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[en] The fluorescence detection systems currently in use for the measurement of EXAFS at the Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation Source are described. Each system consists of an array of NaI (T1) scintillation detectors. Methods of reducing the proportion of counts due to scatter are discussed. The advantages and problems associated with alternative detection systems are reviewed. Results are presented from measurements of energy resolution and count rate capability obtained with a prototype MWPC with a 10 cm thickness of gas
4. International conference on EXAFS and near edge structure IV; Fontevraud (France); 7-11 Jul 1986
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Fonseca-Martin, T.; Abolins, M.; Adragna, P.; Aleksandrov, E.; Aleksandrov, I.; Amorim, A.; Anderson, K.; Anduaga, X.; Aracena, I.; Asquith, L.; Avolio, G.; Backlund, S.; Badescu, E.; Baines, J.; Barria, P.; Bartoldus, R.; Batreanu, S.; Beck, H.P.; Bee, C.; Bell, P.; Bell, W.H.
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: US DOE Office of Science (United States)2011
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: US DOE Office of Science (United States)2011
[en] The ATLAS experiment under construction at CERN is due to begin operation at the end of 2007. The detector will record the results of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. The trigger is a three-tier system designed to identify in real-time potentially interesting events that are then saved for detailed offline analysis. The trigger system will select approximately 200 Hz of potentially interesting events out of the 40 MHz bunch-crossing rate (with 109 interactions per second at the nominal luminosity). Algorithms used in the trigger system to identify different event features of interest will be described, as well as their expected performance in terms of selection efficiency, background rejection and computation time per event. The talk will concentrate on recent improvements and on performance studies, using a very detailed simulation of the ATLAS detector and electronics chain that emulates the raw data as it will appear at the input to the trigger system.
Primary Subject
9 Nov 2011; 10 p; CHEP 07: International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics; Victoria, BC (Canada); 2-7 Sep 2007; AC02-76SF00515; Available from; PURL:; J.Phys.Conf.Ser.119:022022,2008
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Abolins, M.; Adragna, P.; Aleksandrov, E.; Aleksandrov, I.; Amorim, A.; Anderson, K.; Anduaga, X.; Aracena, I.; Asquith, L.; Avolio, G.; Backlund, S.; Badescu, E.; Baines, J.; Barria, P.; Bartoldus, R.; Batreanu, S.; Beck, H.P.; Bee, C.; Bell, P.; Bell, W.H.; Bellomo, M.
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: US DOE Office of Science (United States)2011
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: US DOE Office of Science (United States)2011
[en] During 2006 and the first half of 2007, the installation, integration and commissioning of trigger and data acquisition (TDAQ) equipment in the ATLAS experimental area have progressed. There have been a series of technical runs using the final components of the system already installed in the experimental area. Various tests have been run including ones where level 1 preselected simulated proton-proton events have been processed in a loop mode through the trigger and dataflow chains. The system included the readout buffers containing the events, event building, level 2 and event filter trigger algorithms. The scalability of the system with respect to the number of event building nodes used has been studied and quantities critical for the final system, such as trigger rates and event processing times, have been measured using different trigger algorithms as well as different TDAQ components. This paper presents the TDAQ architecture, the current status of the installation and commissioning and highlights the main test results that validate the system.
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9 Nov 2011; 10 p; CHEP 07: International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics; Victoria, BC (Canada); 2-7 Sep 2007; AC02-76SF00515; Available from; PURL:; J.Phys.Conf.Ser.119:022001,2008
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Konstantinidis, N.; Sutton, M.; Baines, J.; Emeliyanov, D.; Parodi, F.; Schiavi, C.; Drevermann, H., E-mail: sutt@mail.desy.de2006
[en] A set of conceptually simple and robust algorithms for fast pattern recognition and track reconstruction using three-dimensional space points developed for the ATLAS level 2 (LVL2) trigger at the LHC is presented. Results on execution time and physics performance demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach in a demanding, online trigger environment are presented. Both this strategy and a complimentary lookup table based strategy provided results appearing in the recent ATLAS High-Level Trigger, Data Acquisition and Controls Technical Design Report and were successfully implemented online during data taking for the recent ATLAS combined test beam
Primary Subject
TIME 2005: 1. workshop on tracking in high multiplicity environments; Zurich (Switzerland); 3-7 Oct 2005; S0168-9002(06)00824-2; Copyright (c) 2006 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 566(1); p. 166-169
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Emeliyanov, D; Baines, J; Kirk, J; Panikashvili, N; Tarem, S; Parodi, F; Schiavi, C; Sivoklokov, S; Watson, A, E-mail: Dmitry.Emeliyanov@cern.ch2008
[en] The unprecedented rate of beauty production at the LHC will yield high statistics for measurements such as CP violation and Ba oscillations and will provide the opportunity to search for and study very rare decays, such as B → μμ. The trigger is a vital component for this work and must select events containing the channels of interest from a huge background in order to reduce the 40 MHz bunch crossing rate down to 100-200 Hz for recording, of which only a part will be assigned to B-physics. Requiring a single or di-muon trigger provides the first stage of the B-trigger selection. Track reconstruction is then performed in the Inner Detector, either using the full detector, at initial luminosity, or within Regions of Interest identified by the first level trigger at higher luminosities. Based on invariant mass, combinations of tracks are selected as likely decay products of the channel of interest and secondary vertex fits are performed. Events are selected based on properties such as fit quality and invariant mass. We present fast vertex reconstruction algorithms suitable for use in the second level trigger and event filter (level three). We discuss the selection software and the flexible trigger strategies that will enable ATLAS to pursue a B-physics programme from the first running at a luminosity of about 1031cm-2s-1 through to the design luminosity running at 1034cm-2s-1
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CHEP '07: International conference on computing in high energy and nuclear physics; Victoria, BC (Canada); 2-7 Sep 2007; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 119(2); [7 p.]
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Igonkina, O.; Achenbach, R.; Adragna, P.; Aharrouche, M.; Alexandre, G.; Andrei, V.; Anduaga, X.; Aracena, I.; Backlund, S.; Baines, J.; Barnett, B.M.; Bauss, B.; Bee, C.; Behera, P.; Bell, P.; Bendel, M.; Benslama, K.; Berry, T.; Bogaerts, A.; Bohm, C.; Bold, T.; Booth, J.R.A.; Bosman, M.; Boyd, J.; Bracinik, J.; Brawn, I.P.; Brelier, B.; Brooks, W.; Brunet, S.; Bucci, F.; Casadei, D.; Casado, P.; Cerri, A.; Charlton, D.G.; Childers, J.T.; Collins, N.J.; Conde Muino, P.; Coura Torres, R.; Cranmer, K.; Curtis, C.J.; Czyczula, Z.; Dam, M.; Damazio, D.; Davis, A.O.; De Santo, A.; Degenhardt, J.
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2011
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2011
[en] The ATLAS experiment is preparing for data taking at 14 TeV collision energy. A rich discovery physics program is being prepared in addition to the detailed study of Standard Model processes which will be produced in abundance. The ATLAS multi-level trigger system is designed to accept one event in 2/105 to enable the selection of rare and unusual physics events. The ATLAS calorimeter system is a precise instrument, which includes liquid Argon electro-magnetic and hadronic components as well as a scintillator-tile hadronic calorimeter. All these components are used in the various levels of the trigger system. A wide physics coverage is ensured by inclusively selecting events with candidate electrons, photons, taus, jets or those with large missing transverse energy. The commissioning of the trigger system is being performed with cosmic ray events and by replaying simulated Monte Carlo events through the trigger and data acquisition system.
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8 Dec 2011; 9 p; Prepared for 13th International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics (CALOR08); Pavia (Italy); 26-30 May 2008; AC02-76SF00515; Available from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC); Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Volume 160, No.1, paper 012061 (2009)
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[en] Gas microstrip chambers built using two different types of glass substrate have been exposed to beams of minimum ionising particles from the CERN SPS. The gain and efficiency of the chambers have been measured as a function of the intensity of the beam. ((orig.))
3. London conference on position-sensitive detectors (PSD-3); Uxbridge (United Kingdom); 6-10 Sep 1993
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 348(2-3); p. 361-364
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Baines, J.; Baranov, S.P.; Bartalini, P.; Bay, A.; Bouhova, E.; Cacciari, M.; Caner, A.; Coadou, Y.; Corti, G.; Damet, J.; Dell-Orso, R.; De Mello Neto, J.R.T.; Domenech, J.L.; Drollinger, V.; Eerola, P.; Ellis, N.; Epp, B.; Frixione, S.; Gadomski, S.; Gavrilenko, I.; Gennai, S.; George, S.; Ghete, V.M.; Guy, L.; Hasegawa, Y.; Iengo, P.; Jacholkowska, A.; Jones, R.; Kharchilava, A.; Kneringer, E.; Koppenburg, P.; Korsmo, H.; Kramer, M.; Labanca, N.; Lehto, M.; Maltoni, F.; Mangano, M.L.; Mele, S.; Nairz, A.M.; Nakada, T.; Nikitin, N.; Nisati, A.; Norrbin, E.; Palla, F.; Rizatdinova, F.; Robins, S.; Rousseau, D.; Sanchis-Lozano, M.A.; Shapiro, M.; Sherwood, P.; Smirnova, L.; Smizanska, M.; Starodumov, A.; Stepanov, N.; Vogt, R.
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Director, Office of Science. Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics. Division of Nuclear Physics (United States)2000
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Director, Office of Science. Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics. Division of Nuclear Physics (United States)2000
[en] In the context of the LHC experiments, the physics of bottom flavoured hadrons enters in different contexts. It can be used for QCD tests, it affects the possibilities of B decays studies, and it is an important source of background for several processes of interest. The physics of b production at hadron colliders has a rather long story, dating back to its first observation in the UA1 experiment. Subsequently, b production has been studied at the Tevatron. Besides the transverse momentum spectrum of a single b, it has also become possible, in recent time, to study correlations in the production characteristics of the b and the b. At the LHC new opportunities will be offered by the high statistics and the high energy reach. One expects to be able to study the transverse momentum spectrum at higher transverse momenta, and also to exploit the large statistics to perform more accurate studies of correlations
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15 Mar 2000; 74 p; Standard Model Physics (and more) at the LHC, CERN; Geneva (Switzerland); 15 Apr 1999; B AND R KB0301020; AC03-76SF00098; Also available from OSTI as DE00799542; PURL:
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[en] We present an analysis of data obtained from gaseous micro-strip detectors (GMSDs) exposed to an accelerator beam of minimum ionising particles and compare this to results of the same analysis of data obtained from a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of the drift region only of such detectors. The MC program reproduces the experimental data very accurately, thus giving confidence that it can reliably be used to deduce some factors influencing GMSD performance. A brief indication of work in progress exploiting the simulation program is also given. ((orig.))
3. London conference on position-sensitive detectors (PSD-3); Uxbridge (United Kingdom); 6-10 Sep 1993
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 348(2-3); p. 293-296
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[en] The use of tracking information at the trigger level in the LHC Run II period is crucial for the trigger and data acquisition system and will be even more so as contemporary collisions that occur at every bunch crossing will increase in Run III. The Fast TracKer is part of the ATLAS trigger upgrade project; it is a hardware processor that will provide every Level-1 accepted event (100 kHz) and within 100μs, full tracking information for tracks with momentum as low as 1 GeV . Providing fast, extensive access to tracking information, with resolution comparable to the offline reconstruction, FTK will help in precise detection of the primary and secondary vertices to ensure robust selections and improve the trigger performance
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Instrumentation; ISSN 1748-0221; ; v. 11(02); p. C02056
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