




Money worries forced bereaved staff back to work far too soon, report shows

Nearly half of people who lost loved ones in the past year could not afford to stay off work and had to return before they were ready, a study finds

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Statutory right to time off work after a bereavement extends to employees who have lost a ‘dependant’ such as a child, partner or parent
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Nearly half of people bereaved in the past year could not afford to stay off work and had to return before they were ready, according to research by Marie Curie, a charity specialising in the care and support of people with terminal illness.

The research also showed almost 20 per cent received no paid leave from their employer. “We know people are missing out on the support they need from their employers at an incredibly difficult time of their lives,” said Ken Akers, the charity’s head of HR. “Returning to work before you are ready can complicate experiences of grief.”

While Covid-19 has thrown grief into the spotlight, issues surrounding leave and the treatment of staff following a bereavement are not new.

Nyiesha Wollaston, 29, from London, went through a difficult time with a former employer when her father, Dennis, died from cancer five weeks after being diagnosed in September 2018.

Nyiesha told imoney she had an “amazing” relationship with her “funny and loud” father, adding that more than 1,000 people attended his funeral.

She received five days’ paid bereavement leave from her former employer, and one day’s paid leave for the funeral. She was back in the office a week after her father’s death. “It was surreal going back so soon,” she said. “It was all too much, too soon.”

She added: “A few months after my father’s death I had feedback that I wasn’t performing at the same level as other people in a similar role. At the time I thought this was a fair comment but on reflection I was going through one of the hardest times of my life. And they knew that.

“No one knows how to act around you and people didn’t know what to say, which is understandable. But my former manager didn’t take me aside to check in on me. In one morning meeting, she even asked, ‘Why all the long faces, why is everyone so down?’”

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Nyiesha, now working elsewhere, thinks a statutory minimum of two weeks’ paid leave from work following a bereavement would be helpful.

How does the system work?

Anyone classed as an “employee” has the right to time off work after the death of a “dependant” such as a partner, child or parent, says the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas). There is no legal right to be paid, but some employers may offer.

Employees will need to check their company’s policy to see if their employer pays for time off following a bereavement.

The duration of any time off work after a dependant dies is not set in stone, but should be “reasonable”. There is no legal right to time off work following the death of someone other than a dependant or child.

What happens if a child dies?

An employee whose child is stillborn after 24 weeks of pregnancy, or dies under the age of 18, has a statutory right to two weeks’ parental bereavement leave from work.

They might also be eligible for parental bereavement leave pay of £151.97 a week or 90 per cent of their average weekly earnings, whichever is lower. The death must have happened on or after 6 April last year. Some employers may offer more than the statutory minimum.

A Government spokesman said: “Bereavement is an extremely personal and difficult issue which people deal with in different ways.

“We were the first country in the world to introduce a right to time off specifically for the loss of a child. And we urge employers to also display compassion and flexibility towards employees facing the ordeal of losing a partner or close family member.”

‘Having more time off was not a financially viable option’

Stephi, 35, from Walthamstow in east London, lost her father, John, to lung cancer in 2013. She told imoney: “I was incredibly close with my dad. He was the sort of person you could just talk to for hours and he was fascinated to learn about other people’s passions.”

Her employer at the time deducted annual leave as part of her bereavement leave, Stephi said. “When I was sitting with my dad in the hospice, I found myself counting down the days I had left of my bereavement allowance and worrying about how many days of holiday I might lose as well.

“I was back at work the day after the  funeral and threw myself into work as a distraction. I was afraid to ask questions and tried hard to appear OK, as I didn’t feel taking any more time off was an option financially.

“Months later my doctor recognised I was overwhelmed and believed I was on the road to depression if I didn’t change something immediately.

“I don’t blame my employer, but I do believe compassionate leave is vital in helping you recover from a life-changing, traumatic experience like the death of a loved one.

“I do think it’s crazy there is no statutory paid entitlement for the bereavement of a close family member. Grief isn’t something you can just switch off when it’s time to go back to work.”

Steve Wibberley, CEO of Cruse Bereavement Care, said: “We believe it’s absolutely crucial for statutory paid bereavement leave to be available – not just for parents but for everyone.”

Line Of Duty star: ‘Leave should be statutory for all bereaved’

Actor Jason Watkins’s daughter, Maude, died unexpectedly of sepsis In 2011, when she was only two years old.

The star, who played forensics expert Tim Ifield in Line Of Duty and Harold Wilson in The Crown, told imoney: “At the time of Maude’s death, I was doing a play in the West End.

“I was self-employed and went back to work only a week later. I was working, rehearsing, pretending to be someone else and pretending like I was coping. My director noticed it wasn’t working and I agreed, so I took three months off.

“We were supported by friends who gave us some money to keep us afloat.

“I believe that a statutory amount of time off work for anyone who has been bereaved is needed. For so many companies and corporations that time off is a matter of opinion and that is not good enough.

“Grief isn’t understood
within the workplace and there’s an expediency about productivity, keeping the business running and working, which adds pressure to managers and their employees.

“But you cannot take shortcuts and managers need to spend time with the person who is grieving.

“They might simply need someone to talk to and for someone to say, ‘If you want to talk, I’m here.’”

