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[en] We present experimental observations of the abnormal growth of localized nonlinear space-charge waves in space-charge dominated electron beams passing through a resistive channel. The energy width of the space-charge waves is measured on both ends of the channel. Previous experiments had shown that, for small initial perturbations, the energy width of the slow waves increases, while the energy width of the fast waves decreases, in agreement with linear theory. We report that in the nonlinear regime (large initial perturbations), the energy width of the fast wave increases, which is unexpected, and, to the best of our knowledge, no theory exists that would predict this phenomenon. (c) 2000 The American Physical Society
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Journal Article
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Numerical Data
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Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2002
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2002
[en] Several improvements have been done on space charge calculations in the PIC code ORBIT[1], specialized for high intensity circular hadron accelerators. We present results of different Poisson solvers in the presence of conductive walls
Primary Subject
2 Jun 2002; 3 p; 8. European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2002); Paris (France); 3-7 Jun 2002; KA0501010; AC02-98CH10886; Available from PURL:
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Capista, D.; Kourbanis, I.; Scott, D.J.; Yang, M.-J.; Seiya, K.
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: DOE Office of Science (United States)2012
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: DOE Office of Science (United States)2012
[en] For Project X, it is planned to inject a beam of 3 1011 particles per bunch into the Main Injector. Therefore, at 8 GeV, there will be increased space charge tune shifts and an increased incoherent tune spread. In preparation for these higher intensity bunches exploratory studies have commenced looking at the transmission of different intensity bunches at different tunes. An experiment is described with results for bunch intensities between 20 and 300 109 particles. To achieve the highest intensity bunches coalescing at 8 GeV is required, resulting in a longer bunch length. Comparisons show that similar transmission curves are obtained when the intensity and bunch length have increased by similar factors. This indicates the incoherent tune shifts are similar, as expected from theory. The results of these experiments will be used in conjugation with simulations to further study high intensity bunches in the Main Injector.
Primary Subject
1 May 2012; 3 p; IPAC 2012: 3. International Particle Accelerator Conference; New Orleans, LA (United States); 20-25 May 2012; AC02-07CH11359; Available from Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), Batavia, IL; Conf.Proc.C1205201:163-165,2012
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No abstract available
(c) 2009 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; ISSN 1098-0121; ; v. 79(8); p. 089901-089901.1
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Anderson, O.A.
Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1995
Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1995
[en] The envelope equations for a KV beam with space charge have been analyzed systematically by an e expansion followed by integrations. The focusing profile as a function of axial length is assumed to be symmetric but otherwise arbitrary. Given the bean current, emittance, and peak focusing field, we find the envelopes a(s) and b(s) and obtain < a>, amax, σ, and σ0. Explicit results are presented for various truncations of the expansion. The zeroth order results correspond to those from the well-known smooth approximation; the same convenient format is retained for the higher order cases. The first order results, involving single correction terms, give 3--10 times better accuracy and are good to ∼1% at σ0 = 70 degree. Third order gives a factor of 10--30 improvement over the smooth approximation and derived quantities accurate to ∼1% at σ0 = 112 degree. The first order expressions are convenient design tools. They lend themselves to variable energy problems and have been applied to the design, construction, and testing of ESQ accelerators at LBL
Primary Subject
Apr 1995; 7 p; Particle accelerator conference; Dallas, TX (United States); 1-5 May 1995; CONF-950512--287; CONTRACT AC03-76SF00098; Also available from OSTI as DE95014773; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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[en] Space-charge effects on beam stabilities are studied for the proposed two-ring high-intensity Fermilab booster destined for the muon collider. This includes microwave instabilities and rf potential-well distortions. For the first ring, ferrite insertion is suggested to cancel the space-charge distortion of the rf wave form. To control the inductance of the ferrite during ramping and to minimize resistive loss, perpendicular biasing to saturation is proposed
Primary Subject
Apr 1998; 12 p; Front end of the muon colliders workshop; Batavia, IL (United States); 6-9 Nov 1997; CONF-971194--; CONTRACT AC02-76CH03000; ALSO AVAILABLE FROM OSTI AS DE98052816; NTIS; INIS; US GOVT. PRINTING OFFICE DEP
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Balbekov, V.
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Science - SC, High Energy Physics (HEP) (SC-25) (United States)2016
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Science - SC, High Energy Physics (HEP) (SC-25) (United States)2016
[en] Transverse mode coupling instability of a bunch with space charge is considered in frameworks of the boxcar model. Presented results demonstrate a monotonous growth of the TMCI threshold at increasing space charge tune shift, and do not support the supposition that the monotony can be violated at a higher SC.
Primary Subject
20 Jul 2016; 7 p; OSTIID--1414948; AC02-07CH11359; Available from; PURL:
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External URLExternal URL
Bazelyan, E M; Raizer, Yu P; Aleksandrov, N L, E-mail:, E-mail: nick_aleksandrov@hotmail.com2008
[en] Lightning attachment to grounded structures due to the initiation of an upward connecting leader from them is considered taking into account the effect of corona space charge near the structures. It is shown that the corona space charge strongly affects the initiation and development of the connecting leader. Specific features of a non-stationary corona are analysed analytically and numerically for one-dimensional electrode geometries and for a grounded rod coronating in a slowly varying thundercloud electric field that can be enhanced by the charge of an approaching downward lightning leader. Initiation and development of an upward connecting leader or upward lightning from high ground objects are investigated. Prospects of using the effect of coronae to control downward lightning discharges are discussed.
Primary Subject
ICPIG: 28. international conference on phenomena in ionized gases; Prague (Czech Republic); 15-20 Jul 2007; S0963-0252(08)61368-7; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Plasma Sources Science and Technology; ISSN 0963-0252; ; v. 17(2); [17 p.]
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External URLExternal URL
[en] An expression is derived for the potential created by a beam of uniform density and elliptic cross-section, coasting inside a hollow conducting tube of elliptic cross-section; the two ellipses (viz. the beam envelope and the contour of the vacuum chamber) are assumed to be confocal
On etablit une expression pour le potentiel cree par un faisceau de densite uniforme et de section elliptique, cheminant a l'interieur d'un tube conducteur creux de section egalement elliptique; les deux ellipses (enveloppe du faisceau et contour du tube) sont supposees homofocalesOriginal Title
Sur le potentiel de charge d'espace produit par un faisceau elliptique a l'interieur d'un tube conducteur creux de section elliptique
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Journal Article
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie B; v. 283(2); p. 25-28
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
5. particle accelerator conference; San Francisco, California, USA; 5 Mar 1973; See CONF-730310--.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
IEEE (Inst. Elec. Electron. Eng.), Trans. Nucl. Sci; v. NS-20(3); p. 895-897
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