0.23 û ƱԸƮ ϰ, ο ɼǵ ߰ߴ. Ŭ̾Ʈ IndexOptions IgnoreClient ɼ ߰Ǿ.

̸ Ʒ û ɼ ڱ ũ. Ʒ ɼ 丮 ڿ  û ִ.

'P'attern ƱԸƮ Ϲ IndexIgnore þ ó Ŀ ˻ϱ⶧, ٸ autoindex ϶. mod_autoindex û ƱԸƮ о϶ ɼ ߰ϸ ̻ ʴ´. û ƱԸƮ ǥ Ѵ.

header.html Ͽ ִ Ʒ ɼǵ Ѵ. submit "X" ƱԸƮ mod_autoindex X=Go ƱԸƮ о Ȯϱ ߴ.

<form action="" method="get">
Show me a <select name="F">
<option value="0"> Plain list</option>
<option value="1" selected="selected"> Fancy list</option>
<option value="2"> Table list</option>
Sorted by <select name="C">
<option value="N" selected="selected"> Name</option>
<option value="M"> Date Modified</option>
<option value="S"> Size</option>
<option value="D"> Description</option>
<select name="O">
<option value="A" selected="selected"> Ascending</option>
<option value="D"> Descending</option>
<select name="V">
<option value="0" selected="selected"> in Normal order</option>
<option value="1"> in Version order</option>
Matching <input type="text" name="P" value="*" />
<input type="submit" name="X" value="Go" />


AddAlt þ

:ϸ ܴ
:AddAlt string file [file] ...
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

AddAlt FancyIndexing Ͽ ܴ Ѵ. File Ȯ, ϸ Ϻ, ϵī ǥ, ü ϸ ִ. String ٸ ǥ(" Ȥ ') Ѵ. Ŭ̾Ʈ ̹ ų, ̹ ʰų, ߰ ̰ ȴ.

AddAlt "PDF file" *.pdf
AddAlt Compressed *.gz *.zip *.Z


AddAltByEncoding þ

:MIME-encoding ܴ
:AddAltByEncoding string MIME-encoding [MIME-encoding] ...
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

AddAltByEncoding FancyIndexing Ͽ ܴ Ѵ. MIME-encoding x-compress ȿ content-encoding̴. String ٸ ǥ(" Ȥ ') Ѵ. Ŭ̾Ʈ ̹ ų, ̹ ʰų, ߰ ̰ ȴ.

AddAltByEncoding gzip x-gzip


AddAltByType þ

:MIME content-type ܴ
:AddAltByType string MIME-type [MIME-type] ...
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

AddAltByType FancyIndexing Ͽ ܴ Ѵ. MIME-type text/html ȿ content-type̴. String ٸ ǥ(" Ȥ ') Ѵ. Ŭ̾Ʈ ̹ ų, ̹ ʰų, ߰ ̰ ȴ.

AddAltByType 'plain text' text/plain


AddDescription þ

:AddDescription string file [file] ...
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

þ FancyIndexing Ͽ Ѵ. File Ȯ, ϸ Ϻ, ϵī ǥ, ü ϸ ִ. String ǥ(") Ѵ.

AddDescription "The planet Mars" /web/pics/mars.gif

⺻ ʵ 23 Ʈ. IndexOptions SuppressIcon ɼ ϸ ⺻ 6 Ʈ ߰ϰ, IndexOptions SuppressSize ɼ 7 Ʈ, IndexOptions SuppressLastModified ɼ 19 Ʈ ߰Ѵ. ׷Ƿ 55 Ʈ.

ʵ ٲٰų ̸ Ѵ DescriptionWidth IndexOptions Ű带 ϶.

AddDescription ۿ ±׳ character entity(; &lt;, &amp; Ī) HTML ִ. ׷ ±װ ִ κ ©ԵǸ ( ü κ ©) 丮 Ͽ ִ.


AddIcon þ

:̸ Ͽ
:AddIcon icon name [name] ...
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

þ FancyIndexing name Ѵ. Icon (%-escaped) URL Ȥ (alttext,url) ̴. ⼭ alttext ׸ ܴ ̴.

Name 丮 Ÿ ^^DIRECTORY^^, ( ùٷ ߱) Ÿ ^^BLANKICON^^, Ȯ, ϵī ǥ, ϸ Ϻ Ȥ ü ִ.

AddIcon (IMG,/icons/image.xbm) .gif .jpg .xbm
AddIcon /icons/dir.xbm ^^DIRECTORY^^
AddIcon /icons/backup.xbm *~

ϸ AddIconٴ AddIconByType ؾ Ѵ.


AddIconByEncoding þ

:MIME content-encoding Ͽ
:AddIconByEncoding icon MIME-encoding [MIME-encoding] ...
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

þ FancyIndexing Ѵ. Icon (%-escaped) URL Ȥ (alttext,url) ̴. ⼭ alttext ׸ ܴ ̴.

MIME-encoding content-encoding شϴ ϵī ǥ̴.

AddIconByEncoding /icons/compress.xbm x-compress


AddIconByType þ

:MIME content-type Ͽ
:AddIconByType icon MIME-type [MIME-type] ...
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

þ FancyIndexing MIME-type Ѵ. Icon (%-escaped) URL Ȥ (alttext,url) ̴. ⼭ alttext ׸ ܴ ̴.

MIME-type mime type شϴ ϵī ǥ̴.

AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/image.xbm) image/*


DefaultIcon þ

:Ư Ͽ
:DefaultIcon url-path
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

DefaultIcon þ FancyIndexing Ư ̴. Icon (%-escaped) URL̴.

DefaultIcon /icon/unknown.xbm


HeaderName þ

:ϸ ̸
:HeaderName filename
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

HeaderName þ ϸ տ ̸ Ѵ. Filename ϸ̴.

HeaderName HEADER.html

HeaderName ReadmeName Filename Ϸ 丮 URI η ޾Ƶδ. Filename ϸ DocumentRoot η ޾Ƶδ.

HeaderName /include/HEADER.html

Filename major content type text/* ( , text/html, text/plain, ) ؾ Ѵ. , ũƮ ( ƴ) type text/html Ѵٸ filename CGI ũƮ ִ:

AddType text/html .cgi

Options MultiViews ϸ Ѵ. filename (CGI ũƮ ƴ) text/html ̰ options Includes IncludesNOEXEC ϳ Ѵٸ server-side includes óѴ. (mod_include )

HeaderName Ͽ (<html>, <head>, ) HTML ۺκ Եִٸ IndexOptions +SuppressHTMLPreamble Ͽ κ ߰ʴ .


IndexHeadInsert þ

:Inserts text in the HEAD section of an index page.
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess

Documentation not yet translated. Please see English version of document.


IndexIgnore þ

:丮 Ͽ ϸ ߰Ѵ
:IndexIgnore file [file] ...
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

IndexIgnore þ 丮 Ͽ ϸ ߰Ѵ. File ( ϴ) ȭϵī ǥ̳ ü ϸ ִ. IndexIgnore þ ϸ ϸ üʰ Ͽ ϵ ߰Ѵ. ⺻ . ( 丮) Ѵ.

IndexIgnore README .htaccess *.bak *~


IndexIgnoreReset þ

:Empties the list of files to hide when listing a directory
:IndexIgnoreReset ON|OFF
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes
:2.3.10 and later

The documentation for this directive has not been translated yet. Please have a look at the English version.


IndexOptions þ

:IndexOptions [+|-]option [[+|-]option] ...
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

IndexOptions þ 丮 Ѵ. Option ϳ̴

DescriptionWidth=[n | *] (ġ 2.0.23 )
DescriptionWidth Ű带 Ͽ ڴ ִ.
-DescriptionWidth ϸ (Ȥ ƹ͵ ) mod_autoindex Ѵ.
DescriptionWidth=n n Ʈ Ѵ.
DescriptionWidth=* ִ¸ŭ ø.
© ִ AddDescription ϶.
丮 fancy .
FoldersFirst (ġ 2.0.23 )
ɼ ϸ 丮 ׻ , 丮 ִ Ϲ ڿ ´. ⺻ ϰ 丮 , Ͽ 丮 δ. , ̸ ϰ FoldersFirst Ѵٸ 丮 ZedBeta տ , 丮 Beta Ϲ Gamma Alpha տ ´. ɼ FancyIndexing Բ Ҷ ȿ ִ.
HTMLTable (, ġ 2.0.23 )
FancyIndexing ɼ HTML ǥ fancy 丮 . ɼ ȥ ϶. ɼ WinNT ٸ utf-8 ÷ ϸ̳ б (ʿ Ȥ ʿ ) ٸ Ư ϴ.
fancy Ͽ ϸ ũ Ѵ.
ɼ IconWidth ϸ img ±׿ height width Ӽ Ѵ. ׷ ̹ Ȳ ̸ ִ. ɼǿ ġ ϴ ǥ ̸ Ѵ.
ɼ IconHeight ϸ img ±׿ height width Ӽ Ѵ. ׷ ̹ Ȳ ̸ ִ. ɼǿ ġ ϴ ǥ Ѵ.
ɼ ϸ ҹ ʰ ̸ Ѵ. , ̸ ̰ IgnoreCase ϸ Zeta alfa ڿ ´ (: GAMMA ׻ gamma տ ´).
ɼ ϸ mod_autoindex Ͽ Ŭ̾Ʈ Ǻ Ѵ. (SuppressColumnSorting Ѵ.)
NameWidth=[n | *]
NameWidth Ű Ʈ ϸ Ѵ.
-NameWidth ϸ (Ȥ ƹ͵ ) mod_autoindex Ѵ.
NameWidth=n n Ʈ Ѵ.
NameWidth=* ʿѸŭ ø.
fancy Ͽ HTML title ̴´. Ͽ AddDescription ٸ title Ұ оδ. ۾ CPU ũ Ѵ.
ɼ ϸ ġ FancyIndexed 丮 Ͽ ̸ ٲٴ ũ ʴ´. ̸ ũ , ̸ ϸ ִ 丮 . ġ 2.0.23 ƱԸƮ ʾҴ. ġ 2.0.23 IndexOptions IgnoreClient Ͽ ƱԸƮ ʴ´.
fancy Ͽ ʴ´. ⺻  ǵʰ, ɼ ϸ 23 ٸ 뵵 Ѵ. ϴ AddDescription ϶. ũ⸦ ϴ DescriptionWidth ɼǵ ϶.
HeaderName þ ִ ǥ HTML ۺκ (<html>, <head>, et cetera) ڿ ÷Ѵ. ׷ SuppressHTMLPreamble ɼ ϸ ó header Ѵ. header Ͽ HTML ־ Ѵ. header ٸ Ϲ ۺκ .
SuppressIcon (ġ 2.0.23 )
fancy Ͽ . SuppressIcon SuppressRules ϸ, (FancyIndexed ) pre ȿ img hr ǥ HTML 3.2 ˸ ȴ.
fancy Ͽ ǥ ʴ´.
SuppressRules (ġ 2.0.23 )
丮 Ͽ (hr ) ʴ´. SuppressIcon SuppressRules ϸ, (FancyIndexed ) pre ȿ img hr ǥ HTML 3.2 ˸ ȴ.
fancy Ͽ ũ⸦ ǥ ʴ´.
TrackModified (ġ 2.0.23 )
丮 HTTP Last-Modified ETag Ѵ. ɼ ü Ͻýۿ stat() ȿϴ. н ý۰ OS2 JFS, Win32 NTFS ϴ. , OS2 Win32 FAT Ұϴ. ϸ Ŭ̾Ʈ Ͻô HEAD û Ͽ ϸ ȭ ִ.  ü ο ϰ ùٷ , 丮 ִ ũ⳪ ¥ ȭ ϶. н ÷ ũ⳪ ¥ ȭ Last-Modified ٲʴ´. ̷ ȭ ߿ϴٸ ɼ .
VersionSort (ġ 2.0a3 )
VersionSort Ű ȣ ϸ ڿ Ѵ. κ , ϰ ִ κ ڰ Ѵ.



0 ϸ, м Ѵ:


XHTML (ġ 2.0.49 )
XHTML Ű带 ϸ mod_autoindex HTML 3.2 XHTML 1.0 ڵ带 Ѵ.

ġ 1.3.3 IndexOptions þ ó ũ ȭǾ. Ư:

  • IndexOptions þ Ѵ. :

    <Directory /foo> IndexOptions HTMLTable
    IndexOptions SuppressColumnsorting

    IndexOptions HTMLTable SuppressColumnsorting

  • ( , Ű տ + - ̴) ߰Ǿ.

Ű տ '+' '-' ش Ű尡 ( 丮 ӵǾ) IndexOptions ݿȴ. ׷ տ ƹ͵ Ű带 ӵǰų . 캸:

IndexOptions +ScanHTMLTitles -IconsAreLinks FancyIndexing
IndexOptions +SuppressSize

տ ƹ͵ FancyIndexing ٽ ߰ǿ IndexOptions FancyIndexing +SuppressSize .

Ư 丮 IndexOptions Ϸ Ű տ + - ӵ .


IndexOrderDefault þ

:丮 ⺻ Ѵ
:IndexOrderDefault Ascending|Descending Name|Date|Size|Description
⺻:IndexOrderDefault Ascending Name
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

IndexOrderDefault þ FancyIndexing ɼǰ Բ Ѵ. ⺻ fancyindexed 丮 ϸ ̴. IndexOrderDefault ʱ ִ.

IndexOrderDefault ƱԸƮ ޴´. ù° ϴ Ascending () ̳ Descending () ϳ. ι° ƱԸƮ Ÿ Ű Name, Date, Size, Description ϳ. ׻ ϸ ̴.

þ SuppressColumnSorting ɼ ϸ Ư θ 丮 . Ŭ̾Ʈ ٸ 丮 û Ѵ.


IndexStyleSheet þ

:IndexStyleSheet url-path
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

IndexStyleSheet þ 丮 Ͽ CSS ϸ Ѵ.


IndexStyleSheet "/css/style.css"


ReadmeName þ

:ϸ ̸
:ReadmeName filename
:ּ, ȣƮ, directory, .htaccess
Override ɼ:Indexes

ReadmeName þ ϸ ̸ Ѵ. Filename ϸ̰, ġ η ޾Ƶδ. Filename ϸ DocumentRoot η ޾Ƶδ.

ReadmeName FOOTER.html


ReadmeName /include/FOOTER.html

ڼ HeaderName ϶.

:  en  |  fr  |  ja  |  ko  |  tr 



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