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[en] In order to verify the behaviour of equipments under extreme environmental conditions (propulsion, falls, impacts...), it is necessary to create 'high level and long duration shocks'. For these shocks, the velocity variation ΔV, which is equal to the area under the accelerogram γ (t), can reach several hundred meters per second. These velocity variations cannot be performed via classical free fall shock machine (ΔV <=30 m.s). The object of this paper is to explain how laboratories of CEA/CESTA has tackled this problem. The facilities operated for this are air guns (50 to 300 mm diameter), the most powerfull of which can throw a 50 kg projectile at 400 m/s. This paper deals with 3 topics i.e.: - Methods for producing shocks; - Caracteristics of the shocks which are obtained; - Measurements lines for input shock verification and equipment behaviour testing
La verification du comportement de specimens sous certains types d'environnement normal ou accidentel (propulsion, chutes, impact, etc.) necessite la creation de 'chocs de haut niveau et de longue duree', chocs pour lesquels la variation de vitesse ΔV c'est-a-dire l'aire sous la courbe acceleration (γ) temps (t), peut atteindre plusieurs centaines de metres par seconde. Cette variation de vitesse depasse largement les possibilites offertes par les machines a chocs classiques ou les machines a chute libre (ΔV <=30 m/s). La presente communication se propose d'exposer les moyens mis en oeuvre au Service EXPERIMENTATION du CESTA pour la realisation de tels chocs. Il s'agit essentiellement de lanceurs a air comprime (diametres de 50, 100, 200 et 300 mm), le plus performant de ces lanceurs (celui de 300mm) etant capable, par exemple, de communiquer une vitesse de 400 m/s a un projectile de 50 kg. Cet expose comporte 3 aspects: la methode de generation de tels chocs; les caracteristiques des chocs realisables; les moyens de mesure qu'il est possible de mettre en oeuvre au cours de ces tests: verification des caracteristiques des chocs realises, comportement du materiel teste pendant l'application du chocOriginal Title
Production et utilisation de chocs de haut niveau et de longue duree
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Mecanique, Materiaux, Electricite; (no.345-346); p. 364-374
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[en] This paper presents an experimental study on dynamic compressive properties of rigid urethane foams under high deformation velocities realized by means of an impulsive shock device. Two kind of rigid foams are studied within the impulse range: 500 pa. s to 1.200 pa.s. Experimental results are analysed and a comparison between static and dynamic behaviour is made
Cette etude qui entre dans le cadre plus general de la connaissance des mousses rigides, presente les resultats des essais dynamiques de compression uniaxiale de polyrurethanes expanses rigides soumis a de grandes vitesses de deformation par l'intermediaire d'un dispositif de chocs impulsionnels. Deux tyes de mousses rigides de polyurethane ont ete essayees dans la gamme d'impulsion surfacique allant de 500 Pa.s a 1.200 Pa.s. Pour chaque essai, les resultats sont analyses et une comparaison des comportements dynamiques et statiques est effectueeOriginal Title
Etude experimentale du comportement dynamique des expanses rigides de polyurethane soumis a de grandes vitesses de deformation par l'intermediaire d'une technique de chocs impulsionnels
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Mecanique, Materiaux, Electricite; (no.345-346); p. 375-382
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
1996; 209 p; Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D199937; Thesis (Ph.D.)
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No abstract available
Original Title
Maximum energy of disc impact main steam check and isolation valves
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
6 Sep 1973; 74 p
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In the frame of the ''Rail 2000'' project, the CFF (Swiss Railways) would like to increase the speed of trains arriving in Bern station. On the eastern head, this speed would be raised from 30 to 40kmh-1. The superstructure is formed by a three-storey building which rests on 450mm diameter steel columns.The aim of the present study was: - to determine the security loss of the station superstructure under a train impact on the columns at 40kmh-1 rather than at 30kmh-1 - to propose measures in order to get at 40kmh-1 the same security as at 30kmh-1Four approaches are dealt with: (1)on the base of accidents statistics and of their cost; (2)review of possible dynamical approaches; (3)equivalent static load (from European railways codes); (4)energy in which, starting from its initial speed, the train loses energy on different obstacles (ballast, platform, protection devices, walls, train's own deformation) and the remaining energy is compared with the maximum energy that the column can dissipate by deformation.The conclusions are presented as a 'security plan' and the proposed protection costs are evaluated. ((orig.))
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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Desnoyers, J.F.; Reddy, D.V.; Arockiasamy, M.
Transactions of the 9th international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology. Vol. H1987
Transactions of the 9th international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology. Vol. H1987
[en] The paper describes an experimental and analytical investigation of the one-shot impact behavior of reinforced concrete beams subjected to varying periods of accelerated corrosion in seawater with induced current. The objective was to simulate long-term field corrosion and determine the reduction in structural integrity. An instrumented electromagnet-triggered dropweight system was used to determine the load and energy traces of beams supported on an isolation block. Three linear physical models, i.e. beam, two and three-degree-of-freedom spring mass, and a nonlinear finite element model, were used and the analytical energy and load values compared with those from the tests. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Wittmann, F.H. (ed.); 639 p; ISBN 90-6191-769-7; ; 1987; p. 277-284; Balkema; Rotterdam (Netherlands); 9. biennial international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMIRT-9); Lausanne (Switzerland); 17-21 Aug 1987
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Literature Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This paper describes examples of the damage resulting from the impact of a whipping pipe on a nearby pressurised pipe. The work is a by-product of a study of the motion of a whipping pipe. The tests were conducted with small-diameter pipes mounted in rigid supports and hence the results are not directly applicable to large-scale plant applications where flexible support mountings are employed. The results illustrate the influence of whipping pipe energy, impact position and support type on the damage sustained by the target pipe. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping; ISSN 0308-0161; ; CODEN PRVPA; v. 30(3); p. 217-232
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Incipient scabbing experiments on beryllium were analyzed using a one-dimensional, uniaxial strain, finite difference computer code which integrates the equations of motion using an elasto-plastic constitutive relations for the metal. It is shown that because of the marked difference between the elastic and plastic wave velocities in beryllium, due to its abnormally low Poisson's ratio, the peak tension is only about two-thirds of the peak compressive stress behind the plastic shock wave, and that the tension--time history at the plane that scabs is more triangular than square. The calculations are used to examine various possible criteria for incipient scabbing, including critical values for the integrals of various functions of the tension with time. Several possible criteria fit the experimental results, but the criteria that fit depend on the assumptions made for the constitutive relation of Be in the calculations. (U.S.)
Primary Subject
Anon; p. 262-271; 1974; American Inst. of Physics; New York; Conference on mechanical properties of materials at high rates of strain; Oxford, UK; 2 Apr 1974
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Carpluk, G.T.
California Univ., Livermore (USA). Lawrence Livermore Lab1975
California Univ., Livermore (USA). Lawrence Livermore Lab1975
[en] The expansion of ballistic gun range facilities at LLL has introduced state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques to glovebox-enclosed ballistic guns systems. These enclosed ballistic ranges are designed for the study of one-dimensional shock phenomena in extremely toxic material such as plutonium. The extension of state-of-the-art phtographic and interferometric diagnostic systems to glovebox-enclosed gun systems introduces new design boundaries and performance criteria on optical and mechanical components. A technique for experimentally evaluating design proposals is illustrated, and several specific examples (such as, target alignment, collateral shrapnel damage, and soft recovery) are discussed
Primary Subject
23 Sep 1975; 18 p; 26. meeting of the aeroballistic range association; San Leandro, California, USA; 30 Sep 1975; CONF-750981--2
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] It is briefly shown that the calculation of the effects of soil and structure interaction, in the event of an earthquake, must allow for the uncertainties on the hypotheses of the behaviour of materials and the characterization of the seismic movements. Where aircraft impacts are concerned, the situation is even more difficult and calculation models are required which, whilst remaining simple to permit parametric studies, take into account a certain plastification of the reinforced concrete, sufficient enough to enable the impact energy to be absorbed to a significant extent
On montre brievement que le calcul des effets d'interaction sol-structure, en cas de seisme doit tenir compte des incertitudes sur les hypotheses de comportement des materiaux et la caracterisation des mouvements sismiques. En ce qui concerne les impacts d'avions, la situation est encore plus difficile et on est conduit a des modeles de calcul qui, tout en restant simples pour permettre des etudes parametriques, tiennent compte d'une certaine plastification du beton arme, suffisante pour permettre une absorption notable de l'energie d'impactOriginal Title
Evolutions dans les calculs dynamiques des structures: seismes; chocs
Primary Subject
Contribution of nuclear engineering to building techniques; Paris, France; 21 May 1980
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Annales de l'Institut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics; ISSN 0020-2568; ; (no.397); p. 96-97
Country of publication
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