2007, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 47-60 Medical migration from Zimbabwe: magnitude, causes and impact on the poor
by Abel Chikanda - 61-76 Discrimination and development? Immigration, urbanisation and sustainable livelihoods in Johannesburg
by Loren Landau - 77-90 Lodging as a migrant economic strategy in urban Zimbabwe
by Miriam Grant - 91-108 Migration and the changing social economy of Windhoek, Namibia
by Bruce Frayne - 109-122 Migrants, urban poverty and the changing nature of urban-rural linkages in Kenya
by Samuel Owuor - 123-136 Remittances and development: the impact of migration to South Africa on rural livelihoods in southern Zimbabwe
by France Maphosa - 137-153 Migration and development in Mozambique: poverty, inequality and survival
by Fion De Vletter - 155-172 Poverty, gender and migrancy: Lesotho's migrant farmworkers in South Africa
by Theresa Ulicki & Jonathan Crush - 173-185 Anxious communities: the decline of mine migration in the Eastern Cape
by Xola Ngonini - 186-203 Restless worlds of work, health and migration: domestic workers in Johannesburg
by Natalya Dinat & Sally Peberdy - 205-223 Risk amplification: HIV in migrant communities
by Prerna Banati
2006, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 569-586 Exploring urban practice in a democratising society: opportunities, techniques and challenges
by John Forester - 587-603 On the post-structuralist critique of development: a view from north-west Namibia
by John Friedman - 605-626 Changes in the development status of women in South Africa from 1996 to 2001: for the better or for the worse?
by Annelize Booysen-Wolthers & Frederick Fourie & Lucius Botes - 627-647 Identifying employment-creating sectors in South Africa: the role of services industries
by Miriam Altman - 649-667 Tourism in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park
by Anna Spenceley - 669-683 Use of wealth ranking to analyse factors influencing smallholder farmers' market participation in northern Mozambique
by Maryann Green & Gastao Lukanu & Steve Worth & Peter Greenfield - 685-700 Measuring the growth potential of towns in the Western Cape, South Africa
by Hendrik Zietsman & Sanette LA Ferreira & Izak Van Der Merwe
2006, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 445-460 Women and disability: exploring the interface of multiple disadvantage
by Tony Emmett & Erna Alant - 461-476 Socio-economic reasons for the low adoption of water conservation technologies by smallholder farmers in southern Africa: a review of the literature
by Sylvain Perret & Joe Stevens - 477-495 Trade in reed-based craft products in rural villages in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
by Taryn Pereira & Charlie Shackleton & Sheona Shackleton - 497-509 Crafting a livelihood: local-level trade in mats and baskets in Pondoland, South Africa
by Zwoitwa Makhado & Thembela Kepe - 511-528 Challenges for the floriculture industry in a developing country: a South African perspective
by Marianne Matthee & Wim Naude & Wilma Viviers - 529-539 Nutrition knowledge and barriers to good dietary practices among primary school children in a farming community
by Mars Phometsi & Annamarie Kruger & Hilda Van't Riet - 541-560 Food consumption patterns, seasonality and market access in Mozambique
by Sudhanshu Handa & Gilead Mlay - 561-567 Creating a culture of democracy and debate: response to Ndinda and Neocosmos
by Raymond Suttner
2006, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 333-349 Knowledge production and publishing in Africa
by Abebe Zegeye & Maurice Vambe - 351-369 Explanations for Zambia's economic decline
by Stan Du Plessis & Sophia Du Plessis - 371-383 Capacity building challenges in Malawi's local government reform programme
by Mustafa Kennedy Hussein - 385-400 State as pimp: sexual slavery in South Africa
by Stu Woolman & Michael Bishop - 401-416 Large and small houses in Luganda: housing construction and gender in South Africa
by Catherine Ndinda - 417-426 Survival strategies of HIV/AIDS - affected households in Soweto
by Veni Naidu & Geoff Harris - 427-443 South Africa's ten years of democracy: development and media discourse
by John Williams
2006, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 175-195 Can business make decisive contributions to development? Towards a research agenda on corporate citizenship and beyond
by Ralph Hamann - 197-211 Corporate citizenship education for responsible business leaders
by Paul Prinsloo & Cecilia Beukes & Derick De Jongh - 213-222 Corporate social responsibility and development: An anthropological perspective
by John Sharp - 223-240 Between responsibility and rhetoric: some consequences of CSR practice in Nigeria's oil province
by Wilson Akpan - 241-250 Institutionalising corporate citizenship: the case of Barloworld and its 'Employee Value Creation' process
by Claudia Appels & Lisette Van Duin & Ralph Hamann - 251-263 Applying the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) for public bodies in the South African context: the eThekwini experience
by Maryanne Antoni & Quentin Hurt - 265-280 From philanthropy to a different way of doing business: strategies and challenges in integrating pro-poor approaches into tourism business
by Caroline Ashley & Gareth Haysom - 281-287 Partnership building as an approach to addressing corporate social responsibility in the agriculture sector in Malawi
by Daisy Kambalame & Sean De Cleene - 289-303 Corporate citizenship in the context of the financial services sector: what lessons from the Financial Sector Charter?
by Theresa Moyo & Shannon Rohan - 305-320 The JSE socially responsible investment index and the state of sustainability reporting in South Africa
by Dan Sonnenberg & Ralph Hamann - 321-325 The heritage of struggle: a dialogue with Raymond Suttner's ancestral fidelity
by Michael Neocosmos - 327-330 The dichotomies that enslave us: engaging with Raymond Suttner's view of our national heritage
by Catherine Ndinda
2006, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-27 Talking to the ancestors: national heritage, the Freedom Charter and nation-building in South Africa in 2005
by Raymond Suttner - 29-43 Estimating household willingness to pay for water services in a rural economy: The case of Kanye in southern Botswana
by James Mbata - 45-61 Overcoming underdevelopment in South Africa's second economy
by Michael Aliber & Marie Kirsten & Rasigan Maharajh & Josephilda Nhlapo-Hlope & Oupa Nkoane - 63-83 Human resource development and growth: improving access to and equity in the provision of education and health services in South Africa
by Pundy Pillay - 85-96 The demise of a South African growth point, Butterworth in the Eastern Cape: a community development model as an alternative strategy for development
by Chris Musampa - 97-122 Competition for the use of public open space in low-income urban areas: the economic potential of urban gardening in Khayelitsha, Cape Town
by Sue Reuther & Neil Dewar - 123-145 Immigration policy in South Africa: does it make economic sense?
by Matthew Stern & Gabor Szalontai - 147-170 Exchange rate volatility and agricultural trade under policy reforms in South Africa
by Joseph Kargbo
2005, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 607-622 The growth challenges of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa's food processing complex
by Charles Mather - 623-642 Unpacking tourism SMMEs in South Africa: structure, support needs and policy response
by Christian Rogerson - 643-656 Nigerian commercial farmers versus government commodity marketing boards: revisiting the cost of a partnership gone sour
by Richard Ilorah - 657-671 Employment creation through the provision of social development services: exploring the options
by Renette du Toit - 673-693 Botox and bridges: South African exports of health and construction services
by Matthew Stern - 695-716 Participatory multi-criteria decision analysis: a new tool for integrated development planning
by Leanne Scott - 717-728 Financial instruments of the poor: initial findings from the South African Financial Diaries study
by Daryl Collins - 729-739 The development of socially responsible investment in South Africa: experience and evolution of SRI in global markets
by Karen Heese
2005, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 467-482 The reach and impact of Child Support Grants: evidence from KwaZulu-Natal
by Anne Case & Victoria Hosegood & Frances Lund - 483-500 What we have learnt from post-1994 innovations in pro-poor service delivery in South Africa: a case study-based analysis
by Ronelle Burger - 501-514 New agricultural development criteria: a proposal for project design and implementation
by Aart-Jan Verschoor & Johan van Rooyen & Luc D'Haese - 515-528 Cost-benefit analysis of a disease control programme with special reference to ticks and tick-borne diseases in the former Venda region
by Rendani Randela - 529-548 District Assemblies in a fix: the perils of the politics of capacity in the political and administrative reforms in Malawi
by Blessings Chinsinga - 549-567 Civil society and the right to have access to social security in South Africa
by Naude Malan - 569-588 The extent of anti-export bias in the South African economy during the 1990s
by Logan Rangasamy - 589-604 Reforming Tanzania's tea sector: a story of success?
by John Baffes
2005, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 293-318 Migration and HIV/AIDS in South Africa
by Jonathan Crush & Brian Williams & Eleanor Gouws & Mark Lurie - 319-345 An evaluation of age-sex distributions of South Africa's population within the context of HIV/AIDS
by Eric Udjo - 347-363 Why HIV/AIDS prevention strategies fail in Botswana: considering discourses of sexuality
by Peggy Gabo Ntseane & Julia Preece - 365-382 Place, belonging and population displacement: new ecological reserves in Mozambique and South Africa
by Teresa Connor - 383-408 The quality of environmental impact assessment in Malawi: a retrospective analysis
by Solani Dennis Mhango - 409-428 Contested land tenure reform in South Africa: experiences from Namaqualand
by Poul Wisborg & Rick Rohde - 429-439 Analysing and evaluating the taxpayer's demand for merit goods: the case of public sector education and health in Mauritius
by Sanjeev Sobhee - 441-458 Political dimensions of environmental conflicts in Kosi Bay, South Africa: significance of the new post-apartheid governance system
by Sylvain Guyot - 459-478 The scope and extent of home-based business income relative to employment earnings in financing household expenditures: a study undertaken in a subeconomic housing area within the Cape Metropole
by Bernard Pick & Harry Herbert Ballard
2005, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 163-185 Tourism impact, distribution and development: The spatial structure of tourism in the Western Cape province of South Africa
by Scarlett Cornelissen - 187-197 Patterns of condom use: Perspectives of men in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
by Pranitha Maharaj - 199-214 Informal retailing through home-based micro-enterprises: The role of spaza shops
by AA Ligthelm - 215-232 Counting the costs of a twenty-first century census: South Africa's census 2001
by Julian May & Pali Lehohla - 233-249 The tourism potential of Beaufort West: a study based on visitor demand
by Jan-willem van Staden & Lochner Marais - 251-265 Unlocking the rural tourism potential of the Limpopo province of South Africa: Some strategic guidelines
by Aluoneswi Elvis Mafunzwaini & Leon Hugo - 267-276 Further progress in the desegregation of South African towns and cities, 1996-2001
by Aj Christopher - 277-290 Poverty, human rights law and socio-economic realities in South Africa
by John Mubangizi & Betty Mubangizi - 291-292 The economy of Africa
by Philippe Hugon
2005, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-12 Adoption of fertiliser and hybrid seeds by smallholder maize farmers in Southern Malawi
by Ephraim Chirwa - 13-26 Situation analysis of an informal settlement in the Vaal Triangle
by Wilna Oldewage-theron & Emsie Dicks & Carin Napier & Rajab Rutengwe - 27-45 Income diversification before and after economic shocks: evidence from urban and rural Zimbabwe
by Lire Ersado - 47-65 Development planning and citizenship in Cape Town
by John Williams - 67-85 Problems and prospects for conservation and indigenous community development in rural Botswana
by Joy Sammy & Christopher Opio - 87-102 Strangers in a strange land: citizenship and the immigration debate in Lesotho
by John Akokpari - 103-123 The challenges facing empirical estimation of household food (in)security in South Africa
by Sheryl Hendriks - 125-141 Access to urban markets for small-scale producers of indigenous cereals: a qualitative study of consumption practices and potential demand among urban consumers in Polokwane
by Anne Bichard & Sandrine Dury & Hettie Schonfeldt & Tshidi Moroka & Faith Motau & Nicolas Bricas - 143-160 A descriptive study of the dynamics of relative poverty in the Western Cape province of South Africa
by P. Serumaga-zake & D. Kotze & R. Madsen - 161-162 Perceptions of citizenship responsibility amongst Botswana youth
by Julia Preece & Dama Mosweunyane
2004, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 763-764 Editorial
by Ted Baumann & Marie Kirsten - 765-784 The impact of the South African government's SMME programmes: a ten-year review (1994-2003)
by Christian Rogerson - 785-798 Pro-poor microcredit in South Africa: cost-efficiency and productivity of South African pro-poor microfinance institutions
by Ted Baumann - 799-814 Impact assessment of microfinance programmes, including lessons from Khula Enterprise Finance
by Daniel Makina & Louisa Malobola - 815-830 Lessons learnt from Nkwe Enterprise Finance
by Robert Christen & Douglas Pearce - 831-849 Financial intermediation, regulation and the formal microcredit sector in South Africa
by Reza Daniels - 851-866 Informal moneylenders in the Limpopo, Gauteng and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa
by Pakama Siyongwana - 867-878 Small is beautiful, but growth is inevitable: experiences of apex institutions in Senegal and Tanzania
by Haji HH Semboja
2004, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 587-602 Road capacity change and its impact on traffic in congested networks: evidence and implications
by Roger Behrens & Lisa Kane - 603-621 Implications of integrated nature conservation for human reproductive health: a case study from Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar
by Kaisa Korhonen & Ossi Rahkonen & Elina Hemminki - 623-644 Manufacturing in South Africa over the last decade: a review of industrial performance and policy
by David Kaplan - 645-662 The value of flower tourism on the Bokkeveld Plateau - a botanical hotspot
by Jane Turpie & Alison Joubert - 663-686 Repositioning the urban environment question in Zimbabwe: a review of the context, conditions and processes
by Amin Kamete - 687-706 'Undercultivation' and intensification in the Transkei: a case study of historical changes in the use of arable land in Nompa, Shixini
by Maura Andrew & Roddy Fox - 707-718 Deconstructing sustainable development: towards a participatory methodology for natural resource management
by Patrick Thipe Ntsime - 719-725 Response to 'Gender equality rights versus traditional practices' by John C Daly
by M Fana Sihlongonyane - 727-742 The South African dream and the three stumbling blocks
by Mats Lundahl & Lennart Petersson - 743-756 Investment in South Africa - a comment on recent contributions
by Simon Roberts
2004, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 419-441 Poverty in Malawi, 1998
by Todd Benson & Charles Machinjili & Lawrence Kachikopa - 443-460 Perceptions of informal safety nets: A case study from a South African informal settlement
by Alexander Arnall & Jose Furtado & Jaboury Ghazoul & Cobus de Swardt - 461-481 Comparing alternative measures of household income: Evidence from the Khayelitsha/Mitchell's plain survey
by Jolene Skordis & Matthew Welch - 483-507 Poverty in Zambia: Levels, patterns and trends
by Augustus Kapungwe - 509-530 Empowerment and poverty-focused evaluation
by B. Essama-Nssah - 531-554 Farmers' cash crop cultivation decisions in Southern Niassa province, Mozambique
by Gastao Lukanu & Maryann Green & Peter Greenfield & Steve Worth - 555-574 Disaster risk reduction initiatives in South Africa
by Jaco Vermaak & Dewald van Niekerk - 575-581 Do home gardens improve the nutrition of rural pre-schoolers in Lesotho?
by Likeleli Makhotla & Sheryl Hendriks
2004, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 251-269 An analysis of the impact of the first phase of South Africa's motor industry development programme (midp), 1995-2000
by Maylene Damoense & Alan Simon - 271-288 The gear legacy: did gear fail or move South Africa forward in development?
by Judith Christine Streak - 289-302 The relationship between budget deficit and interest rates in South Africa: some econometric results
by Oludele Akinloye Akinboade - 303-327 The occupational pillar of the South African pension system
by Theovander Merwe - 329-351 Financial improvement planning in local governments in Southern Africa, with special reference to Zambia
by Rolf PA Dauskardt - 353-364 Botswana's economy and labour market: are there any lessons for SADC regional integration?
by Happy Kufigwa Siphambe - 365-384 Water management options for food security in South Africa: scenarios, simulations and policy implications
by Abdul Kamara & Hilmy Sally - 385-398 The valuation of water for conservation projects in South Africa
by Stephen Gerald Hosking & Mariodu Preez - 399-414 The future effect of e-business on treasury and risk management systems and treasury management in South Africa
by Johanvan Rooyen & Willem Reitsma
2004, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 7-31 The challenge of growth, employment and poverty in the South African economy since democracy: an exploratory review of selected issues
by Haroon Bhorat & Rashad Cassim - 33-57 Integration into the South African core economy: household-level covariates
by Sten Dieden - 59-85 Increases in poverty in South Africa, 1999-2002
by Charles Meth & Rosa Dias - 87-108 Unemployment and aids: the social-democratic challenge for South Africa
by Nicoli Nattrass - 109-132 The productivity-wage relationship in South Africa: an empirical investigation
by Jeremy Wakeford - 133-153 A three-gap and macrodecomposition analysis for South Africa, 1993-2002
by Rob Davies & Dirk Ernst van Seventer - 155-177 The influence of policy on the roles of agriculture in South Africa
by Nick Vink - 179-204 South Africa's financial sector ten years on: performance since democracy
by Penelope Hawkins - 205-225 Universal service through roll-out targets and licence conditions: lessons from telecommunications in South Africa
by James Hodge - 227-243 The role for competition policy in economic development: the South African experience
by Simon Roberts
2003, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 563-578 An empirical analysis of factors affecting the growth of small-scale poultry enterprises in KwaZulu-Natal
by Adrian Wynne & Michael Lyne - 579-593 Efficiency and equity gains in the rental market for arable land: observations from a communal area of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
by Timothy Crookes & Michael Lyne - 595-604 Service provision for street-based traders in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal: comparing local findings to lessons drawn from Africa and Asia
by Andrea Mayrhofer & Sheryl Hendriks - 605-615 Cannabis sativa and rural livelihoods in South Africa: politics of cultivation, trade and value in Pondoland
by Thembela Kepe - 617-631 Spatial economic development in South Africa: an overview and evaluation of the platinum spatial development initiative
by Ewert PJ Kleynhans & Willem Naude & Stefanus van der Merwe - 633-645 Implicit water pricing in Namibian farmland markets
by Jesper Stage & Rick Williams - 647-658 HIV/Aids and land: case studies from Kenya, Lesotho and South Africa
by Scott Drimie - 659-673 Urban-rural inequalities in health care delivery in South Africa
by Frikkie le Booysen - 675-684 What do subsistence farmers know about indigenous crops and organic farming? Preliminary experience in KwaZulu-Natal
by Albert Thembinkosi Modi
2003, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 457-476 Trends in living conditions and satisfaction among poorer older South Africans: objective and subjective indicators of quality of life in the October Household Survey
by Valerie Møller & Richard Devey - 477-489 Whither the study of development in South Africa?
by Frik de Beer - 491-503 Gender gap in school enrolment among youth in Lesotho
by Akim Mturi - 505-514 Determinants of labour force participation in the North West province of South Africa
by Philip AE Serumaga-Zake & Willem Naude - 515-528 Private rates of return to education of Africans in South Africa for 1995: a Double Hurdle model
by Philip AE Serumaga-Zake & Willem Naude - 529-543 Whose interests are at stake? Civil society and NGOs in South Africa
by Francien van Driel & Jacqueline van Haren - 545-549 Debt relief initiatives and poverty alleviation: lessons from Africa - 22nd SAUSSC
by Tommy Fenyes & Winston Campbell
2003, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 321-336 Food prices and long-run purchasing power parity in Africa
by Joseph Kargbo - 337-359 The effects of communal land resource management on forest conservation in northern and north-eastern Namibia
by Scotney Watts - 361-368 The collection of national household survey data in South Africa (1993-2001): Rendering labour migration invisible
by Dorrit Posel - 369-385 The closure of coal mines and local development responses in Coal-Rim Cluster, northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
by Etienne Nel & Trevor Hill & Kate Aitchison & Simphiwe Buthelezi - 387-404 Sex ratios in South African census data, 1970-96
by Heston Phillips & Barbara Anderson & N Phindiwe Tsebe - 405-421 Implications of rural settlement patterns for development: A historical case study in Qaukeni, Eastern Cape, South Africa
by Peter Robinson - 423-444 Agricultural growth multipliers for two communal areas of KwaZulu-Natal
by Sheryl Hendriks & Michael Lyne
2003, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 171-195 Economy-wide benefits from water-intensive industries in South Africa: Quasi-input-output analysis of the contribution of irrigation agriculture and cultivated plantations in the Crocodile River catchment
by Rashid Hassan - 197-212 Minimum Living Level and Consumer Price Index: What's in a name?
by Johan Martins - 213-236 Obstacles in attracting increased portfolio investment into southern Africa
by Nicola Brink & Wilma Viviers - 237-254 Mining companies' role in sustainable development: The 'why' and 'how' of corporate social responsibility from a business perspective
by Ralph Hamann - 255-270 How should civil society (and the government) respond to 'corporate social responsibility'? A critique of business motivations and the potential for partnerships
by Ralph Hamann & Nicola Acutt - 271-282 The role of Malawian local government in community development
by Mustafa Hussein - 283-291 Poverty in South Africa: Statistical inference for decomposable poverty measures
by Alfred Ngwane & Venkata Yadavalli & Francois Steffens - 293-305 An economic evaluation of area yield insurance for small-scale cane growers
by Theresa Clover & Wilhelm Nieuwoudt - 307-320 A comparison of the technical efficiencies of health districts and hospitals in Botswana
by Thekke Ramanathan & Koni Suresh Chandra & Wilson Thupeng
2003, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 3-19 The use of longitudinal spatial analyses of informal settlements in urban development planning
by John Abbott & David Douglas - 21-48 The extent of, and possible explanations for, provincial disparities in progress on reconstruction and development in South Africa
by Frikkie le Booysen - 49-66 Turnover and payroll levies: An unexploited source of regional economic data
by George Oldham & Michael Hickson - 67-73 Socio-economic dimensions of small-scale agriculture: A principal component analysis
by John Essa & W Lieb Nieuwoudt - 75-88 Measuring our competitiveness - a critical examination of the IMD and WEF competitiveness indicators for South Africa
by David Kaplan - 89-103 An economic assessment of the value of cattle to the rural communities in the former Venda region
by Rendani Randela - 105-127 Expenditure patterns and elasticities of rural households sampled in two communal areas of KwaZulu-Natal
by Sheryl Hendriks & Michael Lyne - 129-142 The relationship between financing criteria and the success factors of entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises
by Cecile Nieuwenhuizen & Jaap Kroon - 143-159 The contribution of livelihood activities in the Limpopo province: Case study evidence from Makua and Manganeng
by Douglas Crookes - 161-167 Conference Review
by Willem Naude´ & Waldo Krugell
2002, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 591-591 Editorial
by Mashupye Ratale Kgaphola - 593-614 Cost-benefit analysis of energy efficiency in urban low-cost housing
by Harald Winkler & Randall Spalding-Fecher & Lwazikazi Tyani & Khorommbi Matibe - 615-639 Human and social capital in Soweto in 1999: Report on a field study
by Barbara Piazza-Georgi - 641-658 Connecting to global markets in the Internet age: The case of South African wooden furniture producers
by Sagren Moodley - 659-679 Internet-enabled supply chain integration: Prospects and challenges for the South African automotive industry
by Sagren Moodley - 681-697 Perceptions of economic and financial conditions of households in 2000
by Meshack Khosa - 699-717 Sources of successful cost recovery for water: Evidence from a national survey of South African municipalities
by Rod Alence - 719-734 Does South Africa need trade promotion organisations?
by Imraan Valodia & Richard Goode & Cecil Macheke - 735-750 Credit guarantee schemes as an instrument to promote access to finance for small and medium enterprises: An analysis of Khula Enterprise Finance Ltd's individual credit guarantee scheme
by Morne Nigrini & Andrie Schoombee
2002, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 441-454 The implications of South Africa's skills migration policy for country competitiveness
by Albert Wocke & Saul Klein - 455-466 Barriers that disconnect homeless people and make homelessness difficult to interpret
by Olusola Olufemi - 467-481 'Don't owe, won't pay!': A critical analysis of the Jubilee SA position on South African government debt
by Richard Walker & Nicoli Nattrass - 483-501 A poverty indicator system for local government
by Leanne Scott - 503-529 Linking agribusiness and small-scale farmers in developing countries: Is there a new role for contract farming?
by Johann Kirsten & Kurt Sartorius