




How personalised breast cancer screening could save lives and reduce unneeded mammograms

A personalised test using the latest genetic technology could revolutionise breast cancer screening

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The research said it could impact future treatments (Photo: Shutterstock)
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Nearly 300,000 women a year could be spared from unnecessary mammograms thanks to a new personalised breast cancer test.

The test could also save hundreds of lives a year by detecting the disease earlier – and it could potentially be adapted to improve prostate cancer screening, researchers say.

Breast screening plays a valuable role identifying dangerous tumours in high risk patients, reducing breast cancer deaths by 20 per cent.

But for women at very low risk there are widespread concerns that mammograms do more harm than good.


Breast cancer remains the most common of all cancers in the UK (Photo: Anne Christine-Poujoulat/AFP/Getty)
More than two million women have breast cancer screenings a year in the UK (Photo: Anne Christine-Poujoulat/AFP/Getty)

They frequently identify tumours which don’t pose a threat and would remain undetected in the absence of screening. Such cases of ‘overdiagnoses’ are thought to be relatively common, accounting for an estimated one in 10 breast cancer diagnoses.

These cases can lead to painful biopsies and unnecessary treatment, which often have harmful side effects.

Now, researchers have developed a personalised test that uses the latest genetic technology to determine a woman’s risk of cancer.

It could revolutionise breast cancer screening on the NHS, enabling doctors to significantly reduce the number of mammograms taken by women at very low risk, while increasing screenings for those at high risk.

“Personalised breast screening is the way ahead,”

Tony Howells

“Personalised breast screening is the way ahead and has the potential to significantly reduce breast cancer deaths,” said researcher Tony Howells, professor of breast cancer at Manchester University. He outlined his research at the Breast Cancer Treatment; Doctor’s Dilemma or Patient’s Choice conference, organised by University College London and held at The Royal Society in London.

Nearly 1,000 women a month die from breast cancer in the UK.

‘Substantial improvement’

A recent study found that the personalised breast cancer test “substantially improved the accuracy of risk prediction” in women.

“This will allow medics to provide more personalised prevention and early-detection…it has the potential to bring cost savings to the NHS,” said lead researcher Professor Gareth Evans, of the University of Manchester.

The findings are published in JAMA Oncology Journal.

Huge randomised trial

A major trial of the breast cancer test has just begun to confirm the findings before it can be adopted by the NHS. This will give 85,000 women across Europe between the ages of 40 and 70 either the existing mammogram test or the new personalised test and follow their progress for four years.

Breast Cancer UK chief executive Lynn Ladbrook said she “welcomed this type of breast screening approach” while Georgina Hill, of Cancer Research UK said the trial was “exciting” but cautioned that it is too early to say whether it should be routinely used in the UK.

“This study found that by combining genetic testing with other things that increase the risk of cancer, such as weight, researchers were better able to predict the risk of breast cancer,” she said.


The new test centres on a DNA analysis based on a saliva sample, which analyses 18 genes known to influence breast cancer risk. These findings are combined with ‘classic risk factors’ such as family history and body mass index.

Finally, a mammogram is taken to establish breast density – with denser tissue posing a considerably higher risk. For the 20 per cent of women identified by the test to be at very low risk there would be no need for another mammogram for at least ten years and they could potentially be stopped altogether.

Meanwhile, the 20 per cent deemed to be at high risk could have one every year and take measures to reduce risk, such as losing weight.

At the moment, more than two million women have breast cancer screening in the UK a year, with women aged between 50 and 70 invited for screening every three years. Each screening involves two x-rays of each breast – known as mammograms.

