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Rahnema, Farzad; Diamond, David; Serghiuta, Dumitru; Burke, Paul, E-mail: farzad@gatech.edu2019
[en] On the path to deployment of any reactor, modeling tool verification and validation is a key step. Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High Temperature Reactors (FHR) pose challenges to neutronics modeling and simulation tools due to several design features of the reactor type. This paper presents a categorized list of phenomena that pose challenges to FHR modeling using current neutronics tools. These phenomena are presented in four categories: Fundamental Cross Section Data, Material Composition, Computational Methodology, and General Depletion. A short path forward for these phenomena is also presented. In addition, a discussion of the resulting gaps in current codes is presented.
Primary Subject
S0306454918304572; Available from; Copyright (c) 2017 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Hery, M.; Israel, M.; Fauger, P.; Lecocq, A.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. de Genie Radioactif1977
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. de Genie Radioactif1977
[en] The research program of the CEA in the field of molten salt nuclear reactors has been concerned with MSBR type reactors (Molten Salt Breeder Reactor). The papers written after having performed the theoretical analysis are entitled: core, circuits, chemistry and economy; they include some criticisms and suggestions. The experimental studies consisted in: graphite studies, chemical studies of the salt, metallic materials, the salt loop and the lead loop
Le programme de recherches du CEA dans le domaine des reacteurs nucleaires a sels fondus a porte sur les reacteurs de la filiere MSBR (Molten Salt Breeder Reactor). Les documents rediges a la suite de l'analyse theorique s'appellent: coeur, circuits, chimie, economie; ils contiennent des critiques et des suggestions. les etudes experimentales ont consiste en: etudes de graphites, etudes chimiques du sel, materiaux metalliques, boucle sel et boucle plombOriginal Title
Etat d'avancement des recherches en France dans le domaine des reacteurs nucleaires a sels fondus
Primary Subject
1977; 3 p; Meeting on molten salts; Brussels, Belgium; 23 - 24 May 1977
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[en] Fluoride salt-cooled high-temperature reactors (FHRs) are one of the new reactor concepts proposed in the Generation IV International Forum. The main distinguishing features of the FHR are its high operating temperature, lithium beryllium fluoride salt (Li2Be4F) coolant, known as FLiBe, and graphite moderator. Most FHR studies focus on the use of tri-structural-isotropic (TRISO) particulate fuels that are compacted with a graphite matrix to form various fuel shapes. Although TRISO fuel offers some potential performance advantages, it is much more expensive than conventional UO2 fuel. This study investigates the performance potential of pin-type fuel assembly designs in an FHR, by seeking the ideal assembly configuration and the minimum enrichment level needed to achieve a target (13 months) cycle length for a small (125 MWth) FHR, while ensuring that the coolant and fuel temperature reactivity coefficients remain negative throughout the cycle. Three different assembly configurations (with 36, 60 and 90 fuel pins respectively) were analysed using the deterministic lattice physics code WIMS, over a range of 235U enrichments (from 1 wt.% to 20 wt.%) to investigate the minimum enrichment level. In addition, to estimate the cycle length of the reactor, a leakage probability analysis was performed by modelling a 2D whole-core reactor. (authors)
Primary Subject
Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire (SFEN), 75 - Paris (France); 3390 p; 2015; p. 403-411; ICAPP 2015: Nuclear Innovations for a low-carbon future; Nice (France); 3-6 May 2015; Available (USB stick) from: SFEN, 103 rue Reaumur, 75002 Paris (France); 10 refs.; This record replaces 48079241
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[en] Preliminary results of the dynamic analysis of a two-fluid molten-salt breeder reactor (MSBR) system are presented. Based on an earlier work on the preliminary dynamic model of the concept, the model presented here is nonlinear and has been revised to accurately reflect the design exemplified in ORNL-4528. A brief overview of the model followed by results from simulations performed to validate the model is presented. Simulations illustrate stable behavior of the reactor dynamics and temperature feedback effects to reactivity excursions. Stable and smooth changes at various nodal temperatures are also observed. Control strategies for molten-salt reactor operation are discussed, followed by an illustration of the open-loop load-following capability of the molten-salt breeder reactor system. It is observed that the molten-salt breeder reactor system exhibits “self-regulating” behavior, minimizing the need for external controller action for load-following maneuvers
Primary Subject
11 refs, 8 figs
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Engineering and Technology; ISSN 1738-5733; ; v. 49(5); p. 887-895
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Le Meute, Thibault
Universite de Grenoble Alpes, 621 Av. Centrale, 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Heres (France); CEA, DES-DER (France)2022
Universite de Grenoble Alpes, 621 Av. Centrale, 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Heres (France); CEA, DES-DER (France)2022
[en] In this work, reactivity insertion accidents are studied in different versions of the MSFR (Molten Salt Fast Reactor). To achieve this objective, a top-down methodology, i.e., based on the physics involved in postulating a severe accident and not on the system failures, is used. The molten salt reactors studied, having the particularity of having a fuel in liquid form, have intrinsic safety potential. Indeed, the fuel geometry can evolve, contrary to solid fuel concepts, towards an optimised subcritical geometry which allows the cooling of the salt. Changing the fuel salt geometry is the objective of the emergency drain system. Gravity draining of the fuel system is activated to protect the vessel from uncontrolled temperature increases. During reactivity insertions, the temperature variation which leads to a density variation is at the origin of two neutron counter-reactions. The Doppler feedback is caused by the temperature variation while the density feedback is caused by the density variation. However, during an extreme reactivity insertion (large amplitude over a short time), the expansion caused by the rapid temperature rise of the salt in the critical zone of the fuel system is faster than the speed of sound in the salt. The density feedback then acts weakly, because the salt compresses instead of expanding. The characteristic time of the evolution of the neutron population is much shorter than the time of propagation of the pressure wave which allows depressurizing the reactor. Two main phases are modelled, the first one taking into account the salt compressibility (which requires a lot of numerical resources) and the second one not taking it into account (which requires fewer resources). This separation in two tools was motivated by the objective of reducing the computation time and allows modelling all types of reactivity insertions, extreme or not. The density feedback remains low during the compressible phase of the transient. Only the Doppler effect opposes the reactivity insertion, to compensate the same reactivity insertion, the temperature must reach much higher values. This work consists of the development of a numerical tool for the modelling of the system scale of the reactor by assuming the incompressible fluid, then the modelling of its compressibility in a dedicated tool. Comparison calculations with other calculation codes in some test cases have been performed with each of these two tools to verify their proper functioning. The modelling of the compressibility requires very short numerical calculation time steps which makes it impossible to calculate a complete compressible transient. To switch from one code to the other and take into account the succession of compressible and incompressible phases of reactivity insertion transient, a criterion has been developed. It is therefore used to identify transients for which compressibility modelling plays a fundamental role. With reactivity insertions of the step type, the compressibility is important in many cases. However, this type of reactivity insertion is very unrealistic. For ramp type reactivity insertions (the most realistic) the effect of compressibility is all the more important as the neutron power of the reactor is low at the beginning of the transient. Sensitivities to the reactor design and to some physicochemical parameters are realised. (author)
Dans ce travail de these, les accidents d'insertion de reactivite sont etudies dans differentes versions du MSFR (Molten Salt Fast Reactor). Pour atteindre cet objectif, une methodologie top-down, c'est-a-dire, basee sur les physiques en jeu en postulant un accident grave et non sur les defaillances systemes, est utilisee. Les reacteurs a sel fondu etudies, ayant pour particularite d'avoir un combustible sous forme liquide, possedent des potentialites de surete intrinseques. En effet, la geometrie du combustible peut evoluer contrairement aux concepts a combustible solide vers une geometrie sous-critique optimisee qui permet le refroidissement du sel. Modifier la geometrie du sel combustible est l'objectif du systeme de vidange d'urgence. La vidange gravitaire du circuit combustible est activee pour proteger la cuve de hausses incontrolees de temperature. Lors d'insertions de reactivite, la variation de temperature qui entraine une variation de densite est a l'origine de deux contre-reactions neutroniques. La contre-reaction Doppler est engendree par la variation de temperature tandis que la contre-reaction en densite est causee par la variation de masse volumique. Cependant, lors d'une insertion de reactivite extreme (grande amplitude sur un temps court), la dilatation causee par la hausse rapide de temperature du sel dans la zone critique du circuit combustible est plus rapide que la vitesse du son dans le sel. La contre-reaction en densite agit alors faiblement, car le sel se comprime au lieu de se dilater. Le temps caracteristique de l'evolution de la population neutronique est beaucoup plus court que le temps de propagation de l'onde de pression qui permet de depressuriser le reacteur. Deux grandes phases sont modelisees, la premiere prenant en compte la compressibilite du sel (qui demande beaucoup de ressources numeriques) et la seconde ne la prennent pas en compte (ce qui demande moins de ressources). Cette separation en deux outils a ete motivee par l'objectif de reduction du temps de calcul et permet de modeliser tous types d'insertions de reactivite, extremes ou non. La contre-reaction en densite reste donc faible durant la phase compressible du transitoire. Seul l'effet Doppler s'oppose a l'insertion de reactivite, pour compenser la meme insertion de reactivite, il faut donc que la temperature atteigne des valeurs beaucoup plus elevees. Ce travail consiste en un developpement d'outil de calcul numerique pour la modelisation a l'echelle systeme du reacteur en supposant le fluide incompressible, puis la modelisation de sa compressibilite dans un outil dedie. Des calculs de comparaisons avec des experiences ou d'autres codes de calcul sur certains cas tests ont ete realises avec chacun de ces deux outils pour verifier leur bon fonctionnement. La modelisation de la compressibilite requiert des pas de temps de calculs numeriques tres courts ce qui rend impossible le calcul d'un transitoire complet compressible. Pour basculer d'un code a l'autre et prendre en compte la succession de phases compressibles et incompressibles d'un transitoire d'insertion de reactivite, un critere a ete developpe. Il est donc utilise pour identifier les transitoires pour lesquels la modelisation de la compressibilite joue un role fondamental. Avec des insertions de reactivite de type marches, la compressibilite est importante dans de nombreux cas. Cependant ce type d'insertions de reactivite sont tres peu realistes. Pour des insertions de reactivite de type rampes (les plus realistes) l'effet de la compressibilite est d'autant plus important que la puissance neutronique du reacteur est faible au debut du transitoire. Des sensibilites au design du reacteur et a certains parametres physicochimiques sont realiseesOriginal Title
Modelisation d'un scenario d'insertion de reactivite dans un reacteur a sel fondu de generation IV
Primary Subject
23 Nov 2022; 190 p; 61 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Mecanique des Fluides, Energetique, Procedes
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Dulla, S.; Ravetto, P., E-mail:
Consultancy on 'Studies of innovative reactor technology options for effective incineration of radioactive waste'. Working material2006
Consultancy on 'Studies of innovative reactor technology options for effective incineration of radioactive waste'. Working material2006
No abstract available
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Technical Working Group on Fast Reactors, Vienna (Austria); 220 p; 2006; p. 157-158; Consultancy on Studies of innovative reactor technology options for effective incineration of radioactive waste; Vienna (Austria); 28-30 Nov 2005; Published as PowerPoint presentation only; This record replaces 39009267
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Aransiola, M.M.; Ferguson, J.P.; Cook, W.G.
Enabling net zero carbon emissions through clean nuclear power. 40th Annual CNS conference and 45th CNS/CNA student conference (virtual)2021
Enabling net zero carbon emissions through clean nuclear power. 40th Annual CNS conference and 45th CNS/CNA student conference (virtual)2021
[en] Thermophysical properties of molten salts are important criteria for selecting coolant salts for nuclear reactor applications. Moltex Energy has proposed a NaF-KF-ZrF4 coolant salt for their Stable Salt Reactor. Studies are required to obtain more accurate data of the salt’s current database for the thermophysical properties of this molten fluoride salt mixture. This paper discusses the ongoing research at the Centre for Nuclear Energy Research (CNER) at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) to measure the thermophysical properties of the NaF-KF-ZrF4 coolant salt, precisely the transport properties such as viscosity, density and thermal diffusivity as well as physical properties melting point and heat capacity. (author)
Primary Subject
Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Ontario (Canada); vp; 2021; [6 p.]; 40. Annual Canadian Nuclear Society Conference (Virtual); Toronto (Canada); 6-9 Jun 2021; 45. Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference (Virtual); Toronto (Canada); 6-9 Jun 2021; Available from the Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Ontario (Canada); 21 refs., 2 figs.
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Rachamin, Reuven
Technical Meeting on Liquid Metal Reactor Concepts: Core Design and Structural Materials. Presentations2013
Technical Meeting on Liquid Metal Reactor Concepts: Core Design and Structural Materials. Presentations2013
[en] Outline: • Modeling of SFR cores using the Serpent-DYN3D code sequence; • Core shielding assessment for the design of FASTEF-MYRRHA; • Neutron shielding studies on an advanced Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) design
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Power Technology Development Section, Vienna (Austria); vp; 2013; 29 p; Technical Meeting on Liquid Metal Reactor Concepts: Core Design and Structural Materials; Vienna (Austria); 12-14 Jun 2013; Also available on-line:; Published as PowerPoint presentation only
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[en] The Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) with its liquid circulating fuel and its fast neutron spectrum calls for a new safety approach including technological neutral methodologies and analysis tools adapted to early design phases. In the frame of the Horizon2020 program SAMOFAR (Safety Assessment of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor) a safety approach suitable for Molten Salt Reactors is being developed and applied to the MSFR. After a description of the MSFR reference design, this paper focuses on the identification of the Postulated Initiating Events (PIEs), which is a core part of the global assessment methodology. To fulfil this task, the Functional Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FFMEA) and the Master Logic Diagram (MLD) are selected and employed separately in order to be as exhaustive as possible in the identification of the initiating events of the system. Finally, an extract of the list of PIEs, selected as the most representative events resulting from the implementation of both methods, is presented to illustrate the methodology and some of the outcomes of the methods are compared in order to highlight symbioses and differences between the MLD and the FFMEA
Primary Subject
26 refs, 2 figs, 3 tabs
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Engineering and Technology; ISSN 1738-5733; ; v. 51(4); p. 1024-1031
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dudnikov, A. A.; Alekseev, P. N.; Subbotin, S. A.
Proceedings of the seventeenth Symposium of Atomic Energy Research, Vol. II2007
Proceedings of the seventeenth Symposium of Atomic Energy Research, Vol. II2007
[en] Creation fast critical molten salt reactor for burning-out minor actinides and separate long-living fission products in the closed nuclear fuel cycle is the most perspective and actual direction. The reactor on melts salts - molten salt homogeneous reactor with the circulating fuel, working as burner and transmuter long-living radioactive nuclides in closed nuclear fuel cycle, can serve as an effective ecological cordon from contamination of the nature long-living radiotoxic nuclides. High-flux fast critical molten-salt nuclear reactors in structure of the closed nuclear fuel cycle of the future nuclear power can effectively burning-out / transmute dangerous long-living radioactive nuclides, make radioisotopes, partially utilize plutonium and produce thermal and electric energy. Such reactor allows solving the problems constraining development of large-scale nuclear power, including fueling, minimization of radioactive waste and non-proliferation. Burning minor actinides in molten salt reactor is capable to facilitate work solid fuel power reactors in system NP with the closed nuclear fuel cycle and to reduce transient losses at processing and fabrications fuel pins. At substantiation MSR-transmuter/burner as solvents fuel nuclides for molten-salt reactors various salts were examined, for example: LiF - BeF2; NaF - LiF - BeF2; NaF-LiF ; NaF-ZrF4 ; LiF-NaF -KF; NaCl. RRC 'Kurchatov institute' together with other employees have developed the basic design reactor installations with molten salt reactor - burner long-living nuclides for fluoride fuel composition with the limited solubility minor actinides (MAF3 < 2 mol %) and have estimated its basic characteristics. On the basis of these data employees RRC KI and VNIPIET carry out conceptual binding reactor installations with molten salt reactor - burner to the project of a factory on processing 500 tons spent fuel of reactors of type WWER-1000 in a year. During a settlement-experimental research in RRC KI it is shown, that fluoride fuel composition with high solubility minor actinides (MAF3 > 10 mol %) allows to develop in some times more effective molten salt reactor with fast neutron spectrum - burner/ transmuter of the long-living radioactive waste. In high-flux fast reactors on melts salts within a year it is possible to burn ∼300 kg minor actinides per 1 GW thermal power of reactor. The technical and economic estimation given power-technological complex shows on economic efficiency of use such burner/transmuter. After separation from spent fuel power reactors minor actinides go on burning out in molten salt reactor. The offered concept power-technological complex with high-flux fast reactor on melts salts, intended for burning out and transmutation long-living radiotoxic nuclides, at practical realization will allow minimizing quantity of the long-living radioactive waste in system of a nuclear power. Accommodation of such reactors at the enterprises of a fuel cycle will provide with their energy and will facilitate the decision of a problem of radioactive waste management with the minimal losses. Small share MSR (5-7) % from full electric power in structure of the future nuclear power provides practically full burning of all minor actinide (Authors)
Primary Subject
Vidovszky, Istvan (Kiadja az MTA KFKI Atomenergia Kutatointezet, H-1525 Budapest 114, P.O.Box 49 (Hungary)); VUJE, Inc., 918 64 Trnava (Slovakia); KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute, Reactor Analysis Laboratory, H-1525 Budapest 114, POB 49 (Hungary); Russian Research Center 'Kurchatov Institute', 1, Kurchatov sq., 123182 Moscow (Russian Federation); State Scientific and Technical Centre on Nuclear and Radiation Safety, 35-37 Radgospna street, 03142 Kyiv-142 (Ukraine); Paks NPP Ltd., 7031 Paks (Hungary); Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc, CZ-250 68 Husinec-Rez, cp.130 (Czech Republic); Skoda JS a.s., Orlik 266, 31606 Plzen (Czech Republic); Fortum Nuclear Services Ltd., Rajatorpantie 8, Vantaa, POB 10-FIN-00048 FORTUM (Finland); Kozloduy NPP plc, Kozloduy 3321 (Bulgaria); FSUE OKB 'GIDROPRESS', 142103 Moscow region, 21 Ordzhonikidze street, Podolsk (Russian Federation); 492 p; ISBN 963-372-636-5; ; Nov 2007; p. 775-788; 17. Atomic Energy Research Symposium on WWER Physics and Reactor Safety; Yalta, Crimea (Ukraine); 23-29 Sep 2007; Also available from VUJE, Inc., Okruzna 5, 918 64 Trnava (SK); 5 refs.; 7 figs.; 9 tabs.
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Conference; Numerical Data
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