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IT Services and IT Consulting

Bengaluru, Karnataka 2,578 followers

ERP for Security & Facility Management Companies

About us

Pages is a cloud based ERP software fine tuned for security and facility management companies to manage employees, clients, invoices, payslips, inventory & more. We understand how difficult it can be to manage your company's daily operations. Pages makes your work much easier by providing cost effective services which can be accessed from anywhere through mobile or web application. Move to Pages which has innovative features that help you with hiring and onboarding, attendance management, inventory management and client portal in a few clicks! Stay statutory compliant, automate payroll inputs and do F&F settlement using the best payroll software in India. Our Application Payroll with all compliance Attendance (Site based mobile attendance, geofencing attendance, facial recognition with geofencing attendance, web based attendance) HR (Recruitment mobile app) Employee management. Inventory Client Portal Employee mobile App Operation geofencing app Patrolling mobile apps for operation Guard Grievance management Client Grievance management Office staff Attendance Send Pay-sheet in SMS Guard Patrolling Incident management State-wise minimum wage management. Automated UAN & ESIC Number Highlighter in ECR

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
11-50 employees
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Privately Held
Track Field Employees, End to end payroll, Invoice, CRM, Sales software solution for security industry, Track field employees , All states payroll compliance software for security industry, Payroll ERP for Security Industry, State wise Minimum wage, Employee Mobile app, Recruitment software security Industry, Field employee mobile app, Aadhaar & Bank Verification, Training report mobile app, Site visit report mobile app, Employee Offer & joining letter, Inventory Management for security industry, Customer Feedback & Grievance, Grievances Management, Employee’s Management, Client Management With Client Portal, Contract Management, Attendance (Site based mobile attendance, geofencing attendance, facial recognition with geofencing attendance, web based attendance) , and Automated UAN & ESIC Number Highlighter in ECR


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