




Parents, banning phones at schools is one of the best things we can do for your children

Schools need to be safe spaces that protect and boost young people's mental health

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Countries like Italy and Finland have already banned smartphones in classrooms, and the Netherlands plans to do so from 2024 (Photo: Matt Cardy/Getty)
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The United Nations has recommended that smartphones should be banned in schools across the world. For me, as a secondary school teacher in the UK, this advice can’t come soon enough.

Everyone knows that we live in an increasingly automated and technology-driven world. Every day we see headlines about which careers artificial intelligence is going to obliterate next and it’s practically impossible these days to do anything from banking to buying a train ticket to applying for a job without being online.

As a twentysomething millennial, I grew up on the internet. From downloading the latest songs on some dodgy site to chatting to my friends on MSN all night after seeing them all day at school. Facebook statuses and posting your meals on Instagram and tweeting your every waking thought: we pioneered it all. But perhaps it’s precisely because I’ve lived through the ever-shifting entity of the internet, through my own youth (and now somewhat vicariously through the kids I teach) that I can see how it’s morphed into something all-consuming. Something that is encroaching on the normal childhoods of the next generation. And something that certainly has no place in schools.

Perhaps those who don’t work in schools might be tempted to suggest teachers embrace our changing world. Why not let pupils create TikToks instead of whole-class presentations or write on iPads instead of exercise books? In fact, let’s eradicate books altogether and listen to the classics in the form of podcasts instead! After all, shouldn’t schools be at the forefront of teaching young people how to navigate our ever-more online existence?

But spend a day in a secondary school in the UK and you’ll see that they are like petri-dishes for the defining problems of our time. Yes, schools are places of joy and learning, growth and community. But every single school also battles with bullying, discrimination and hypersexualisation too.

Whatever is viral online worms its way into schools – from the virulent misogyny of the likes of Andrew Tate to vicious cyberbullying, from the prevalence of “nudes” and the spreading of underage pornography to the normalisation of self-harm and suicide content on social media. Adding unfettered use of smartphones to this mix can only ever make things worse.

Other countries like Italy and Finland have already banned smartphones in classrooms, and the Netherlands plans to do so from 2024 in order to stop disruptions and aid learning. But consider the uniquely hostile and inhumane politics of the UK today and you’ll see that doing so here is all the more urgent.

Thanks to successive government cuts and the legacy of austerity, an unprecedented number of children are battling with mental health problems whilst being unable to access adequate support. Last year, a BBC report found that there had been a 77 per cent rise in children needing specialist treatment for a severe mental health crisis, and just under half of all school staff have cited pupils’ mental health as the biggest barrier to catching up after lockdown.

Social media has a proven impact on mental health, particularly in young people – and British children already spend an average of six hours on social media a day. Schools need to break that cycle.

The UN report specifically mentions the well-being of children as a major factor in recommending smartphones be banned, and when you consider the inadequate safeguards in place on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram (meaning children can access extreme and dangerous content with ease) it’s unthinkable to imagine us welcoming such a threat into our classrooms.

Schools rightfully would never even consider approving of students vaping in class, and the days of school canteens serving sugary drinks and processed meat are long gone, so why shouldn’t we ban something that could be damaging students’ mental health?

It’s not just about mental health though. We are living through a cost of living crisis of unprecedented scale in which millions of children have been plunged into poverty. When families can barely afford to eat and heat their homes, having the latest iPhone becomes not just a farfetched impossibility, but an additional pressure that parents and children alike simply shouldn’t have to battle.

Working in a deprived inner-city school, I see the reality of pupils being unable to afford adequate school shoes or a coat in winter. Making sure their peers aren’t showing off their latest smartphones is one way we can prevent children’s poverty from being exposed and ridiculed, the same as it would be if everyone was wearing designer clothes to school instead of uniform. At a time when it feels harder to be a child than ever, it’s vital we protect children in every way we can.

Of course there are some very real practical concerns about how a blanket ban could work. The legacy of Child Q still looms large and the overpolicing of disproportionately poor, black students is a justified concern when it comes to implementing a concrete rule like this. But banning phones doesn’t need to mean stop and search extended into schools across the country by proxy.

After all, most schools in the country already ban phones to some degree – whether that’s asking students to hand them over at the school gate to be kept under lock and key until the end of the day, or simply sanctioning pupils if they are ever seen or heard on the school premises, the same as if they are chewing gum or wearing trainers.

It needn’t require airport-level security at the school gates, but instead a clearly communicated and transparent nationwide policy in which everyone understands that phones have no place on school grounds. Letting pupils keep them in lockers or teachers’ classrooms could allow students to use them on their journeys to and from school for contacting parents or paying for transport without compromising safety.

This UN report lends us a unique opportunity as a country, as a society. Why not begin a cultural shift in our schools, the same way in the past we encouraged walking or cycling to school or healthy lunches? If there’s anything my time as a teacher has taught me it’s that consistency is key.

Don’t get me wrong. It won’t be easy. Smartphones are a pervasive and unavoidable presence in our lives. In fact, I’d hazard that most adults feel lost if we accidentally leave our phones at home for the day. But that’s why it’s all the more important that we keep schools as safe spaces: sanctuaries away from the small devices in everyone’s pockets.

Nadeine Asbali is a secondary school teacher in London

