




UK teenage girls among most negatively affected by Instagram, company’s own research found

Among teenagers who believe Instagram makes them feel worse about themselves, girls in the UK feel the most negative, internal Instagram research found

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Facebook has released previously internal research into Instagram and teenagers (Photo: Nick David/Getty)
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UK teenagers are among those most negatively affected by Instagram, with girls more likely to feel worse about themselves as a result of using the app than boys, the company’s own internal research has found.

Instagram’s parent company Facebook has published two research slide decks in response to a series of reports from the Wall Street Journal claiming the platforms had conducted extensive research into Instagram’s negative effects on younger users – specifically teenage girls – but downplayed its significance in public.

The finding that 32 per cent of teen girls said that when they felt bad about their bodies, Instagram made them feel worse was among the slides shown to senior Facebook executives in 2020, according to the report.

Pratiti Raychoudhury, Facebook’s head of research, said the decks had been annotated to provide greater context, as the documents had been “created for and used by people who understood the limitations of the research”.

Facebook’s own research claims the question “was not designed to measure the causal relationship between Instagram and hard life moments” (Photo: Facebook)

Facebook claims the newspaper “mischaracterised” its research into teenagers and wellbeing and applies and countered many of the more controversial findings via annotations in the slides.

However, the backlash to the reports led it to pause its version of Instagram aimed at under-13s earlier in the week.

One slide, titled ‘One in five teens say that Instagram makes them feel worse about themselves, with UK girls the most negative’, carries the annotation “this research was not intended to (and does not) evaluate causal claims between Instagram and health or well-being”.

“Although this headline emphasises certain negative reported effects, it could have been written to note the positive or neutral effect of Instagram on users: users reported perceptions that Instagram made them feel better about themselves (or no different) at higher rates than feeling worse about themselves,” the annotation continued.

Facebook said: “This research was not intended to (and does not) evaluate causal claims between Instagram and health or well-being”(Photo: Facebook)

Teenagers from the UK were more likely to report wanting to hurt or kill themselves than their US counterparts (21% of UK respondents, compared to 14% of US participants), Facebook’s research found, although the company was clear to point out that the question “asks about general feelings and does not focus on social media or on Instagram”.

While a follow-up slide contained a graph claiming that 13 per cent of teenagers in the UK (and 6 per cent in the US) said their feelings of wanting to kill themselves had started on Instagram, Facebook’s annotations claim the actual figure across both countries was 1 per cent (16 respondents), adding that the calculation “should not be used as estimates of average experience among teen users.”

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The same graph showed that UK teens were also more likely to feel the need to create the perfect image, that they weren’t attractive and didn’t have enough money had originated from their Instagram usage.

“Self-esteem on IG [Instagram] is a problem. Flat stomach, bigger boobs, bigger bum. My friends started working out and not eating,” a girl from the UK is quoted as saying. “A load of people tried out weight loss teas or waist trainers. Even teeth whitening. It all causes pressure.”

Another girl from the UK said she felt one of the main pressures was the expectation to be present; “to share things so publicly about your life constantly or feeling pressured to have a public account”.

“It forces you into feeling like you have to look or behave a certain way,” she added.

Facebook claimed the Wall St Journal had ‘mischaracterised’ its research (Photo: Facebook)

Facebook also asserted that another slide entitled ‘Teens who struggle with mental health say Instagram makes it worse’ “should be clarified to be: ‘Teens who have lower life satisfaction more likely to say Instagram makes their mental health or the way they feel about themselves worse than teens who are satisfied with their lives'”.

UK teenagers cited bullying and social comparison as the worst “perceived effects” of Instagram, while US teens were more likely to report competition and social pressure.

“Examples of bullying, trolling and being toxic were extreme in London,” the slide deck read. “Teens wished that people would be nicer on the platform, and felt that this single element would greatly improve their experience on IG”.

Accounts belonging to comedians or dedicated to sharing memes are among the types of content on the platform that  “make teens feel the best”.

Antigone Davis, Facebook’s head of safety, will testify before the US Senate Commerce subcommittee on consumer protection on Thursday in relation to the reports.

