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[en] The Mochovce nuclear power plant is in an advanced stage of construction. Out of the 38.9 billion CSK planned for the whole construction, 19.6 billion have already been spent; raising enough funds to complete the construction, however, poses a major problem. It may even happen that there will not be money enough to pay off credits as scheduled. The companies Bayernwerk, EdF and Preussen Elektra promised to grant a credit of 1.1 billion DEM, which would solve the problem of plant completion. (M.D.)
Original Title
Moznosti financovania energetickych projektov v Slovenskej republike Investicnou a rozvojovou bankou, a. s. Bratislava
Primary Subject
Kucerova, H. (ed.); Manazeri bez Hranic (Czechoslovakia); Gestionnaires sans Frontieres (France); 112 p; 1992; p. 108-109; 1. French-Czechoslovak conference on energy utilization; Prvni francouzsko-cesko-slovenska konference o uziti energie; Brno (Czechoslovakia); 23-25 Sep 1992
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[en] The possibility was studied of using local sources of aggregates for concrete mixes for the construction of the Mochovce nuclear power plant. The results of the surveys of several localities are presented. Tests were made of 3rd class concretes with the appropriate consistence for concrete mixes designed for the foundation plate. The tests were to prove the appropriateness of the use of fine dolomite aggregates from local sources. The results of the tests have as yet not been evaluated but the statistical assessment showed that the concretes met all criteria. The flow chart is given of concreting and of concrete strength and temperature control. (J.P.)
Original Title
Prve betony pre jadrovu elektraren Mochovce
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Journal Article
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[en] The organization of fire protection during the construction of the Mochovce nuclear power plant is briefly outlined. All corporations and individuals involved in the construction are engaged in fire protection. The administrative principles are included in two documents which are binding to the investor as well as to the supplier of the building part of technology. Particular attention is paid to the installation of cables. It is recommended that at least an electrical fire detection system and, preferably, stationary fire extinguishing equipment with a facility for the attachment of mobile equipment be active at this stage of power plant construction. (Z.M.)
Original Title
Zabezpecenie poziarnej ochrany JE Mochovce s blokmi VVER-440 pocas vystavby
Primary Subject
Vyskumny Ustav Energeticky, Bratislava (Czechoslovakia); Vyskumny Ustav Palivoenergetickeho Komplexu, Bratislava (Czechoslovakia); 137 p; Dec 1990; p. 48-51; National conference ''Fire safety of nuclear power plants''; Celostatna konferencia ''Poziarna bezpecnost jadrovych elektrarni''; Pribyslav (Czechoslovakia); 9-11 Oct 1990
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[en] In this text we give the improvements required for the Mochovce power plants to meet the safety standards of the Western countries
Original Title
Les ameliorations de surete realisees et proposees sur les tranches 1 et 2 de Mochovce
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Stefan, Cerba; Jakub, Luley; Branislav, Vrban; Filip, Osusky; Vladimir, Necas
Vietnam Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology VINANST-13. Agenda and Abstracts2019
Vietnam Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology VINANST-13. Agenda and Abstracts2019
[en] Slovakia as one of the world leading countries in the share of nuclear power in electricity production and currently operates 2 nuclear power plants, each with 2 VVER-440 units. In addition to these reactors there are 2 VVER-440 units under construction and 2 units in decommissioning. The VVER-440 technology features thermal neutron spectrum, low enriched uranium dioxide fuel and light-water coolant with diluted boric acid. The reactivity control during normal operation is ensured by the system of emergency reactivity control assemblies (ERC), symmetrically arranged in 37 positions in the reactor core, and by boric acid, homogenously diluted in the moderator. Due to the presence of 10B in the coolant/moderator which has high thermal neutron capture cross-section, the absorption of neutron on these atoms may lead to tritium production. Tritium as the radioactive isotope of hydrogen with half-life of 12.3 years, strongly contributes to the level of radioactivity of the primary coolant, therefore the NPP staff must have appropriate knowledge of its production during operation. The production rate of tritium may be assessed either by experimental measurement or by simulation using state-of-the-art calculation tools. This paper focuses on the estimation of the tritium production for a specific scenario of the operation of the 3rd unit of Mochovce NPP. For simulations the SCALE6 [1] system is used with the detailed calculation model [2] developed at the B&J NUCLEAR ltd. company. The whole-core 3D model of VVER-440 consists of the reactor in-vessel components such as fuel assemblies (including fuel rods, upper spacer grid, intermediate spacer grids, supporting grid, mixing grid, central tube and fuel endings), emergency reactor control assemblies (absorber and fuel part), core basket, barrel and the reactor pressure vessel. The boundaries of the created VVER-440 whole-core model are given by the outer surface of the dry shielding, the level of hot-leg piping and the basement of filtration mechanism. The calculations presented in the paper are performed using self-shielded multi-group cross-section libraries, taking into account the operation conditions of Mochovce unit 3 NPP [3] in the first fuel campaign.(author)
Primary Subject
Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute, Hanoi (Viet Nam); International Centre of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi (Viet Nam); Quang Ninh Department of Science and Technology (Viet Nam); 266 p; Aug 2019; 9 p; VINANST-13: 13. Vietnam Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology; Hoi nghi Khoa hoc va Cong nghe Hat nhan Toan quoc lan thu 13; Ha Long City, Quang Ninh (Viet Nam); 7-9 Aug 2019; Also available from Division of Information, Department of Planning and R & D Management, VINATOM; 10 refs, 5 figs, 1 tab; This record replaces 50071476
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[en] The system of training and development of the main control room staff and training of supervising physicists (1st category employees) at the Mochovce NPP is described. This is a follow-up of the article entitled 'Personnel education and training at the Mochovce NPP', published in this journal in 1999 (no. 3/4) on the occasion of the start-up of the Mochovce-1 reactor unit. (author)
Original Title
Priprava vybranych zamestnancov v SE-EMO
Primary Subject
3 tabs., 1 fig. English version can be ordered from Nuclear Information Center Zbraslav, 156 16 Prague-Zbraslav, Czech Republic (e-mail:, at USD 10.00 per standard page (1800 characters)
Record Type
Journal Article
Bezpecnost Jaderne Energie; ISSN 1210-7085; ; v. 11(5-6); p. 192-197
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[en] Preproject and project preparation of the Mochovce nuclear power plant was not appreciated and coped with. Preparation was protracted and projects were continuously changed which had unfavourable impact on the time and economics of construction. Various problems are summed up which have occurred since the beginning of site preparation and project implementation. (M.D.)
Original Title
Priprava a vystavba jadrovej elektrarne v Mochovciach
Primary Subject
Supplement to Inz. Stavby; also published separately and distributed by Hydrostav Bratislava, Information centre for nuclear power plants construction, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.
Record Type
Journal Article
Stavby Jadrovej Energetiky; (no.2); p. 17-19
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Gasparovic, I.
Funding organisation: Slovak Nuclear Forum, Tnava (Slovakia)
Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant. How was it? Starting of the first block by the eyes of participants in the construction operation2008
Funding organisation: Slovak Nuclear Forum, Tnava (Slovakia)
Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant. How was it? Starting of the first block by the eyes of participants in the construction operation2008
[en] In this chapter the president of the Slovak Republic Mr. Ivan Gasparovic is saying about significance of commissioning of Unit-1 of the Mochovce NPP.
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Primary Subject
Blaha, M.; Bucha, T; [276 p.]; 2008; p. 6-7
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[en] The establishment and development of the information centre operating within the Mochovce nuclear power plant are described. The centre operates librarian, documentation and publication services. (E.S.)
Original Title
Problematika VTEI v novoutvaranych podnikoch
Primary Subject
Ceskoslovenska Komise pro Atomovou Energii, Zbraslav nad Vltavou. Ustredni Informacni Stredisko pro Jaderny Program; 52 p; 1985; p. 60-62; Meeting on the information needs of the Czechoslovak nuclear programme - national seminar; Pisek (Czechoslovakia); 4-6 Nov 1985
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Sarvaic, I.; Miskolci, M.
Nuclear Power Plants Research Institute Trnava, Inc. (Slovakia)1998
Nuclear Power Plants Research Institute Trnava, Inc. (Slovakia)1998
[en] The document contents stage revaluation of energetic start-up of the unit 1 of nuclear power plant Mochovce. Test results of the stage of energetic start-up are summarized in the document, valuation of important systems and block devices as well as fulfilling the operation limits and conditions has been performed. On that base conclusions and recommendations for start-up the unit 2 and for commercial operation of the unit 1 are elaborated. The valuation has been elaborated by a scientific management for start-up nuclear power plant Mochovce of nuclear safety of nuclear power facilities. Scientific management for start-up of nuclear power plant Mochovce performed continuous valuation of individual power levels after ending of each individual level and it gave its valuation to energy power level with recommendations and conditions for further start-up process and operation. Scientific management finished its activity at the unit 1 of nuclear power plant Mochovce according to a statute of scientific management for start-up after successful completion of conclusive block run. Scientific management group was founded in February 1998 at nuclear power plant Mochovce. Its members are experts from Slovak, Czech, Russian and French organizations which are participating in power plant completion. Members are listed in a supplement No. 2
Original Title
Suhrnne zhodnotenie energetickeho spustania 1. bloku jadrovej elektrarne Mochovce
Primary Subject
19 Nov 1998; 146 p; VUJE-R--343/98; ALSO AVAILABLE FROM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT RESEARCH INSTITUTE TRNAVA, INC. (SLOVAKIA); 68 tabs., 'Translation to english is available from OMEGA INFO, Vysehradska 33, SK-84215 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, E-Mail: kuruc at'
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