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[en] The first stage of Indian nuclear power programme envisages construction of a number of 235 MWe and 500 MWe pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWR). These unit sizes which fall within the small and medium power reactor range have been found to be optimum under Indian conditions. While the primary reason for choosing this system has been our objective to be self reliant in nuclear power reactor technology, the PHWR system also has many advantages from safety point of view. Further through a systematic development programme, a number of new features have been added to this system for better safety and performance. PHWRs have a number of distinctive inherent safety features such as availability of cool moderator within the reactor core, low excess reactivity, locations of reactivity control devices in low pressure regions, two independent shutdown systems, a double containment system with passive vapour suppression pool etc. Availability of such inherent safety features have assumed importance in recent times. An exercise has been carried out to make an assessment of safety characteristics of PHWR system under postulated extreme events scenario. It has been brought out that a small reactor with judiciously engineered safety systems can be developed into a system with effective inherent safety. A number of novel features can also be introduced in such systems to enhance both safety as well as the performance of the reactor system. (author)
Primary Subject
Garribba, S. (Politecnico di Milano (Italy)); Sarlos, G. (Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne (Switzerland)); Vivante, C. (Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium)) (eds.); Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne (Switzerland); 322 p; 1987; p. III.11.1; EPFL; Lausanne (Switzerland); First international seminar: small and medium sized nuclear reactors; Lausanne (Switzerland); 24-26 Aug 1987; Abstract only.
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Fabian, H.; Frischengruber, K.
5th international meeting on thermal nuclear reactor safety. Proceedings. Vol. 11984
5th international meeting on thermal nuclear reactor safety. Proceedings. Vol. 11984
[en] The safety concept of the PHWR is principally based on the same safety features as the light water PWR, e.g. reactor building consisting of a spherical steel containment and an outer concrete building with vented annulus inbetween. However, there are some specialities adherent to the heavy water reactor. Safety related systems are designed to be both, diverse and redundant. The moderator cooling system can be used as a high pressure heat removal sysem and thus is an addition to the heat removal via the steam generators. For reactor shut-down a control rod system and a boron injection system exist independently. (orig./HP)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Bork, G.; Rininsland, H. (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Projekt Nukleare Sicherheit); Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.); 761 p; Dec 1984; p. 693-702; 5. international meeting on thermal nuclear reactor safety; Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.); 9-13 Sep 1984
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Alizadeh, A.
International conference on opportunities and challenges for water cooled reactors in the 21. century. PowerPoint presentations2009
International conference on opportunities and challenges for water cooled reactors in the 21. century. PowerPoint presentations2009
No abstract available
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Nuclear Power, Vienna (Austria); EC Joint Research Centre, Brussels (Belgium); International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva (Switzerland); OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Issy-les-Moulineaux (France); World Nuclear Association, London (United Kingdom); vp; 2009; 58 p; International conference on opportunities and challenges for water cooled reactors in the 21. century; Vienna (Austria); 27-30 Oct 2009; Also available on-line:; Published as PowerPoint presentation only
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Alizadeh, A., E-mail:
Proceedings of an International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges for Water Cooled Reactors in the 21. Century2011
Proceedings of an International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges for Water Cooled Reactors in the 21. Century2011
No abstract available
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Nuclear Power, Vienna (Austria); European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Petten (Netherlands); OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Issy les Moulineaux (France); World Nuclear Association, London (United Kingdom); International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva (Switzerland); [CD]; ISBN 978-92-0-164210-3; ; 2011; 58 p; International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges for Water Cooled Reactors in the 21. Century; Vienna (Austria); 27-30 Oct 2009; IAEA-CN--164-KS09(P); ISSN 1991-2374; ; Also available on-line:; Also available on-line: and on 1 CD-ROM from IAEA, Sales and Promotion Unit, E-mail:; Web site:; Presentation Material
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No abstract available
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Record Type
Journal Article
B.C. Professional Engineer; v. 26(3); p. 27-29
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[en] Electronics devices when designed to meet specific requirements, the designers do not generally envisage the amount of electromagnetic interference that this particular device may give as power line conducted noise and radiated noise. After the product is developed, the quantification of the same is carried out in certified EMI-EMC set-up to get these figures of conducted emissions (CE) and radiated emissions (RE), and its mitigation as per limits of the chosen standard. In the latest TM embodiment of Fault Tolerant Power Distribution System ECPS"T"M (Electronics Corporation Power Supply) developed for NPCIL (PHWR700MW plant) we carried out CE and RE tests and quantified the spectrum obtained for CE and RE, and mitigated them as per CISPR22 standards. In this short article we bring out the CE and RE results of the latest product ECPS, done at EMI-EMC Centre of ECIL Hyderabad. (author)
Primary Subject
9 refs., 7 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
BARC Newsletter; ISSN 0976-2108; ; (no.353); p. 17-23
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Castaniza, S.; Alvarez, L.
Advanced Fuel Pellet Materials and Fuel Rod Design for Water Cooled Reactors. Additional Information2010
Advanced Fuel Pellet Materials and Fuel Rod Design for Water Cooled Reactors. Additional Information2010
No abstract available
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials Section, Vienna (Austria); [CD]; ISBN 978-92-0-108910-6; ; ISSN 1011-4289; ; Oct 2010; 33 p; Technical Committee Meeting on Advanced Fuel Pellet Materials and Fuel Rod Design for Water Cooled Reactors; Villigen (Switzerland); 23-26 Nov 2009; Also available on-line: and attached to the printed IAEA-TECDOC-1654; Orders and requests for information may be addressed directly to IAEA, Sales and Promotion Unit: E-mail:; Web site:; PowerPoint presentation
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Janusz, S.A.; Cashen, W.S.
Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ontario1972
Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ontario1972
No abstract available
Primary Subject
20 Jun 1972; 8 p; CA PATENT DOCUMENT 903386; Available from Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa; Filed 12 May 1969. 9 claims, 2 figures. Available from Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Flemons, R.S.; Janusz, S.A.
Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ontario1973
Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ontario1973
No abstract available
Primary Subject
27 Mar 1973; 11 p; CA PATENT DOCUMENT 923638; Available from Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa; Filed 18 Nov 1970. 7 claims, 2 drawings. Available from Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Serdula, K.J.
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario. Chalk River Nuclear Labs.1975
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario. Chalk River Nuclear Labs.1975
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Jan 1975; 27 p; Specialist meeting on reactor noise from critical assemblies to power plants, SMORN-1; Rome, Italy; 21 Oct 1974
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