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No abstract available
Original Title
Eine γ-Spektrometer-Messanordnung zur gleichzeitigen Bestimmung mehrerer Verschleisskomponenten
Primary Subject
12 Feb 1970; 72 p; 51 figs.; 12 refs. Available at ZAED, Leopoldshafen/Karlsruhe.; Diss. (D.Eng.).
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Bibicu, I.
Institutul de Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara, Bucharest (Romania)1981
Institutul de Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara, Bucharest (Romania)1981
[en] A portable, field analyser devoted to fast qualitative and quantitative determination of cassiterite, which is the only tin compound of economic use in industry was made. This analyser differs from other similar ones described in the literature through the fact that pulses are cumulated only as long as the vibrator speed ensures a complete cancelation of the resonance condition. A NIM analyser was also manufactured which allows a qualitative determination of 2-3 iron compounds in a given sample, as well as of the total iron content. Working in geometry transmission and constant velocity regime, this analyser joins the inconstancy of a laboratory Moessbauer spectrometer with the swiftness and simplity of a specialized Moessbauer spectrometer. Analysis of the main factor that affects the qualitative and quantitative cassiterite determinations: sample structural composition, spectrometer calibrating, a.s.o. Determination accuracy is similar to those reported in the literature. Sample structural composition must be smaller than 0.1 mm for the qualitative and quantitative determinations of iron or total iron compounds. Data accuracy is similar to those reported before, but obtained by means of area measurements. As a consequence of the previous results, we have looked for the existence of some new phases in industrial Fe-C and Fe-Si steels or some new compounds appearance in the samples subjected to coroding. (author)
Original Title
Metode si spectrometre Moessbauer specializate pentru determinari calitative si cantitative
Primary Subject
1981; 25 p; Summary of a doctorate thesis.; Thesis (D.S.).
Record Type
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Report Number
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Hassan, A.M.; Abu-Zeid, H.M.; Hamouda, I.
Atomic Energy Establishment, Inshas (UAR)1970
Atomic Energy Establishment, Inshas (UAR)1970
No abstract available
Primary Subject
1970; 16 p
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Vakhonin, M.E.; Gall', R.N.; Irkaev, S.M.; Kupriyanov, V.V.; Semenkin, V.A.
Summaries of reports of 34. conference on nuclear spectroscopy and atomic nucleus structure1984
Summaries of reports of 34. conference on nuclear spectroscopy and atomic nucleus structure1984
No abstract available
Original Title
Tri problemy, svyazannye s sistemoj dopplerovskoj modulyatsii messbauehrovskogo spektrometra
AN SSSR, Moscow; Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow; AN Kazakhskoj SSR, Alma-Ata. Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki; p. 502; 1984; p. 502; 34. All-union conference on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure; Alma-Ata (USSR); 17-20 Apr 1984; Short note.
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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Eissa, N.A.; Denardo, G.
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy)1988
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy)1988
[en] This proceedings include the 8 lectures presented at the School on Applications of Nuclear Gamma Resonance Spectroscopy (Moessbauer Spectroscopy) held in ICTP Trieste, between 11-16 August 1986. A separate abstract was prepared for each of those lectures
Secondary Subject
1988; 315 p; World Scientific; Singapore (Singapore); School on applications of nuclear gamma resonance spectroscopy (Moessbauer Spectroscopy); Trieste (Italy); 11-16 Aug 1986; ISBN 9971-50-486-3;
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[en] Method for compensation of isomeric shift of lines observed during operation of resonance detectors being part of spectrometers of nuclear gamma resonance is suggested. A flowsheet of device permitting to realize the method described is given. The method is based on using the Doppler effect. A source of resonance radiation is moved at a constant velocity, which is choosen so as to compensate energy shift of lines of the source and convertors of the resonance detector. The absorber under investigation is put in motion with a constant acceleration. The resonance detector signals are amplified selected according to amplitude by a discriminator and come to the input of multichannel analyzer operating in the regime of subsequent scaling. Analysis of experimental spectra obtained at velocities of source movement from 0 to +3 mm/s shows that value of resonance absorption effect drops as increasing energy shift in the source-converter system. It is concluded that application of the method described will permit to considerably extend the field of application of resonance detectors in the Moessbauer spectroscopy and investigate in practice all the isotopes having converted transitions
Original Title
Kompensatsiya izomernogo sdviga pri ispol'zovanii rezonansnykh detektorov v messbauerovskoj spectroskopii
For English translation see the journal Instruments and Experimental Techniques (USA). For English translation see the journal Instruments and Experimental Techniques (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Pribory i Tekhnika Ehksperimenta; ISSN 0032-8162; ; (no.5); p. 53-55
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[en] The invention is intended for measuring the intensity of source emission passed through an absorber depending on relative velocity between the source and absorber. Two or several absorbers with the corresponding number of detectors are mounted in the above device for separate simultaneous measuring the spectra of a standard sample and a sample under analysis
Original Title
Ustrojstvo dlya izmereniya Messbauehrovskikh spektrov
1 Jun 1967; 2 p; SU PATENT DOCUMENT 489026/A/
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No abstract available
ISIAME 2012: International symposium on the industrial applications of the Moessbauer effect; Dalian (China); 2-7 Sep 2012; Copyright (c) 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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External URLExternal URL
[en] A design of the NP-255 type spectrometer for Moessbauer studies of chemical properties of materials, crystal structure, crystalline and magnetic properties of metals and their components, etc., is described and technical characteristics of the spectrometer are given. (Z.S.)
Original Title
Konstruktsiya i vozmozhnosti izereniya spektrometrom tipa NP-255, sluzhashchim dlya izmereniya ehffekta Messbauehra
Hucl, M.; Zemcik, T. (eds.); Slovenska Vysoka Skola Technicka, Bratislava (Czechoslovakia); Ceskoslovenska Komise pro Atomovou Energii, Prague; Ceskoslovenska Akademie Ved, Brno. Ustav Fyzikalni Metalurgie; p. 656-660; 1975; 5. international conference on Moessbauer spectroscopy; Bratislava, Czechoslovakia; 3 Sep 1973
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Silaev, A.A. ml.; Silaev, A.A.; Godovikov, S.K., E-mail:
XII International Conference Moessbauer spectroscopy and its applications. Collection of materials2012
XII International Conference Moessbauer spectroscopy and its applications. Collection of materials2012
No abstract available
Original Title
Messbauehrovskij spektrometr udalennogo dostupa
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation); Sovet RAN Obshchaya Khimiya i Nauka o Materialakh, Moscow (Russian Federation); Federal'noe Gosudarstvennoe Byudzhetnoe Uchrezhdenie Nauki Inst. Metallurgii i Materialovedeniya im. A.A. Bajkova RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Tekhnicheskij Univ. Radiotekhniki, Ehlektroniki i Avtomatiki, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki im. D.V. Skobel'tsyna MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova, Moscow (Russian Federation); ZAO RITVERTs, Sankt-Peterburg (Russian Federation); 200 p; ISBN 978-5-4253-0477-3; ; 2012; p. 160; XII International Conference Moessbauer spectroscopy and its applications; XII Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya Messbauehrovskaya spektroskopiya i ee primeneniya; Suzdal' (Russian Federation); 6-10 Oct 2012; 1 fig.
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