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Yazidjian, J.-C.
Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (FRAMATOME), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1981
Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (FRAMATOME), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1981
[en] The invention concerns a steam generator for a nuclear plant where feed water is preheated before mixing to recirculated water. This preheating allows a better use of the exchange surface and an increase in thermal efficiency of the generator. This result is obtained by directing an important fraction of recirculated water toward the hot leg of the tube bundle, the remainder beeing mixed to the whole of feed water. This fractionation is produced by the pressure-drop created by a flange and two distribution plates with different permeabilities placed respectively in the hot leg and in the cold leg
Cette invention concerne un generateur de vapeur pour centrale nucleaire dans lequel l'eau d'alimentation est prechauffee avant son melange a l'eau de recirculation. Ce prechauffage permet une meilleure utilisation de la surface d'echange et un accroissement du rendement thermique du generateur. On obtient ce resultat en dirigeant une fraction importante de l'eau de recirculation vers la branche chaude du faisceau de tubes, le reste etant melange a la totalite de l'eau d'alimentation. Ce fractionnement est produit par la perte de charge creee par une collerette et deux plaques de distribution de permeabilite differentes placees respectivement dans la branche chaude et dans la branche froideOriginal Title
Generateur de vapeur a prechauffage
Primary Subject
4 Sep 1981; 20 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2477265/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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[en] Prismatic sectional files, staggered one behind the other, enclose the tubes of the feedwater piping system. These sectional files of the steam moisture separator are dimensioned in such a way that the gaps between the individual rods of the files become tighter in the direction from the flowing - in steam towards the feedwater heater. With their lower end the sectional files are arranged on a plate with rim and water drain. By these measures there will be achived that the stagnation of the heating steam does not immediately affect the piping system. (DG)
Prismatische Profilreihen umschliessen hintereinander versetzt angeordnet die Rohre des Speisewasserrohrsystems. Diese Profilreihen des Dampfnaesseabscheiders sind so bemessen, dass die Spalte zwischen den einzelnen Stangen der Reihen in Richtung vom einstroemenden Dampf zum Speisewasservorwaermer hin enger werden. Die Profilreihen sind mit ihrem unteren Ende auf einer Platte mit Bordrand und Wasserablauf angeordnet. Durch diese Massnahmen wird erreicht, dass der Stau des Heizdampfes nicht unmittelbar auf das Rohrsystem einwirkt. (DG)Original Title
Stehender Speisewasservorwaermer mit Dampfnaesseabscheider
Primary Subject
16 Nov 1978; 5 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2720812/C/
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[en] An integral part of the feedwater heater condition assessment program consists of an inspection program performed on a periodic basis to help extend the availability of feedwater heaters. If applied effectively, NDE can extend the life of feedwater heaters by eliminating insurance plugs, minimizing tube leaks, assisting where necessary with design modifications and improved water chemistry, and repairing defective tubes for safety and remedial reasons. By performing inspection on a periodic basis, more realistic, up-to-date heater conditions can be obtained for a planned and timely heater replacements. This paper presents essential components of an effective NDE program to better prepare and assist utilities with reliable feedwater heater inspections
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA (United States); 270 p; Dec 1995; p. 2.1-2.6; EPRI feedwater heater technology symposium; Kansas City, MO (United States); 25-26 Sep 1995; Available from EPRI Distribution Center, 207 Coggins Drive, PO Box 23205, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 (United States)
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Vivier, L.
Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Arts et Metiers. Scientific and technical publications. 1974-51974
Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Arts et Metiers. Scientific and technical publications. 1974-51974
[en] The flow rate due to an accidental clean failure in a vaporizing bundle tube of steam generator is derived. The optimal diameter of a pipe of drain transfer of the feedwater heaters in a thermal power plant was also calculated
On determine le debit d'un tube de faisceau vaporisateur d'un generateur de vapeur, debit consecutif a une rupture franche accidentelle. On calcule egalement le diametre optimal d'une tuyauterie de transfert de purges des rechauffeurs d'eau d'alimentation d'une centrale thermiqueOriginal Title
Ecoulement dans une conduite de section constante d'un liquide qui se vaporise partiellement
Primary Subject
Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Arts et Metiers, 75 - Paris (France); p. 8-33; 1974
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Stellern, J.L.; Hoobler, J.V.; Milton, J.W.; Welch, T.; Kona, C.; Thompson, H.N.; Tsou, J.L.
Proceedings: 1992 feedwater heater technology symposium1993
Proceedings: 1992 feedwater heater technology symposium1993
[en] The ASME Performance Test Code (PTC) 12.1-1978 for the performance testing of feedwater heaters is being revised extensively and updated. The committee anticipates that the final draft of the proposed Code will be ready for industry review in 1993. This Code revision will greatly enhance the usefulness and cost effectiveness of feedwater heater performance testing. This paper has been prepared to report on the progress of the committee and to disseminate information on the nature of the revision. Included in this paper are some of the notable changes intended for the Code. The most extensive change is the calculation method, which is described in step-by-step detail. An approach is also described for using ultrasonic flow techniques to test individual or split-string feedwater heaters, when flow nozzles are not available. Additionally some educational information on the use and limitations of ultrasonic measurement instrumentation is included. Discussion is also included on the required uncertainty analysis. 3 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs
Primary Subject
Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA (United States); Karta Technology, Inc., San Antonio, TX (United States); 548 p; Sep 1993; p. 3.67-3.79; Available from EPRI Distribution Center, 207 Coggins Drive, PO Box 23205, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
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[en] A total of 22 steam generators with integral preheaters have been supplied or are currently being completed for KWU nuclear stations. The preheater concept was introduced to improve the thermal efficiency of steam generators by preheating the main portion of the incoming feedwater with heat from primary coolant passing through the cold leg of the generator, thus improving overall thermal efficiency by approximately one percent. The design of the KWU preheater is outlined in this paper. (U.K.)
Primary Subject
Extracted from a paper by R. Bouecke and G. Schuecktanz, KWU, Erlangen (DE).
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Engineering International; ISSN 0029-5507; ; v. 30(365); p. 44-45
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Chlique, Bernard.
Fives-Cail-Babcock, 75 - Paris (France)1975
Fives-Cail-Babcock, 75 - Paris (France)1975
[en] This invention concerns the generation of steam by bringing the water to be vaporised into indirect thermal exchange relation with the heating steam which condenses when passing in series, along alternate routes, through bundles of tubes immersed in a vaporising chamber. A number of steam generators working on this principle already exist. The purpose of the invention is to modify the operating method of these steam generators by means of a special disposition making it possible to build a compact unit including an additional bundle of tubes heated by the condensates collected at the outlet of each bundle through which the heating steam passes
La presente invention concerne la generation de vapeur d'eau par mise en relation d'echange thermique indirecte de l'eau a vaporiser avec de la vapeur de chauffage qui se condense en traversant en serie, suivant des parcours alternes, des faisceaux de tubes immerges dans une chambre de vaporisation. Il existe deja un certain nombre de vaporisateurs fonctionnant suivant une telle methode. L'invention a pour but de modifier le mode de fonctionnement de ces vaporisateurs grace a une disposition particuliere permettant de realiser un ensemble d'encombrement reduit incorporant un faisceau supplementaire de tubes chauffes par les condensats collectes a la sortie de chaque faisceau traverse par la vapeur de chauffageOriginal Title
Procede de generation de vapeur d'eau et vaporisateur pour sa mise en oeuvre
Primary Subject
16 May 1975; 13 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2311252/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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Michel, E.
Kraftwerk Union A.G., Muelheim an der Ruhr (Germany, F.R.)1975
Kraftwerk Union A.G., Muelheim an der Ruhr (Germany, F.R.)1975
[en] The invention concerns a steam generator, especially for PWRs, with a U-tube bundle to the cold leg of which is assigned a feedwater heater which has two parallel flow paths for the feedwater, running in one case in the same and in the other case opposite to the direction of the primary medium flowing through the U-tube bundle. The distribution is done by means of a separating wall in the feedwater heater running across the tubes of the U-tube bundle. It is proposed to provide - preferably in the area of the separating wall - a passage between the two flow paths which may be closed and which may, if necessary, distribute the feedwater among both flow paths to the degree required. The normally closed passage may be opened by twisting a ring enclosing the shell of the U-tube bundle. This permits the steam generator to be operated preferably in the range of the separating wall, the feedwater heater being practically excluded. (UWI)
Die Erfindung betrifft einen Dampferzeuger, insbesondere fuer DWRs, mit einem U-Rohrbuendel, dessen kaltem Schenkel ein Vorwaermer zugeordnet ist, der zwei fuer das Speisewasser parallele Stroemungswege aufweist, die einmal gleichsinnig zum anderen gegensinnig zu dem im U-Rohrbuendel stroemenden Primaermedium verlaufen. Die Aufteilung erfolgt mittels einer quer zu den Rohren des U-Rohrbuendels verlaufenden Trennwand im Vorwaermer. Es wird vorgeschlagen, zwischen den beiden Stroemungswegen, vorzugsweise im Bereich der Trennwand, einen verschliessbaren Durchgang vorzusehen, der bei Bedarf das Speisewasser in dem Masse, wie es sich als notwendig erweist, auf die beiden Stroemungswege aufteilen kann. Der im Normalfall geschlossene Durchlass ist durch Verdrehen eines den Mantel des 4-Rohrbuendels umgebenden Ringes zu oeffnen. Dies erlaubt, den Dampferzeuger so zu fahren, dass der Vorwaermer praktisch ausgeschaltet ist. (UWI)Original Title
Primary Subject
28 May 1975; 7 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2358830/A/; Also available from Dt. Patentamt, Muenchen (FRG); 2 figs.
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[en] The description is given of a feed water preheater for a nuclear power station, located between a feed pump and a reactor. The preheater is in the shape of a vertical exchanger vessel containing a bundle of tubes in which the feed water circulates and around which there is a casing in which the heating steam passes at various different pressures and coming from different parts of the installation. The lower part of the vessel is in the shape of an expansion tank for that part of the heating steam having a higher pressure than that of the remainder of the input steam
On decrit un prechauffeur de l'eau d'alimentation d'une centrale nucleaire, dispose entre une pompe d'alimentation et un reacteur. Le prechauffeur est concu sous la forme d'un recipient echangeur de chaleur vertical contenant un faisceau tubulaire dans lequel circule l'eau d'alimentation et autour duquel est disposee une enveloppe dans laquelle passe la vapeur de chauffage a des pressions differentes et provenant d'emplacements differents de l'installation. La partie inferieure du recipient est en forme de caisson de detente destine a la partie de la vapeur de chauffage dont la pression est plus elevee que celle du reste de la vapeur d'entreeOriginal Title
Prechauffeur pour centrale nucleaire
Primary Subject
30 Jun 1976; 5 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2316707/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Priority claim: 4 Jul 1975, SE.
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Mancel, G.
Electricite de France, 75 - Paris1986
Electricite de France, 75 - Paris1986
[en] The invention proposes to improve the inlet zone of the condensates in the heater vessel. So, the mixture water-vapor is separated in good conditions; the upward vapor outflow and the downward liquid phase flow are improved, what reduces the condensate volume rate and, thus its velocity along the inner walls of the shell. The cross baffles arranged in the passage zones contributes to dissipate the kinetic energy of the inlet condensate flux. Finally, it allows to improve considerably the flow conditions along the walls and to get a distribution of velocities compatible with the nature of materials which constitute these walls, reducing by this way the erosion-corrosion risks
L'invention a pour objet un amenagement de l'admission des condensats dans l'enceinte du rechauffeur. Cette disposition permet une bonne separation du melange diphasique eau-vapeur que constituent les condensats; on favorise avantageusement l'echappement de la vapeur vers le haut et l'ecoulement de la phase liquide vers le bas, ce qui a pour consequence de diminuer le debit volumique du flux de condensats et donc la vitesse de celui-ci le long des parois internes de l'enceinte. La disposition en chicane des zones de passage contribue aussi a dissiper l'energie cinetique du flux de condensats entrant. Elle permet en fin de compte, d'ameliorer considerablement les conditions d'ecoulement le long des parois et d'obtenir une distribution de vitesses compatibles avec la nature des materiaux qui constituent ces parois eloignant ainsi les risques d'erosion-corrosionOriginal Title
Rechauffeur d'eau alimentaire de generateur de vapeur
Primary Subject
31 Oct 1986; 24 Apr 1985; 15 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2581162/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 8506219; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 24 Apr 1985
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