IGARSS 2012 Registration

Online registration is closed. Registration opens on-site starting on Sunday, July 22.

Registration Fees

After July 13 2012 registration will be only possible on-site, during the event. At least one author per paper must have registered by June 1, 2012.

IGARSS 2012 Registration Fee Schedule
Advance Rate
by June 1
Regular Rate
after June 1
Each registration includes admission to all technical sessions, exhibit and break areas, welcome reception on 22-July, exhibitor reception on 25-July, and one copy of the proceedings in electronic format. IEEE or GRSS Member 650€ 725€
Non-Member 750€ 850€
IEEE Student Member 225€ 300€
Student Non-Member 300€ 400€
Retired / IEEE Life Member 250€ 350€
One Day Pass (to be purchased on site) 300€
Accompanying Person (A maximum of 3 accompanying persons allowed; access limited to exhibit and break areas. Also includes welcome reception on 22-July and exhibitor reception on 25-July.) 75€
Full-Day Tutorials Regular 200€
Student 120€
Half-Day Tutorials (each) Regular 120€
Student 80€
Additional copy of electronic proceedings (Delivered On-site) 20€
5-Days Lunch Pack 5 days, fixed price, 5 days x 5€ = 25€ (One lunch pack includes 1 Submarine Sandwich, 1 Chocolate or Cereal Bar and 1 Yoghurt Drink.) 25€
BMW Reception Monday, 23-July. Number of participants is limited to 800. Please register early. 8€ 10€
Accompanying Person: BMW Reception 30€ 32€
Bavarian Evening Tuesday, 24-July. Number of participants is limited. Please register early. 8€ 10€
Accompanying Person: Bavarian Evening 30€ 32€
Young Professionals Lunch Tuesday, 24-July. Limited to 50 participants. 15€
Technical Committee and Chapter Chairs Lunch Wednesday, 25-July. Limited to 60 participants. 35€
Women in Geosciences Lunch Thursday, 26-July. Limited to 50 participants. 15€
Awards Banquet Thursday 26-July. Limited to 350 participants. Please register early. 45€ 55€
Accompanying Person: Awards Banquet 45€ 55€
Technical Tour to German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen (near Munich) Friday, 27-July. Both DLR and EADS tours will be arranged simultaneously. Please select either the DLR or the EADS tour. Bus transfer included. 25€ 35€
Technical Tour to EADS Astrium in Ottobrunn (near Munich) 25€ 35€

Please note that the number of participants for social events is limited. Registrations to social events will be treated on a first-come-first-serve basis. A processing fee of 25% will be added for on-site registration. Participants are encouraged to register on-line.

  1. One copy of proceedings in electronic format (delivered on site) is included in the conference registration fee.
  2. No hard copy of the proceedings will be produced. Proceedings will be in electronic format only.
  3. You must be an IEEE Member at the time of registration to receive the IEEE Member discount. Please visit ieee.org/join for details.
  4. The one-day rate (on site purchase only) is not eligible to cover accepted papers for presentation/publication.

No invoices will be sent. Each attendee must register separately. There will be a 40€ fee assessed for chargebacks issued on valid credit card charges. Registration payments must be received by the registration deadline for the rate at which you registered; if payment is not received by the deadline, you will be responsible for the higher rate. The IGARSS VAT (tax identification) number is: DE121965658. Refund policy: Processing fee 40€ before July 15, 2012. No refunds after July 15, 2012.

If you have any questions about registering, please contact Conference Management Services, Inc. at registration@igarss2012.org.

Presenting Papers

At least one author per paper must register by June 1, 2012. One regular registration can cover up to 2 papers; one student registration can cover at most one paper. Please enter the paper ID(s) of the paper(s) you will cover with your registration here.

Paper #1:
Paper #2:

Conference Organizer/Staff Code

If you have been provided with a contributor/organiser code, please enter it here:
