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Absolyutnyj metod opredeleniya aktivnosti radona
Povinec, P.; Usacev, S. (eds.); p. 469; 1977; p. 469; Slovenske Pedagogicke Nakladatelstvo; Bratislava, Czechoslovakia; International conference on low-radioactivity measurements and applications; Tatranska Lomnica, Czechoslovakia; 6 - 10 Oct 1975; Published in summary form only.
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Allaf, A.K.S.; Fitaire, Marc; Pointu, A.M.
Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche (ANVAR), 92 - Paris-Defense (France)1975
Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche (ANVAR), 92 - Paris-Defense (France)1975
[en] The aim of this invention is to be able to determine the emerging or effective activity of the α radiation emitted by a source, by a simple and reliable method in an activity range extending from a fraction of a mCi to several Curies, by means of an electric microphone. The process and device described in the invention permit absolute as well as relative determinations of the activity of the α rays emitted by the source and also permit a measurement of the local emission of this source. Further, when the microphone includes a substance which is the seat of a reaction (n, α), the process and device under the invention allow the neutron radiation emitted by a neutron source to be determined. Specifically, the characteristic of the process is that near the source there is a microphone comprising two metal plates. The first plate of the microphone (sometimes called armature) is placed opposite the α radiation source and is of sufficiently small thickness for the α radiation emitted by the source to cross it without apprecialbe attenuation. Between these two plates, as with the usual capacitive microphone, a difference of continuous potential is established and the intensity of the α radiation emitted by the source is determined by measuring, after amplification, the potential developed between the two plates of the microphone, (this potential being created by the charges collected on these plates and which are created by the α radiation in the ionisable gas included in the volume thus delimited)
Le but de la presente invention est de pouvoir mesurer l'activite emergente ou efficace du rayonnement α emis par une source, par une methode simple et fiable dans un domaine d'activite allant d'une fraction de mCi a plusieurs Curies, a l'aide d'un microphone electrique. Le procede et le dispositif selon l'invention permettent tant des mesures absolues que des mesures relatives de l'activite des rayons α emis par la source, et permettent egalement une mesure de l'emission locale de ladite source. Enfin, lorsque le microphone comprend un materiau siege d'une reaction (n,α), le procede et le dispositif selon l'invetion permettent une mesure du rayonnement neutronique emis par une source de neutrons. Plus precisement, le procede est caracterise en ce qu'on dispose au voisinage de la source un microphone comportant deux plaques metalliques, une premiere plaque du microphoone, (appelee quelquefois armature) est disposee en regard de la source de rayonnement α et a une epaisseur suffisamment petite pour que le rayonnement α emis par la source la traverse sans attenuation notable. On etablit entre ces deux plaques, comme dans un microphone capacitif habituel une difference de potentiel continue et on determine l'intensite du rayonnement α emis par la source en mesurant, apres amplification le potentiel developpe entre les deux plaques du microphone, (ledit potentiel etant cree par les charges recueillies sur ces plaques, charges creees par le rayonnement α dans le gaz ionisable compris dans le volume ainsi delimite)Original Title
Procede et dispositif de mesure de rayonnement alpha ou neutronique a l'aide d'un microphone
30 Dec 1975; 12 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2356159/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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Mueller, J.W.
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, 92 - Sevres (France)1972
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, 92 - Sevres (France)1972
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1972; 10 p
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Original Title
Mesure absolue de l'energie α du 148Gd
Primary Subject
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Record Type
Journal Article
C.R., Ser. B; v. 276(15); p. 669-671
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Lan Yunxia; Li Mingrao.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1988
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1988
[en] A new method for the calibration of a radioactive source for liquid scintillator counting is described. The method uses, as yield variation parameter, the triple and double coincidence ratio (TDCR), the coincidence counting ratio curve is extrapolated up to TDCR = 1 and an approximate value of the sample activity is obtained directly. The paper gives the principle of the method, yield calculation and an estimate of theoretical uncertainty. Measurements for tritiated water agree with total uncertainty of ± 0.63 % of the NBS standard value
On decrit une nouvelle methode de standardisation de l'activite d'une source radioactive dans un comptage avec scintillateur liquide. La methode utilise comme parametre de variation du rendement, le rapport des taux de comptage des coincidences triples et doubles (TDCR), extrapole la courbe du taux de comptage des coincidences jusqu'a TDCR = 1, et obtient directement une valeur approchee de l'activite de l'echantillon. L'article donne le principe de la methode, le calcul du rendement et l'estimation de l'incertitude theorique. Les mesures effectuees pour l'eau tritiee sont en accord avec l'incertitude totale de ± 0,63% de la valeur standard du NBSOriginal Title
Methode TDCR de standardisation de l'activite d'une source radioactive dans un comptage avec scintillateur liquide
Primary Subject
Mar 1988; 15 p; Translated from a chinese paper.
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Record Type
Journal Article
Health Physics; v. 27(6); p. 553-556
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[en] A proposal is submitted of a standard method of expressing the results of dosimetric measurements and of inaccuracies, based on the recommendations of the British Calibration Service, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, and the Czechoslovak Standard CSN 25 0008. Defined and discussed in detail are random, systematic and gross inaccuracies, systematic and random inaccuracies in combination, inaccuracies in calibration and routine measurements. Formulas are presented for calculations and tables are listed of inaccuracies and corrections values. (H.S.)
Original Title
Stanoveni nepresnosti pri vyhodnocovani dozimetrickych mereni
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Ceskoslovenska Standardizace; v. 5(6); p. 237-244
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[en] Different codes of practice are in use or under preparation by several groups and national or international societies, concerning the dosimetry of proton beams. In spite of a large number of experiences and the increasing interest on this field, there are still large incertitudes on some of the basic conversion and correction factors to get dose values from different measuring methods. In practice, dose uniformity between centers is searched and encouraged by intercomparisons using standard procedures. We present the characteristics and the results on proton dosimetry intercomparisons using calorimeters, Faraday cups and ion chambers, as well as on the use of other detectors like diodes, radiographic films and TLD. New detectors like diamond, scintillators, radiochromic films, alanine, gels, ... can give new solutions to particular problems, provided their response is not affected at the end of the proton range (higher LET region), and their resolution, range, linearity, cost, ... are well adapted to practical situations. Some examples of special challenges are non interfering measurements during treatments for quality control, in vivo measurements, small beams for stereotactic irradiations, scanned beams and correlations between dosimetry, microdosimetry and radiobiology
Primary Subject
0167814096805962; Copyright (c) 1995 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Heft, R.E.
California Univ., Livermore (USA). Lawrence Livermore Lab1980
California Univ., Livermore (USA). Lawrence Livermore Lab1980
[en] Gamma spectral analysis of irradiated material can be used to determine absolute disintegration rates for specific radionuclides. These data, together with measured values for the thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes, and irradiation, cooling and counting time values, are all the experimental information required to do absolute Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis. The calculations required to go from product photon emission rate to target nuclide amount depend upon values used for the thermal neutron capture cross-section, the resonance absorption integral, the half-life and photon branching ratios. Values for these parameters were determined by irradiating and analyzing a series of elemental standards. The results of these measurements were combined with values reported by other workers to arrive at a set of recommended values for the constants. Values for 114 nuclides are listed
Primary Subject
1980; 25 p; American Nuclear Society topical conference; Mayagues, Puerto Rico; 30 Apr - 4 May 1980; CONF-800477--1; Available from NTIS., PC A02/MF A01
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Hlavac, S.
Update of X- and γ-ray decay data standards for detector calibration and other applications. Summary report of the 1. research co-ordination meeting1999
Update of X- and γ-ray decay data standards for detector calibration and other applications. Summary report of the 1. research co-ordination meeting1999
[en] The report briefly describes how the coincidence methods that is routinely used in nuclear spectroscopy to study complex decay and level schemes of atomic nuclei, and for the determination of absolute activity of standards for detector calibration, can also be used for the determination of the absolute detector efficiency
Herman, M. (International Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Data Section, Vienna (Austria)); Nichols, A. (AEA Technology, Harwell (United Kingdom)); International Atomic Energy Agency, International Nuclear Data Committee, Vienna (Austria); 80 p; Jul 1999; p. 69-70; 1. research co-ordination meeting on update of X- and γ-ray decay data standards for detector calibration and other applications; Vienna (Austria); 9-11 Dec 1998
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