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Tachibana, T.; Takano, M.; Uno, M.; Yamada, M.
8. International conference on atomic masses and fundamental constants (AMCO-8)1990
8. International conference on atomic masses and fundamental constants (AMCO-8)1990
[en] Abstract only
Primary Subject
Armbruster, P. (Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL), 38 - Grenoble (France)); Barber, R.C. (Winnipeg Univ., MB (Canada). Dept. of Physics); Cohen, E.R. (Rockwell International Corp., Thousand Oaks, CA (United States). Science Center); Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL), 38 - Grenoble (France); Winnipeg Univ., MB (Canada). Dept. of Physics; Rockwell International Corp., Thousand Oaks, CA (United States). Science Center; 129 p; 1990; (ptL) p. 50; 8. International conference on atomic masses and fundamental constants (AMCO-8); Jerusalem (Israel); 9-14 Sep 1990
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[en] Abstract only
Primary Subject
Israel Physical Society, Jerusalem (Israel); Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem (Israel). Racah Inst. of Physics; Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc; v. 36; 178 p; 1990; p. 34; Israel physical society 1990 annual meeting; Jerusalem (Israel); 6-7 May 1990
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Scattering in particle-hole space-simple approximations to nuclear RPA calculations in the continuum
[en] The Random Phase Approximation (RPA) treatment of nuclear small amplitude vibrations including particle-hole continua is handled in terms of previously developed techniques to treat single-particle resonances in a reaction theoretical framework. A hierachy of interpretable approximation is derived and a simple working approximation is proposed which involves a numerical effort no larger than that involved in standard, discrete RPA calculations. (author)
O tratamento Randon Phase Approximation de amplitudes de vibracao nucleares pequenas incluindo o continuo particula-buraco, e tratado em termos de tecnicas desenvolvidas previamente para se tratar resonancias de uma unica particula no contexto teorico da reacao. E derivada uma hierarquia de aproximacoes interpretaveis e uma aproximacao simples de trabalho e proposta qual envolve um esforco numerico comparavel ao dispendido no calculo normal RPA discreto. (autor)Primary Subject
Lima, C.L.; Nemes, M.C.; Wolynec, E.; Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 409 p; 1987; p. 338-362; 3. Summer School Jorge Andre Swieca in Nuclear Physics; Itaipava, RJ (Brazil); 16-25 Feb 1987
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[en] Indistinguishable quantum particles are called distributed according to quantum Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics if the statistical operator W is Maxwell-Boltzmann symmetric, i.e. if W is a homogeneous product state. It is shown that a state is both Maxwell-Boltzmann and Bose-Einstein symmetric if and only if it is a homogeneous product state of pure states
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Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Europhysics Letters; CODEN EULEE; v. 14(5); p. 391-396
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[en] A procedure is developed to calculate the chemical potential of a system of fermions at low temperatures within the framework of independent particle model. We calculate the energy spectrum of a single particle by equations similar to Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule. The behaviour of the chemical potential at various characteristics of the system has been investigated. (author)
Primary Subject
4 refs., 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
Dokladi na BYaD; ISSN 1310-8727; ; v. 5(1); p. 220-222
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[en] We investigate the independent quasiparticle (QP) picture for superdeformed nuclei of the mass-190 region, which is expected to lead to additivity in certain physical quantities. Obvious deviations from additivity are found from both projected shell model calculations and experimental data. The cause of the deviation can be decomposed and identified through this model. Our study suggests that the independent QP picture may not be fully appropriate for this mass region. (author)
Primary Subject
International conference on the physics of nuclear structure at the extremes; Lewes, Sussex (United Kingdom); 17-19 Jun 1998; Refs
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. G, Nuclear and Particle Physics (Online); ISSN 1361-6471; ; v. 25(4); p. 819-821
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Phys. Rev., C; v. 10(6); p. 2616-2617
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[en] If the single particle (sp) potential usub(αν) is the defined in terms of the mass operator Msub(αν)ν) by usub(αν) = Msub(αν)(epsilonν), corresponding to an eigenvector vertical strokeα> of the sp hamiltonian h = t + u, there may exist more than one eigenvalue and besides, the total set of vertical strokeα> may be overcomplete. The consequences of these possibilities, especially their bearings upon the relation between the eigensolutions of h and the nuclear sp (sh) states have been investigated in some detail. The general conclusions obtained are tested by Lipkin's model. It is shown that they are confirmed by this model. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Phys. Lett., B; ISSN 0370-2693; ; v. 120(1-3); p. 1-8
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Wang, S.J.; Cassing, W.; Noerenberg, W.
International conference on selected aspects of heavy ion reactions. Proceedings1982
International conference on selected aspects of heavy ion reactions. Proceedings1982
No abstract available
Primary Subject
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); 166 p; ISBN 2-7272--0073-0; ; May 1982; p. 57-58; International conference on selected aspects of heavy ion reactions; Saclay (France); 3 - 7 May 1982; Published in summary form only.
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[en] Accuracy and stability of single-particle resonance parameters under changes of a ''resonance wave function'' are examined in the context of a projection technique. Implications for their use in nuclear structure calculations are discussed
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Record Type
Journal Article
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