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[en] This article is a directory of fuel suppliers to the electric power industry. The directory contains the company name, address, telephone and FAX numbers, contact person and a description of the fuels and services offered by the companies and their market areas. The directory's scope covers North America
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Cuvelier, Lara; Pinson, Lucie; Satow, Angus; Cooper, Ryan; Ganswindt, Katrin; Bingler, Jacey; Jeandon, Jordan
Reclaim Finance, 75 rue Manin, 75019 Paris (France); Urgewald--Geschaeftsstelle Sassenberg, Von-Galen-Strasse 4, 48336 Sassenberg (Germany)2021
Reclaim Finance, 75 rue Manin, 75019 Paris (France); Urgewald--Geschaeftsstelle Sassenberg, Von-Galen-Strasse 4, 48336 Sassenberg (Germany)2021
[en] With the Covid-19 crisis and its health, social and economic consequences, 2020 has demonstrated the urgent need to act to support the development of more just, united and sustainable societies. Unfortunately, the long-awaited leap has yet to come. As the world will need to decrease fossil fuel production by roughly 6% per year between 2020 and 2030 to follow a 1.5 deg. C consistent pathway, it is crucial that financial players put an end to their support to fossil fuel companies. They should both stop any support to coal and act with zero tolerance towards the companies expanding the most climate-damaging sectors, such as shale oil and gas. One year ago, on January 14, Larry Fink announced BlackRock was finally on its way to investing sustainably. The largest investor in the world, with $7.8 tn in assets under management, also published a coal policy, aiming at 'exiting thermal coal producers' but only excluding mining companies with more than 25% of revenues from coal production. To this day, BlackRock still has no policy regarding its investments in other fossil fuels. Reclaim Finance has conducted research on BlackRock's holdings (as of October 2020) to verify the real-world consequences of these announcements and assess the investor's exposure to the coal sector. Unfortunately, results show that even with this new policy, BlackRock remains a massive investor in coal companies and even in companies planning new coal projects, despite research showing that such projects are incompatible with any serious climate commitment. BlackRock has a major problem with its passively managed investments, which make it widely exposed to coal assets likely to become stranded. They also massively expose it to other fossil fuels, as even the most polluting companies are not excluded from BlackRock's investments. BlackRock's half-hearted steps in 2020 to invest more sustainably have proven to be superficial. Our analysis shows that the action taken is utterly insufficient to truly curb investments in the sector most problematic when it comes to climate change: fossil fuels. 2021 is a critical year for climate action, with new commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions expected by private and state actors ahead of COP 26 in Glasgow. As a first step towards the necessary phase-out of fossil fuels investments, BlackRock must immediately step up the ambition of its global coal exclusion policy, by extending its scope to the entire coal value chain and to all its assets.
Avec la crise du covid-19 et ses consequences sanitaires, sociales et economiques, 2020 a demontre l'urgence d'agir pour soutenir le developpement de societes plus justes et plus durables. Malheureusement, le sursaut tant attendu n'est pas la. Nous savons desormais qu'une baisse annuelle de 6% de la production mondiale d'energies fossiles est necessaire entre 2020 et 2030 pour rester sur une trajectoire 1,5 deg. C. Il est donc crucial que les acteurs financiers mettent fin a leur soutien aux entreprises des energies fossiles. Ils doivent a la fois cesser tout soutien au charbon et acter une tolerance zero envers les entreprises qui developpent les secteurs les plus nefastes pour le climat, tels que le petrole et le gaz de schiste. Larry Fink annoncait il y a un an, le 14 janvier 2020, que BlackRock allait se transformer pour investir plus durablement. Le plus gros investisseur au monde, avec 7 800 milliards de dollars d'actifs sous gestion, publiait egalement une politique charbon, visant a 'desinvestir des producteurs de charbon thermique' mais n'excluant que les societes minieres tirant plus de 25% de leurs revenus de la production de charbon. A ce jour, BlackRock n'a toujours pas de politique concernant ses investissements dans les autres energies fossiles. Reclaim Finance a passe au crible les investissements de BlackRock (a octobre 2020) pour verifier les consequences reelles de ces annonces et evaluer l'exposition de l'investisseur au secteur du charbon. Malheureusement, les resultats montrent que malgre sa nouvelle politique, BlackRock reste un investisseur massif dans les entreprises du secteur du charbon. Ses investissements dans les entreprises qui continuent de developper de nouveaux projets lies au charbon sont egalement eleves, alors que ces projets sont incompatibles avec tout engagement serieux en faveur du climat. BlackRock a un gros probleme avec sa gestion passive, qui l'expose fortement a des actifs charbon susceptibles de devenir bloques - des 'stranded assets'. Ses fonds geres passivement l'exposent aussi massivement a d'autres energies fossiles, les entreprises les plus polluantes de ces secteurs n'etant pas exclues des investissements de BlackRock. Les mesures timides prises par BlackRock en 2020 pour investir plus durablement se sont revelees superficielles. Ces mesures sont insuffisantes pour freiner de facon efficace les investissements dans le secteur le plus problematique en matiere de changement climatique: les energies fossiles. 2021 est une annee cruciale pour l'action climatique, avec de nouveaux engagements de reduction des emissions de GES d'acteurs prives et publics attendus pour la COP 26 a Glasgow. Comme premiere etape vers la fin necessaire des investissements dans les energies fossiles, BlackRock doit immediatement renforcer l'ambition de sa politique globale d'exclusion du charbon, en etendant son champ d'application a l'ensemble du secteur du charbon et a tous ses actifs sous gestion.Original Title
Un an apres: BlackRock, toujours accro aux energies fossiles
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Jan 2021; 23 p; 43 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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[en] This article examines the changes to the fuel procurement process, some brought about by acid rain legislation, and provides a step-by-step guide to handling the changes. The topics include requirements planning, market research, developing a good procurement strategy, implementing the strategy, effective administration, and a checklist for contract review
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Lishtvan, I.I.
XIX Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry. Abstract book in 4 volumes. Volume 4. Chemistry aspects of modern energy and alternative energy resources. Chemistry of fossil and renewable hydrocarbon raw materials. Analytical chemistry: novel methods and devices for chemical research and analysis. Chemical education2011
XIX Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry. Abstract book in 4 volumes. Volume 4. Chemistry aspects of modern energy and alternative energy resources. Chemistry of fossil and renewable hydrocarbon raw materials. Analytical chemistry: novel methods and devices for chemical research and analysis. Chemical education2011
No abstract available
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Khimiya i ehnergotekhnologicheskaya pererabotka tverdykh goryuchikh iskopaemykh Belarusi
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Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskoe Khimicheskoe Obshchestvo im. D.I. Mendeleeva, Moscow (Russian Federation); Administratsiya Volgogradskoj Oblasti, Volgograd (Russian Federation); Ministerstvo Obrazovaniya i Nauki Rossijskoj Federatsii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Natsional'nyj Komitet Rossijskikh Khimikov, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskij Soyuz Khimikov, Moscow (Russian Federation); 600 p; ISBN 978-5-9948-0782-8; ; ISBN 978-5-9948-0786-6 (VOLUME 4); ; 2011; p. 157; 19. Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry; XIX Mendeleevskij s''ezd po obshchej i prikladnoj khimii; Volgograd (Russian Federation); 25-30 Sep 2011
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Claver, A.; Cabrera, J. A.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2000
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2000
[en] The Observatorio de Prospectiva Tecnologica Industrial (OPTI) is a Foundation supported by the Ministry of Industry and Energy, (MINER) and has as main objective to provide a basic information and knowledge on technology evolution. This information will be accessible to the Administration and to the Companies and can be taking into account in planning and decision making of technology policies. Ciemat is member of OPTI and is the organism in charge of the actions in the Energy sector. CIEMAT has the responsibility on the realisation of the sector studies to get in three years (1998 to 2001) a foresight vision of the critical technology topics. The OPTI integrated strategic plan undertake the analysis of other seven technology sectors, with the same criteria on methodological aspects. Delphi method was used for the realization of the studies. It consisted of a survey conducted in two rounds using a questionnaire to check the experts opinion. The time frame of the studies was defined from 1999 to 2015. The study presented in this document has been performed by CIEMAT in the second stage of the OPTI activities. The main goal behind this study is to identify the advanced clean and efficient technologies for the conversion of fossil fuels to promote in our country. The questionnaire was addressed to 250 experts and the response rate was about the 37%, ratifying the final results. The spanish position and the barriers for the development of each technology has been determined and also the recommended measures to facilitate their performance in the future. This basic information is consider of main interest, taking in account the actual energetic situation with a foreseeable demand increase and fossil fuels dependence. (Author) 17 refs
Original Title
Estudio de Prospectiva Tecnologias Avanzadas de Conversion de Combustibles Fosiles
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2000; 91 p
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[en] This research is motivated by the rising electricity demands and a need to curb emissions from the electricity generation in Batam city, a city often called industrial city because of the large number of companies in the city. This study aims to provide an estimate of the emissions generated by all power plants which electricity produced is used for internal and external parties in the city of Batam. External parties for power plant companies can be households, as well as other companies inside and outside the industrial park. This study focuses on power plants because they are responsible for one fifth of total emissions of NOx, and a significant amount of other emissions in Batam. Primary data are obtained from field survey to all power plants in Batam. The emissions of NOx, CO, SOx, PM10, and HC are calculated using the 2013 EMEP/EEA methods and those of COx are estimated using the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines. Out of 116 companies surveyed as potential point sources, the author concluded that 24 power plants meet the criteria of companies that use the electricity generated for external user(s). After emissions inventory estimation, the author concludes the increasingly dominant coal power plant brings the highest environmental consequences. Thus the author argues that the emissions reduction actions should focus on this power plant. (author)
Original Title
Inventarisasi emisi pada pembangkit listrik di kota Batam
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Tagor Malem Sembiring; Hendro Tjahjono; Roziq Himawan; MB Mike Susmikanti; June Mellawati; Heni Susiati; Edwaren Liun; Erlan Dewita; Nuryanti; Budi Setiawan; Aisyah; Kuat Heriyanto; M Najib; Ngadenin (Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Didi Istardi; Budi Sugandi; Asdani Suhaemi (Politeknik Negeri Batam, Batam (Indonesia)) (eds.); Sihana (ed.) (Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta (Indonesia)); National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 1015 p; ISSN 2355-7524; ; 7 Dec 2016; p. 721-728; National Seminar on Nuclear Energy Technology 2016; Seminar Nasional Teknologi Energi Nuklir 2016; Batam (Indonesia); 4-5 Aug 2016; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 13 refs.; 6 tabs.; 1 fig.
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Xie Zhenhua
International symposium on nuclear energy and the environment ('96 NEE) abstracts of papers1996
International symposium on nuclear energy and the environment ('96 NEE) abstracts of papers1996
[en] The author analyses the environmental impacts of fossil fuel, such as coal, petroleum, as well as nuclear power, such as nuclear power plant, compares the issues both from fossil fuel and nuclear power, and concludes that, from the environmental protection point of view, the nuclear power is one of the sustainable development resources
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Chinese Society of Radiation Protection, Beijing (China); Chinese Nuclear Society, Beijing, BJ (China); Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, Beijing (China); 312 p; 1996; p. 11-15; '96 NEE: international symposium on nuclear energy and the environment; Beijing (China); 14-18 Oct 1996; Available from China Nuclear Information Centre
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[en] The conception of sustainable resource development worked out under the initiative of the United Nations (UN) actualizes ideas for improving the health of people and the environment. The needs of people are to he addressed and, simultaneously, natural resources preserved. That is ,why ecological and economic expenses are to he integrated and flow sheets of industrial plants are to be reorganized in order to utilize natural resources in a rational way. The association of Estonia with the resolution of the UN Conference on Environmental Development held in Rio de Janeiro and the resolution of the Estonian Parliament concerning The National Program of Sustainable Development require changes in our lifestyle. Chemical education in schools has to support a change in the way of thinking and many concrete subjects can be connected with the problems of sustainable development. Metallic elements get into the environment mostly with fuel combustion ashes. According to various prognoses, fossil fuel resources will last for a thousand years. This means that more and more metallic compounds are thrown into the environment. Dispersion of metals in the air, water bodies and soil is continuously increasing. Finally, they reach the food chain and to the human body. As a result, toxicosis, illnesses, and inadvisable dislocations in organic life may occur. The trend to use ash as a raw material for metal production is considered to have some prospective economically attractive application. This would be one possible way of sustainable resource development to avoid the increase of environmental pollution and increase production of the corresponding metals
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Fig., 15 refs.
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Journal Article
Oil Shale; ISSN 0208-189X; ; v. 13(3); p. 219-226
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No abstract available
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30 Apr 1974; 8 p; US PATENT DOCUMENT 3,808,056
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[en] The book comprises two parts: the first part elements of relevant NMR phenomenology, including a definition of the most important NMR parameters, an introduction to Fourier transform NMR and a discussion of newer pulse techniques. Sufficient background material is presented to enable the reader to follow such techniques as spin echo, two-dimensional and polarization transfer experiments. These techniques are illustrated by extensive examples derived from fuel chemistry. The second part addresses the interpretation of NMR spectra and is based, to a very large extent, on the work of the authors who have used NMR in a variety of applications in fossil fuels. This part describes in detail the three basic methods for interpreting NMR spectra of liquid fuels: average structural parameter calculations, average molecule construction and functional group analysis. The use of NMR in engineering calculations is also presented and should be particularly useful to those interested in processing of fossil fuels. Extensive examples are drawn from petroleum, shale oils, coal liquids and model systems. Computer programs for performing the characterizations from the spectra are provided. 146 refs.; 64 figs.; 47 tabs
Analytical Spectroscopy Library; v. 1; 1987; 252 p; Elsevier; Amsterdam (Netherlands); ISBN 0-444-42694-9; ; Contains subject index.
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