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Grossversuchsanlage 'Kernreaktor-Containment' im Aufbau
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3 figs.; 1 ref. Short communication only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Battelle Inf; (no. 14); p. 38-41
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Fadnek, A.; Ryan, P.M.; Sparks, D.O.; Swain, D.W.; Wilgen, J.B.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Science (United States)1999
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Science (United States)1999
[en] The 30 MHz high harmonic fast wave (HHFW) antenna array for NSTX consists of 12 current straps, evenly spaced in the toroidal direction. Each pair of straps is connected as a half-wave resonant loop and will be driven by one transmitter, allowing rapid phase shift between transmitters. A decoupling network using shunt stub tuners has been designed to compensate for the mutual inductive coupling between adjacent current straps, effectively isolating the six transmitters from one another. One half of the array, consisting of six full-scale current strap modules, three shunt stub decouplers, and powered by three phase-adjustable rf amplifiers had been built for electrical testing at ORNL. Low power testing includes electrical characterization of the straps, operation and performance of the decoupler system, and mapping of the rf fields in three dimensions
Primary Subject
12 Apr 1999; 4 p; 13. Topical Conference on Applications of Radio Frequency Power to Plasmas; Princeton, NJ (United States); 12-14 Apr 1999; CONTRACT AC05-96OR22464; ALSO AVAILABLE FROM OSTI AS DE00007628; NTIS; US GOVT. PRINTING OFFICE DEP; AT 60 10 30 0
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No abstract available
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Societe Francaise de Radioprotection, 92 - Montrouge (France); p. 9-11; 1970; Societe Francaise de Radioprotection; Montrouge, France; International congress on the diffusion of fission products; Saclay, France; 04 Nov 1969
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Progress Report
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] In the decommissioning and decontamination(D and D) planning stage, it is important that the scenarios are evaluated from an engineering point of views because the decommissioning work has to be executed economically and safely by following the best scenarios. Therefore, we need to develop several modules to evaluate the decommissioning scenarios. In this paper, the digital mock-up system is constructed in the virtual space to simulate the whole decommissioning process. The schedule evaluating equation and cost evaluation equation are derived to calculate the working time and the expected cost. And in order to easily identify the radiation level about the activated objects, the radiation visualization module is developed. Finally, on the basis of the obtained results from the Digital Mock-up and other important factors, the evaluating method of the scenarios that can indicate the best scenario is described.
Primary Subject
13 refs, 4 figs, 6 tabs
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society; ISSN 1738-1894; ; v. 4(3); p. 265-273
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Gosselin, F.
Universite de Poitiers, 15 Rue de l'Hotel Dieu, 86000 Poitiers (France); CEA, DTA-DPSA (France)2000
Universite de Poitiers, 15 Rue de l'Hotel Dieu, 86000 Poitiers (France); CEA, DTA-DPSA (France)2000
[en] The performances of a tele-operation system are related to the master arm's ability to emulate the behavior of the remote environment. Ideally, it allows the operator to control the slave arm in a natural way as if that were an extension of its own body. The criteria to be checked for that are known but contradictory. It is thus necessary to make trade-offs on which there is not consensus. Existing input devices are therefore very varied thus more or less adapted to the tasks considered, which is in general checked a posteriori. In this document, we propose an original approach allowing to dimension the master arm a priori according to the use which one wishes to make. For that, we developed two tools: - the first one makes it possible to establish his specifications by taking account of the transmission of information between the operator and the slave arm. By exploiting their respective limitations, one is assured that the master arm will not limit the performances of the system, - the second one allows to design it (kinematics, size, motorization... ) according to the preceding specifications. For that, we use well-known theoretical tools which however are approached here as design tools. This leads to the definition of new concepts which do not appear in the literature. This approach is used to establish the specifications of a master arm for nuclear and offshore tele-operation then to design two input devices answering these specifications. The first has 3 degrees of freedom with force feedback. Its performances are higher than those of the best existing input devices. The second is a mock-up of a 6 degrees of freedom master arm. It uses a new parallel structure that is redundant in actuation and whose performances are remarkable. (author)
Les performances d'un systeme de teleoperation sont liees a la capacite du bras maitre a emuler le comportement de l'environnement distant. Dans un cas ideal, cela permet a l'operateur de commander le robot esclave de facon naturelle comme si celui-ci etait une extension de son propre corps. Les criteres a verifier pour cela sont connus mais contradictoires. Il est donc necessaire de faire des compromis sur lesquels il n'existe pas de consensus. Il en resulte que les organes de commande existants sont tres varies donc plus ou moins adaptes aux taches envisagees, ce qui est en general verifie a posteriori. Dans ce memoire, nous proposons une approche originale permettant de dimensionner le bras maitre a priori en fonction de l'utilisation que l'on souhaite en faire. Pour cela, nous avons developpe deux outils: - Le premier permet d'etablir un cahier des charges en tenant compte de la transmission des informations entre l'operateur et le bras esclave. En exploitant leurs limitations respectives, on est assure que le bras maitre ne limitera pas les performances du systeme, - Le second permet de le dimensionner (geometrie, taille, motorisation,... ) pour qu'il reponde aux specifications precedentes. Pour cela, nous utilisons un certain nombre d'outils theoriques classiques qui sont toutefois abordes ici en tant qu'outils de conception, ce qui conduit a la definition de nouveaux concepts qui n'apparaissent pas dans la litterature. Cette approche est utilisee pour etablir le cahier des charges d'un bras maitre pour la teleoperation nucleaire et off-shore puis pour concevoir deux organes de commande repondant a ces specifications. Le premier est un bras a 3 degres de liberte a retour d'effort. Ses performances sont superieures a celles des meilleurs organes de commande existants. Le second est une maquette de bras a 6 degres de liberte a retour d'effort. Il utilise une nouvelle structure parallele et redondante en actionnement dont les performances sont remarquablesOriginal Title
Developpement d'outils d'aide a la conception d'organes de commande pour la teleoperation a retour d'effort
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
21 Jun 2000; 362 p; 158 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS-NKM website for current contact and E-mail addresses:; Also available from Service Commun de Documentation Universite de Poitiers - Campus 6 rue Jean Carbonnier Batiment A2 TSA 91101 86073 Poitiers cedex 9 (France); Genie Mecanique, Productique, Transport
Record Type
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Report Number
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Housley, William; Slice, Joshua; Mcnight, Andrew; Drey, Nicole; Busby, Alan
Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Environmental Management - EM (United States)2019
Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Environmental Management - EM (United States)2019
[en] The current Target Rod Preparation (TRP) Cutter Head suffers from overheating problems during TPBAR breaching operations. The overheating leads to work stoppage due to the periodic need to allow the TRP Cutter Head motor to cool. This work stoppage and allowance for cooldown of the motor leads to a very inefficient TPBAR breaching process. Due to the increased need for Tritium gas, the system must be improved to increase the efficiency of the TPBAR breaching process. The project would include the following major steps: Determine likely causes of overheating of the TRP cutter head motor. Identify and research methods for cooling currently installed motor. Identify and research alternate motors for TRP cutter head. Procure a new motor for testing. Perform TPBAR breaching mockup testing with new motor. Write report on results and recommendations on potential path forward.
Primary Subject
2 Oct 2019; 11 p; OSTIID--1568796; AC09-08SR22470; Available from; DOE Accepted Manuscript full text, or the publishers Best Available Version will be available free of charge after the embargo period; DOI: 10.2172/1568796
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Park, Hee Seoung; Choi, Chang Hwan; Kim, Sung Hyun; Park, Byung Suk; Kim, Ki Ho; Kim, Ho Dong
Proceedings of the KNS spring meeting2009
Proceedings of the KNS spring meeting2009
[en] This study introduces a remote simulator to verify and validate an operability and maintenance ability of a remote manipulator in a pyroprocess facility at a design stage. To evaluate an operability and maintenance ability of the devices, it needs various modules. This article describes a system architecture which illustrates an interface between its modules. In nuclear industry, an advanced modeling and simulation technology which can simulate various phenomena by using a digital mockup has been increased. Even several research and development in order to improve the efficiency of a remote operation in the ACPF digital mock-up were carried out, these research results have a lot of limitations in order to apply it to real world. Especially simulations that depend on 3D graphics are limited to the analysis of an accessibility and operability of a manipulator. To solve these limitations, this article proposes a scheme to enable an operator to improve a remote manipulation by using a haptic device which is a force feed-back device
Primary Subject
Korean Nuclear Society, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); [1 CD-ROM]; May 2009; [2 p.]; 2009 spring meeting of the KNS; Jeju (Korea, Republic of); 18-23 May 2009; Available from KNS, Daejeon (KR); 2 refs, 3 figs, 1 tab
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Israel Nuclear Society, Yavne; Israel Health Physics Society; Radiation Research Society of Israel; Israel Society of Medical Physics; Transactions; v. 11; 301 p; 1983; p. 186-191; Nuclear Societies of Israel joint annual meeting; Haifa (Israel); 21-22 Dec 1983; Published in summary form only.
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
American Nuclear Society 1975 winter meeting; San Francisco, CA, USA; 16 Nov 1975; Published in Summary Form Only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; v. 22 p. 652
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
American Nuclear Society 1975 winter meeting; San Francisco, CA, USA; 16 Nov 1975; Published in Summary Form Only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; v. 22 p. 654-655
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