Improve the ROI of your electromobility investments by originating and selling carbon credits on the Voluntary Carbon Market. Based on the carbon emission reductions of their investment, our renewable energy plant operator Partner was eligible to originate 4,368 carbon credits. Learn more about our first issuance on our website under Offset/ Purchase, or reach out to our expert for your custom estimation. Book a - commitment free - call: #ElectromobilityInvestment #ClimateTechStartUp #ClimateAction
Climate Data and Analytics
carbon credit generation, registry & trading for investors in electromobility
We are mitigia, a Climate Tech startup that aims to foster fleet electrification. We help green investors in electromobility monetize their green transition on the Voluntary Carbon Market. Based on our unique and propriatory know-how they can generate high-integrity carbon credits equal to the verified carbon emission decrease resulting from the technlogy swap (ICE > BEV). We sell the carbon credits to large industrial CO2 emitters for offsetting. More info:
- Weboldal
Külső hivatkozás a következőhöz: mitigia
- Ágazat
- Climate Data and Analytics
- Vállalat mérete
- 2–10 munkavállaló
- Központ
- Tatabánya
- Típus
- Privately Held
- Alapítva
- 2020
Fő tér 10.
Tatabánya, 2800, HU
Alkalmazottak a mitigia
Levente Tóth
Founder / CEO / Serial Enterpreneur / Experienced Business Leader / Sustainability Enthusiast
Csaba Koller
Freelance IT/Management consultant
Boglárka Mucsi
A FAO "Food & Climate Shaper" kurzusának végzett hallgatója (2021. július), tapasztalt kommunikációs, marketing és HR szakember
Szymon Papaj
Sales Manager at Urbaniqe
mitigia újraposztolta ezt
A mitigia számára megjelent az év híre! 📰✅🚨 Ugyanis egy fundamentális előrelépés történt a múlt heti #COP29 éves klímacsúcson: ez pedig nem más, mint egy szabályozott globális karbonpiac létrehozása a Párizsi Megállapodás 6.2 és 6.4 cikkelyei alapján. A régóta várt megállapodás egy globálisan átjárható karbonpiac létrehozását írja elő, rögzíti a karbonkreditek nemzetközi vásárlását és eladását lehetővé tevő alapvető szabályokat, melyek alapján a piaci működés technikai szabályozását várhatóan a jövő év során alakítják ki.🌱👍👏 A klímatechnológiai startup vállalkozásunkat abban a hitben alapítottuk és fejlesztjük, hogy a jelenleg töredezett, szabályozatlan, gyakran a búzát a pelyvától szétválasztani képtelen karbonpiaci működés helyére hamarosan belép egy a nemzetközi szervezetek által felügyelt, a világon egységes módon a kreditminőséget garantálni képes, nemzetközi átjárhatóságot és kiszámíthatóságot biztosító, az önkéntes karbonpiac alapjára felhúzott globális szabályozás. Csak így küzdhető le a klímaválság, mivel ez a lépés teret nyit a karbonpiac ugrásszerű növekedésének, ezáltal a karbonárazás globális elterjedésének. Végül, de nem utolsó sorban: megnyitja az exponenciális növekedési lehetőséget a mitigia és a hasonló klímatechnológiai startupok számára! 📈💰🤝 #COP29 #ParisAgreement #VoluntaryCarbonMarket #globalregulation #Article6 #carboncredits #offsetting #carbonpricing #sustainability
"...the RED III regulation takes a major step towards the market uptake of carbon pricing in transport by making it mandatory for Member States to launch a national e-crediting mechanism to support the uptake of electromobility as a green powertrain from May 2025. In simple terms, e-credits can be issued and monetized by e-mobility investors to improve the economics of their investments. " #ClimateTechStartUp #REDIII #RenewableEnergyDirective #Mobility
To reach their 2030 climate targets in a way that balances economic stability and emission reduction, Japan will demand its largest emitters to participate in the country's ETS from 2026. Companies emitting above 100 000 tons of CO2 annually, representing about 60% of the country's GHG emissions, will be required to retire carbon allowances equal to their emissions. While there will be free allowances offered to certain industries, power companies are expected to pay from 2033. Read the full story on the Carbon Herald. #CarbonMarkets #GreenEnergy #ETSJapan
Are you an e-mobility investor? Do you have an electric car fleet, are you operating EV charging points or are you generating green electricity with your solar power plant? With mitigia's unique, protected know hows you might become eligible to originate & sell carbon credits to improve your investments ROI. Reach out to our experts for your custome calculation today. #ClimateTechStartUp #Electromobility #CarbonCredits
Electromobility ticks all the boxes when compared to other Net Zero powertrains such as eFuel, BioFuel and Hydrogen, based on Technology Readiness Level (TRL), disruptivity and recommended use cases. 17% of the global CO2 emissions are coming from road transport - this much emissions we can save by switching to electric. mitigia's unique solution offers a carbon market based incentive for e-mobility investors. Learn more and go green FASTER: #ClimateTechStartUp #ElectroMobility #EmissionReduction
Our know-hows enable e-mobility investors to generate and sell carbon credits, based on the emission reduction of their green projects, such as fleet electrification, charging point operation or renewable energy plant operation. Learn more at #ElectroMobility #ClimateAction #CarbonCredits
"The weakness of the proposal is that, there’s a potential of "over-crediting" and it also carries a "double counting" risk, and both are qualified cases of greenwashing. This is simply unacceptable for a national e-mobility crediting scheme." The Renewable Energy Directive encourages EU member states to implement their own e-crediting scheme to reduce mobility related emissions. In our blog post, mitigia CEO & Founder @Levente Tóth explaines how incorporating the principles of the Voluntary Carbon Market can make such a scheme more transparent and just. Click on the link below for the blog post. #ClimateTechStartUp #REDIII #RenewableEnergyDirective #Mobility
4,368. This is how many carbon credits our Partner was eligble to issue with their solar power plant investments via our methodology. We are determined to revolutionize the way we think of electromobility investments. Our methodologies enable green investors to originate carbon credits with their e-mobility projects, and thus improve their ROI. Learn more about our first issuance program here: #ElectromobilityInvestment #ClimateTechStartUp #ClimateAction
Check out the case studies on our website and see how many carbon credits you may be eligible to generate with your electromobility related investments! We have 3 different methodologies so far, for fleet electrification, charge point operation and renewable energy generation projects. #FleetElectrification #StartUp #SustainableMobility #CarbonCredit #GreenFinancing