This week the Department of Education announced it will be cutting funding for Now Teach, a charity that funds teacher training for those later in their career. Recruits to the scheme have an average age of 47 and most go into teaching in understaffed STEM subjects such as maths and science. Here Deepak Swaroop, 58, shares his experience of ‘unretiring’ into the education sector
I worked for the consultancy EY for 20 years, initially in consulting and then in different management roles. I stepped away from that career to establish my own startup but it wasn’t for me. It wasn’t something that was giving me any excitement, so after 12 months I stopped pursuing it. I was 55, and had enough savings in place to retire. But I didn’t know if I wanted to just get into retirement and take up golf, as people do, or if there was something else – a way I could give back to society.
My wife volunteers at the local library where we live in Surrey, and they had a programme reading to students with special educational needs. In my first few months of retirement, I would volunteer to read there and it was interesting. The librarians and my wife commented on how involved I was, and that I seemed to really like children. We have two sons, who are grown up now, and we always had fun together; I was now rediscovering that side of me.
I realised I wanted to do something more, and that it should be something involving children. I have the time and I have the knowledge, I thought to myself and I knew I wanted do something positive with my time.
I had heard about Now Teach, and I contacted them. They were marvellous. They had a project manager for me, who would talk about the finer details of making the transition from corporate life to teaching. For someone who has been in the same career for 30 years, I didn’t know how I could even become a teacher. Would a school really accept me?
They recommended I go and observe some classes. I knew I wanted to teach in state school, so I went to five different secondaries and sat in on lessons. There was a student who was struggling with a maths problem. I pointed out how she could do it, and when I saw the spark in her eyes as she realised she was able to do the maths problem – that’s when I knew I wanted to become a teacher.
I decidedI would either teach maths or physics. My career has always been in the Big Four accounting firms, but I studied engineering at university. I’ve always enjoyed the challenge of solving problems. It sounds like a cliche, but maths is exactly that. I get a kick out of cracking a problem. So I chose maths.
The teacher training was intense and a lot of work. I was asked maths questions, which I hadn’t studied in 40 years. All the other teachers in the training programme were half my age. That was very evident as you walked into the room. But I noticed it was much more stressful for the younger people. I think as you age you become more resilient. You have probably experienced more of life’s real stresses. You have experienced a lot of time pressure at work. You know how to deal with things.
For me, going back into learning, and trying something new with much younger people was energising. Teaching is a very positive profession – you have to be positive with the kids and that has increased my own positive outlook.
It’s very different to my career in the corporate world. If you want an adult to get something done, show them what would happen if they don’t do something. In the world of teaching children you have to almost radiate positivity and not threaten them with failure.
I started my training in September 2020, and was a full-time teacher from September 2021. It was very different to when I started out in my first career. Back then, I had a bit of trepidation. I was worried about what others might be thinking of me. I was chasing money more. This time round, I was just laser-focused on being the best teacher I could be so that I could make a difference to the students.
At the end of the first half-term, I got a small note that said: “Thank you for helping me like maths”. When you get something like that, it’s just so incredibly motivating. Of course, I promptly posted it on LinkedIn for my old colleagues to see.
Teaching was less cash compared with my previous career but it wasn’t about the money. I had already decided to retire before I “unretired”. I was very keen to connect with society and this gave me that opportunity. To me, the payout is much bigger than the salary.
After two years though, it has become quite physically demanding. My feet hurt and then there were many hours of extra work after your lessons. Even after five hours of standing and managing the classes, you have several hours of preparation for the next day. I am 58 now, and have asked the head if I could reduce my hours slightly. She has agreed, and now I do three or four days a week.
Still, the stress levels of my consulting and management career were higher. In teaching, once you are on holiday, you’re on holiday. That wasn’t the case in the corporate world. You are always contactable. I have more holidays now as a teacher, and I am actually able to switch off properly.
When will I retire? I don’t know. My new career allows me to go out into the world every day and stay relevant. Being with kids enthuses me every day – and I come back home energised and happy, with beautiful tales to tell. It is definitely better than just relaxing at home.