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Roche, Roland.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Dept. des Etudes Mecaniques et Thermiques1975
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Dept. des Etudes Mecaniques et Thermiques1975
[en] The necessary and sufficient conditions for characteristic integrals of fracture mechanics to be independent of area (or integration path), without making any assumptions concerning the behavior of the material are defined. The principle of the method involves comparing the spatial variation in energy density received with that which would result from a spatial variation in strain alone. This introduces a defect vector at each point of the solid. The resultants of the total defect vectors situated within an area are the characteristic integrals of this area. The condition governing independence in a region requires that the defect vector be null at any point. This condition in set under different forms which actually state that the energy density per unit volume received must have the same form of variation in space as in time
On definit les conditions necessaires et suffisantes pour que les integrales caracteristiques de la mecanique de la rupture soient independantes de la surface (ou du contour d'integration) et ce, sans faire d'hypothese sur la loi de comportement du materiau. Le principe de la methode est de comparer la variation spatiale de la densite d'energie recue a celle qui resulterait de la seule variation spatiale de la deformation. Il s'introduit ainsi un vecteur defaut en chaque point du solide. Les resultantes de l'ensemble des vecteurs defauts situes a l'interieur d'une surface sont les integrales caracteristiques sur cette surface. La condition d'independance dans un domaine est donc que le vecteur defaut soit nul en tout point. Cette condition est mise sous differentes formes qui expriment en fait que la densite volumique d'energie recue doit avoir la meme forme de variation dans l'espace que dans le tempsOriginal Title
Dependence vis-a-vis de la surface d'integration des integrales caracteristiques de la mecanique de la rupture
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Nov 1975; 31 p
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[en] Short communication
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Secondary Subject
Israel Physical Society, Jerusalem (Israel); Bulletin of the IPS; v. 39; 175 p; Apr 1993; p. 124; Israel physical society 1993 annual meeting; Tel-Aviv (Israel); 4 Apr 1993
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[en] Fracture Mechanics introduces in the mechanics of solids surfaces along which displacements are discontinuous, or cracks, which result in singular solutions. The conditions for fast fracture, or crack instability, is expressed by writing that the strain energy released by a virtual extension of the crack is at least equal to the energy necessary to that extension. If calculations are limited to the first term, singular, of the stress field near the crack tip, the instability condition is written in terms of a unique parameter, the stress intensity factor, which depends on the load and geometry data. The conditions of validity of this theory are examined, with the introduction of a plastic strain zone near the crack tip, and the practical possibilities of fracture prediction. A particular application to pressure vessels is given, in plane strain for heavy walls, in plane stress for thin vessels
La mecanique de la rupture tient compte dans la mecanique des solides continus des surfaces de discontinuite des deplacements, ou fissures, qui conduisent a des solutions singulieres. La condition de rupture brutale, ou d'instabilite de ces fissures, est recherchee en exprimant que l'energie de deformation liberee par une extension virtuelle de la fissure est au moins egale a l'energie absorbee par cette extension. Si on ne garde que le premier terme, singulier, du champ de contrainte au voisinage du front de fissure, cette condition s'exprime par un parametre unique, le facteur d'intensite de contrainte, qui rassemble les donnees du chargement et de la geometrie. On examine les conditions de validite de cette theorie, la necessite de l'introduction d'une deformation plastique en fond de fissure, et les possibilites pratiques de mise en oeuvre. On donne une application aux appareils a pression, en deformation plane pour les fortes epaisseurs, et en contrainte plane pour les parois mincesOriginal Title
Mecanique de la rupture. Application aux appareils a pression
Primary Subject
Anon; p. 53-69; 1975; Centre Technique des Industries Mecaniques; Senlis, France; National colloquium on the technology of pressure vessels; Paris, France; 21 Apr 1975
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[en] We present an energy approach of stable crack growth problem in three dimensional situations. The associated behaviour is determined for the 2618 T6 alloy and prediction of 'four point' bending tests is performed and compared with experiment. Finally we show how the bifurcation problem can be delt with the same formalism
On presente une approche energetique du probleme de la fissuration dans les milieux tridimensionnels. L'identification de la loi de comportement en fissuration de l'AU 2GN T6 permet des calculs de previsions qui sont favorablement confrontes a l'experience. On montre enfin comment le meme formalisme peut traduire le phenomene de bifurcationOriginal Title
Sur la progression des fissures de fatigue dans un milieu tridimensionnel
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Record Type
Journal Article
Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie 2; v. 292(7); p. 555-558
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No abstract available
Original Title
Bruchmechanische Untersuchungen bei elastisch-plastischem Werkstoffverhalten
Primary Subject
Deutscher Verband fuer Materialpruefung e.V., Berlin (Germany, F.R.); p. 115; 1976; p. 115; DVM Arbeitskreis: 'fracture processes'; Aachen, Germany, F.R; 8 - 10 Oct 1975; Available from ZAED; Short communication only.
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Dufresne, Jacques
National colloquium on the technology of pressure vessels. Paris, April 21-23 19751975
National colloquium on the technology of pressure vessels. Paris, April 21-23 19751975
[en] The behavior of non-traversing crack in a ductile strain-hardenable material used in relatively thin structures is analyzed. The investigations dealt with the growth of cracks under the effect of fatigue and creep, and with the determination of critical conditions leading to fracture of the ligament. The principle of the method used involves localizing and then virtually eliminating the portions of the structure in a plastic state, followed by treatment of the remaining portion by means of standard elasticity equations, by imposing appropriately limited conditions at the boundaries of the eliminated plastic regions
On a analyse le comportement d'une fissure non traversante dans un materiau ductile et ecrouissable, employe en epaisseur relativement faible. Les etudes ont porte sur la croissance des fissures sous l'effet de la fatigue et du fluage, et sur la determination des conditions critiques entrainant la rupture du ligament. Le principe de la methode suivie consiste a localiser, puis eliminer virtuellement les parties de la structure en etat de plasticite, a traiter ensuite au moyen des equations classiques de l'elasticite la partie restante en lui imposant, aux frontieres des zones plastiques supprimees, des conditions aux limites approprieesOriginal Title
Propagation et instabilite des fissures non traversantes dans les structures ductiles
Primary Subject
Anon; p. 87-103; 1975; Centre Technique des Industries Mecaniques; Senlis, France; National colloquium on the technology of pressure vessels; Paris, France; 21 Apr 1975
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Pandolfelli, V.C.; Rodrigues, J.A.; Stevens, R.
Proceedings of the 35. Brazilian Congress on Ceramic; 3. Iberian American of Ceramic, Glasses and Refractories - v.21991
Proceedings of the 35. Brazilian Congress on Ceramic; 3. Iberian American of Ceramic, Glasses and Refractories - v.21991
[en] The results presented give some guidance on the selection of the toughness measurement technique for tetragonal zirconia ceramics. Two main points are concluded: for tetragonal zirconia ceramics, the toughness techniques SENB (100 μm) and CVN (280 μm) give good comparative results regardless of the degree of stress induced transformation shown by the ceramic; toughness measurement techniques using diamond indentation (DCM and ISB) are sensitive to the level of stress induced transformation. Toughness values using these techniques should be considered only for comparison in materials where a clear crack pattern is evident and the toughness is independent of the indentation load. (author)
Original Title
Correlacao entre a tecnica de medida de tenacidade e o grau de transformabilidade de zirconias tetragonais
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Associacao Brasileira de Ceramica, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 543 p; 1991; p. 640-646; 35. Brazilian congress on ceramic; Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); 26-29 May 1991; 3. Iberian American congress of ceramics, glasses and refractories; Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); 26-29 May 1991; Available from the Library of Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, RJ, Brazil
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No abstract available
Original Title
Steuerungsmoeglichkeiten der Zaehigkeit und der Festigkeit von Kernbrennstoffen
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Published in summary form only.; CODEN: AWAKA.
Record Type
Journal Article
Atw. Atomwirtschaft, Atomtechnik; ISSN 0365-8414; ; v. 28(9); p. 471
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[en] Dynamic fracture toughness of simulated HAZ of a structural steel(equivalent to KS D3503) was investigated by instrumented impact testing technique. According to the validity criteria of this testing method, the measured fracture toughness values of this steel were evaluated to be valid when tested at temperatures lower than -40 deg C for fine grained HAZ and lower than -10 deg C for coarse grained HAZ, respectively. Even though the coarse grained HAZ fails in brittle manner at fairly low temperatures, the specimens must be fatigue precracked to obtained valid results. (Author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Institute of Metals; CODEN KUHCA; v. 24(7); p. 767-773
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[en] Multilayer glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) laminates filled with nanoclay was manufactured with compression moulding machine. In the present work, five kinds of nanoclay (Cloisite 25A) loadings viz. 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% on weight basis of epoxy resin were employed to modify the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS), critical energy release rate (GIc) and impact energy properties of GFRP laminates. Experimental results obtained from ILSS test on clay filled GFRP confirm that the superior strength was attained at low clay content of 155.10 MPa. Furthermore, the mode I interlaminar fracture toughness test conducted on DCB specimens revealed that the commanding improvement of GIc was obtained at 2 wt.% clay content level. On the other hand, both ILSS and fracture toughness was getting reduced at higher clay loadings. At last, the impact strength of the test samples was investigated by using Izod impact test apparatus and observed that the impact energy was increased by 44.39% for 2 wt.% and followed by 24.87% for 4 wt.% clay loadings. (paper)
Primary Subject
International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies; Dubai (United Arab Emirates); 28-29 Nov 2017; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering (Online); ISSN 1757-899X; ; v. 346(1); [12 p.]
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