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No abstract available
Original Title
Linejnyj uskoritel' ehlektronov na srednij tok 1 mA
Primary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst; Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki; no. 1; p. 49; 1977; p. 49; 5. All-union conference on linear accelerators; Khar'kov, Ukrainian SSR; 2 - 6 Jun 1977; Short note.
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No abstract available
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Record Type
Journal Article
Review of Scientific Instruments; v. 46(3); p. 325-326
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Tanaka, J.; Baba, H.; Sato, I.; Inagaki, S.; Anami, S.; Kakuyama, T.; Takenaka, T.; Terayama, Y.; Matsumoto, H.
Proceedings of the 1976 proton linear accelerator conference, September 14 to 17, 19761976
Proceedings of the 1976 proton linear accelerator conference, September 14 to 17, 19761976
[en] A general description of the operational behaviour of the KEK 20 MeV Injector linac will be given. Copper platings on the drift tubes and the inner surface of the tank have been great advantage to the high power rf excitation. The buncher debuncher and beam loading compensation system have been operated successfully. The maximum beam current of 150 mA was accelerated so far. The energy spread was less than +-1% without debuncher and +-0.3% with debuncher at the emittance of 0.6 πcm mrad and beam current of 120 mA. This paper also includes the experimental and calculated results of tilting of the tank field distribution. (author)
Primary Subject
Schriber, S.O. (ed.); Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario. Chalk River Nuclear Labs; p. 333-337; Nov 1976; p. 333-337; 1976 proton linear accelerator conference; Chalk River, Canada; 14 - 17 Sep 1976
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No abstract available
Original Title
Protonnyj tsiklotronnyj kompleks dlya ehnergeticheskogo usilitelya
Primary Subject
Aseev, A.A. (ed.); Akademiya Nauk Rossijskoj Federatsii, Moskva (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Komitet Rossijskoj Federatsii po Nauke i Tekhnologiyam, Moskva (Russian Federation); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moskva (Russian Federation); Obedinennyj Institut Yadernykh Issledovanij, Dubna (Russian Federation); 92 p; ISBN 5-88738-012-8; ; 1996; p. 45; GNTs RF IFVEh; Protvino (Russian Federation); 15. Conference on the charged particle accelerators; 15. soveshchanie po uskoritelyam zaryazhennykh chastits; Protvino (Russian Federation); 22-24 Oct 1996
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[en] Short note
Original Title
Izmeritel' toka puchka ehlektronov
Primary Subject
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Journal Article
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Meleshkov, S.I.; Skoromnyj, G.M.; Rudyak, B.I.; Reshetnikov, V.N.; Pletnikov, L.B.
Physical experiment technique1981
Physical experiment technique1981
[en] Preliminary results of tests of multicharged ion sources of the Penning and spark types developed for an in ector of a heavy ion linac are stated. Some their structural peculiarities related to specific operating conditions of ion sources on a high-voltage terminal of the injector are described. Test results for carbon, argon and rkypton ions are tabulated
Original Title
O razrabotkakh istochnikov tyazhelykh ionov dlya linejnykh uskoritelej
Primary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst; Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tekhniki; no. 3(9); p. 8-11; 1981; p. 8-11; 7. All-union seminar on linear accelerators; Kharkov (Ukrainian SSR); 2-4 Jun 1981; 4 refs.; 3 figs.; 2 tabs.
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Levin, V.M.; Rumyantsev, V.V.; Ryabtsov, A.V.; Smirnov, V.L.; Shchepin, Yu.P.
Nuclear science and engineering problems1972
Nuclear science and engineering problems1972
No abstract available
Original Title
Nestatsionarnyj protsess v sil'notochnom LUEh s tsirkulyatsiej puchka
Primary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst; Proceedings series; no. 1(1) p. 109-111; 1972; 9. Seminar of the accelerator department of the KFTI AN Ukrainian SSR; Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR; Jan 1972
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[en] According to the invention, the ion source makes it possible to obtain ion beams with a high mass and relatively high current density of around several mA/cm2, particularly ions of uranium oxide UO2. The source of primary ions gives argon ions generated by high frequency heating. A charge exchange box fed from this source of primary ions delivers an atomic or molecular jet of the elements, at the outlet, corresponding to the at least partial neutralisation of the primary ions. A target intercepting the molecular output jet of the charge exchange box contains the compound from which it is desired to generate the high mass ion beam. Last, an electrode near the target is brought to a positive potential. The decisive advantage is the use of a neutral or at least partially neutralised molecular (or atomic) jet. This suppressed the space charge phenomenon
La source d'ions selon l'invention permet d'obtenir des faisceaux d'ions de masse elevee et de densite de courant relativement elevee de l'ordre de plusieurs mA/cm2, notamment des ions d'oxyde d'uranium UO2. La source d'ions primaires donne des ions d'argon crees par chauffage a haute frequence. Une boite d'echange de charge alimentee par cette source d'ions primaires delivre en sortie un jet atomique ou moleculaire des elements correspondant a la neutralisation au moins partielle des ions primaires. Une cible interceptant le jet moleculaire de sortie de la boite d'echange de charge, contient le compose a partir duquel on veut creer le faisceau d'ions de masse elevee. Enfin une electrode au voisinage de la cible est portee a un potentiel positif. L'avantage determinant est d'utiliser un jet moleculaire (ou atomique) neutre ou au moins partiellement neutralise. Ceci supprime le phenomene de charge d'espaceOriginal Title
Source d'ions de masse elevee, notamment d'ions d'oxyde d'uranium UO2
Primary Subject
25 Jul 1975; 6 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2319194/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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Fewell, N.M.; LoDestro, V.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1979
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1979
[en] During the past three years the 200 MeV linear accelerator has continued to operate at a high level of performance and reliability. The linac output beam current has been limited to 60 mA in order to obtain the maximum rf power tube life without compromising the output performance of the AGS. Despite a reduction in pulse repetition rate, total beam current to the BLIP facility has increased to an average of 300 mA hours/year
Primary Subject
1979; 5 p; Linear accelerator conference; Montauk, NY, USA; 10 - 14 Sep 1979; CONF-790927--26; Available from NTIS., PC A02/MF A01
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[en] Recent development of polarized ion sources and the ''Siberian snake'' technique of polarization preservation during acceleration implies that accelerator facilities for studying polarization phenomena at multi-GeV beam energies are feasible. Pulsed optically pumped polarized ion sources (OPPIS) are already capable of producing 1--2 mA of H- ion current and further development holds promise of a current increase to the 10 mA range. An OPPIS based polarized injector will make possible a luminosity of polarized protons in high-energy colliders close to unpolarized beam values and hence, allow a number of interesting experiments. The state of the art of polarized ion sources and possibilities of different techniques for future improvements are discussed. copyright 1995 American Institute of Physics
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
5. conference on intersections between particle and nuclear physics; St. Petersburg, FL (United States); 31 May - 6 Jun 1994; CONF-940514--
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Journal Article
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