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Groenig, D.E.
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, Garching (Germany, F.R.)1981
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, Garching (Germany, F.R.)1981
[en] High quality is required to the electronic which works with bolometer made of metal for measuring the radiation power in plasmaphysical experiments. If the bandwidth is to be 1 kHz, and the time constant of the bolometer is about 160 ms by high overall gain the critical parameters are the noise of the amplifier, pick up to the system, stability and decoupling of common mode signals. The high overall gain is necessary to be able to measure lowest radiation power. The design made is a good approach to the desired property. (orig.)
An eine Elektronik zum Betrieb von Metallbolometern fuer die Messung der Strahlungsleistung in plasmaphysikalischen Experimenten werden hohe Anforderungen gestellt. Soll eine Grenzfrequenz von 1 kHz erreicht werden, bei einer Zeitkonstante des Bolometers von 160 ms, dann sind die kritischen Werte bei hoher Gesamtverstaerkung das Rauschen des Verstaerkers, Fremdspannungseinkopplung (Brumm), Stabilitaet und Entkopplung von Gleichtaktsignalen. Die hohe Verstaerkung ist notwendig, um noch kleinste Strahlungsleistung nachzuweisen. Die ausgefuehrte Schaltung stellt einen guten Kompromiss zwischen diesen gewuenschten Eigenschaften dar. (orig.)Original Title
Secondary Subject
Jan 1981; 9 p
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Chabert, B.; Berthier, D.; Dutang, P.; Garderet, P.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Lab. d'Electronique et de Technologie de l'Informatique1975
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Lab. d'Electronique et de Technologie de l'Informatique1975
[en] Two fast wired operators for carrying out well defined functions and used as peripheral devices for computers are described; one of them is a fast unit for Fourier transform, the other one is large band-pass multibit correlator
On decrit deux operateurs cables pouvant realiser rapidement des fonctions bien definies. Ces appareils, utilises comme peripheriques de calculateurs sont: une unite rapide de transformee de Fourier, un correlateur multibit a large bandeOriginal Title
Operateurs rapides pour le traitement du signal
01 Sep 1975; 12 p; Electronics information meeting; Saclay, France; 15 Apr 1975; CEA-LETI-MCTE--1109
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
(c) 2015 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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Vaezi-Nejad, S.M.; Shams, I.
Abstracts of 2. international conference on lasers and their applications1993
Abstracts of 2. international conference on lasers and their applications1993
[en] Short communication
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Teheran (Iran, Islamic Republic of). Laser Research Center; 137 p; 1993; p. 81; 2. international conference on lasers and their applications; Haye dowvomin konferense beynollmellali lazer va karbord haye an; Teheran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); 23-26 Aug 1993
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[en] The scope of the textbook corresponds to the guidelines for vocational training at technical schools in North-Rhine Westphalia. It systematically presents selected electronic components, basic electronic circuits, and their application in subassemblies and systems. Said components and circuits are, in particular, optoelectronic components, electron tubes and ionic tubes, power rectifiers, amplifier circuits, operator amplifiers, oscillator circuits, tumbler switches, basic logic operations, controlled voltage and current sources, impedance converters analog switches and comparators. (DG) With 558 figs., 22 tabs., many examples, exercises and tests
Der Umfang des Lehrbuches entspricht den Richtlinien zur beruflichen Bildung an Fachschulen fuer Technik in NRW. Es werden systematisch ausgewaehlte Bauelemente, Grundschaltungen der Elektronik und die Anwendung in Baugruppen und Geraeten vorgestellt. Insbesondere handelt es sich hierbei um optoelektronische Bauelemente, Elektronen- und Ionenroehren, Netzgleichrichtung, Verstaerkerschaltungen, Operationsverstaerker, Oszillatorschaltungen, Kippschaltungen, logische Grundverknuepfungen, gesteuerte Spannungs- und Stromquellen, Impedanzkonverter, Analogschalter und Komparatoren. (DG) With 558 figs., 22 tabs., many examples, exercises and testsOriginal Title
Bauelemente und Grundschaltungen der Elektronik. Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Bd. 2
Lernbuecher der Technik; 1990; 523 p; Hanser; Muenchen (Germany, F.R.); ISBN 3-446-15368-3;
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Musseau, O.; Deschazeaux, G.
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1987
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1987
[en] The device includes a radiation-tight vessel, a mobile carriage for a radioactive source, a vertically mobile plate carrying a circuit to be tested and an irradiation detector. It includes also a cover related to the vacuum vessel which prevents the source from emitting for a certain source position. It includes also means which prevents irradiation when the vessel is not assembled and which prevents the dismantling when the source is radiating. It includes also a device allowing to disconnect the translation displacement controls of the circuit and of the radiation detector when the source is radiating
Il comprend une enceinte a vide etanche aux radiations, un chariot mobile porteur d'une source radioactive, un plateau ascensionnel porteur du circuit a tester et d'un detecteur d'irradiation. Il est en outre muni de moyens de verrouillage qui empechent le demontage de l'enceinte quand la source radioactive n'est pas recouverte d'un couvercle et rayonne, ainsi que la mise sous irradiation quand l'enceinte n'est pas montee. En outre, la position du circuit n'est pas modifiable quand la source radioactive rayonne. Un tableau renseigne constamment l'operateur sur l'etat du systeme et les operations a effectuer. Cette invention concerne avant tout le test de circuits electroniques soumis au rayonnement cosmique, mais peut etre etendue a la simulation d'autres ambiances radioactivesOriginal Title
Appareil d'irradiation pour circuits electroniques
Secondary Subject
4 Dec 1987; 27 May 1986; 21 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2599544/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 8607568; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 27 May 1986
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No abstract available
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Record Type
Journal Article
Nucl. Safety; v. 14(5); p. 461-469
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[en] An analysis is presented of the behaviour of the common base configuration current amplifier. Some noise relations are developed taking into account the noise generated in the first and second stage of the amplifier. Simplified expressions for the equivalent noise charge are given in order to be able to determine the noise contribution from various circuit components. (orig.)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res; ISSN 0029-554X; ; v. 185(1-3); p. 207-213
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No abstract available
Original Title
ASTEC 2 un programme moderne d'aide a la conception des circuits electroniques
Record Type
Journal Article
Bull. Inf. Sci. Tech. (Paris); (no.194); p. 39-45
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
2020; 1 p; R&D Seminar 2020: Research and Development Seminar 2020; Bangi (Malaysia); 16-19 Nov 2020; Available from Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center; Poster presentation
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