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Vzaimodejstvie vysokoehnergeticheskogo izlucheniya s veshchestvom
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Sov. J. At. Energy.
Record Type
Journal Article
Atomnaya Ehnergiya; v. 32(2); p. 123-129
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Fedotov, Yu.S.
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Serpukhov. Inst. Fiziki Vysokikh Ehnergij1971
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Serpukhov. Inst. Fiziki Vysokikh Ehnergij1971
No abstract available
Original Title
Ispol'zovanie nelinejnykh rezonansov betatronnykh kolebanij dlya medlennogo vyvoda chastits iz uskoritelej s sil'noj fokusirovkoj
Primary Subject
1971; 27 p; 8 refs.
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Krinsky, S.; Blumberg, L.; Bittner, J.; Galayda, J.; Heese, R.; Schuchman, J.C.; van Steenbergen, A.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1979
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1979
[en] The present state of the design of the 2.5 GeV electron storage ring for the National Synchrotron Light Source is described. This ring will serve as a dedicated source of synchrotron radiation in the wavelength range 0.1 A to 30 A. While maintaining the basic high brigtness features of the eariler developed lattice structure, recent work resulted in a more economical magnet system, is simplified chromaticity corrections, and improved distribution of the X-ray beam lines. In addition, the adequacy of the dynamic aperture for stable betatron oscillations has been verified for a variety of betatron tunes
Primary Subject
1979; 3 p; IEEE particle accelerator conference; San Francisco, CA, USA; 12 - 14 Mar 1979; CONF-790327--5; Available from NTIS., PC A02/MF A01
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Svenska Nationalkommitten foer Fysik, Stockholm (Sweden); Paper 4.3; 1972; Conference in physics; Lund; 12 Jun 1972; Published in abstract form only.
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[en] This paper was intended to describe the present times for subatomic physics. The experiments are as difficult as the rewards are great. The important questions raised by the Standard Model remain as the main driving force for experiment for the next decade or two. The super theories and superstrings promise to keep theorists frivolously occupied and to remove them as obstacles to progress for a long time. Subatomic physics remains an experimental science with many possibilities for surprises. One should not take seriously the possibility of a physics desert in the energy regime between the gauge bosons (100 GeV) and the X particle (1015 GeV). For the immediate future the greatest need for ingenuity lies in a broad front of detector technology. Especially greater attention must be given to coping with the high event rate of the new colliders. For the long-term future - beyond the SSC - the development of new accelerator technologies is essential and the consideration of noncollider alternatives attractive
Primary Subject
IEEE nuclear science symposium; San Francisco, CA (USA); 23-25 Oct 1985; CONF-851009--
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Journal Article
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No abstract available
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Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review Letters; v. 29(7); p. 445-448
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[en] The technifermions and ordinary-fermion masses, arising in the usual approach from technifermions and extended technigauge boson interactions, are generated by a condensation phenomenon occurring in different steps, induced by a composite structure of the ordinary gauge bosons. The compositeness scale lambda=O(TeV)-usually the extended gauge boson's mass-is related to a breakdown of Weyl invariance. A comparison with the usual interpretation of the technifermion approach suggests a relation for the fine-structure constant α/4π=O(M2/lambda2) with m=O(102 GeV) the weak Fermi mass
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuovo Cimento. A; ISSN 0369-3546; ; v. 79(3); p. 333-347
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[en] In this paper the nonperturbative effects due to the gluon and quark condensates at the energy region μ < 1 GeV on the Wilson coefficients are discussed by employing the vacuum background field method and the modified renormalization group equation. We find that the effects make C+ decrease by a factor of 0.68 and c- increase by a factor of 1.35, respectively, at the scale μ = 0.6 GeV, and hence result in an enhancement to the ΔI = 1/2 amplitude by a factor of 2 at the same scale
Primary Subject
Huang, T.; Wu, D.O. (Academia Sinica, Beijing, BJ (China). Inst. of High Energy Physics); 345 p; ISBN 981-02-0105-2; ; 1990; p. 166-173; World Scientific Pub. Co; Teaneck, NJ (United States); Technical committee meeting on assessment of uranium resources and supply; Vienna (Austria); 29 Aug - 1 Sep 1989; CONF-8908282--; World Scientific Pub. Co., 687 Hartwell Street, Teaneck, NJ 07666 (United States)
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[en] We study a relation recently derived by K. Kondo at zero momentum between the Zwanziger's horizon function, the ghost dressing function and Kugo's functions u and w. We agree with this result as far as bare quantities are considered. However, assuming the validity of the horizon gap equation, we argue that the solution w(0)=0 is not acceptable since it would lead to a vanishing renormalized ghost dressing function. On the contrary, when the cutoff goes to infinity, u(0)→∞, w(0)→-∞ such that u(0)+w(0)→-1. Furthermore w and u are not multiplicatively renormalizable. Relaxing the gap equation allows w(0)=0 with u(0)→-1. In both cases the bare ghost dressing function, F(0,Λ), goes logarithmically to infinity at infinite cutoff. We show that, although the lattice results provide bare results not so different from the F(0,Λ)=3 solution, this is an accident due to the fact that the lattice cutoffs lie in the range 1-3 GeV-1. We show that the renormalized ghost dressing function should be finite and nonzero at zero momentum and can be reliably estimated on the lattice up to powers of the lattice spacing; from published data on a 804 lattice at β=5.7 we obtain FR(0,μ=1.5 GeV)≅2.2.
Primary Subject
(c) 2009 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Original Title
Spectrometres et a 300GeV
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Inst. de Physique Nucleaire; p. 145-150; 1972; Colloquium on high energy interactions; Aussois, France; 20 Mar 1972
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