🌱 Empowering the Future with Biotechnology Graduates 🌟 The fields of agriculture, health, and industry are evolving rapidly, thanks to the transformative power of biotechnology. From sustainable farming practices to groundbreaking healthcare innovations and greener industrial solutions, the contributions of biotechnology are reshaping our world. 🎓 We are presenting you our Wisokto 2024 graduates —trailblazers equipped with cutting-edge knowledge and skills to address global challenges. 💡 Whether it's developing climate-resilient crops, advancing precision medicine, or engineering eco-friendly industrial processes, these professionals are the backbone of innovation. 👩🔬👨🔬 To organizations seeking talent, hiring biotechnology experts isn’t just an investment in growth—it's a commitment to progress, sustainability, and better living. Join us in recognizing and supporting this exceptional talent pool. Their profiles are available here https://lnkd.in/gUxCb4hx Together, we can cultivate solutions for a healthier, more sustainable future. 🌍 #Biotechnology #AgricultureInnovation #HealthcareAdvancement #IndustrialBiotech #FutureLeaders
Magister Bioteknologi ITB
Perguruan Tinggi
Bandung, West Java 446 pengikut
We focus on nurturing the future Biotechnologists.
Tentang kami
Biotechnology is an applied science which involves various branches of science and technology to enhance the benefits of living organisms (or parts of it) with the purpose of producing value-added products (goods and services). Biotechnology considers the development of biotechnology, especially in developed countries, and the needs of it to produce high value-added biological products in Indonesia. The Master's Program in Biotechnology was established in 2003. This program is designed to provide excellent human resources in biotechnology, which are able to develop natural bio-resources into value-added products for application in health, agriculture, environment, and energy. To achieve the mission, an integration of sciences and technologies in biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, biological processes, cell and tissue culture, fermentation technology, genetic engineering, DNA technology and bioinformatics are studied through courses and research. Vision We are making the biotechnology master study program as an excellent study program in educating students to have science and technology within the scope of biotechnology which is meaningful for life and beneficial in the workplace and society. Mission 1. Develop and provide the highest quality education in the scope of biotechnology 2. Create superior, adaptive, and professional graduates who can compete globally in the scope of biotechnology 3. Developing education in the scope of biotechnology to meet the needs and improve human welfare 4. Develop the capability of discovery, invention, innovation, and transfer of technology based on biotechnology to meet the needs of food, energy, environment, and health
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- Industri
- Perguruan Tinggi
- Ukuran perusahaan
- 51-200 karyawan
- Kantor Pusat
- Bandung, West Java
- Jenis
- Pendidikan
Jl. Ganesa No.10
Bandung, West Java, ID
Karyawan di Magister Bioteknologi ITB
Congratulations to all Biotechnology Master's Program graduates! "It always seems impossible until it’s done." — Nelson Mandela Our most sincere congratulations to the amazing graduates of the Biotechnology Master's Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung. We are incredibly proud of how far you've all come in your time at Biotechnology, ITB. We can not wait to see what you all achieve in the future! BIOTEKNOLOGI ITB Instagram: @bioteknologi.itb LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/gFv_YpuH Website: www.biotek.sith.itb.ac.id
[GUEST LECTURE] The SITH-ITB Postgraduate Study Program held a guest lecture for the Bioinformatics course (BT5211) with the title: "Smart Biology Issues: A Special Focus on Protein Stability Changes Prediction” Speaker: Yen-Wei Chu, Ph.D. National Chung Hsing University On Tuesday, September 24, 2024 08.00 - 10.00 WIB Room 9401 Labtek I Open for all SITH’s Postgraduate Students #Bioinformatics #ProteinPrediction #guest lecture #biotechnology #sith #sithitb #masterofbiotechnology #Masterofbiology #doctoralofbiology #transformationitb #itbsolid
Magister Bioteknologi ITB membagikan ini
A late post for congratulating @ubaidullah for completing your master degree from Magister Bioteknologi ITB! Thank you for joining the KM group! It was a valuable experience of embracing multiculturalism for everyone in the group and a step forward to building the international academic atmosphere. I hope that all the gained skills and knowledge during your time in Indonesia will bring you closer to your next dreams! Good luck with your future in Pakistan or anywhere in the world! And big thanks to Ibu Dina Hermawaty and @fenny for co-directing his research!
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” - Henry ford (1863-1947) dan Edward Hale (1822-1909) Selama dua hari (10-11 September 2024), Program studi Bioteknologi SITH ITB , bersama dengan 15 program studi Bioteknologi di Indonesia mengikuti kegiatan Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (Rakornas) yang diadakan oleh Ikatan Program Studi Bioteknologi Indonesia (IPSBI) di kota Malang. Adapun kegiatan Rakornas ini membahas mengenai: • Pembentukan task force untuk penyusunan naskah akademik tingkat sarjana, magister dan doktoral • Penandatanganan perjanjian kerjasama antara 16 universitas yang tergabung dan dokumen implementation arrangement untuk co-teaching dengan 4 universities (ITB, IPB, Universitas Katolik Atmajaya, dan UNDIP) Kami berharap kolaborasi ini dapat memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dalam memajukan program studi Bioteknologi di Indonesia. BIOTEKNOLOGI ITB Instagram: @bioteknologi.itb LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/gFv_YpuH Website: www.biotek.sith.itb.ac.id
Perkuliahan hari pertama untuk Semester I TA 2024/2025 dilaksanakan pada hari Senin, 9 September 2024 di kampus ITB Ganesha. Semester ini magister Bioteknologi ITB sudah memberlakukan kurikulum 2024. Beberapa kegiatan perkuliahan seperti kelas Bioteknologi Akuakultur (BT6113) yang diampu oleh Prof. Dr. Gede Suantika, S.Si., M.Si., Dr. Magdalena Lenny Situmorang, S.Si., M.Sc. dan Dr. Doni K.H, Kelas Rekayasa Metabolisme untuk Bioindustri (BT6131) yang diampu oleh Dr. Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti dan Dr. Eng. Kamarisima, S.Si., M.Si., serta kelas Bioteknologi Ketahanan Tumbuhan (BT6122) yang diampu oleh Dr. Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti dan Karlia Meitha, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. telah diikuti oleh mahasiswa magister Bioteknologi SITH ITB dengan semangat baru. Tetap semangat mengikuti pembelajaran dan perkuliahan di semester baru ini! BIOTEKNOLOGI ITB Instagram: @bioteknologi.itb LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/gFv_YpuH Website: www.biotek.sith.itb.ac.id
Monitoring the first sem of final project (penelitian magister I) Great presentations from the students of batch 23/24 sem 1! After 6 months meticulously working on their research, today they presented the progress with elevated confidence compared to when they started. We can see that they are eager to be part of an innovation in biotechnology. Among their research topics are: • AI-driven bioinformatics for developing pneumonia drugs • RNAi-based biocontrol for black pod disease in cocoa • Synthetic biology in squalene production from deep-sea bacteria Good luck to all of you and keep the spirit up 👍 BIOTEKNOLOGI ITB Instagram: @bioteknologi.itb LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/gFv_YpuH Website: www.biotek.sith.itb.ac.id #BiotechnologyFair24 #Softskill #Dream #biotechnology #sith #sithitb #siths2bioteknologi #transformasiitb #itbsolid #research #Master #magister #Graduateschool
[Seminar Hasil Penelitian Bioteknologi] Program Studi Magister Bioteknologi mengucapkan selamat telah menyelesaikan seminar kepada: 1. Acep Hendra Punja Unggara (21122043) Judul Penelitian: Rekayasa Kondrogenik dari Sel Punca Mesenkimal Turunan Wharton’s Jelly (HWJ-MSC) Menggunakan Nanopattern Cakram Optik Bluray-Disc Recordable (BD-R) dilapisi Sutra Spridoin Asal Laba-Laba Agriope appensa Dosen Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Anggraini Barlian, M.Sc Dr. Damar Rastri Adhika, M.Sc Tanggal Seminar: Kamis, 30 Mei 2024 2. Audrey Angelina Putri Taharuddin (21122003) Judul Penelitian: Pengujian Aktivitas Penghambatan Kandidat Senyawa Antivirus SARS-CoV-2 Dengan Metode Dimer-based Screening System dan Chemical Cross-linking Dosen Pembimbing: Azzania Fibriani, Ph.D. Tanggal Seminar: Jumat, 7 Juni 2024 3. Irishanty Indira Laily Nurdin (21123014) Judul Penelitian: Pengembangan Produksi Squalene dari Gen Sqs Bakteri Virgibacillus salarius 19.PP.Sc1.6 pada Bakteri Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) Dosen Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Fenny Martha Dwivanny Dr. Ari Dwijayanti. Husna Nugrahapraja, S.SI., M.Si., Ph.D. Tanggal Seminar: Rabu, 12 Juni 2024 Semangat dan sukses selalu untuk menyelesaikan tahap berikutnya! BIOTEKNOLOGI ITB Instagram: @bioteknologi.itb LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/gFv_YpuH Website: www.biotek.sith.itb.ac.id #BiotechnologyFair24 #Softskill #Dream #biotechnology #sith #sithitb #siths2bioteknologi #transformasiitb #itbsolid #research #Master #magister #Graduateschool
SELEKSI KHUSUS PROGRAM PASCASARJANA BAGI PESERTA BEASISWA LPDP 2024 Seleksi Khusus Penerimaan Pascasarjana ITB ini diselenggarakan untuk mengakomodir pendaftar LPDP agar mendapatkan Surat Kelulusan Penerimaan (LoA) yang diperlukan sebagai syarat pendaftaran LPDP. Seleksi ini terpisah dari rangkaian pendaftaran LPDP, sehingga calon mahasiswa diharuskan untuk melakukan pendaftaran LPDP secara mandiri melalui https://lnkd.in/eB8sKRiq Lini Masa Pendaftaran : 30 Januari - 03 Februari 2024 Seleksi Program Studi: 05-06 Februari 2024 Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi : 08 Februari 2024 Informasi lebih lanjut : https://lnkd.in/gS2pT4wy https://lnkd.in/gFpd7CR5 Ayo siapkan dirimu! BIOTEKNOLOGI ITB Instagram: @bioteknologi.itb LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/gFv_YpuH Website: www.biotek.sith.itb.ac.id