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Akrawy, Dashty T.; Hassanabadi, H.; Hosseini, S.S.; Santhosh, K.P., E-mail: akrawy85@gmail.com2018
[en] The alpha decay half-lives of 356 isotopes were studied using the Royer and related Formula and are compared with experimental data. The study shows that the predicted half-lives match well with experimental data over a wide range for each parity of the parent nuclei. We have calculated the standard deviation of , for each formula and our study indicate that, for alpha decay studies, generally, analytical ℓ-dependent formula proposed by Royer, with , is the best model followed by the formula proposed by Denisov and Khudenko (DK), for all 356 nuclei. We hope the present study is a clear indicator of the predictive power of Royer and related formula.
Primary Subject
S0375947418300253; Available from; © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
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[en] GAMCAT is a personal computer database on gamma and alpha rays from radioactive nuclei. The database is available from the Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe for a nominal sales price; it is not available from the IAEA. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
May 1990; 4 p
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[en] This paper shows that ultrastrong magnetic fields (such as those of magnetars) and dense astrophysical plasmas can reduce the half-life of α-decaying nuclei by many orders of magnitude. In such environments, the conventional Geiger-Nuttall law is modified so that all relevant half-lives are shifted to dramatically lower values
Primary Subject
(c) 2003 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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Bingham, C.R.; Kassim, M.B.; Zhang, M.; Akovali, Y.A.; Tote, K.S.; Hamilton, W.D.; Carter, H.K.; Kormicki, J.; Schwarzenberg, J.; Jarrio, M.M.
8. International conference on atomic masses and fundamental constants (AMCO-8)1990
8. International conference on atomic masses and fundamental constants (AMCO-8)1990
[en] Abstract only
Primary Subject
Armbruster, P. (Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL), 38 - Grenoble (France)); Barber, R.C. (Winnipeg Univ., MB (Canada). Dept. of Physics); Cohen, E.R. (Rockwell International Corp., Thousand Oaks, CA (United States). Science Center); Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL), 38 - Grenoble (France); Winnipeg Univ., MB (Canada). Dept. of Physics; Rockwell International Corp., Thousand Oaks, CA (United States). Science Center; 129 p; 1990; (ptL) p. 43; 8. International conference on atomic masses and fundamental constants (AMCO-8); Jerusalem (Israel); 9-14 Sep 1990
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No abstract available
Original Title
Systematik der logft-Werte beim Beta-Zerfall
Primary Subject
Spring meeting Muenchen '80; Muenchen, Germany, F.R; 17 - 22 Mar 1980; Short communication only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft; (no.9); p. 1119
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[en] The proton emission from the ground state of mother nuclei with mass ranging 110 ≤ A ≤ 150 was measured in the early 1980's. This decay mode is observed for the odd-Z emitters beyond the proton drip line. The associated half-lives range from nano to seconds. Another decay mode -cluster radioactivity - was theoretically predicted in 1980 and discovered four years later. This is a very rare process and corresponds to the emission of a nucleus heavier than 4He, but lighter than a mass of a lighter fragment of a binary fission. The observed atomic masses of clusters are in the range 14 ≤ A ≤ 34, while the mass of a daughter nucleus is close ± 4 nucleons) to the doubly-magic 208Pb isotope. One of the most important decay modes of heavy nuclei is α radioactivity. The first explanation of this process was given by Gamow in 1928. It was assumed that emission is due to the quantum mechanical tunneling of a charged α-particle through the nuclear Coulomb barrier. We made an attempt to reproduce the half-lives for the mentioned above, 3 types of decay within the same simple formalism, based on Gamow theory. The simple formula for the half-lives is derived using the WKB theory for the penetration of the Coulomb barrier with a square well for the nuclear part. We show that using only one adjustable parameter - the radius constant - it is possible to reproduce with a good accuracy the half-lives for even-even α and cluster emitters. This simple phenomenological formalism is also extended by including the centrifugal term to describe proton emission. The adjustable parameter - the effective nuclear radius constant has the same value (1.21 fm) for all discussed decay modes. A good agreement with the experimental data is achieved. This document is composed of an abstract and the slides of the presentation. (authors)
Primary Subject
IN2P3 - Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules, 3 rue Michel Ange, 75794 Paris (France); 2457 p; Nov 2016; p. 1855-1872; SSNET'16 - International conference on shapes and symmetries in nuclei: from experiment to theory; Gif sur Yvette (France); 7-11 Nov 2016; 5 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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Vanin, V.R.; Helene, O.A.M.
Update of X- and γ-ray decay data standards for detector calibration and other applications. Summary report of the 1. research co-ordination meeting1999
Update of X- and γ-ray decay data standards for detector calibration and other applications. Summary report of the 1. research co-ordination meeting1999
[en] Formulas are given for the calculation of covariances in the case of a decay scheme with two gamma-rays and a single beta branch, two beta branches, and three beta branches
Primary Subject
Herman, M. (International Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Data Section, Vienna (Austria)); Nichols, A. (AEA Technology, Harwell (United Kingdom)); International Atomic Energy Agency, International Nuclear Data Committee, Vienna (Austria); 80 p; Jul 1999; p. 73-74; 1. research co-ordination meeting on update of X- and γ-ray decay data standards for detector calibration and other applications; Vienna (Austria); 9-11 Dec 1998; 3 figs
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[en] A new semiempirical relationship for the alpha decay life-time was derived on te ground of the fission theory of alpha decay. It takes into consideration explicity not only the dependence on the proton number but also on the neutron number and their difference from magicity. In comparison with other formulae it gives a better agreement with experimental data for 116 even-even alpha emitters
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal de Physique. Lettres; ISSN 0302-072X; ; v. 41(24); p. L.589-L.590
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kuzhir, P.G.
Summaries of reports of 31. Conference on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure1981
Summaries of reports of 31. Conference on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure1981
No abstract available
Original Title
O vliyanii ehlektronnoj obolochki atoma na postoyannuyu raspada
Primary Subject
AN SSSR, Moscow; Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow; Samarkandskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. (USSR); p. 304; 1981; p. 304; 31. Conference on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure; Samarkand, USSR; 14 - 16 Apr 1981; Short note.
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[en] Very recent works reported a significant improvement in the consistency of Ft values for superallowed Fermi β-decays. This fact led us to investigate some aspects which are not usually tackled in a study of this kind of transition. In a recent paper we suggested that an upper limit for the coupling constant fs for the induced scalar interaction can be derived analyzing superallowed Fermi β-transitions. In the present work we revise and improve the method for the determination of fs. The result obtained fs/fv = (-0.4 +- 1.4) x 10-3, agrees with the prediction of the CVC theory. (orig.)
In neueren Arbeiten wird eine deutliche Verbesserung der Konsistenz von Ft-Werten der uebererlaubten β-Fermiuebergaenge berichtet. Diese Tatsache war der Anlass, einige Aspekte zu untersuchen, die gewoehnlich bei dieser Art von Uebergaengen nicht betrachtet werden. In einer vor kurzem veroeffentlichten Arbeit wurde von den Autoren die Ableitung einer oberen Grenze der Kopplungskonstanten fs fuer die induzierte skalare Wechselwirkung aus einer Analyse der uebererlaubten β-Fermiuebergaenge vorgeschlagen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Methode zur Bestimmung von fs revidiert und verbessert. Das Ergebnis, fs/fv = (-0,4 +- 1,4) x 10-3 stimmt mit Vorhersagen der CVC-Theorie ueberein. (orig.)Primary Subject
2 figs.; 1 tab.; 18 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Z. Phys., A; v. 285(2); p. 223-228
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