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2. International conference on elementary particles; Aix-en-Provence, France; 06 Sep 1973
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
J. Phys. (Paris), Colloq; (no.1); p. 346-351
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Tomozawa, Yukio; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA (United States); University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (United States). Funding organisation: US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) (United States)1973
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA (United States); University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (United States). Funding organisation: US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) (United States)1973
[en] A quasinormal expansion is used to examine a possibility for scaling of charged multiplicity distributions in pp collisions.
Primary Subject
SLAC-PUB--1226; OSTIID--1442832; AC02-76SF00515; Available from; DOE Accepted Manuscript full text, or the publishers Best Available Version will be available free of charge after the embargo period; DOE-OR--23177-4356' arXiv:1802.00266
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. D, Particles Fields; ISSN 0556-2821; ; v. 8(7); p. 2319-2321
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[en] An analysis of the generalized multiplicity distribution, (GMD), has been made in high energy pp collisions. An attempt is made to reconcile the generating function of GMD with Tsallis statistics in order to find an interpretation of Tsallis parameter,(q). The modified combinants, (Cj’s), for both GMD and NBD are obtained using the generating functions of these distributions. Our results show that single NBD does not lead to the oscillatory behaviour of the observed Cj. However, for GMD the corresponding Cj not only oscillate but also show the fading-down feature of the experimentally observed Cj. This could help in future to analyse the physical process which is responsible for these oscillations.
Primary Subject
ISMD 2018: 48. International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics; Singapore (Singapore); 3-7 Sep 2018; Available from
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
EPJ. Web of Conferences; ISSN 2100-014X; ; v. 206; vp
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[en] Ultra-relativistic gold-gold and proton-proton collisions are investigated in the experiments of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). In the last several years large amount of results were revealed about the matter created in these collisions. The latest PHENIX results for femtoscopy and correlations are reviewed in this paper. Bose-Einstein correlations of charged kaons in 200 GeV Au + Au collisions and of charged pions in 200 GeV p + p collisions are shown. They are both compatible with previous measurements of charged pions in gold-gold collisions, with respect to transverse mass or number of participants scaling.
Primary Subject
Available from; Copyright (c) 2011 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters (Print); ISSN 1547-4771; ; v. 8(9); p. 934-937
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No abstract available
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Anon; 685 p; ISBN 2-7272-0065-X; ; 1981; p. 25; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris, France; 9. International conference on high energy physics and nuclear structure; Versailles, France; 6 - 10 Jul 1981; Available from Laboratoire National Saturne, CEN Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France); Published in summary form only.
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Gibbs, R.E.; Lord, J.J.; Wilkes, R.J.
Conference papers. 17. International cosmic ray conference, Paris, 13-25 July 19811981
Conference papers. 17. International cosmic ray conference, Paris, 13-25 July 19811981
No abstract available
Primary Subject
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; 470 p; ISBN 2-7272-0061-7; ; 1981; v. 5 p. 135; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris, France; 17. International cosmic ray conference; Paris, France; 13 - 25 Jul 1981; Sold by Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands; Published in abstract form only.
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Ratis, Yu.L.; Gareev, F.A.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation). Lab. of Theoretical Physics1992
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation). Lab. of Theoretical Physics1992
[en] Simple arguments are given for the explanation of the gross structure of the spectrum of baryon resonances based on the scaling analysis. 20 refs.; 2 figs.; 3 tabs
Primary Subject
1992; 12 p
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Report Number
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Anon; 685 p; ISBN 2-7272-0065-X; ; 1981; p. 472; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris, France; 9. International conference on high energy physics and nuclear structure; Versailles, France; 6 - 10 Jul 1981; Available from Laboratoire National Saturne, CEN Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France); Published in summary form only.
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[en] First ATLAS searches for signals of Supersymmetry in proton proton collisions at the LHC are presented. These searches are performed with the full data sample recorded in 2010, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35 pb-1. Results for various channels with large missing transverse energy and different lepton and jet multiplicities are reported. A search for long-lived strongly interacting particles is also presented. Good consistency with the Standard Model prediction has been found in all channels; limits on squark and gluino masses are derived, which considerably improved previous results.
Primary Subject
IFAE 2011: Incontri di fisica delle Alte Energie; Perugia (Italy); 27-29 Apr 2011
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nuovo Cimento. C (Print); ISSN 2037-4909; ; v. 34(6); p. 303-307
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Amaldi, Ugo; Bryant, Philip John; Darriulat, Pierre; Hübner, Kurt
CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva (Switzerland)2012
CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva (Switzerland)2012
[en] The Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) was the world’s first proton collider and formed a bridge between the fixed-target experiments at the relatively low energies prior to the 1970s and the high-energy frontier at the colliders of today. The machine, which worked with protons, deuterons, alpha particles and anti-protons, was at the forefront of technology in many fields and catalysed a rapid advance in accelerator technologies and techniques, including vacuum systems, precision power converters, superconducting quadrupoles, and especially the renowned stochastic cooling. These developments have resulted in the ISR having had a profound legacy to its successor machines – the Super Proton Synchrotron, the first proton-antiproton collider, and the LHC, CERN’s current flagship accelerator at the forefront of particle physics research at the highest energies. Moreover, owing to the challenges posed by the environment of the proton collisions for the physics under study, there were also many developments for particle detector techniques at the ISR. In particular, the use of ‘Roman pots’ for the positioning of detectors close to the circulating beams was demonstrated, as was the widespread use of multi-wire proportional chambers, cylindrical drift chambers and the use of liquid argon in calorimeters. Last but not least, the ISR made contributions to the understanding of fundamental particle physics processes. In particular, the study of hadronic interactions advanced QCD as the theory of strong interactions. The experiments also showed that the proton-proton total cross-section was not constant with energy. These results are still the subject of research today at the LHC. We are privileged to have had contributions at this colloquium from some of the key people of the ISR, 40 years after the first proton-proton collisions. We heard directly from them how the achievements at the ISR were realised, insight that will be of assistance in discovering new aspects relevant to the future of research in particle physics.
Primary Subject
CERN Yellow Reports Series; 2012; 80 p; 40. Anniversary of the First Proton-Proton Collisions in the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR); Geneva (Switzerland); 18 Jan 2011; ISBN 978-92-9083-375-8; ; ISSN 0007-8328; ; Available on-line:; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); DOI: 10.5170/CERN-2012-004; Copyright (c) 2012 CERN; This is an open access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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