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[en] The problem of estimating the time-varying net reactivity from flux measurements is solved for a point reactor kinetics model using a linear filtering technique in an H∞ settings. In order to sue this technique, an appropriate dynamical model of the reactivity is constructed that can be embedded into the reactor model as one of its variables. A filter, which minimizes the H∞ norm of the estimation error power spectrum, operates on neutron density measurements corrupted by noise and provides an estimate of the dynamic net reactivity. Computer simulations are performed to reveal the basic characteristics of the H∞ optimal filter. The results of the simulation indicate that the filter can be used to determine the time-varying reactivity from neutron density measurements that have been corrupted by noise
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[en] Some imprecisions are pointed out in the derivation by a previous author of a correction for the neutron flux in a heterogeneous lattice cell. In particular, the equation which is basic to the mathematical formulation does not properly take into account the lethargy and energy variables. It is shown that this and other errors in the derivation lead to an overestimation of the proposed correction. (UK)
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Journal Article
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DIN Deutsches Inst. fuer Normung e.V., Berlin (Germany, F.R.). Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission; Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (VDE) e.V., Frankfurt am Main (Germany, F.R.). Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission; DIN Deutsches Inst. fuer Normung e.V., Berlin (Germany, F.R.). Normenausschuss Kerntechnik1983
[en] Requirements on detector and cable are defined, tests are described, and rules for the physical design of the measuring system are stated. The standard has to be equivalently applied to other instrumentations if used in place of the neutron fluence rate for determination of the power density or the power density distribution. (orig./HP)
Es werden Anforderungen an Detektor und Kabel formuliert, Pruefungen beschrieben und Richtlinien fuer die physikalische Auslegung des Messsystems gegeben. Die Norm gilt sinngemaess fuer andere Instrumentierungen, falls sie anstelle der Neutronenflussdichte zur Ermittlung der Leistungsdichte bzw. Leistungsdichteverteilung verwendet werden. (orig./HP)Original Title
Kern-Instrumentierung zur Messung der Neutronenflussdichte in Leistungsreaktoren
Primary Subject
Oct 1983; 7 p; Beuth; Berlin (Germany, F.R.); DIN-IEC--568
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No abstract available
Original Title
Periodicheskaya struktura solnechnoj aktivnosti i intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchej na niskhodyashchej vetvi 19 solnechnogo tsikla
Primary Subject
Ministerstvo Vysshego i Srednego Spetsial'nogo Obrazovaniya SSSR, Moscow; Ministerstvo Vysshego i Srednego Obrazovaniya Kazakhskoj SSR, Alma-Ata; Kazakhskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Alma-Ata (USSR); p. 56; 1980; p. 56; International seminar on cosmic and physical aspects of cosmic ray investigation; Alma-Ata, USSR; 1980; Short note.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] We analyze the one-component, one-dimensional, reaction-diffusion equation through a simple inverse method. We confine the system and fix the boundary conditions as to induce pattern formation. We analyze the stability of those patterns. Our goal is to get information about the reaction term out of the preknowledgment of the pattern. (author). 5 refs
Primary Subject
Apr 1990; 8 p
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[en] The choice of reflector material is crucial for fusion and hybrid reactors as it was for the fission reactors. Multiple reflector materials were studied for pure fusion blanket design. The purpose of reflector in fusion blanket is to enhance the tritium breeding ratio (TBR). In fusion fission hybrid blanket the roll of reflector is slightly changed as it include the fission core and the performance of fission core also needs to be optimized and evaluated with the choice of reflector material, along with the enhancement of TBR. The performance parameters of Hyb-WT are significantly influenced by the choice of reflector material. TiC is best for TRU transmutation, TBR and reduced the neutron wall loading and graphite is best for FP transmutation. Strategy of multi reflector materials gives the best TRU and FP transmutation performance and also enhanced TBR with reduced neutron wall loading and it is a better choice for Hyb-WT reflector. The neutron flux is primarily dominated by the fission neutrons
Primary Subject
Korean Nuclear Society, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); [1 CD-ROM]; Oct 2013; [2 p.]; 2013 Fall meeting of the KNS; Kyungju (Korea, Republic of); 23-25 Oct 2013; Available from KNS, Daejeon (KR); 6 refs, 2 figs, 1 tab
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Costa, C.D.; Alvim, A.C.M.; Silva, F.C. da
Proceedings of the 8. Brazilian Meeting on Reactor Physics and Thermal Hydraulics1991
Proceedings of the 8. Brazilian Meeting on Reactor Physics and Thermal Hydraulics1991
[en] We have developed a computer code that employs the nodal flux expansion method (FEM) in order to calculate the eigenvalue and the neutron flux for two energy groups for bidimensional problems. This microcomputer-oriented code employs also the two-parameter Chebyshev acceleration method for improving the iterative process convergence due to the discretization approach adopted. The results obtained so far demonstrate the applicability of the acceleration technique to the FLUX Expansion Method. (author)
Original Title
Utilizacao da tecnica de aceleracao de Chebyshev no metodo nodal FEM
Primary Subject
Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Associacao Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 492 p; 1991; p. 389-391; 8. Brazilian Meeting on Reactor Physics and Thermal Hydraulics; Atibaia, SP (Brazil); 17-20 Sep 1991
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
American Nuclear Society international meeting; Washington, D. C; 12 Nov 1972; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc; v. 15(2); p. 975-976
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Dubi, A.; Horowitz, Y.S.
Differential and integral nuclear data requirements for shielding calculations1978
Differential and integral nuclear data requirements for shielding calculations1978
[en] A radically new approach is presented for the estimation of flux at a point by Monte Carlo methods. A mathematical review of the method is given followed by examples of isotropic and non-isotropic sources in spherical media which could be related to the interpretation of shielding benchmark experiments. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); p. 359-365; 1978; p. 359-365; Specialists' meeting on differential and integral nuclear data requirements for shielding calculations; Vienna, Austria; 12 - 15 Oct 1976
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[en] A method to estimate the accuracy of approximating neutron flux with a functional system and restoring the flux using discrete measurements is proposed. The method is based on a limited character of variations of non-controllable parameters governing the neutron field. The estimations obtained may be used in both error analysis and deciding an approximating functional system as well as number and arrangement of neutron detectors. As a paragon, the one-group neutron diffusion equation of an infinite cylindrical reactor in a steady state is considered
Original Title
Raschet pogreshnosti approksimatsii i vosstanovleniya ehnergoraspredeleniya v reaktore
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Sov. At. Energy.
Record Type
Journal Article
Atomnaya Ehnergiya; v. 42(4); p. 268-271
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