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Huang, Y.; Shih, C.H.
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy)1985
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy)1985
[en] The infrared technique as a new method is more useful for research of materials science. This paper simply describes the techniques of infrared temperature measurement and thermography and provides the experimental data of some metals and alloys during the deformation and the fatigue process by use of the infrared sensing method. It is shown that the conventional tensile data can be correlated with infrared radiational energy change during the tensile pulling. The temperature field of metal during elastic-plastic deformation can be calculated by finite element analysis, and the thermoelastic effect of metal can be shown by thermography. The infrared technique can be used to predict the fatigue damage, monitor their propagations and give the alarm at fracture. Finally, it must be pointed out that the irreversibility of infrared emission of metal can be used as a basis of nondestructive testing. (author)
Primary Subject
Aug 1985; 10 p; 12 refs, 12 figs.
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Schmidt, D.; Jahn, U.
Zentralinstitut fuer Kernforschung, Rossendorf (German Democratic Republic)1987
Zentralinstitut fuer Kernforschung, Rossendorf (German Democratic Republic)1987
[en] The temperature distribution in targets is calculated and discussed for several beam profiles. Estimations for target calculation are given and checked experimentally which are used for beam profile monitors based on thermography. (author)
Original Title
Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Waermeausbreitung in Targets fuer die Anwendung der Thermographie in der Strahldiagnostik
1987; 14 p
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Lucier, R.D.; Bognet, J.C.
Proceedings of an international conference on thermal infrared sensing for diagnostics and control. Thermosense XI1989
Proceedings of an international conference on thermal infrared sensing for diagnostics and control. Thermosense XI1989
[en] This paper highlights important applications of thermography, the reasons behind its use, and the limitations and realities in performing the technique. It also defines how its rationale and application in nuclear power stations differ from those outside the industry
Primary Subject
McIntosh, G.B. (Agema Infrared Systems, CA (USA)); SPIE - Volume 1094; 206 p; 1989; p. 56-61; SPIE Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers; Bellingham, WA (USA); 11. thermosense: thermal infrared sensing for diagnostics and control; Orlando, FL (USA); 29-31 Mar 1989; CONF-8903155--; SPIE Soc. of Photo-Optical Instr. Engineers, 1022 19 St., P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227 (USA)
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[en] After a brief description of the development and fundamentals of thermography, the procedure for using the heat flow method of thermal visualisation for material faults and inhomogeneities is explained. Emphasis is given to testing technology examples from the fields of structural electronics and the non-destructive testing of rubber and other coatings. The survey is supplemented by an example of the application of thermography to thermo-elastic stress analysis. (orig.)
Nach einer kurzen Darstellung der Entwicklung und Grundlagen der Thermografie wird die Vorgehensweise bei der Anwendung des Waermeflussverfahrens zur thermischen Sichtbarmachung von Materialfehlern und -inhomogenitaeten erlaeutert. Im Mittelpunkt stehen prueftechnische Anwendungsbeispiele aus den Bereichen Bauwesen, Elektronik sowie der zerstoerungsfreien Pruefung von Gummierungen und Beschichtungen. Ergaenzt wird diese Uebersicht durch ein Beispiel fuer die Anwendung der Thermografie in der thermoelastischen Spannungsanalyse. (orig.)Original Title
Thermografie ein Hilfsmittel der 'Schadenanalyse'
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Dowell, L.J.; Gillies, G.T.; Allison, S.W.; Cates, M.R.
Virginia Univ., Charlottesville (USA). Dept. of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics; Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, TN (USA)1986
Virginia Univ., Charlottesville (USA). Dept. of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics; Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, TN (USA)1986
[en] This document is a survey of the technical literature concerning aspects of phosphor materials science and spectroscopy which are of interest. These materials are the basis of temperature measurement methods currently under development. The numerical identification to the left of each citation is that given in the Physics Abstracts. 750 refs
Jul 1986; 72 p; Available from NTIS, PC A04/MF A01; 1 as DE86014373; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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[en] This book contains papers presented at a conference of the International Society for Optical Engineering. Topics covered include: infrared thermography as quality control for foamed in-place insulation; processing IR images for high speed power line inspection; and case study of applying infrared thermography to identify a coolant leak
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
SPIE - Volume 1094; 1989; 206 p; SPIE Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers; Bellingham, WA (USA); 11. thermosense: thermal infrared sensing for diagnostics and control; Orlando, FL (USA); 29-31 Mar 1989; CONF-8903155--; SPIE Soc. of Photo-Optical Instr. Engineers, 1022 19 St., P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227 (USA)
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[en] An important consideration in the design of high frequency electromagnetic devices is the effect of conductor shape on current distribution. As a rule of thumb, at high frequency the cross-sectional current distribution resembles a charge distribution in a charged conductor, with current travelling along the surface and particularly along edges. However when other conductors are present the current distribution may change dramatically. At BHP Research some novel electromagnetic devices are being developed. While the details are proprietary, in one of these the current distribution is an important factor in determining the ultimate performance of the device. Thus we required an experimental technique to analyse the current path. Thermographic imaging was considered because heating is proportional to I2. The conductors carry very high currents (thousands of ampere) at high frequencies (thousands of hertz) and are water cooled through their hollow centers. Two conductor profiles were tested; circular and rectangular. Calculated current distribution in a finite element model showed the landscape design as being the most efficient current carrier
Monash Univ., Clayton, VIC (Australia). Dept. of Physics; 213 p; 1996; p. 156; 20. ANZIP annual condensed matter physics meeting; Wagga Wagga, NSW (Australia); 30 Jan - 2 Feb 1996; Truncated abstract. 1 fig.
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[en] In conventional power plants, the long-time exposure is, among others, a detrimental factor for the materials used. If the deterioration exceeds a specific limit, the component has to be replaced. This is frequently done prematurely, because the many influences acting on the component connot be assessed correctly. To avoid this, the actual degree of deterioration of the component and its remaining service life can be determined by microthermography. (orig.)
In konventionellen Kraftwerken schaedigt neben anderem die Zeitstandbeanspruchung die eingesetzten Werkstoffe. Ueberschreitet die Schaedigung eine gewisse Grenze, so muss das Bauteil ausgetauscht werden. Haeufig geschieht dies zu frueh, da sich die vielfaeltigen Einfluesse auf das Bauteil nicht genau erfassen lassen. Um das zu vermeiden, kann man den tatsaechlichen Schaedigungsgrad des Bauteils und dessen Restlebensdauer mit der Mikrothermographie ermitteln. (orig.)Original Title
Mikrothermographie im praktischen Einsatz. Restlebensdauer heissdampfbeanspruchter Kraftwerkskomponenten bestimmen
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[en] Thermographic recording and visualization of temperature entropy diagrams, temperature distributions, and dynamic temperature changes on object surfaces may be represented with astonishing quality at the present state of infrared technique. This novel method exceeds the conventional punctiform temperature measuring method by several orders of magnitude as far as economy, versatility, and significance of the results are concerned. This paper describes the physical principles of thermal radiation and compares the performance criteria of commercial thermography equipment. In some examples of application, the possibilities and limits of this young technology are discussed. (orig.)
Thermografische Aufzeichnung und Sichtbarmachung von Waermebildern, Temperaturverteilungen und dynamischen Temperaturaenderungen auf Objektoberflaechen koennen bei dem heutigen Stand der IR-Technik mit erstaunlicher Qualitaet wiedergegeben werden. Dieses neuartige Verfahren uebertrifft die konventionelle, punktfoermige Temperaturmessmethode an Wirtschaftlichkeit, Vielseitigkeit und Aussagekraft um Groessenordnungen. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die physikalischen Prinzipien der Waermestrahlung und vergleicht die Leistungskriterien handelsueblicher Thermografiegeraete. In einigen Anwendungsbeispielen werden Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen dieser jungen Technologie dargelegt. (orig.)Original Title
Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Thermografie in der Technik
Primary Subject
8 figs.; 1 tab.; 3 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Mess. Pruefen, ver. Autom; (no. 4); p. 162-188
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[en] Lubricant analysis has always played an important yet somewhat invisible role in equipment health monitoring. At its most primitive, simple observations and field testing alert equipment operators to changing conditions. At its most advanced, data from performance and analytical tests are used to develop or select optimum lubricants for service, stretch drain intervals, predict remaining equipment life and identify potential equipment or system problems at an incipient stage. Coupled with thermography and vibration analysis, lubricant analysis can become a major component of a comprehensive predictive maintenance (PM) program. Ontario Hydro finds itself at a turning point regarding the use and monitoring of lubricants. Increasing emphasis on equipment reliability and plant life extension, coupled with major, recent changes in lubricant composition in response to environmental, energy and safety concerns, forces an upgrading of many aspects of lubricant monitoring so that it may establish itself as a key part of modern PM practices. This paper discusses some of these aspects. (author)
Primary Subject
Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, ON (Canada); 473 p; 1995; p. 251-255; 3. International conference on CANDU maintenance; Toronto, ON (Canada); 19-21 Nov 1995; 2 tabs.
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