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Sacramento, Julio C.; Heggs, Peter J., E-mail:
[en] Reflux and vent condensers are vertical separators where film condensation occurs. A vapour mixture is supplied at the bottom of the tubes and encounters vertical cold surfaces. A falling film forms and exits from the bottom of the tubes, flowing counter-current to the vapour, but co-current to the coolant on the shell side. Flooding occurs when the condensate flow moves from a gravity regime to a shear regime. Vapour velocities at or above the flooding velocity will cause the liquid to exit from the top of the tubes rather than from the bottom. The main disadvantage of these condensers is the limited flooding velocity allowed. Several investigators propose correlations to predict the flooding velocity. In most cases these correlations come from isothermal experiments data, thus the general recommendation of using safety factors of at least 30%. This work compares these correlations to new experimental values of flooding in steam/air vent condensation. The experimental apparatus is a 3 m long, double-pipe condenser with an internal diameter of 0.028 m. The conclusions presented here will aid the design engineer to understand better the applicability of the discussed correlations in the design of steam/air vent condensers
Primary Subject
10. UK national heat transfer conference; Edinburgh, Scotland (United Kingdom); 10-11 Sep 2007; S1359-4311(08)00197-X; Available from; Copyright (c) 2008 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Bonnar, M.P.
Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh (United Kingdom)1998
Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh (United Kingdom)1998
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Jan 1998; [vp.]; Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DXN015558; Thesis (Ph.D.)
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Ko, Min-Seok; Kim, Sin; Jerng, Dong-Wook
Proceedings of the 23th international conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE-23)2015
Proceedings of the 23th international conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE-23)2015
[en] In the present work, a CFD model is presented to simulate the wall condensation from steam-noncondensable gas mixture. In the proposed CFD model based on the Fluid Film Model built in STAR-CCM+, the behavior of the fluid film on the cold solid surface is predicted by the conventional transport equations and it is coupled with the flow calculation for steam-air mixture region through source terms describing diffusion of steam towards liquid film. To account for enhancement of heat and mass transfer due to suction, an existing suction correction factor is also incorporated into the condensation model. For validation of the proposed CFD model, several simulations are conducted and the results are compared with well-known correlations and experimental data for flat plates and cylindrical condenser tubes. The comparison results overall show good agreements. (author)
Primary Subject
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tokyo (Japan); [3737 p.]; May 2015; [6 p.]; ICONE-23: 23. international conference on nuclear engineering; Chiba (Japan); 17-21 May 2015; Available from Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Shinanomachi Rengakan 5F, 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0016 Japan; Available as DVD-ROM Data in PDF format. Folder Name: FullPaper; Paper ID: ICONE23-1842.pdf; 9 refs., 7 figs., 4 tabs.
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[en] A mathematical evaluation of the condensation exchange coefficient can only succeds for well specified cases: small upright or inclined plates, horizontal tubes, small height vertical tubes. Among the main hypotheses accounted for this mathematical development in the case of the condensate, a laminar flow and uniform surface temperature are always considered. In practice certain shapes of surfaces significantly increase the heat transfer during the vapor condensation on a surface wet by the condensate. Such surfaces are rough surfaces such as the condensate is submitted to surface tension effects, negligeable for plane or large curvature surfaces, and the nature of the material may play an important role (temperature gradients). Results from tests on tubes with special shapes, performed in France or out of France, are given
La determination mathematique du coefficient d'echange de condensation, ne peut etre conduite avec un certain succes que pour des cas bien limites: petite plaque verticale ou inclinee, tube horizontal, tube vertical de faible hauteur. Parmi les principales hypotheses prises en compte pour ce developpement mathematique on considere toujours, pour le condensat, un regime d'ecoulement laminaire et pour la surface une temperature uniforme. Dans la pratique il existe des formes de surfaces qui augmentent, tres sensiblement, le transfert de chaleur lors de la condensation d'une vapeur sur une surface mouillable par le condensat. Les surfaces en question sont des surfaces non lisses de telle sorte que le condensat est soumis a l'effet de tension superficielle, negligeable pour les surfaces planes ou a grand rayon de courbure, et la nature du materiau peut jouer un role important (gradients de temperature). Des resultats d'essais sur des tubes a formes speciales, aussi bien en France qu'a l'Etranger, illustrent ce phenomeneOriginal Title
Condensation en geometrie complexe
Primary Subject
1975; 12 p; Cycle of lectures on the cold sources of electric power plants; Royaumont, France; 6 Oct 1975
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[en] Local condensation heat transfer rates are measured for steam-air mixtures in direct contact with subcooled water layers inside a vertical tube over a wide range of liquid flow rates. The gas mixture is maintained effectively stagnant during the tests and the major resistance to heat transfer is due to the large amount of noncondensables. A theoretical model is developed to account for some additional thermal resistance on the liquid side, by decomposing the liquid film into a wavy 'nonresistant' region and a substrate region where temperature gradients may prevail. Heat transfer coefficients are found to depend not only on the steam concentration but also on the liquid flow rate. Interestingly, wave characteristics of the falling liquid layer, such as the dominant wave velocity and frequency, demonstrate that condensation may only be responsible for minor modifications of the isothermal liquid surface morphology. Furthermore, the dependence of heat transfer coefficients on the liquid flow rate is attributed to the dynamic interaction between the interfacial waves and the gas layer. This notion is utilized by correlating measured gas Sherwood numbers with the gas Grashof number and a dimensionless parameter which characterizes the interface. (author)
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Journal Article
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; ISSN 0017-9310; ; CODEN IJHMAK; v. 38(5); p. 779-794
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Heerings, J.H.A.M.; Herder, A.J. den, E-mail: j.heerings@ind.tno.nl2004
[en] The RIMAP project is aimed at the establishment of an European RBMI framework including the assessment of the Consequence of Failure (CoF). Although the RIMAP framework allows the use of various methods provided they meet certain requirements, specific methods to assess the CoF have been developed. Both for a screening analysis and a detailed analysis a RIMAP-compliant method is described. The field of application covers the full range of equipment types, including static equipment, rotating equipment and safety instrumented functions. In a worked example the use of the detailed RIMAP method is demonstrated for the case of steam containments as being applied in the power industry
Primary Subject
29. MPA seminar in the series safety and reliability of pressure components; Stuttgart (Germany); 9-10 Oct 2003; S0308-0161(04)00147-4; Copyright (c) 2004 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping; ISSN 0308-0161; ; CODEN PRVPAS; v. 81(10-11); p. 787-796
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No abstract available
Original Title
Die Auslegung von Kuehltuermen
Primary Subject
3 figs.; 2 tabs.; 1 ref. Transl. from 'The Steam and Heating Engineer' (1972) v. 41(490) p. 40-43.
Record Type
Journal Article
Archiv fuer Energiewirtschaft; v. 27(6); p. 289-294
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[en] This live steam sampling device for analyzing radioactive material contained in it avoids adulterations of the measuried results as may be caused by long live steam travels and dispenses with expensive high-pressure pumps for feeding back the condensate. The device essentially consists of a steam ejector combined with a heat exchanger. An 'external pipe' radially extends relatively far into the live steam pipe from which samples are to be taken. The lower part of the external pipe coaxially contains a cylindrical steam ejector whose diffuser outlet continues into an 'internal pipe'. An equal diameter of steam ejector and internal pipe leaves free, over the total length, a pipe-shaped annulus to the inner diameter of the external pipe. The sample steam extracted from the live steam space through a pipe bend flows through the steam ejector expanding into the adjoining internal pipe. The condensate flowing down through the pipe-shaped annulus is sucked in through the steam ejector and admixed again to the steam. By heat transfer to the condensate in counterflow the steam is cooled down to wet saturated steam and liquefied in a subsequent condenser. Part of the condensate flows from there to the analyzing device, another part is directly removed in parallel to it, and a third part is recycled via the annulus. The lower section of the external pipe including the diffuser is still contained within the live steam spce of the steam pipe. (HP)
Diese Entnahmevorrichtung fuer Heissdampf zwecks Analyse darin enthaltener radioaktiver Fremdstoffe vermeidet Verfaelschungen der Messergebnisse, wie sie durch lange Heissdampfwege entstehen und spart eine aufwendige Hochdruckpumpe zur Rueckfuehrung des Kondensats. Die Einrichtung besteht im wesentlichen in der Kombination einer Dampfstrahlpumpe mit einem Waermetauscher. Ein Aussenrohr ragt radial relativ weit in die Heissdampfleitung hinein, der Proben zu entnehmen sind. Der untere Teil des Aussenrohres enthaelt koaxial eine zylindrische Dampfstrahlpumpe, deren Diffusorausgang sich in einem Innenrohr fortsetzt. Der gleiche Aussendurchmesser von Dampfstrahlpumpe und Innenrohr laesst zum Innendurchmesser des Aussenrohres ueber die ganze Laenge einen rohrfoermigen Ringraum frei. Der ueber einen Rohrkruemmer aus dem Heissdampfraum der Rohrleitung entnommene Probedampf stroemt durch die Dampfstrahlpumpe und expandiert in das anschliessende Innenrohr. Durch den rohrfoermigen Ringraum herabfliessendes Kondensat wird durch die Dampfstrahlpumpe angesaugt und dem Dampf wieder beigemischt. Durch Waermeabgabe an das Kondensat im Gegenstrom wird der Dampf auf nassen Sattdampf heruntergekuehlt und in einem anschliessenden Kondensator verfluessigt. Ein Teil des Kondensats geht von da dem Analysegeraet zu, ein Teil wird parallel dazu direkt abgefuehrt, ein dritter Teil wird durch den Ringraum in den Kreislauf rueckgefuehrt. Der untere Abschnitt des Aussenrohres bis einschliesslich Diffusor der Dampfstrahlpumpe befindet sich noch innerhalb des Heissdampfraumes der Dampfrohrleitung. (HP)Original Title
Einrichtung zur Analyse von in Heissdampf enthaltenen Fremdstoffen
Primary Subject
28 Jul 1977; 4 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 1943669/C/; Also available from Dt. Patentamt, Muenchen (FRG); 2 figs.
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Aust, E.; Fuerst, H.D.; Niemann, H.R.
Annual meeting on nuclear technology '81 - Reactor conference 19811981
Annual meeting on nuclear technology '81 - Reactor conference 19811981
No abstract available
Original Title
Versuchsergebnisse zur Phaenomenologie von Kondensationsereignissen im Druckabbausystem
Primary Subject
Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany, F.R.); Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn (Germany, F.R.); 668 p; 1981; p. 235-238; Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik; Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany, F.R; Annual meeting on nuclear technology '81 (JK '81); Duesseldorf, Germany, F.R; 24 - 26 Mar 1981; Published in summary form only.
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[en] There is dealt with the effect of series connection of surface and jet condensers for nuclear power plants. It will be shown that series connection of jet condensers has got considerable advantages as compared to series connection of surface condensers with respect to physical behavior as well as cost. (orig./HP)
Behandelt wird die Auswirkung der Reihenschaltung bei Oberflaechen- und Mischkondensatoren fuer KKW. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Reihenschaltung von Mischkondensatoren gegenueber der Reihenschaltung von Oberflaechenkondensatoren erhebliche Vorteile sowohl hinsichtlich des physikalischen Verhaltens wie auch der Kosten bringt. (orig./HP)Original Title
Die Bedeutung der Reihenschaltung bei Oberflaechen- und Mischkondensatoren
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Brennstoff-Waerme-Kraft; ISSN 0006-9612; ; v. 32(3); p. 111-115
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