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[en] The concept of the critical nucleus is the basis of the homogeneous nucleation theory which enables the upper limit of a superheat to be calculated. Only nucleus formation is considered. It is as if nuclei that reach the critical dimensions are removed from the system and replaced by an appropriate mass of liquid. The theory does not give any information concerning the dynamics of bubble growth either. Nevertheless, some researchers use the concept of the critical nucleus as the initial condition in a descritpion of the bubble growth in superheated liquid. A bubble begins to grow after the disturbance of the balance, when the pressure difference exceeds the surface tension. According to this scheme, the initial bubble growth results from the fact that the vapor pressure in the bubble is higher than that in the surrounding liquid
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Cover-to-cover Translation of Zhurnal Prikladnoi Mekhaniki i Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki (USSR); Translated from Prikladnaya Mekhanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika; 36: No. 3, 130-133(May-Jun 1995).
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics; ISSN 0021-8944; ; CODEN JMPYAQ; v. 36(3); p. 434-437
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Bertin-Maghit, G.; Delli, C.; Falgayrettes, M.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France)1981
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France)1981
[en] Filming technology at 5,000 frames/second is presented in this paper for the determination of the volume and the expension speed of a gas bubble in water. The high speed 16 mm movie camera, fitted with ultra-wide angle lenses, is placed in front of a side light facing the bubble. Ten 60 ms fast flashes, released in succession, illuminate the bubble
La presente communication a pour but de presenter sur le plan technique un film tourne a 5000 images/seconde concernant l'expansion d'une bulle de gaz en eau, l'objectif cherche etant la determination de son volume et de sa vitesse d'expansion. La camera ultra-rapide 16 mm equipee d'un objectif super grand angulaire a ete disposee devant un hublot en plexiglass place face a la bulle. La rampe d'eclairage entourant la bulle est constituee de 10 flashs rapides de 60 ms de duree, declenches en cascadeOriginal Title
Cinema grande vitesse. Instrumentations et applications
1981; 9 p; ANRT symposium on high speed photography; Paris (France); 9 - 10 Dec 1981; DSN--519
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Ryu, Sung Uk; Kim, Seok; Euh, Dong-Jin, E-mail:
[en] Highlights: •A theoretical correlation for the bubble lift-off diameter on a horizontal tube. •Growth and lift-off phenomena of bubbles generated on a horizontal tube. •Bubble lift-off diameter depends on the azimuthal position of the horizontal tube. -- Abstract: In this study, experiments and a theoretical analysis on the lift-off diameter of bubbles generated on a horizontal tube were conducted. A force balance analysis in the direction normal to the heated surface at the moment of the bubble lift-off was performed to develop the model. According to the developed model, the bubble lift-off diameter strongly depends on the azimuthal position of the horizontal tube, the relative velocity between a bubble and the surrounding liquid, and the properties of the bubble and liquid. To validate the prediction performance of the proposed model, the dynamics of the bubble growth and sliding process was visualized using a high-speed digital video camera. The proposed model agrees well with the experimental data within an averaged relative deviation of 19.6%.
Primary Subject
S0306-4549(16)30341-3; Available from; Copyright (c) 2017 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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Numerical Data
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[en] The paper reviews a problem of vapor particle propagation velocities in a bubble under its radial compression. This problem is of interest due to a necessity of correct assignment of a convective member of the equation of thermal conductivity in the vapor phase, when studying interphase heat and mass transfers in bubble media
Original Title
Vliyanie kondensatsii na raspredelenie skorostej v parovom puzyr'ke pri ego szhatii
Primary Subject
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Journal Article
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[en] In this investigation an anlytical solution is derived for a bubble growth equation originally obtained by Plesset and Zwick (1954) for a conduction-controlled growth. For a long time only approximate solutions to this equation were presented by solving for the bubble as though it was of plane shape with a correction factor to compensate for sphericity (author)
Primary Subject
Israel Nuclear Society, Yavne (Israel); Israel Health Physics Society (Israel); Israel Society of Nuclear Medicine (Israel); Radiation Research Society of Israel (Israel); Israel Society of Medical Physics (Israel); Transactions; v. 16; 294 p; 1990; p. 262-267; The nuclear societies of Israel 1990 joint meeting; Herzlia (Israel); 17-18 Dec 1990
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Slezov, V.V.; Tur, A.V.; Yansovskij, V.V.
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst1982
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst1982
[en] Bubble evolution in liquid under the diffusion effect is investigated. A linear stage in which emergence of bubble oscillations is shown has been studied. A nonlinear growth and collapse stage is analysed in the case of domination of diffusion processes
Original Title
O diffuzionnom roste puzyr'kov
Primary Subject
1982; 6 p; 6 refs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Chu, I.-C.; No, H.C.; Song, C.-H.
The 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics (NURETH-14)2011
The 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics (NURETH-14)2011
[en] The bubble growth rate and microlayer behavior were simultaneously visualized for an isolated boiling regime of saturated water. The increase rate of the bubble volume dropped sharply when the microlayer was totally depleted. However, the contribution of the superheated liquid layer evaporation to the bubble volume increase was comparable to or even higher than that of the microlayer evaporation during the time when the microlayer evaporation was active. The microlayer under the coalesced bubble was much thicker than that under single isolated bubble. (author)
Primary Subject
Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Ontario (Canada); 766 Megabytes; ISBN 978-1-926773-05-6; ; 2011; [11 p.]; NURETH-14: 14. International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics; Toronto, Ontario (Canada); 25-30 Sep 2011; Available from the Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Ontario (Canada); Paper NURETH14-402, 13 refs., 13 figs.
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Puzyrev, E.M.; Gorbunov, A.D.; Kuz'min, A.V.; Salomatov, V.V.
Abstracts of papers and communications submitted to the 5. all-union heat and mass transfer conference1976
Abstracts of papers and communications submitted to the 5. all-union heat and mass transfer conference1976
No abstract available
Original Title
Teoriya obrazovaniya i ispareniya mikrosloya
Primary Subject
AN Belorusskoj SSR, Minsk. Inst. Teplo- i Massoobmena; p. 96; 1976; 5. all-union conference on heat and mass transfer; Minsk, Byelorussian SSR; 1975; Published in summary form only.
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Selivanov, Yu.F.
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Obninsk. Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst1986
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Obninsk. Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst1986
[en] The nature of vapour bubble shape stability is calculated on the basis of application of pressure distribution obtained around the vapour bubble growing in a boiling liquid. Stability regions of the vapour bubble shape, determined by a bubble size and by the values of dynamic characteristics of bubble growth, have been found
Original Title
Oblasti ustojchivosti form poverkhnostej parovykh puzyrej, obrazuyushchikhsya pri kipenii
Primary Subject
1986; 12 p; 10 refs.; 4 figs.
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Seth, S.; Batabyal, S.; Bhattacharjee, P.
Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear physics. V. 622017
Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear physics. V. 622017
[en] Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are one of the most promising cold dark matter (CDM) candidates. Direct detection experiments for dark matter (DM) search look for signatures of nuclear recoils produced due to WIMP-nucleus elastic scattering. In the present study, attempts are made to understand the scintillation characteristics of nuclear recoil events in scintillation crystals for possible application in DM search experiments. The nature of the recoil energy distribution of neutron-induced recoiling Cs/I nuclei is studied using the GEANT4.10.02 simulation toolkit and the behaviour of the quenching factor of the Cs/I nuclei in CsI crystal as a function of the recoiling nucleus energy is studied using the SRIM software
Primary Subject
John, Bency V.; Jha, Vishwajeet; Saxena, Alok (Nuclear Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (India)) (eds.); Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai (India); [1220 p.]; Dec 2017; p. 702-703; 62. DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear physics; Patiala (India); 20-24 Dec 2017; 5 refs., 1 fig.
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