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[en] The countries already known as being in possession of the atomic bomb are briefly surveyed and the various technical problems involved in the bomb fabrication are examined. It is shown that the big bombs with a good yield, whose operation is perfectly controlled, are devoted to the great powers, though some more simple bombs in the range of 1 to 5 kilotons are at the hand of a lot a of states
On passe en revue rapidement les pays deja connus comme possesseurs de la bombre atomique et on examine les differents problemes techniques poses par leur realisation. On montre que si les grosses bombes a bon rendement dont le fonctionnement est parfaitement maitrise restent l'apanage des grandes puissances, les bombes plus rustiques de 1 a 5 kilotonnes sont a la portee de nombreux etatsOriginal Title
La proliferation des bombes atomiques
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Sciences et Avenir; (no.346); p. 1191-1199
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] By proceeding with underground nuclear tests, France does not intend to abandon its legal position concerning the right to possess nuclear weapons. The author - a specialist on international law in these matters - discusses this position and clarifies its nuances. He goes on to deal with the problem of jus cogens, the restrictive law which certain circles would like to draw from the resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations and from common law. France rejects this process as one which opens new possibilities for argueing against its tests, albeit underground
En procedant dorenavant en site souterrain a ses experiences nucleaires, la France n'entend pas abandonner sa position juridique concernant le droit a la possession d'un armement nucleaire et a sa mise au point. L'auteur - un specialiste du droit international en ces matieres - rappelle cette position et en fait saisir les nuances. Il aborde ensuite le probleme du jus cogens, ce droit contraignant que certains voudraient tirer des resolutions de l'Assemblee Generale des Nations Unies et du droit coutumier. La France recuse ce procede car elle y voit une nouvelle possibilite de manoeuvre contre ses essais meme souterrainsOriginal Title
Aspects juridiques de la politique nucleaire de la France
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Revue de Defense Nationale; v. 31 p. 55-67
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] An agreement is reached over the supply of information, materiel, facilities, and substances, pertaining to atomic energy, from Canada to Argentina. Safeguards are specified. (E.C.B.)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1976; 23 p; Treaty ser. 1976 No. 12.
Record Type
Literature Type
Legislative Material
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] An agreement is reached over the supply of information, materiel, facilities, and substances, pertaining to atomic energy, from Canada to Spain. Safeguards are specified. (E.C.B.)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1976; 23 p; Treaty ser. 1976 No. 19.
Record Type
Literature Type
Legislative Material
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In order to give a better insight into the judicial solutions found for the Non-proliferation Treaty, a short survey is given on the political problems which presented itself to the FRG in connection with the signing of the Non-proliferation Treaty and with the negotiations on the verification agreement. (HP/LN)
Zum besseren Verstaendnis der gefundenen rechtlichen Loesungen des NV-Vertrages wird ein kurzer Ueberblick gegeben ueber die politischen Probleme, die sich der BRD stellten mit der Unterzeichnung des NV-Beitritts und bei den Verhandlungen ueber das Verifikationsabkommen. (HP)Original Title
Probleme im Zusammenhang mit den Verhandlungen ueber das Verifikationsabkommen
Primary Subject
Goettingen Univ. (F.R. Germany). Inst. fuer Voelkerrecht; Bundesministerium des Innern, Bonn (F.R. Germany); Recht - Technik - Wirtschaft; v. 7; p. 197-201; ISBN 3452179168; ; 1975; Heymanns; Koeln, F.R. Germany; 3. German symposium on atomic energy law; Goettingen, F.R. Germany; 22 Oct 1974
Record Type
Literature Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Dept. of Atomic Energy, Ministry of Science and Technology (Myanmar)2001
Dept. of Atomic Energy, Ministry of Science and Technology (Myanmar)2001
[en] This article is about the Establishment of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and its historical background. The department is organized under the Ministry of Science and Technology. It is the only national nuclear institution in Myanmar
Primary Subject
2001; 23 p
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The first volume on atomic energy law published by CNEN reproduced national laws and regulations in that field. This book constitutes part two of the second volume, part one of which dealt with international nuclear agencies, international nuclear conventions and cooperation. Part two reproduces international agreements on safeguards, security control, non-proliferation, physical protection of nuclear material, environmental protection etc. (NEA)
Le premier volume sur le droit de l'energie atomique publie par le CNEN reproduit les lois et les reglements nationaux en la matiere. Le present ouvrage, dont la premiere partie est consacree aux conventions nucleaires et a la cooperation internationale, reproduit les accords internationaux relatifs aux garanties, au controle de securite, a la non proliferation, a la protection physique des matieres nucleaires, a la protection de l'environnement, etc..Original Title
Il regime giuridico dell'impiego pacifico dell'energia nucleare. II. Normativa internazionale. Pt.2. Garanzie dell'impiego pacifico
Primary Subject
Sep 1980; 279 p; Comitato Nazionale per l'Energia Nucleare; Rome, Italy
Record Type
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Sartorelli, C.
International Nuclear Law Association (INLA), Brussels (Belgium)1981
International Nuclear Law Association (INLA), Brussels (Belgium)1981
[en] This paper discusses the problems of nuclear fuel supply in the context of the types of purchase of uranium, the different technical operations involved (enrichment, reprocessing) and finally, the control exercised over such materials in the framework of IAEA Safeguards and the ''London Club'' agreement between the supplying countries. A description follows of the functions of the Euratom Supply Agency in application of the Euratom's Treaty's provisions on the principle of equal access to ores, source and special fissile materials for Community countries. (NEA)
Cette communication expose les problemes relatifs a la fourniture de combustibles nucleaires dans le contexte des types d'achat d'uranium, des differentes operations techniques concernees (enrichissement, retraitement) et enfin, du controle exerce sur ces matieres dans le cadre des garanties de l'AIEA et ''L'Accord de Londres'' conclu entre les pays fournisseurs. Ensuite, les fonctions de l'Agence d'approvisionnement de l'Euratom sont decrites en vertu des dispositions du Traite Euratom relatives au principe du droit d'acces egal pour les pays de la Communaute aux minerais, matieres premieres et matieres fissiles specialesOriginal Title
L'approvisionnement du combustible nucleaire: du point de vue juridique
Primary Subject
Oct 1981; 16 p; Nuclear Inter Jura '81; Palma de Mallorca, Spain; 27 Sep - 1 Oct 1981
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The Security Control Act of 25 October 1972 authorises the Federal Chancellor to designate the commodities whose export is subject to a licence under the Safeguards Agreement concluded in 1971 between Austria and the IAEA. This Order implementing the Act provides that the export of a series of nuclear installations, equipment and materials is subject to a prior licence, namely: nuclear reactors except zero energy reactors, equipment for nuclear reactors, installations and equipment for nuclear fuel production, irradiated nuclear fuel reprocessing, separation of uranium isotopes, and finally, for source material such as natural uranium in quantities exceeding 0.5 kg, fissionable material such as plutonium 239, uranium 233 and enriched uranium in quantities exceeding 0.5 g. (N.E.A.)
Le Loi du 25 octobre 1972 sur le controle de securite autorise le Chancelier federal a designer les articles nucleaires dont l'exportation est soumise a autorisation en vertu de l'Accord de garanties conclu entre l'Autriche et l'AIEA en 1971. Le present Arrete d'application de la Loi prescrit la delivrance prealable d'une license d'exportation pour toute une serie d'installations, d'equipements et de matieres nucleaires parmi lesquels figurent notamment: les reacteurs nucleaires a l'exception des reacteurs de puissance nulle, les equipements destines aux reacteurs nucleaires, les installations et les equipements destines a la production de combustibles nucleaires, au retraitement des combustibles nucleaires irradies ou a la separation des isotopes de l'uranium, et enfin les matieres brutes telles que l'uranium naturel en quantites superieures a 0,5 kg, les matieres fissiles telles que le plutonium 239, l'uranium 233, l'uranium enrichi en quantites superieures a 0,5 gOriginal Title
Verordnung des Bundeskanzlers vom 9 December 1975 betreffend die Festlegung von Waren, deren Ausfuhr einer Bewillingung gemaess dem Sicherheitskontrollgesetz bedarf
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
9 Dec 1975; 2 p; This Act was published in Bundesgesetzblatt No 629 of 19th December 1975.
Record Type
Literature Type
Legislative Material
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Salati de Almeida, I.P., E-mail:
International conference on challenges faced by technical and scientific support organizations in enhancing nuclear safety. Contributed papers and presentations2007
International conference on challenges faced by technical and scientific support organizations in enhancing nuclear safety. Contributed papers and presentations2007
[en] The use of TSO assistance by the Regulatory Bodies is a way of facing the complexity of the technology and issues to be dealt with in the licensing and controlling process in the nuclear area. Although both TSO and Regulatory Body are well prepared and adjusted, the nature and environment of TSO work is rather different from the regulators. Some of the TSO members act as a consultant, giving expert advice to the regulators in a specific subject, some are in charge of inspections and audits, others do the job together with the regulators. The way that a TSO member perceives the work to be done, however, often creates different perspectives for questions related to the licensing and controlling process. These perceptions are usually a source of problems between the two partners, regulators and TSO members. In this paper some of this kind of problems are raised and suggestions of how to deal with them are proposed for discussion. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, Vienna (Austria); 271 p; ISBN 978-92-0-106907-8; ; Aug 2007; p. 141-143; International conference on challenges faced by technical and scientific support organizations in enhancing nuclear safety; Aix-en-Provence (France); 23-27 Apr 2007; IAEA-CN--142/30; ISSN 0074-1884; ; Available on 1 CD-ROM attached to the printed STI/PUB-1301 containing unedited contributed papers and presentations with some invited papers
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Literature Type
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