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Original Title
XLII Reunión anual de la Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear (AATN 2017)
Primary Subject
2017; [vp.]; AATN; Buenos Aires (Argentina); AATN 2017: 44. Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology: Argentine Nuclear Sector. Leading innovation, yesterday, today and forever. Future strategies; Buenos Aires (Argentina); 23-27 Oct 2017; Refs., figs., tabs.
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Original Title
XLVI Reunión anual de la Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear (AATN 2022)
Primary Subject
2022; [vp.]; AATN; Buenos Aires (Argentina); AATN 2022: 46. Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology: Energy Sovereignty, Technological Autonomy and National Industry; AATN 2022: 46. Reunión anual de la Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear: Soberanía Energética, Autonomía Tecnológica e Industria Nacional; Buenos Aires (Argentina); 19-22 Dec 2022; Refs., figs., tabs.; This record replaces 54086950
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This report issued by the Argentine National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) covers the two-year period 1986-1987. It describs the research and development carried out in the following fields: nuclear power plants; supplies to nuclear power plants; radioisotopes and radiations; radiological protection and nuclear safety; research and development. In the item general aspects other activities performed by CNEA are included, and in the associated firms with CNEA information on the technological development, and goods and services production is provided. (M.E.L.)
Esta memoria de la Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica cubre el bienio 1986-1987. En ella se describe la labor de investigacion y desarrollo que tuvo lugar en los siguientes campos: centrales nucleares; suministros a centrales nucleares, radioisotopos y radiaciones, proteccion radiologica y seguridad nuclear; investigacion y desarrollo, en el item aspectos generales se agregan otras actividades efectuadas por la CNEA y en empresas asociadas a la CNEA se informa sobre el desarrollo tecnologico y la produccion de bienes y servicios. (M.E.L.)Original Title
Memoria anual 1986-87
Primary Subject
1987; 76 p; ISSN 0373-7241; ; Also available from Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (AR)
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This annual report of the Research Department describes the activities performed during 1984 in the following fields: Physics, Reactor Chemistry, Radiobiology, Prospective and Special Studies, Biomathematics, Labelled Molecules and Radiochemistry. During this period the first heavy ion beam in the accelerator Tandar was obtained. A list of publications made by the Department this year is enclosed. (M.E.L.)
Este informe anual de la Gerencia de Investigaciones describe las actividades realizadas durante 1984, en los Departamentos de Fisica, Quimica de Reactores, Radiobiologia, Prospectiva y Estudios Especiales, y los grupos de investigacion: Biomatematicas, Moleculas Marcadas y Radioquimica. Durante este periodo se obtuvo el primer haz de iones pesados en el acelerador Tandar. Se incluye aqui una lista de publicaciones del Departamento, perteneciente al mencionado ano. (M.E.L.)Original Title
Resumen de actividades Gerencia de Investigaciones 1984
Primary Subject
18 May 1989; 109 p; Also available from Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (AR)
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A detailed report is given on the Argentine National Atomic Energy Commission's activities during the year 1985 in the following specific fields: Nuclear Power Plants; Supplies to Nuclear Power Plants; Radioisotopes and Radiations; Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety; Research and Development; Infrastructure and General Aspects. The initiation of the first experiences with heavy ion beams in the Tandar accelerator, in operation since 1984, must be pointed out. (M.E.L.)
Se da un informe detallado de la labor desarrollada por la Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica durante el ano 1985 en las siguientes areas especificas: Centrales Nucleares; Suministros Nucleares; Radioisotopos y Radiaciones: Proteccion Radiologica y Seguridad Nuclear; Investigacion y Desarrollo; Infraestructura y Aspectos Generales. Se debe destacar la iniciacion de las primeras experiencias con haces de iones pesados en el acelerador Tandar puesto en funcionamiento en 1984. (M.E.L.)Original Title
Memoria anual 1985
Primary Subject
1987; 53 p; Available from Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This annual report of teh Research Department concerns the year 1985. It describes the work carried out in the following fields: Physics, Reactor Chemistry, Radiobiology, Prospective and Special Studies, Biomathematics and Radiochemistry. During the year the first experiments employing heavy ion beams of the new electrostatic accelerator Tandar were made. A list of publications of the Department is enclosed here. (M.E.L.)
Este informe anual de la Gerencia de Investigaciones corresponde al ano 1985. Se describe la labor desarrollada por los Departamentos de: Fisica, Quimica de Reactores, Radiobiologia, Prospectiva y Estudios Especiales, y de los grupos de investigacion en Biomatematicas y Radioquimica. En el transcurso del ano se iniciaron los primeros experimentos utilizando haces de iones pesados, del nuevo acelerador electrostatico Tandar. Se adjunta ademas la lista de publicaciones hechas por el Departamento durante el ano. (M.E.L.)Original Title
Resumen de actividades Gerencia de Investigaciones 1985
Primary Subject
18 May 1989; 96 p; Also available from Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (AR)
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Chahab, M.
International Atomic Energy Agency, INIS and Nuclear Knowledge Management Section and Nuclear Power Engineering Section, Vienna (Austria)2010
International Atomic Energy Agency, INIS and Nuclear Knowledge Management Section and Nuclear Power Engineering Section, Vienna (Austria)2010
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Mar 2010; 5 p; International conference on human resource development for introducing and expanding nuclear power programmes; Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates); 14-18 Mar 2010; IAEA-CN--179; Also available on-line:; Interactive presentation
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
Vetere, C.; Gomiz, P.; Larcher, A., E-mail:
International Atomic Energy Agency, INIS and Nuclear Knowledge Management Section and Nuclear Power Engineering Section, Vienna (Austria)2010
International Atomic Energy Agency, INIS and Nuclear Knowledge Management Section and Nuclear Power Engineering Section, Vienna (Austria)2010
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Mar 2010; 13 p; International conference on human resource development for introducing and expanding nuclear power programmes; Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates); 14-18 Mar 2010; IAP--58; IAEA-CN--179; Also available on-line:; Interactive presentation
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
Jensen Mariani, S.N.; Rimancus, P. M.; Zamora, A.
XLII Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology (AATN 2017)2017
XLII Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology (AATN 2017)2017
[en] Experiments in laboratories to obtain light through electrical energy had begun in the early nineteenth century. In Paris in 1843 tests were carried out, but their duration was short because the filaments of the incandescent lamps melted. This was solved by Edison by inserting a piece of charred cotton thread into a glass bulb in which he had achieved vacuum inside. Thus, on October 21, 1879, he tested the lamp that he had created and managed to keep it on for 40 hours. In the country, the first massive use of electricity was found in the city of La Plata in 1886, at which time the first plant with 200 lights was installed. La Plata thus becomes the first city in South America with electric lighting and the first power station in the country. (author)
Las experiencias en laboratorios para obtener luz a través de la energía eléctrica habían comenzado a principios del siglo XIX. En París en el año 1843 se realizaron ensayos, pero su duración era corta debido a que los filamentos de las lámparas incandescentes se fundían. Esto fue resuelto por Edison introduciendo un trozo de hilo de algodón carbonizado introduciéndolo en una bombilla de vidrio en el que había logrado vacío en su interior. Fue así como el 21 de octubre de 1879 probó la lámpara que había creado y logró que permaneciera encendida durante 40 horas. En el país el primer uso masivo de la electricidad se halla en la ciudad de La Plata en el año 1886, momento en el que se instala la primera usina con 200 focos. La Plata se convierte así en la primera ciudad de Sudamérica con alumbrado eléctrico y con la primera central eléctrica del país. (author)Original Title
Evolución de la matriz energética Argentina
Primary Subject
Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear (Argentina); [vp.]; 2017; 28 p; AATN 2017: 44. Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology: Argentine Nuclear Sector. Leading innovation, yesterday, today and forever. Future strategies; AATN 2017: 44. Reunión anual de la Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear: Sector Nuclear Argentino. Liderando la innovación, ayer hoy y siempre. Futuras estrategias; Buenos Aires (Argentina); 23-27 Oct 2017; 28 refs., 28 figs.
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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Related RecordRelated Record
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bernal Castro, J.B.; Recalde, J.
Proceedings of the Importance of Nuclear Energy for Power Supply after 1990: Benefits and Difficulties1989
Proceedings of the Importance of Nuclear Energy for Power Supply after 1990: Benefits and Difficulties1989
[en] This work is reported to nuclear power plants and nuclear industry integration between Brazil and Argentina. (A.C.A.S.)
Original Title
Integracion Nuclear industrial entre Argentina y Brasil
Primary Subject
American Nuclear Society, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Latin American Section; 231 p; 1989; p. 76-83; Importance of Nuclear Energy for Power Supply after 1990: Benefits and Difficulties; Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 11-15 Jun 1989
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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