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[en] It is noted that dozens of hectares of Kazakhstan's land are removed from national use due to high level of ecologically permissible effect. In some regions there is treat of complete loss of lands due to technogene pollution. There are areales of toxic and radioactive industrial wastes and environmental radiation contamination zones forming in result of: activity of Semipalatinsk nuclear test site and nuclear explosions of period 1949-1961; activity of military-industrial, atomic-industrial and military-space enterprises; mining and processing of mineral resources with high content of radioactive elements; wind transfer of radionuclides and radioactive particles of both the natural and the technogene origin; radiation background of natural (In average by Republic 11-18 μR/h) landscapes. Most dangerous are consequences of tests on nuclear and space sites. Kazakhstan is single place on the Earth where nuclear strategic programs were carried out in full volume, beginning from mining and processing of uranium containing raw by producing and testing of nuclear warheads, missiles destroying and disposal of uranium and other radioactive and toxic wastes of military-industrial complex. So, there were 500 atmosphere and underground explosions in former Semipalatinsk, Kostanaj, Akmola, Aktyube, South-Kazakhstan, West-Kazakhstan, Mangistau and Atyrau oblasts. In West Kazakhstan on known nuclear sites (Azgir, Tojsogan, Central) and on Kapustin Yar fly-test complex more than 30 nuclear explosions were carried out in both the atmosphere and the underground. More than hundred military units were tested and exposed and 20 thousand of missiles were destroyed. Powerful sources of pollution are Bojkonyr spaceport and Saryshgan and Elba test sites. Authors noted, that it is necessary develop criteria of definition of payments for resources use, indexes to base taxes, pay for damages. Some problems of regional management could be solved with help this assessment mechanism
Original Title
Kompleksnaya otsenka uslovij zhiznedeyatel'nosti v regionakh ustojchivogo riska Respubliki Kazakhstan
Primary Subject
Mezhdunarodnoe Antiyadernoe Dvizhenie 'Nevada-Semej' (Kazakhstan); Ministerstvo Ehnergetiki, Industrii i Torgovli Respubliki Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan); Assotsiatsiya 'Inst. Nerasprostraneniya' (Kazakhstan); Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra (Kazakhstan); Inzhenernaya Akademiya Respubliki Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan); 66 p; 2000; p. 44; 3. congress of global anti-nuclear alliance; 3. kongress global'nogo antiyadernogo al'yansa; Astana (Kazakhstan); 18-20 May 2000
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[en] Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) is developed based on existing rules, technical justification, and repository design and operation; for safe handling, transportation, and disposal of the waste in a repository. WAC is interdependent with design and operation of a repository. Waste to be disposed of in a repository should be segregated, classified, treated, and packaged to meet the WAC. This makes WAC very important for waste disposal in a repository. (author)
Primary Subject
2021; 8 p; NTC 2021: Nuclear Technical Convention 2021; Bangi (Malaysia); 26-28 Oct 2021; Available from Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center; Oral presentation
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
2020; 1 p; R&D Seminar 2020: Research and Development Seminar 2020; Bangi (Malaysia); 16-19 Nov 2020; Available from Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center; Poster presentation
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Vonglertmongkol, S.
Department of Nuclear Technology, Chulalongkorn Univ, Bangkok (Thailand)1994
Department of Nuclear Technology, Chulalongkorn Univ, Bangkok (Thailand)1994
[en] The objectives of the study are to conceive the data based on the utilization of radiation and radioisotopes in Thailand and the inventory of radioactive waste arising from such utilization. The suggestions of the future radioactive waste management are also given as well. Data collection was done by mean of questionnaire and interviewing 245 radioisotope users in Thailand. The outcome can be summarized as follows:. Increase in the quantity of radioisotope in all sectors of the utilization was found, especially on the applications in nuclear medicine and industry. The amount of radioactive waste is increasing accordingly. The waste from unsealed radioisotopes increase 10.68 percent per year for liquid wastes and about 6.39 percent per year for solid waste. Most of these wastes are subjected to transfer for treatment by the Office of Atomic Energy for Peace (OAEP). The wastes from sealed radiation sources were packed in shielded containers. Most of these wastes would be shipped to the country of supply, but, some will be handled by OAEP. The accumulated wastes volume after treatment and conditioning, in the next 30 year will be around 220 cubic meter, excluding the wastes from the operation of nuclear research reactor, nuclear power plant, decommissioning, used sealed sources and the wastes from mining and milling of radioactive ores
Primary Subject
1994; 94 p; Chulalongkorn University; Bangkok (Thailand); ISBN 974-631-032-1; ; Available from Graduate School, Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok (TH); Thesis (Master Eng.)
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Thesis/Dissertation; Numerical Data
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[en] Trio-Tech Tracer-Flo is an equipment used for the detection of hermeticity or air tightness of electronic components. It uses a gaseous Krypton-85 source as its radioactive tracer. Kr-85 is inert and radioactive with a half-life of 10.756 years. The Waste Technology Development Centre (WasTeC) had received two of the equipment in 2003 for management and subsequent disposal. Information about the equipment were scarce; however online searches and remaining metallic placards on the equipment revealed some useful information including the initial source activity. The unit was commissioned in June 1976 with initial activity of 50,000 mCi. Therefore, by calculation, the activity was believed to have decayed down to 2800 mCi at the date of disposal. This value however does not meet the requirement stipulated in Schedule-II of P.U(A)274 for the release of Kr- 85. Thus, other recommendations were considered. Radiation and occupational hazards of Kr-85 are evaluated and discussed in justifying the disposal of Kr-85 to the environment. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
2021; 7 p; NTC 2021: Nuclear Technical Convention 2021; Bangi (Malaysia); 26-28 Oct 2021; Available from Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center; Oral presentation
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[en] This paper contains a listing of all known hazardous waste sites in the United States. Relevant data are included on the location of the waste site along with the quantitity and nature of the waste as well as the disposal technique
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear and Chemical and Waste Management; ISSN 0191-815X; ; v. 1(3-4); p. 161-309
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No abstract available
Original Title
Sisa Buangan Reaktor Penyelidikan
Primary Subject
Muhammad Rawi Mohamed Zin (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)); 195 p; ISBN 978-983-49-2928-2; ; 2021; p. 150-186; Available from Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library
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[en] The future of the centralised low and intermediate level waste disposal facility at El Cabril (Cordoba) rests on its integration into the surrounding landscape. Once the disposal platforms have been filled, a final covering made up of a series of layers of soil, draining materials and low permeability materials will be put into place. Prior to drawing up the definitive project for the construction of the long-term covering layer, ENRESA decided in 2008 to initiate two scale tests to evaluate two previously defined alternatives and simultaneously acquire construction experience and obtain experimental information supporting the decisions taken in the final detailed design. The management, development and description of this R and D project constitute the subject of this article. (Author)
Original Title
El Cabril: vuelta a su estado natural
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Estratos; CODEN ERATEM; v. 98; p. 10-15
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Hisschemoller, M.; Midden, C.J.H.; Stallen, P.J.; Rijksuniversiteit Leiden; Nederlandse Centrale Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek, The Hague)
Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer, The Hague (Netherlands). Directie Stralenbescherming1985
Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer, The Hague (Netherlands). Directie Stralenbescherming1985
[en] In this report a managerial and psychological analysis, based on literature study and case analysis, is presented of various policy strategies which are or can be followed by governments in decisions about disposal of dangerous waste. Special attention is given to radioactive waste. (Auth.)
Original Title
Het kiezen van lokaties voor gevaarlijk (radioactief) afval
Primary Subject
Nov 1985; 128 p; VROM--851009/12-85; ISBN 90-346-0702-X; ; 98 refs.; 4 figs.; 2 tabs.
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Lopez Espejo, Catalina Andrea
Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas y Matematicas. Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica y Biotecnologia (Chile)2016
Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas y Matematicas. Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica y Biotecnologia (Chile)2016
[en] Product of processes mainly linked to nuclear research, there are liquid residues with natural uranium content that must be managed as radioactive waste of low activity. In particular, aqueous solutions of various types, among which phosphoric type, which must be treated with the ultimate goal of to confine as solid waste in authorized deposits. The objective of this work is the development of a volume reduction method for phosphoric solutions of the Radioactive Waste Section of the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (CCHEN), in order to achieve a new concentrated solution of uranium that can be managed in later processes to get the uranium in solid state. This methodology should be applicable and replicable in the CCHEN facilities and will allow to manage the concentration of the mother solution sufficiently low as industrial waste type. For this, an investigation was made of different methods of volume reduction of a solution with radioactive elements, concluding that solvent extraction with a synergistic mixture of diethylhexyl phosphoric acid (DEHPA) and trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) in aliphatic kerosene and subsequent Discharge of the reagent in a mixture with concentrated phosphoric acid with ferrous ion content is the method that best adapts to the conditions existing in the laboratory. After the study and application of the solvent extraction method with the synergic mixture to the CCHEN samples, an optimization of the process was carried out in order to reduce the use of organic reagents and provide an effective decrease in the volume of the solution, determining that a system composed of 7 successive stages of solvent extraction with DEHPA 0.25 [M] and TOPO 0.031 [M] in an organic and inorganic phase ratio of 0.09 and subsequent re-extraction of uranium with phosphoric acid 7 [M ] with 30 [g/L] of ferrous sulphate and ammonium achieves the proposed goal of reducing the volume of solutions to 31.8% of the initial. It has been considered the management of 240 liters solution in CCHEN'Laboratories, where 160 cycles would be applied, each of 1.5 liters of original solution to be treated, getting the final volume of the sample to be 75.6 liters. Considering the reuse of the organic reagent, is estimated that the cost of reagents to be used is 1,900 [CLP] per [L] of solution
Original Title
Abatimiento de uranio en desechos liquidos provenientes de investigacion nuclear
Primary Subject
2016; 58 p; Available from Library of CCHEN; 40 refs., 15 figs., 30 tabs., 7 graphs; Thesis (Ingeniero Civil Quimico)
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