




The drive to beat HIV for good is doomed to failure if it continues to ignore women

I wasn't tested for HIV until I was pregnant - if we want to stop new HIV infections by 2030, that must change

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(Photo by Virojt Changyencham/Getty Images)
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My mum gave birth to me in 1981, the same year as the first cases of what would come to be as known as HIV were reported in the US.

In the decades since, HIV has lingered in the background of my life. As a teenager growing up in Birmingham in the early 1990s, all I knew about this virus was that it was something to be avoided at all costs. I learned that to stop becoming pregnant I needed to take a pill. To prevent becoming HIV positive, I just hoped for the best.

I still remember the feeling of those rigid plastic chairs in the local sexual health clinic, in a waiting room full of other teenage girls, all of us staring at the floor, palms sweaty, hoping that we wouldn’t see any boys from school.

Posters with the letters H I V were stuck on the walls, showing men holding hands or in a warm embrace. They weren’t aimed at me – or any other women for that matter. That’s despite the fact women have always been at risk of HIV, and women account for around a third of people living with HIV in the UK, and one in four new cases – that is 20 women every week.

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After the visits to that clinic, it didn’t take me long to conclude that as women sex is something that is done to us, not as something we’re active participants in. And for the most part, the only concern the NHS has is about our fertility – once we are past the point of being able to provide children, sex isn’t a thing any more. After having two kids, I am happy to confirm the opposite is true.

I’d come out of the clinic clutching my three-month supply of the pill, warned not to catch chlamydia because it would potentially impact my ability to have a baby, and be sent on my way. God forbid discussing the matter of actually enjoying any part of sex or making me aware of other things I should be aware of, such as HIV.

I spent my first sexually active years in its shadow. Watching Mark Fowler’s HIV diagnosis on EastEnders on my parents’ telly sent shivers down my spine. But it wouldn’t be until I was pregnant with my first child that HIV was actually discussed with me. Like all expectant mums, I was offered an HIV test. I was petrified. My teenage years and early twenties suddenly caught up with me. Had I done everything I was supposed to do? Should I have been more worried about HIV?

I didn’t know. That’s what made me angry: that until then no one in the NHS ever offered me an HIV test; and still today, more than half a million people leave a sexual health clinic every year in England without a test for HIV. Women, in particular Black women, are most likely to miss out on a test. My result came back negative, but that was a turning point in my understanding of HIV.

A few years later this was further underlined when I heard a fellow Brummie woman on the radio talking about living with HIV and the fact that she felt excluded from any discourse about the virus. She talked of missed opportunities to test and a lack of understanding from healthcare professionals. A report by HIV charities Terrence Higgins Trust and Sophia Forum (which specifically focuses on women) found women living with HIV are at increased risk of domestic violence and poverty, and are less likely to have proper support.

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This can’t go on. The Government has committed to ending new cases of HIV within the decade, with Labour echoing the pledge – this is the right thing to do, but rates of HIV are falling at less than half the rate among women as they are among the general population. Women are being let down.

Take the HIV prevention pill, PrEP. It’s a game-changer, yet it’s not on the radar of the majority of women. Only 72 women over the age of 40 were on the recent NHS England trial of the drug and cisgender women accounted for just over 1 per cent of the more than 26,000 people enrolled, with very few Black women – who account for almost 40 per cent of new HIV cases among women.

Ministers are currently writing their plan that will map out the next steps for tackling HIV and achieving the ambition of ending new cases by the end of the decade. Putting women at the heart of meaningful conversations about HIV and sex that reflect our needs would be a start.

Jess Phillips is MP for Birmingham Yardley and the shadow minister for domestic violence and safeguarding

