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Zadacha sinteza v protsessakh vzaimodejstviya begushchej ehlektromagnitnoj volny s puchkom zaryazhennykh chastits
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Sov. Phys.-Tech. Phys.
Record Type
Journal Article
Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoj Fiziki; v. 42(6); p. 1242-1244
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No abstract available
Original Title
Bystroe reshenie dvumernogo uravneniya Puassona s ispol'zovaniem konformnykh otobrazhenij pri chislennom issledovanii potokov zaryazhennykh chastits
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR; v. 204(6); p. 1328-1330
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Cano, R.; Zanfagna, B.
Association Euratom-CEA, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Groupe de Recherches sur la Fusion Controlee; CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. de Physique du Plasma et de la Fusion Controlee1972
Association Euratom-CEA, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Groupe de Recherches sur la Fusion Controlee; CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. de Physique du Plasma et de la Fusion Controlee1972
No abstract available
Original Title
Proprietes de fonctionnement d'une source de plasma a microondes de type helicoidal pour un regime de densite et de champ magnetique eleves
Primary Subject
Jul 1972; 16 p
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Report Number
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Patire Junior, H.; Castro, J.J.B. de
Proceedings of the 3. Brazilian meeting on plasma physics; 5. Brazilian plasma astrophysics workshop1995
Proceedings of the 3. Brazilian meeting on plasma physics; 5. Brazilian plasma astrophysics workshop1995
[en] A thermal and mechanical modelling of a magnetron injection electron gun has been made to minimize the temperature distribution in the gun elements while keeping the required operating temperature at 10000 C of the emitter. Appropriate materials were selected to reduce thermal losses and to improve the gun design from a constructional point of view aiming at extending the capabilities of the gun. A software has been used to simulate a thermal model considering the three processes of thermal transfer and the influence of the physical properties of the materials used. (author). 8 refs., 2 figs, 2 tabs
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (Brazil); 432 p; 1995; p. 44-47; 3. Brazilian meeting on plasma physics; 3. Encontro brasileiro de fisica dos plasmas; Aguas de Lindoia, SP (Brazil); 4-6 Dec 1995; 5. Brazilian plasma astrophysics workshop; 5. Brazilian plasma astrophysics workshop; Aguas de Lindoia, SP (Brazil); 4-6 Dec 1995; Available from the Library of Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission, Rio de Janeiro
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Original Title
21 Jun 1973; 9 p; NL PATENT DOCUMENT 7308621/A/; Priority 22 Jun 1972, UK. 6 figs. incl.
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Sinman, S.
Ankara Nuklear Arastirma Merkezi (Turkey)1973
Ankara Nuklear Arastirma Merkezi (Turkey)1973
No abstract available
Original Title
Magnetron enjeksiyonlu bir elektron topunda demet-plazma bosalmasi yardimiyla demet yogunlugunun arttirilmasi
Primary Subject
Nov 1973; 10 p
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A simple method of determining the phase variation unambiguously during microwave interferometric measurement is described. The frequency of the Klystron source is modulated with the help of staircase voltage pulse. The height of each stair is adjusted such that the corresponding phase shift in the test branch with an additional path length is 900. Signals, proportional to cosine and sine of the phase shift due to plasma, can be generated in the same channel and plasma density information can be inferred. The microwave hardware remains the same as in conventional interferometry and the cost of such a scheme is low. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion; v. 26(7); p. 853-857
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Allen, M.A.; Karvonen, L.G.
Proceedings of the 1976 proton linear accelerator conference, September 14 to 17, 19761976
Proceedings of the 1976 proton linear accelerator conference, September 14 to 17, 19761976
[en] The next generation e+e- storage rings will need rf systems similar to those required for a continuous-duty linac of over 50 MeV. For the PEP Storage Ring at 18 GeV, it is presently planned to provide a peak accelerating voltage of 77 MV in 18 aluminum accelerating structures, each structure consisting of five slot-coupled cells operating in the π mode. Operating experience with the SPEAR five-cell structure is discussed. Power to each structure is provided by a 125-kW high-efficiency four-cavity klystron. No isolation has been used and the resulting interaction between the accelerating structures, klystrons and the stored beams is discussed
Primary Subject
Schriber, S.O. (ed.); Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario. Chalk River Nuclear Labs; p. 175-178; Nov 1976; p. 175-178; 1976 proton linear accelerator conference; Chalk River, Canada; 14 - 17 Sep 1976
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[en] An analytic method to investigate a quasiperiodic disk loaded waveguide is presented. We rely on Cauchy residue theorem to formulate the transmission and reflection from a system composed of radial arms and grooves provided that the inner radius is kept constant; all the other parameters of the system can be arbitrarily changed. This method was successfully utilized to design the input and output section of a high power traveling wave tube which is very sensitive to reflections from both ends. We found this method particularly useful for the design of the output regions where breakdown imposes constraints on the geometry
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Journal Article
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No abstract available
Original Title
Stabiliziruyushchij rezonator dlya moshchnogo klistronnogo avtogeneratora
Primary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst; Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki; no. 1; p. 16; 1977; p. 16; 5. All-union conference on linear accelerators; Khar'kov, Ukrainian SSR; 2 - 6 Jun 1977; Short note.
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