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[en] Full text: The study of relativistic heavy ion interactions is motivated by its potential to reveal the creation of a new state of hadronic matter, the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). The existence of QGP has been postulated to occur at very high energy densities, in excess of Such energy densities are believed to be achievable in very central, head-on collisions of heavy ions. For this reason, the concept of the 'centrality' of a collision is crucially important for the pre-selection, classification and analysis of event data. However, since the impact parameter of a collision is not directly measurable, its accurate estimation has to rely on other experimentally observable event variables and features. The complexity and the fluctuations of this process can make this a very difficult task. In this work we investigate the capabilities and limitations of impact parameter estimation by means of various neural network architectures and algorithms. The performance of the neural network classifiers is compared with traditional methods of impact parameter estimation
Primary Subject
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Lucas Heights, NSW (Australia); 97 p; ISBN 0 9577217 5 7; ; 2000; p. 8; NUPP 2000: 18. Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference; Adelaide, SA (Australia); 10-15 Dec 2000; 14. Australian Institute of Physics Conference; Adelaide, SA (Australia); 10-15 Dec 2000; Available only in abstract form, full text entered in this record
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The telescope measures the charge, velocity and trajectory of any particle passing through it. For slowing particles the mass can also be estimated. The distinguishing feature of this telescope, as opposed to many others, is that the readout is photographic. This results in the apparatus being sensitive, not only to unassociated particles, but also to events where there is a delay of more than 20 n sec between the shower front and the particle of interest. A loose triggering system searches for events which have one or more of the following characteristics:- (a) fractional charge, (b) low β, (c) delay behind the shower front. Results are presented summarising the first two years of operation and their significance will be discussed. (author)
Secondary Subject
Australian Inst. of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Lucas Heights; p. 27; 1976; 6. AINSE nuclear physics conference 1976; Melbourne, Australia; 9 Feb 1976; Abstract only.
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Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] We report the results of an experiment on search for decays of charmed particles. Type BR-2 cryogenically sensitive nuclear emulsion placed in the 15-foot bubble chamber was exposed to a beam of muon neutrinos with a broad energy spectrum in the FNAL accelerator. We give an analysis of five recorded decays of short-lived particles, four of which are interpreted as decays of the charmed Λ+/sub c/ baryon and D+, D0, and D0 mesons
Primary Subject
Cover-to-cover translation of Yadernaya Fizika (USSR).
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Full text: The EMU01 Collaboration has examined lead-lead collisions at 158GeV/nucleon at CERN using emulsion chambers and stacks. The study of the behaviour of hadronic matter under very high energy density conditions may lead to the observation of a deconfinement phase transitions of the hadronic matter into a new state, the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). One of the postulated signatures of QGP creation is the nonstatistical fluctuations of particle production as revealed by the clustering of hadrons. The existence of such isolated groups of hadrons, or 'spikes' in either azimuthal or pseudorapidity distributions have been observed in various experiments. It has been proposed that these spikes may be due to Cherenkov radiation of gluons propagating through the plasma. However, the non-statistical nature of these spikes needs to be confirmed - as their appearance may also be due to stochastic fluctuations in the hadronization process. As there have recently been results from CERN experiment NA50 suggesting QGP production, the EMU01 data have been examined to search for signs of self similarity expected to result from the phase transition from QGP to ordinary matter. Techniques such as factorial moments, intermittency and erraticity analysis have been employed
Primary Subject
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Lucas Heights, NSW (Australia); 97 p; ISBN 0 9577217 5 7; ; 2000; p. 79; NUPP 2000: 18. Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference; Adelaide, SA (Australia); 10-15 Dec 2000; 14. Australian Institute of Physics Conference; Adelaide, SA (Australia); 10-15 Dec 2000; Available only in abstract form, full text entered in this record
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Bakich, A.; McCusker, C.B.A.; Peak, L.S.; Winn, M.M.
14th international cosmic ray conference. Conference papers. Vol. 91975
14th international cosmic ray conference. Conference papers. Vol. 91975
[en] The University of Sydney is now operating a telescope in a search for unusual particles amongst cosmic ray air showers. The apparatus consists of eight plastic scintillators, cerenkov counters and geiger counter trays for trajectory location. Readout is onto a fast oscilloscope and data is acquired both from film and electronics. The telescope operates in conjunction with a local extensive air shower array, defining the time of arrival of the associated air shower front (when it exists). (orig./WL)
Die Universitaet Sidney erstellt ein Teleskop fuer die Suche nach ungewoehnlichen Teilchen innerhalb von Hoehenstrahlungsluftschauern. Die Apparatur besteht aus 8 Plastik-Szintillatoren, Cherenkev-Zaehlern und Geigerzaehlern zur Bahnbestimmung. Die Auslese geschieht mit einem schnellen Oszilloskop und die Daten kommen von Film und elektronischen Geraeten. Das Teleskop arbeitet in Verbindung mit einer lokalen EAS-Anordnung, die die Ankunft der assoziierten Luftschauerfront definiert (wenn sie existiert). (orig./WL)Source
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik und Astrophysik, Garching/Muenchen (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Extraterrestrische Physik; International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, London (UK); p. 3401-3405; 1975; 14. international cosmic ray conference; Garching/Muenchen, Germany, F.R; 15 - 29 Aug 1975; Available from ZAED; 2 figs.; 1 tab.; 6 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] The cumulative effect in neutrino interactions in the 10-200 GeV energy range with nuclear photoemulsion is investigated. The medium cumulative proton yield drop at the neutrino energy exceeding 50 GeV (four momentum squared more than 15 (GeV/c2)2, energy transfer more than 20 GeV) is observed for the first time
Original Title
Rozhdenie kumulyativnykh protonov pri vzaimodejstvii nejtrino s yadrami fotoehmul'sii
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Pis'ma v Zhurnal Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki; ISSN 0370-274X; ; CODEN PZETA; v. 49(4); p. 189-191
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Moloney, G.R.; Sevior, M.E.; Taylor, G.N.; Tovey, S.N.; Varvell, K.; Bakich, A.; Peak, L.
15th Biennial Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics incorporating Australian Conference of Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT) and Australian Optical Society (AOS). Handbook and abstracts2002
15th Biennial Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics incorporating Australian Conference of Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT) and Australian Optical Society (AOS). Handbook and abstracts2002
[en] Full text: The observation of large Charge-Parity, CP, symmetry violation in the decay of B mesons has recently been reported by the Belle collaboration. Belle is an international collaboration of 54 institutes from 13 countries. The Belle experiment studies the decay of B B meson pairs produced at the KEKB B factory in Tsukuba, Japan. This presentation will include a survey of recent measurements by Belle, including the latest measurement of the CP violation parameter, sin2φ1. The Australian contribution to the construction and maintenance of the Belle detector will also be presented - including the assembly of detector modules for the recent upgrade of the Belle Silicon Vertex Detector
Primary Subject
Australian Institute of Physics (Australia); 235 p; 2002; p. 66; 15. Biennial Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics. Physics and industry working together; Sydney, NSW (Australia); 8-11 Jul 2002; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Results are presented on the experimental search for decays of charmed particles. A cryogenic-sensitive nuclear emulsion of the type BR-2, placed inside the 15-ft bubble chamber was exposed to the wide-energy-range neutrino beam at the FNAL accelerator. The analysis of five detected decays of short-lived particles is presented, among which four events are interpreted as decays of charmed particles: Λc+ baryon, D+, D0, D0 mesons
Original Title
Poisk raspadov ocharovannykh chastits v nejtrinnom ehksperimente s yadernoj fotoehmul'siej, pomeshchennoj v 15-futovuyu puzyr'kovuyu kameru FNAL
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ammosov, V.V.; Bakich, A.
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Serpukhov. Inst. Fiziki Vysokikh Ehnergij1987
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Serpukhov. Inst. Fiziki Vysokikh Ehnergij1987
[en] Comparative analysis results of the secondary hadrons inclusive characteristics in neutrino interactions with photoemulsion and neon nuclei at the energies of 10-200 GeV are presented. It is shown that the whole complex of data on the multiple production of the secondary particles is satisfactorily described in the frames of the parton-hadron cascade with the mean square of the transverse parton mass μ2=0.08 GeV2
Original Title
Izuchenie inklyuzivnykh kharakteristik zaryazhennykh adronov vo vzaimodejstviyakh nejtrino s yadrami fotoehmul'sii i neona
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1987; 9 p; FNAL--564; 12 refs.; 4 figs.; 1 tab.; submitted to the journal Sov. J. Nucl. Phys.
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Results of comparative analysis of mean multiplicities of secondary charged particles under neutrino interaction with photoemulsion and neon nuclei are presented. A sharp decrease of mean multiplicity of heavy-ionizing particles under the hadron invariant mass square values W2→40GeV2 in ν Em -interactions in contrast to h Em - interactions is observed, Such a decrease has no quantitative description within the framework of parton-hadron cascade model
Original Title
Vliyanie yadra na srednie mnozhestvennosti zaryazhennykh chastits v nejtrinnykh vzaimodejstviyakh pri vysokikh ehnergiyakh
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Pis'ma v Zhurnal Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki; ISSN 0370-274X; ; CODEN PZETA; v. 49(8); p. 421-423
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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