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[en] CONTEMPT4 is a digital computer program for multicompartment containment system analysis. Previous version of the CONTEMPT4 code, MOD4, consists of an implicit algorithm to computer junction flow when numerically induced flow oscillations are encountered. This document presents analytical model and UPDATE statements that are required to extend the capability of the MOD4 implicit routine for ice containment analysis. A sample problem is analyzed both with and without the use of the implicit routine to demonstrate the effectiveness and the need of an implicit algorithm for such problems
Primary Subject
Sep 1984; 37 p; BNL-NUREG--51824; Available from NTIS, PC A03/MF A01 - GPO $3.75 as TI85001720
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[en] Mushroom can be used as a biological indicator in assessing radiological impact on the environment. Radiological effect would be reflected through morphological changes as well as those changes at molecular level. For this purpose, a preliminary work was conducted, which included DNA isolation, optimization of PCR parameters for Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) and primers screening on Pleurotus sajor caju mushroom strains from Nuclear Malaysia's Sterifeed Mushrooms Collection Centre. In this work, DNA isolation technique from cap and stalk of fruit body were optimized and quantified. It was found that stalk produced highest amount of genomic DNA at 304.01 ng/ μl and cap at 149.00 ng/ μl. A total of 100 ISSR primers were tested and 51 primers were successfully amplified. These primers will be used further for dose response evaluation and molecular profiling in mushroom species. (author)
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4 tabs. 3 figs.
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Sacramento, Julio C.; Heggs, Peter J., E-mail:
[en] Reflux and vent condensers are vertical separators where film condensation occurs. A vapour mixture is supplied at the bottom of the tubes and encounters vertical cold surfaces. A falling film forms and exits from the bottom of the tubes, flowing counter-current to the vapour, but co-current to the coolant on the shell side. Flooding occurs when the condensate flow moves from a gravity regime to a shear regime. Vapour velocities at or above the flooding velocity will cause the liquid to exit from the top of the tubes rather than from the bottom. The main disadvantage of these condensers is the limited flooding velocity allowed. Several investigators propose correlations to predict the flooding velocity. In most cases these correlations come from isothermal experiments data, thus the general recommendation of using safety factors of at least 30%. This work compares these correlations to new experimental values of flooding in steam/air vent condensation. The experimental apparatus is a 3 m long, double-pipe condenser with an internal diameter of 0.028 m. The conclusions presented here will aid the design engineer to understand better the applicability of the discussed correlations in the design of steam/air vent condensers
Primary Subject
10. UK national heat transfer conference; Edinburgh, Scotland (United Kingdom); 10-11 Sep 2007; S1359-4311(08)00197-X; Available from; Copyright (c) 2008 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Nayak, A.K.; Jain, Vikas; Gartia, M.R.; Prasad, Hari; Anthony, A.; Bhatia, S.K.; Sinha, R.K., E-mail:
[en] In this paper, a methodology known as APSRA (Assessment of Passive System ReliAbility) is used for evaluation of reliability of passive isolation condenser system of the Indian Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR). As per the APSRA methodology, the passive system reliability evaluation is based on the failure probability of the system to perform the design basis function. The methodology first determines the operational characteristics of the system and the failure conditions based on a predetermined failure criterion. The parameters that could degrade the system performance are identified and considered for analysis. Different modes of failure and their cause are identified. The failure surface is predicted using a best estimate code considering deviations of the operating parameters from their nominal states, which affect the isolation condenser system performance. Once the failure surface of the system is predicted, the causes of failure are examined through root diagnosis, which occur mainly due to failure of mechanical components. Reliability of the system is evaluated through a classical PSA treatment based on the failure probability of the components using generic data
Primary Subject
S0951-8320(08)00290-1; Available from; Copyright (c) 2008 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Bonnar, M.P.
Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh (United Kingdom)1998
Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh (United Kingdom)1998
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Jan 1998; [vp.]; Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DXN015558; Thesis (Ph.D.)
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Taft, W.G.; Schiff, R.; Iredale, A.J.
Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, PA (USA); Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)1979
Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, PA (USA); Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)1979
[en] A condensation chamber is formed between the enclosure wall and the inner wall. It is filled with a solid material capable of melting (e.g. ice) which, in case of an accident, will condense the steam entering the condensation chamber through dampers. The ice is firmly held in place by the support structure so as to be protected from earthquakes. The support structure has a large number of cylindrical vessels arranged in radial rows and subdivided into individual sections, which vessels are kept at a distance relative to each other by means of a frame. The material capable of melting can be weighed. (DG)
Zwischen der Umfassungswand und der Innenwand ist eine Kondensationskammer ausgebildet. Sie ist mit schmelzbarem, festem Material (z.B. Eis) gefuellt, das bei einem Unfall den durch Klappen in die Kondensationskammer eindringenden Dampf kondensiert. Das Eis wird von der Haltekonstruktion erdbebensicher gehalten. Sie weist eine Vielzahl von in radialen Reihen angeordneten, in einzelne Abschnitte unterteilte zylindrische Behaelter auf, die gegenseitig von einem Rahmen auf Abstand gehaltert werden. Ein Wiegen des schmelzbaren Materials ist moeglich. (DG)Original Title
Haltekonstruktion fuer schmelzbares festes Material in einer, einen Teil einer Reaktorsicherheitseinrichtung bildenden Kondensatorkammer
Primary Subject
25 Jan 1979; 16 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2020046/C/
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Watada, M.; Furuta, T.; Ohtani, M.; Ogino, M.
Proceedings of the OECD/NEA/CSNI workshop on the implementation of hydrogen mitigation techniques1997
Proceedings of the OECD/NEA/CSNI workshop on the implementation of hydrogen mitigation techniques1997
[en] In Japan, hydrogen mitigation measures inside the containment vessel during a severe accident are taken against the plant with the ice condenser type containment. Ohi Power Station Unit No.1 and 2, which Kansai Electric Power Co.,Inc. owns, are the only plants of this kind in Japan. Kansai has investigated the hydrogen mitigation measures in collaboration with Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd. As a result of extensive experiments and analyses, the glow plug type igniter was selected as a hydrogen mitigation device. Environmental conditions were investigated for the purpose of selection of the device. To decide the location of installation, Kansai performed analysis of mixing behavior of hydrogen focusing on the results of small scale combustion testing conducted by Nupec (Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation). This paper will introduce the detailed results of Kansai's investigation of hydrogen mitigation measures for Ohi Power Station Unit No.1 and 2. (author)
Primary Subject
Koroll, G.W. (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Pinawa, Manitoba (Canada)); Rohde, J. (GRS, Koln (Germany)); Royen, J. (OECD NEA, Issy-les-Moulineaux (France)); Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Pinawa, Manitoba (Canada); 587 p; ISBN 0-660-16916-9; ; Mar 1997; p. 189-198; OECD/NEA/CSNI workshop on the implementation of hydrogen mitigation techniques; Winnipeg, MB (Canada); 13-15 May 1996; 1 ref., 1 tab., 6 figs.
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Taft, W.G.; Schiff, R.; Iredale, A.J.
Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, PA (USA); Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)1978
Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, PA (USA); Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)1978
[en] A condensation chamber, which is part of the safety devices of a nuclear reactor has a wire mesh, which forms separate containers, in which ice is kept in the frozen condition. This ice is to catch the reactor coolant if it enters. The invention concerns the strengthening of the support construction for the cylindrical container made of wire mesh. Telescopic reinforcing rings are provided and blocking straps with suitable cut-outs. Thus the wire cylinders can be easily manufactured, controlled and if necessary, interlocked with each other. (UWI)
Zu den Sicherheitseinrichtungen eines Kernreaktors gehoert eine Kondensatorkammer bei der in einem Drahtgitterwerk, das einzelne Behaelter bildet, Eis in gefrorenem Zustand aufbewahrt wird. Dies Eis soll beim Entweichen des Reaktorkuehlmittels dieses auffangen. Die Erfindung betrifft die Verstaerkung der Haltekonstruktion fuer die zylinderfoermigen Behaelter aus Maschendraht. Es sind teleskopartig ineinanderschiebbare Verstaerkungsringe vorgesehen, sowie Sperrlaschen und entsprechende Aussparungen. Dadurch lassen sich die Drahtzylinder leicht einzeln herstellen, kontrollieren und bei Bedarf miteinander verriegeln. (UWI)Original Title
Haltekonstruktion fuer schmelzbares festes Material in einer einen Teil einer Reaktorsicherheitseinrichtung bildenden Kondensatorkammer
Primary Subject
18 May 1978; 15 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2020046/B/
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[en] Severe accidents in water-cooled reactors are low-probability events as the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) has been designed and specific accident management measures have been implemented to prevent severe accidents from occurring. Should it not be possible to prevent a severe accident in a water-cooled reactor, a large amount of hydrogen could be generated, notably from the reaction between steam and zirconium at high fuel clad temperatures, but also from reactions of molten core debris with concrete, water radiolysis, and reactions of structural materials with steam. The rates and quantities of hydrogen produced depend on the particular severe accident scenario and also on the reactor type (e.g. mass of zirconium in the reactor core). Depending on assumptions made, and taking account of various uncertainties, release rates of hydrogen up to several kg/s have been calculated with total hydrogen mass releases ranging from 100 kg to more than 1,000 kg for large reactors. Hydrogen produced during a severe accident could burn close to the hydrogen source or would mix with the containment atmosphere and burn if flammable concentrations are attained and ignition sources are available (e.g., igniters, accidental sparks from electric equipment). If oxygen and ignition sources are present in the vicinity of the release, the hydrogen will ignite and it could burn as a standing flame at the release location, which is possible over a large range of jet exit diameters, jet velocities and environmental conditions. The hydrogen that will not burn close to the source will mix with steam and air and will transport in the containment building to increase global or local concentrations and to create possibly flammable conditions. If ignited at high enough hydrogen concentration, the mixture could burn as a deflagration, creating a transient pressure and temperature that could possibly challenge the containment integrity and equipment. In regions of higher hydrogen concentration and under special geometric conditions, an accelerated flame or even a local detonation may occur which would produce higher dynamic loads than a deflagration and a more serious threat to equipment and structures. Should it occur in spite of its low probability, a global detonation, following prolonged and extensive accumulation of hydrogen in the containment atmosphere, would be a major threat to the containment integrity. The goal of hydrogen mitigation techniques is to prevent loads, resulting from hydrogen combustion, which could threaten containment integrity. The risk of containment failure depends on the overall hydrogen concentration which is dependent on the amount of hydrogen released and the containment volume. A possible containment failure also depends on the containment structure and design which is very important in the resistance of the containment to a global combustion. Geometrical sub-compartmentalization is also very important, because significant amounts of hydrogen could accumulate in compartments to create high local concentrations of hydrogen that could be well within the detonability limits. Once accident management measures aimed at preventing severe accidents from occurring have failed and hydrogen is being generated and released to the containment atmosphere in large amounts, the first step is to reduce the possibility of hydrogen accumulating to flammable concentrations. Where flammable concentrations cannot be precluded, the next step is to minimize the volume of gas at flammable concentrations and the third and last step is to prevent further increasing hydrogen levels from the flammable to detonable mixture concentrations. The purpose of this paper is to present a snapshot, from a technical viewpoint, of the current situation regarding the implementation of hydrogen mitigation techniques for severe accident conditions in nuclear power plants. Broader aspects related to overall accident management policies are not considered here. (author)
Original Title
Mise en oeuvre des techniques de mitigation de l'hydrogene pendant les accidents graves dans les centrales nucleaires implementation of hydrogen mitigation techniques during severe accidents in nuclear power plants
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1996; 21 p; OCDE-GD--1996-195; 2 refs.
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[en] A shock absorber system was designed to absorb the energy imparted to doors in a nuclear reactor ice condenser compartment as they swing rapidly to an open position. Each shock absorber which is installed on a wall adjacent to each door is large and must absorb up to about 40,000 foot pounds of energy. The basic shock absorber component comprises foam enclosed in a synthetic fabric bag having a volume about twice the foam volume. A stainless steel knitted mesh bag of the same volume as the fabric bag, contains the fabric bag and its enclosed foam. To protect the foam and bags during construction activities at the reactor site and from the shearing action of the doors, a protective sheet metal cover is installed over the shock absorber ends and the surface to be contacted by the moving door. With the above shock absorber mounted on a wall behind each door, as the door is forcibly opened by steam pressure and air resulting from a pipe break in the reactor compartment, it swings at a high velocity into contact with the shock absorber, crushes the foam and forces it into the fabric bag excess material thus containing the foam fragmented particles, and minimizes build-up of pressure in the bag as a result of the applied compressive force
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6 Nov 1979; 8 p; US PATENT DOCUMENT 4,173,512/A/
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