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Belomestnykh, S.A.; Kurkin, G.Ya.; Petrov, V.M.
AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (USSR). Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki1988
AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (USSR). Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki1988
[en] Mechanism of occurrence of quadrupole phase oscillations under the interaction of particles with HF resonators in storage rings is considered. It is shown that non-linearity of phase oscillations caused by rigidity square component can sufficiently effect quadrupole oscillation damping. If resonators are tuned so as to provide decrement for dipole oscillations then increment proportional to oscillation amplitude square can be introduced for quadrupole ones. This leads to the formation of a separatrix for quadrupole oscillations, the size of which can be much less than that of a separatrix for dipole oscillations. The latter can serve as a limitation on the maximum currents in the accelerator. Methods to overcome this effect are outlined. 5 refs.; 6 figs.; 1 tab
Original Title
Kvadrupol'nye sinkhrotronnye kolebaniya i nelinejnost' sinkhrotronnykh kolebanij chastits v uskoritele
Primary Subject
1988; 11 p; MN-08682.
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Anashin, V.V.; Belomestnykh, S.A.; Voroshilov, A.N.
AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (Russian Federation). Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki1992
AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (Russian Federation). Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki1992
[en] A cooler-storage for the VEPP-5 injection complex is described. The cooler-storage represents itself a storage ring with a monitor symmetry relative to two perpendicular axes. The magnetic structure includes four quadrants, magnetic elements of which are powered seriesly with an analogous element in other quadrant. The magnetic field polarity does not change, electrons and positions are injected (and extracted) in opposite gaps and are rotated in opposite directions. 2 refs.; 18 figs.; 9 tabs
Original Title
Nakopitel'-okhladitel' dlya inzhektsionnogo kompleksa VEhPP-5
Primary Subject
1992; 47 p
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Aleksandrov, A.V.; Anashin, V.V.; Belomestnykh, S.A.
AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (Russian Federation). Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki1992
AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (Russian Federation). Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki1992
[en] Project and the physical program of the asymmetric B factory are described. Main systems and synchrotron radiation detectors are described
Original Title
Proekt B-fabriki v Novosibirske
Primary Subject
1992; 97 p
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Arbuzov, V.S.; Belomestnykh, S.A.; Bushuev, A.A.
Proceedings of the 13. workshop on charged particle accelerators. Volume 11993
Proceedings of the 13. workshop on charged particle accelerators. Volume 11993
[en] The racetrack microtron - the continuous action recuperator designed for a free-electron laser is under development in the Novosibirsk Institute for Nuclear Physics. The designed electron energy is 45 MeV, average beam current is 0.1 A. 21 resonators (with peak accelerating voltage of 800 kw and RF-generators with total power of about 2 MW are planned to be applied in the microtron RF-systems. Accelerating cavity resonator and the 181 MHz RF-generator cascades have been developed and tested at a high power level and the steady-state conditions of operation. 4 refs., 1 tab., 2 figs
Original Title
Ispytanie ehlementov vysokochastotnoj sistemy razreznogo mikrotrona-rekuperatora
Primary Subject
Vasil'ev, A.A. (ed.); Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); 500 p; 1993; p. 183-186; 13. workshop on charged particle accelerators; Dubna (Russian Federation); 13-15 Oct 1992
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Belomestnykh, S.A.; Voroshilov, A.N.
Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference: Volume 51993
Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference: Volume 51993
[en] Lengthening of a single bunch has been investigated in the VEPP-3 storage ring at different energies for beam current up to 100 mA. The bunch length was measured using optical diagnostic system. The current dependences of the transverse beam size, synchronous phase shift, coherent and incoherent synchrotron tune shift have been measured. The experimental data are in agreement with the model of longitudinal potential well distortion. The real and imaginary parts of the longitudinal coupling impedance are deduced from measured data
Primary Subject
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York, NY (United States); American Physical Society, Washington, DC (United States); 829 p; 1993; p. 3669-3671; PAC '93: international particle accelerator conference; Washington, DC (United States); 17-20 May 1993; Available from IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4150
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Arbuzov, V.S.; Belov, A.N.; Belomestnykh, S.A.
Proceedings of the 10. All-union conference on accelerators of charged particles. Vol. 11987
Proceedings of the 10. All-union conference on accelerators of charged particles. Vol. 11987
[en] A new RF system is constructed to ensure the operation of the VEPP-3 storage rings in two-bunch mode. The system comprises two accelerating resonators, three power amplifiers and control equipment. The first accelerating resonator of the second harmonics of beam repetition frequency presents a short-circuit coaxial line, consisting of two parts. The resonator has the following electric parameters: Q-factor 4000, characteristic resistance 12 Ohm, shunt resistance 48 Ohm, the 20 kV voltage peak amplitude in the gap. The second accelerating resonator is a vacuum one and it operates in two-mode regime at the frequencies of 72.54 and 20.15 MHz at the eighteenth and fifth harmonics. The power amplifier has the output power up to 120 kW. The resonators are equipped with devices for automatic tuning of their proper frequencies using servo-drives
Original Title
Novaya vysokochastotnaya sistema nakopitelya VEhPP-3
Primary Subject
Vasil'ev, A.A. (ed.); AN SSSR, Moscow; Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow; Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR); p. 171-174; 1987; p. 171-174; 10. All-union conference on accelerators of charged particles; Dubna (USSR); 21-23 Oct 1986; 3 refs.; 4 figs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Arbuzov, V.S.; Belomestnykh, S.A.; Veshcherevich, V.G.
Proceedings of the 9. All-union conference on charged particles accelerators. V. 11985
Proceedings of the 9. All-union conference on charged particles accelerators. V. 11985
[en] The reserve power supply system used for the driving of the VEhPP-4 storage ring. RF-system is described. The valve oscillators with powerful amplifying cascaded with GI-50 A triodes are used as a power supply. The total power at a frequency of 181 MHz constitutes 200 kW, that enbles to attain the voltage with 760 kV amplitude for each of six resonators. The fast-response protection of output generator cascades is provided, which deenergized the anode voltage rom triodes during 50 μs with the anode current twice exceeding the nominal leve. Long-term system operation at a power of 15-30 kW from one output cascade has shown up that valve oscillator service time constitutes about 5000 h. The considered system provides stable operation of the VEhPP-4 storage ring at energy up to 5.3 GeV with a totalcurrent up to 20 mA. At energies of 1.8-4.7 GeV coherent phase oscillations of bunches do not occur at the total beam current up to 40 mA
Original Title
Vysokochastotnaya sistema nakopitelya VEhPP-4 na ehnergiyu 5,3 GehV
Primary Subject
AN SSSR, Moscow; Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow; Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR); p. 115-116; 1985; p. 115-116; 9. All-union conference on charged particle accelerators; Dubna (USSR); 16-18 Oct 1984
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Belomestnykh, S.A.; Voroshilov, A.N.
Proceedings of the 13. workshop on charged particle accelerators. Volume 11993
Proceedings of the 13. workshop on charged particle accelerators. Volume 11993
[en] The behaviour of a charged particle bunch in the range of its length of several centimeters at the VEPP - 3 during high current accumulation is studied. The bunch length, its cross-section dimension and equilibrium phase shift depending on current at different energies have been measured. The measured bunch length to current ratio is well coincide with theoretical prediction of the elongation by solving the balance equation where real and imaginary parts of impedance are comparable between each other. The bunch heating with current increase was not observed. The value of wide-band longitudinal impedance having inductive and resistive components is determined. 7 refs., 1 tab., 6 fogs
Original Title
Ehksperimental'noe issledovanie kollektivnykh ehffektov v nakopitele VEhPP - 3 v santimetrovom diapazone dlin sgustka
Primary Subject
Vasil'ev, A.A. (ed.); Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); 500 p; 1993; p. 427-430; 13. workshop on charged particle accelerators; Dubna (Russian Federation); 13-15 Oct 1992
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Belomestnykh, S.A.; Brovin, M.M.; Vinokurov, N.A.
Proceedings of 11. All-Union Conference on Charge-Particle Accelerators. V. 11989
Proceedings of 11. All-Union Conference on Charge-Particle Accelerators. V. 11989
[en] Experiments on carrying out works to develop the VEPP-3 as an injector for the VEPP-4 are conducted nowadays at the VEPP-3. An experiment with a jet polarized target is carried out. 6x105 photons per a second are obtained at the ROKK-2 facility designed for photon beam production. Resolution of a labelling system for secondary photons with 10-15 MeV energy in the range of 40-250 MeV is reached. Works on application of synchrotron radiation are enumerated. The EhTAP installation is created to check detector elements. The KEDR calorimeter prototype measurements are carried out at this installation. Energy resolution of the calorimeter is 1.9%. Generation of coherent radiation in the range from 0.38 to 0.69 μm with the line width of 1 A and power of 1 MW is obtained in an optical klystron. 3 refs.; 1 fig
Original Title
Novye vozmozhnosti ustanovki VEhPP-3
Primary Subject
Vasil'ev, A.A. (Ed.); AN SSSR, Moscow (USSR); Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow (USSR); Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR); 508 p; 1989; p. 410-414; 11. All-Union Conference on Charge-Particle Accelerators; XI. Vsesoyuznoe soveshchanie po uskoritelyam zaryazhennykh chastits; Dubna (USSR); 25-27 Oct 1988
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Belomestnykh, S.A.; Veshcherovich, V.G.; Gorniker, Eh.I.
Proceedings of 11. All-Union Conference on Charge-Particle Accelerators. V. 11989
Proceedings of 11. All-Union Conference on Charge-Particle Accelerators. V. 11989
[en] A high-frequency (HF) system for the BEhP electron-positron storage ring, being under construction, is described. The HF system operates at the frequency of 26.8 MHz and maintains the work of the storage ring at the energy up to 700 MeV with beam current up to 2 A. The HF system comprises a copper accelerating resonator, power generator for 50 kW and control system. At present the accelerating resonator is and its tests have started. Adjustment of the power generator and control system is being performed. 3 refs.; 2 figs
Original Title
Vysokochastotnaya sistema nakopitelya BEhP
Primary Subject
Vasil'ev, A.A. (Ed.); AN SSSR, Moscow (USSR); Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow (USSR); Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR); 508 p; 1989; p. 266-267; 11. All-Union Conference on Charge-Particle Accelerators; Dubna (USSR); 25-27 Oct 1988
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