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Zehr, S.W.
Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. (USA)1972
Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. (USA)1972
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Mar 1972; 31 p
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[en] The possibilities for the computation of elasticplastic properties via dynamic relaxation are shown. From the various theories of plasticity the laws of Prandtl-Reuzs for solidifying materials were chosen for in this investigation. The calculation is carried out directly without further linearizations in a single computer run. It is possible to obtain an approximate solution via a direct process involving a fictitious elastic material law. Two disks with - according to the theory of elasticity - single stress points are used as examples. (orig.)
Die Moeglichkeiten von elasto-plastischen Berechnungen mit Hilfe der dynamischen Relaxation werden aufgezeigt. Stellvertretend fuer die verschiedenen Plastizitaetstheorien werden hier die Prandtl-Reuzs'schen Gesetze fuer den sich verfestigenden isotropen Werkstoff verwendet. Die Berechnung erfolgt ohne weitere Linearisierungen direkt in einem Rechenlauf. Als einfachere Naeherungsloesung fuer die elasto-plastische Berechnung wird ein direktes Verfahren mit fiktivem elastischen Materialgesetz vorgeschlagen. Zwei Scheiben mit nach der Elastizitaetstheorie singulaeren Spannungspunkten dienen als Beispiele. (orig.)Original Title
Die elastoplastische Berechnung von Scheiben mit Hilfe der dynamischen Relaxation
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Dec 1973; 62 p; Bochum Univ; Bochum, F.R. Germany; 20 figs.; 20 refs.
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No abstract available
Record Type
Journal Article
Acta Physica Polonica. Series A; v. 42 p. 629-634
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Escatha, Y. d'.
Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees, 75 - Paris (France)1972
Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees, 75 - Paris (France)1972
[en] This course is an introduction to rheology, that is to say the laws of materials behavior. It includes three parts, the first part is concerned with the general laws of materials behavior, the other two being on the study of two important types of behavior: viscoelasticity, and plasticity
Ce cours est une introduction a la rheologie, c'est-a-dire a l'etude des lois de comportement des materiaux. Il se compose de 3 chapitres, dont le premier s'interesse aux generalites sur les lois de comportement. Les deux autres sont consacres a l'etude de deux comportements types importants: la viscoelasticite et la plasticiteOriginal Title
Calcul des structures. Comportement des materiaux
Primary Subject
1972; 68 p; Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees; Paris
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Daniel, J.S.; Lesage, B.; Lacombe, P.
Second International Conference on the Strength of Metals and Alloys, Pacific Grove, California, 30 August--4 September 1970. Vol. I1970
Second International Conference on the Strength of Metals and Alloys, Pacific Grove, California, 30 August--4 September 1970. Vol. I1970
No abstract available
Primary Subject
p. 185-188; 1970; American Society for Metals; Metals Park, Ohio; 2. international conference on the strength of metals and alloys; Pacific Grove, Calif; Aug 1970
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No abstract available
Original Title
Criteri di progettazione e qualita degli acciai per i recipienti a pressione dei reattori BWR w PWR
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Progress Report
Energ. Nucl. (Milan); v. 17(11); p. 654-664
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
McClintock, F.A.; Kim, Y.J.; Parks, D.M.
Eleventh symposium on energy engineering sciences: Proceedings1993
Eleventh symposium on energy engineering sciences: Proceedings1993
[en] A theoretical framework is given for designing possibly cracked structures to remain ductile under accidental overloads. For non-hardening, fully-plastic plane strain crack growth in a number of geometries and loadings, near tip fields are characterized by three parameters: the slip line angle θs and the normal stress σs and shear displacement δus across the slip line. These parameters are found in terms of the far-field geometries and loadings through slip line fields or at least upper bound analyses based on circular arcs. Then the crack growth criterion in terms of the crack tip opening angle (CTOA) is proposed as a function of near tip parameters and material properties. Experiments are suggested to determine the dependence of the CTOA on those variables
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Argonne National Lab., IL (United States); 300 p; 1993; p. 103-110; 11. symposium on energy engineering sciences; Argonne, IL (United States); 3-5 May 1993; Also available from OSTI as DE93019930; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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[en] Recently, environmental embrittlement has been investigated in many ordered intermetallics including Co3Ti, Ni3Al, Ni3Si, FeAl, Fe3Al, and (Fe,Co)3V. At ambient temperatures, the embrittlement is caused mainly by hydrogen released from moisture in air. A number of intermetallics also show a reduction in ductility at elevated temperatures; however, the cause of the ductility reduction is not well understood at the present time. Oxygen is identified as an embrittling agent in Ni3Al and Ni3Si alloys but apparently not in other alloys such as Ni3[Si,Ti] and Co3Ti. L12-ordered intermetallic alloys with compositions (Fe22Co78)3V exhibited moisture-induced hydrogen embrittlement when tested in air at ambient temperatures. Their ductility also decreases with increasing temperature above 500 C and reaches a minimum around the critical ordering temperature [Tc = 910 C] when tested in vacuum. At present, there is no detailed study of the environmental effect in (Fe,Co)3V at elevated temperatures. In this study, the environmental effect on the ductility and fracture in (Fe,Co)3V is investigated at various temperatures and in various atmospheres, and the results are compared with those from other intermetallic alloys
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Jackson, M.R.; Huang, S.C.
General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY (USA)1990
General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY (USA)1990
[en] This paper discusses an alloy provided which has good operating strength and ductility at temperatures of 2000 degrees to 2500 degrees F. and density of between 6.5 and 7.0 g/cm3. The alloy contains niobium titanium hafnium and aluminum
Primary Subject
11 Sep 1990; 22 Dec 1988; 3 p; US PATENT DOCUMENT 4,956,144/A/; Patent and Trademark Office, Box 9, Washington, DC 20232 (USA); ?: 22 Dec 1988
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Sonzogni, V.E.
Transactions of the 13. International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology. v. 21995
Transactions of the 13. International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology. v. 21995
[en] A numerical model for the analysis of hollow beam impact have been developed. The moment-rotation relationship of a plastic hinge is used in a nonlinear, implicit code for transient analysis. The moment-rotation curve is obtained from a basic skeleton curve, by adding a second one with irreversible characteristics. Both models may be selected from a variety of functions. A hysteric model may also be chosen, as the code allows to deal with a wide range of structural problems. (author). 4 refs., 3 figs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Riera, J.D.; Rocha, M.M. (Rio Grande do Sul Univ., Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Escola de Engenharia) (eds.); 897 p; ISBN 85-7025-350-8; ; 1995; p. 137-141; Editora de Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); 13. International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology; Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); 13-18 Aug 1995
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