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Chitt, Mira
Universite de Paris-Saclay, Espace Technologique Bat. Discovery - RD 128, 2e et, 91190 Saint-Aubin (France); Universite de Paris-Sud, 15, Rue Georges Clemenceau 91400, Orsay (France); CEA, DEN-DTN (France)2019
Universite de Paris-Saclay, Espace Technologique Bat. Discovery - RD 128, 2e et, 91190 Saint-Aubin (France); Universite de Paris-Sud, 15, Rue Georges Clemenceau 91400, Orsay (France); CEA, DEN-DTN (France)2019
[en] Thermal hydraulic problems of the upper plenum of ASTRID cannot be studied from the feedback of the reactors and the numerical simulations since the codes do not make it possible to model these problems with a sufficient confidence. To validate the numerical approaches and the design of ASTRID, needs have been identified for experimental models. The representative MICAS model of the upper plenum has been designed for this purpose. To validate the numeric codes, the velocity and temperature fields are must be measured. While PIV technique is frequently used at the LTHC, the Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) method required development and implementation. The principle of LIF is based on the spontaneous emission of photons by the molecules of a tracer, as a result of the absorption of laser radiation. LIF calibration experiments with a dye were performed to study their fluorescence response. The LIF with two dyes is very interesting too. PIV and LIF with two dyes are applied on a new experimental installation (complex geometry with two jets) conceived during this thesis in order to allow a representative of the model MICAS. (author)
Des problematiques thermo-hydrauliques du plenum superieur d'ASTRID ne peuvent etre etudies a partir du retour d'experience des reacteurs et des simulations numeriques puisque les codes de calcul ne permettent pas de modeliser ces problemes avec une confiance suffisante. Pour valider les approches numeriques et la conception d'ASTRID, il a ete identifie des besoins en maquettes experimentales. La maquette MICAS representative du plenum superieur a ete concue a cette fin. Pour valider les codes numeriques, les champs de vitesse et de temperature sont tres importants. Si la mesure de champ de vitesse par PIV est frequemment utilisee au LTHC, la methode LASER Induced Fluorescence (LIF) a necessite de developpement et mise en oeuvre. La fluorescence induite par laser consiste en l'emission spontanee de photons par les molecules d'un traceur, a la suite de l'absorption d'un rayonnement laser. Des experiences d'etalonnage de LIF a un colorant ont ete realisees pour etudier leur reponse en fluorescence. La LIF a deux colorants est tres interessante aussi. PIV et LIF a deux colorants sont appliquees sur une nouvelle installation experimentale (geometrie complexe a deux jets) concue pendant cette these afin de permettre une representative de la maquette MICAS. (l'auteur)Original Title
Mesures simultanees non-intrusive de vitesse et temperature par methode optique dans une geometrie complexe: Application au collecteur chaud du reacteur refroidi au sodium ASTRID
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19 Dec 2019; 190 p; 118 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Mecanique des Fluides
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[en] The absolute photoionization cross section for the astrophysically important C+ ion has been measured for the first time thus allowing a test of the predicted cross section from the Opacity Project. The measurements are performed with a new ion-photon merged beam setup at the ASTRID storage ring utilizing an undulator beam line. In addition to the predicted 2s2p(3P)np 2D and 2S autoionizing resonances, the 2P states which are not included in the theoretical predictions also contribute significantly to the ionization yield below the 2s2p(3P) limit. The cross section is determined with a precision of 10% and lies 5-25% below the theoretical prediction at 24-37 eV
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ICPEAC-21: 21. international conference on the physics of electronic and atomic collisions; Sendai (Japan); 22-27 Jul 1999; (c) 2000 American Institute of Physics.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
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Conference; Numerical Data
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[en] Branching ratios for the recombination of hydrocarbon ions have been measured using the ASTRID storage ring electron cooler. These studies have concentrated upon the competition of channels where the carbon skeleton of the molecule is left intact with other channels where carbon-carbon bonds are broken. A discussion of the effects of initial molecular structure on the resulting dissociation pattern is given
Primary Subject
6. International conference on dissociative recombination: Theory, experiments and applications; Mosbach (Germany); 12-26 Jul 2004; Available online at or at the Web site for the Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online) (ISSN 1742-6596); Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 4(1); p. 198-204
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[en] A small multi-purpose storage ring (40 m circumference, 2 Tm rigidity) has been constructed at Aarhus University. It is being used as a heavy-ion facility for atomic physics and as a synchrotron-radiation source. Both positive and negative ions can be preaccelerated in an isotope separator and stored in the ring. The ion mode has been operational since the beginning of 1990. The electrons are preaccelerated in a 100 MeV race-track microtron. A maximum current of 132 mA has been accumulated and the first production run for synchrotron radiation will start in summer 1992. (author) 7 refs.; 3 figs
Primary Subject
Henke, H. (Technische Univ., Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Theoretische Elektrotechnik); Homeyer, H. (Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin GmbH (Germany)); Petit-Jean-Genaz, Ch. (eds.); [908 p.]; ISBN 2-86332-114-5; ; 1992; p. 158-160; Editions Frontieres; Paris (France); EPAC 92: 3. European particle accelerator conference; Berlin (Germany); 24-28 Mar 1992
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Hangst, J.S.; Berg-Soerensen, K.; Jessen, P.S.; Kristensen, M.; Moelmer, K.; Nielsen, J.S.; Poulsen, O.; Schiffer, J.P.; Shi, P.
Institute of Physics, University of Aarhus, Denmark1991
Institute of Physics, University of Aarhus, Denmark1991
[en] We report the results of laser cooling experiments on 100 keV Li+ beams in the storge ring ASTRID. The metastable fraction of the lithium beam has been laser cooled to a momentum spread δp/p ∼ 10-6, corresponding to a rest frame temperture T = 1 mK. Laser diagnostic methods have been employed to study the dynamics of intrabeam relaxation. A theoretical model of laser cooling has been used to interpret the experimental results. We also discuss Molecular Dynamics simulations of intrabeam interactions and the connection with crystalline beams. (au)
Original Title
Astrid Storage Ring. Denmark
Primary Subject
Knudsen, H. (ed.); Aarhus Univ. (Denmark). Inst. of Physics; 108 p; 1991; p. 9-12; Available on loan from Risoe Library, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
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Progress Report
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Wei, Jie; Draeseke, A.; Sessler, A.M.; Li, Xiao-Ping
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1995
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1995
[en] Equations of motion are presented, appropriate to interacting charged particles of diverse charge and mass, subject to the external forces produced by various kinds of magnetic fields and radio-frequency (rf) electric fields in storage rings. These equations are employed in the molecular dynamics simulations to study the properties of crystalline beams. The two necessary conditions for the formation and maintenance of crystalline beams are summarized. The transition from ID to 2D, and from 2D to 3D is explored, and the scaling behavior of the heating rates is discussed especially in the high temperature limit. The effectiveness of various cooling techniques in achieving crystalline states has been investigated. Crystalline beams made of two different species of ions via sympathetic cooling are presented, as well as circulating ''crystal balls'' bunched in all directions by magnetic focusing and rf field. By numerically reconstructing the original experimental conditions of the NAP-M ring, it is found that only at extremely low beam intensities, outside of the range of the original measurement, proton particles can form occasionally-passing disks. The proposed New ASTRID ring is shown to be suitable for the formation and maintenance of crystalline beams of all dimensions
Primary Subject
27 Nov 1995; 24 p; CONTRACT AC02-76CH00016; Also available from OSTI as DE96007651; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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[en] We describe the latest results from laser cooling experiments using Mg ions in the ASTRID storage ring. In particular, we focus on the transverse dynamics of the longitudinally cooled beam. We have developed a direct imaging technique, using the laser fluorescence to determine the horizontal and vertical distributions in the beam. The beam can now be imaged in real time, using an image intensifier and a fast-sampling CCD camera. The sensitivity and resolution of this system allow direct observation of beams which are well below the longitudinal charge density corresponding to a 'string' of particles. We have observed space-charge limitations to the transverse beam sizes, as well as intriguing instabilities of very low-current beams
Primary Subject
S016890029901133X; Copyright (c) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 441(1-2); p. 196-202
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Nielsen, J.S.; Moeller, S.P.; Andersen, L.H.; Balling, P.; Raarup, M.K., E-mail:
[en] A report of recent results on electron cooling of D- at an energy of 1.6 MeV in the ASTRID storage ring is given. The longitudinal velocity spread has been reduced from ∼4x10-4 (FWHM) to ∼7x10-5 (FWHM) at a current of ∼0.1 μA. A drift in the mean velocity of the cooled beam has been reduced by application of a small RF signal on four sets of plates in the cooler. Initially, the velocity spread is found to decrease with ion current, indicating equilibrium between cooling and intra-beam scattering, whereas at later times (lower current) the velocity spread becomes constant, indicating equilibrium with the electron beam. To diagnose cooling, a simple system allowing to follow the frequency width and position of a Schottky harmonic on a sub-second time-scale, has been developed. The system uses a standard data acquisition card to digitize a down-mixed Schottky-signal and a FFT routine in Labview on a standard PC. The electron-cooled ion-beam is used for high-resolution vacuum ultra-violent spectroscopy of H- and D- in the region near the H(n=2) threshold. The velocity spread of the ion beam can be directly extracted from these experiments
Primary Subject
S0168900299011250; Copyright (c) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 441(1-2); p. 150-153
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Maunay, Matthieu
Universite de Grenoble Alpes, 621 Avenue Centrale, 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Heres (France); CEA, DRT-DTBH (France)2018
Universite de Grenoble Alpes, 621 Avenue Centrale, 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Heres (France); CEA, DRT-DTBH (France)2018
[en] A new concept of compact plate heat exchanger is developed for the energy conversion system performances of the ASTRID reactor. Manufacturing the complex geometry is possible by a diffusion-welding process: engraved 316L stainless steel plates are stacked and bonded during a Hot Isostatic Pressing cycle (HIP). The problematic is to get strong interfaces without deforming the channels which is harmful for the exchanger efficiency. To reach a good compromise, this thesis work will help to optimize the HIP parameters (pressure/temperature/ time).The first line of work is about the simulation of the heat exchanger deformation along manufacturing process. The influence of numerical parameters (elements size, convergence criterion) was studied to optimize the accuracy and the calculation time. Simulations have shown the importance of structure stack faults (sliding and plate ripples) in the increase of exchanger deformation. Then, a mechanical characterisation of plates was carried out to identify the constitutive equation between 20 C and 1040 C.The second line is about the interface modelling along welding and the prediction of their mechanical strength, as a whole can lead to the definition of an interface acceptability criterion. A microstructural and mechanical study has enabled to correlate the mechanical strength of a diffusion-bonded junction and its bonded area. Indeed, residual porosity disappearance is the main criterion to get good interfaces mechanical strength. However, the grain boundary migration is required to reach the rolled material properties. A void closure analytical model (Hill and Wallach) was used to estimate the bonded area of an interface according to HIP cycle parameters by modelling the contribution of (visco)plastic and diffusion (surface and boundary) mechanisms. Associated with the correlation between mechanical strength and the fraction of bonded area, it enables to propose a predictive tool for the mechanical strength of diffusion-bonded interfaces. (author)
Un nouveau concept d'echangeur de chaleur compact est developpe afin d'ameliorer les performances du systeme de conversion d'energie pour le reacteur ASTRID. La fabrication de geometries complexes (canaux rectangulaires millimetriques) est possible grace au procede de soudage diffusion: des toles rainurees en acier inoxydable 316L sont empilees en conteneur et soudees lors d'un cycle de Compaction Isostatique a Chaud (CIC). La problematique est alors d'obtenir des interfaces resistantes tout en limitant la deformation des canaux nuisible a l'efficacite de l'echangeur. Pour arriver au meilleur compromis, les travaux de cette these vont aider a l'optimisation des parametres pression/temps/temperature du cycle de CIC.Le premier axe de travail porte sur la simulation numerique de la deformation d'un tel echangeur lors de la CIC. L'influence des parametres numeriques (taille des elements, critere de convergence) a ete etudiee afin d'optimiser la precision et la vitesse des calculs. Les simulations ont mis en evidence l'importance des defauts d'empilements de la structure (glissements et ondulations des toles) dans l'augmentation de la deformee de l'echangeur. Puis une caracterisation mecanique poussee des toles laminees a mene a l'identification d'une loi de comportement entre 20 C a 1040 C.Le second axe porte sur la modelisation de l'evolution des interfaces lors du soudage diffusion et la prediction de la tenue mecanique de ces dernieres, l'ensemble pouvant mener a la definition d'un critere de validite des interfaces. Une etude microstructurale et mecaniques des interfaces a permis d'etablir une correlation entre la tenue mecanique d'un joint soude-diffuse et son taux de surface soudee. En effet, la disparition de la porosite residuelle est le critere principal pour obtenir de bonnes proprietes mecaniques a l'interface. Toutefois, le franchissement de l'interface par les joints de grains, est necessaire pour retrouver les proprietes des toles laminees. Un modele analytique de fermeture des porosites (Hill et Wallach) est utilise pour calculer le taux de surface soudee d'une interface en fonction des parametres du cycle de CIC en modelisant la contribution des mecanismes (visco)plastique et diffusifs (en surface et au joint). Associe a la correlation entre tenue mecanique et taux de surface soudee, il permet de proposer un outil predictif pour la tenue mecaniques des interfaces soude-diffusees.Original Title
Echangeur de chaleur obtenu par soudage-diffusion: simulation des deformees et prediction de la tenue mecanique des interfaces
Primary Subject
6 Apr 2018; 175 p; 90 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Materiaux et Mecanique
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Mouly, Aude
Universite de Lorraine, Faculte des Sciences et Technologies, Bd des Aiguillettes, 54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France); CEA, DES-DER (France)2022
Universite de Lorraine, Faculte des Sciences et Technologies, Bd des Aiguillettes, 54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France); CEA, DES-DER (France)2022
[en] A new generation of nuclear reactor is nowadays developed in order to take into account the economic, environmental and societal stakes of the 21. century. Among the different concepts taking part of the fourth generation, the sodium fast reactors (SFR) are studied in this PhD thesis. These reactors are the only ones of the fourth generation already having a considerable operating feedback in France.To achieve the safety objective of this new generation, the safety approach has to be adapted as soon as the reactor preconceptual and conceptual phases in order to integrate severe accidents, identify and define limitation ways as well as their consequences. This work, dedicated to the study and to the modelling of the expansion phase of a severe accident in SFR, is positioned in the CEA's work dynamic by contributing to the development of the safety approach. The goal of this PhD is to create a tool modelling the important physical phenomena induced by a power excursion in a molten material pool. This involves the formation of a vaporized sodium and molten material bubble and its subsequent expansion.After conducting detailed state of art of the different phenomena involved in the expansion phase, dimensional analysis of the physical processes is performed in order to identify the important ones. Based on this analysis, a model is developed and integrated into a tool, aiming at determining and prioritising the total phenomenon contributions to mechanical loadings on SFR vessel depending on the studied severe accident scenario. A validation step of the tool is then realised in two parts; Separate effect tests and global tests, using experimental results and calculation results obtained with other validated tools. Finally, preconceptual parametric studies are performed to quantify the results variability due to modelling, scenarios and physical data uncertainties. (author)
Une nouvelle generation de reacteurs est aujourd'hui developpee pour repondre aux enjeux economiques, environnementaux et societaux du 21e siecle. Parmi les differents concepts retenus pour creer cette quatrieme generation, les reacteurs a neutrons rapides a caloporteur sodium (RNR-Na) sont etudies dans le cadre de cette these. Ce sont les seuls reacteurs de quatrieme generation presentant deja un retour d'experience considerable en France. Afin de repondre aux objectifs de surete de cette nouvelle generation, la demarche d'etude de surete doit etre adaptee des les phases de preconception et de conception afin d'y integrer les accidents graves et ainsi identifier puis definir les moyens de limitation de leurs consequences. Ces travaux de these se positionnent dans la dynamique des travaux effectues au CEA contribuant au developpement de cette demarche de surete par l'etude et la modelisation de la phase d'expansion d'un accident grave en RNR-Na. L'objectif de la these est de realiser un outil de calcul traitant des phenomenes physiques pertinents lorsqu'un bain fondu de materiaux est surchauffe par une excursion de puissance dans le coeur entrainant la formation et la detente rapide d'une bulle de vapeur de sodium et de materiaux surchauffes. Suite a l'etude detaillee de l'etat de l'art des differentes phenomenologies presentes au cours de la phase d'expansion, des analyses dimensionnelles des processus physiques impliques sont effectuees afin d'identifier ceux qui sont preponderants. Sur la base de ces analyses, une modelisation est ensuite developpee puis integree dans un outil de calcul, dont l'objet est de determiner et de hierarchiser l'ensemble des contributions aux chargements mecaniques de la cuve d'un RNR-Na en fonction des configurations accidentelles simulees. Une etape de validation de l'outil est realisee au travers de tests a effets separes, de tests globaux a l'aide de resultats d'experiences et de resultats de calculs issus d'autres codes de calcul valides. Enfin, des etudes de conception parametriques sont menees afin de quantifier la variabilite des resultats par rapport aux choix de modelisation et aux incertitudes des scenarios et des donnees physiquesOriginal Title
Modelisation de la formation et de la detente rapide d'une bulle polyphasique pour l'evaluation des consequences d'un accident grave de RNRNa
Primary Subject
13 Dec 2022; 225 p; 93 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Energie et Mecanique
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