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[en] The separatrix radius can be increased by application of external mirror field. This is concluded by a thought experiment and confirmed numerically. The radius depends not only on the average beta ratio <β> but also on configuration of the applied external field and the separatrix length. With restriction to a class of external field, an approximate formula giving the radius as a function of <β> and mirror ratio of the external field is proposed for configurations such that the separatrix ends are near the externally applied mirrors. Dependence of the radius on the separatrix length is also studied numerically. Its maximum value is explained with use of a thin plasma model. (author)
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Journal Article
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Fusion; v. 16(3); p. 532-534
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Woo, J.T.; Price, R.E.
InterScience, Inc., Schenectady, NY (USA); USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC. Mirror Confinement System Div1984
InterScience, Inc., Schenectady, NY (USA); USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC. Mirror Confinement System Div1984
[en] A common format to present the information on each project has been adopted. Projects are selected for inclusion in this document based on knowledge of their direct relevance or contribution to the magnetic mirror confinement program. The information on each project was first compiled in draft form from published literature and reports available. The draft material was then sent to key individuals associated with each project, with the original source of information identified, to solicit their additions and corrections. The responses were then reviewed and discrepencies with previously published information clarified through further consultations. The information was then incorporated into this document with a revision date to reflect the state of currency of the information
Primary Subject
Feb 1984; 160 p; Available from NTIS, PC A08/MF A01; 1 as DE84009715
Record Type
Report Number
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Silva, Sylvicley Figueira da; Ferreira, Jose Leonardo
Abstracts of the 6. Brazilian meeting on plasma physics2001
Abstracts of the 6. Brazilian meeting on plasma physics2001
No abstract available
Original Title
Analise da energia de eletrons perdidos atraves da cuspide de uma maquina de espelhos magneticos durante aquecimento eletrociclotronico
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica (SBF), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); [83 p.]; 2001; [1 p.]; 6. Brazilian meeting on plasma physics; 6. Encontro brasileiro de fisica dos plasmas; Campos do Jordao, SP (Brazil); 1-5 Dec 2001; Available from in December 2003
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Sudnikov, A.V.; Ivanov, I.A.; Inzhevatkina, A.A.; Postupaev, V.V.; Tolkachev, M.S.; Larichkin, M.V.; Lomov, K.A.; Ustyuzhanin, V.O., E-mail:
XLIX International Zvenigorod conference on plasma physics and controlled fusion ICPAF-2022. Book of abstracts2022
XLIX International Zvenigorod conference on plasma physics and controlled fusion ICPAF-2022. Book of abstracts2022
No abstract available
Original Title
Techenie plazmy v otkrytoj lovushke s vintovym magnitnym polem
Primary Subject
Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennaya Korporatsiya Rosatom, Moscow (Russian Federation); Inst. Obshchej Fiziki im. A.M. Prokhorova RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Ob''edinennyj Inst. Vysokikh Temperatur RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet RAN po Fizike Plazmy, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet RAN po Kompleksnoj Probleme «Fizika Nizkotemperaturnoj Plazmy», Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr RF TRINITI, Moscow, Troitsk (Russian Federation); Nauchno-Tekhnologicheskij Tsentr PLASMAIOFAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Natsional'nyj Issledovatel'skij Yadernyj Univ. «MIFI», Moscow (Russian Federation); Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Moscow (Russian Federation); 230 p; ISBN 978-5-6042115-6-4; ; 2022; p. 86; XLIX International Zvenigorod conference on plasma physics and controlled fusion ICPAF-2022; XLIX Mezhdunarodnaya Zvenigorodskaya konferentsiya po fizike plazmy i upravlyaemomu termoyadernomu sintezu ICPAF-2022; Moscow (Russian Federation); 14-18 Mar 2022; 5 refs.
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Francis, G.L.; Myra, J.R.; D'lppolito, D.A.; Catto, P.J.; Aamodt, R.E.
Science Applications International Corp., Boulder, CO (USA). Plasma Research Inst1986
Science Applications International Corp., Boulder, CO (USA). Plasma Research Inst1986
[en] A systematic study of magnetic designs has been carried out for three-cell quadrupole-stabilized tandem mirror reactors comparable in size to the (octupole) mini-MARS design. In these designs, a single mirror cell at each end of the device serves as end plug, thermal barrier and MHD anchor. The multiple functions of the end plugs make it difficult to simultaneously optimize the physics properties of the plasma (stability, radial confinement, and good particle drift orbits). Two different design approaches have been studied using recently developed magnetic optimization techniques. Typical physics figures of merit are given and critical issues discussed for each design
Primary Subject
Apr 1986; 29 p; PRI--98; Available from NTIS, PC A03/MF A01; 1 as DE86010665; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products. Original copy available until stock is exhausted.
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Potentialities of systems containing magnetic mirrors as fusion reactors are considered. Shortcomings and advantages of such systems in comparison with tokamaks are considered. A possibility of using facing losses for direct conversion of plasma thermal energy into electric energy is noted. Some calculation parameters of the MKh magnetic mirror and designed FERF installation are presented
Original Title
Primary Subject
Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock (USA); p. 140-156; 1980; p. 140-156; Mir; Moscow; Translated from English, An introduction to controlled thermonuclear fusion, Lexington Books D.C. Heath and Company, 1977.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A summary of recent developments in mirror fusion research is presented, including highlights of recent experiments on the tandem mirror GAMMA-10 (Tsukuba), HIEI (Kyoto), AMBAL-M (Novosibirsk) and gas-dynamic trap GDT (Novosibirsk). Considerable progress in both the plasma parameters and in the understanding of the underlying physics has been reported. Possible applications of mirror devices as high-flux neutron sources and as divertor simulators are discussed. Speculations on the possible impact of technological breakthroughs on the prospects of mirror-based systems are presented. The many potential advantages of mirror fusion power systems are recapitulated. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Comments on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion; ISSN 0374-2806; ; CODEN CPCFBJ; v. 16(6); p. 375-399
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Hatakeyama, Rikizo; Kaneko, Toshiro; Sato, Noriyoshi
Potential and structure in plasmas: ITC-11 Proceedings2001
Potential and structure in plasmas: ITC-11 Proceedings2001
[en] The significance of basic experiments on field-aligned plasma-potential structure formed by local electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) is claimed based on the historical development of the investigation on electric double layer and electrostatic potential confinement of open-ended fusion-oriented plasmas. In the presence of a single ECR point in simple mirror-type configurations of magnetic field, a potential dip (thermal barrier) appears around this point, being followed by a subsequent potential hump (plug potential) along a collisionless plasma flow. The observed phenomenon gives a clear-cut physics to the formation of field-aligned plug potential with thermal barrier, which is closely related to the double layer formation triggered by a negative dip. (author)
Primary Subject
Tanaka, M.Y.; Fujisawa, A.; Todo, Y.; Matsuoka, K. (National Inst. for Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu (Japan)) (eds.); Inutake, M.; Ando, A. (Tohoku Univ., Graduate School of Engineering, Sendai, Miyagi (Japan)) (eds.); 617 p; ISBN 4-9900586-6-6; ; 2001; p. 69-74; ITC-11: 11. international Toki conference on plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion; Toki, Gifu (Japan); 5-8 Dec 2000; 16 refs., 8 figs.
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[en] Plasma confinement by surface magnetic (SURMAC) fields is presented for toroidal multipole and linear magnetic mirror systems. The toroidal system is the Dodecapole Surmac device where stable confinement of high temperature (Tsub(i)approx.=500 eV), high density (napprox.=1013 cm-3), and high ß (approx.=8%) plasma is demonstrated. No ballooning mode exists even at ß=8% and the plasma is stable. Guarding of internal hoop supports is investigated and the main loss area is around the field null, with a width of approx.=2rhosub(ci). The loss through a guarded support is estimated to be 2.5% of an unguarded one. (orig./WL)
Primary Subject
Symposium on new trends in unconventional approaches to magnetic fusion; Stockholm (Sweden); 16-18 Jun 1982
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res; ISSN 0029-554X; ; v. 207(1/2); p. 207-221
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