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[en] Since the oil prices decreased during June 2008, many uncertainties drive the energy markets. The author aims to analyze the future battles around the the dying resources, taking into account that the alternatives sources will need time to develop. The author analyzes also the relation energy and climate in the preservation of the fundamental equilibrium. (A.L.B.)
Original Title
Perspectives energetiques et climatiques mondiales
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Froehlich, G.; Berg, E. von.
Stuttgart Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme1985
Stuttgart Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme1985
[en] In the present study a simple model for the description of the heating- and expansion-process of a water drop enclosed in hot melt is developed. The model is valid between the first contact of melt and water up to the beginning of evaporation. A possible superheating by retardation of ebullition is disregarded. The balance equations for energy, mass and momentum as well as the equation of state are integrated over the radial space coordinate in both media using appropriate profiles of temperature, pressure and velocity. Thereby a system of coupled ordinary differential equations is formed for the variables of the model which are now time dependent only. The equations are solved numerically by means of a FORTRAN-program. The influence of parameters (melt-temperature, heat-transfer-coefficient between melt and water as well as drop radius) are studied. It is shown that always very rapidly a vapor-layer forms around the water drop, while the inner part of the drop did not yet 'notice' anything of the heating process. An approximation formula for the time-transfer-coefficients between melt and water. Due to this approximation, the time up to incipience of evaporation grows proportional to the drop radius, which means that in the frame of the present model even small droplets won't evaporate as a whole instantaneously. (orig.)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein einfaches Modell zur Beschreibung des Aufheiz- und Expansionsvorganges von Wassertropfen, die in heisser Metallschmelze eingeschlossen sind, entwickelt. Die Gueltigkeit des Modells reicht vom Zeitpunkt des ersten Kontakes zwischen Wasser und Schmelze bis zum Beginn der Verdampfung des eingeschlossenen Wassers, wobei eine moegliche Ueberhitzung durch einen Siedeverzug ausser acht gelassen wird. Die Erhaltungsgleichungen fuer Energie, Masse und Impulse sowie die Zustandsgleichung werden fuer beide Medien nach Einfuehrung von geeigneten Profilen fuer die Ortsabhaengigkeit von Temperatur, Druck und Stroemungsgeschwindigkeit ueber den Ort integriert. Dadurch entsteht ein System von miteinander gekoppelten gewoehnlichen Differentialgleichungen fuer die nunmehr nur noch zeitabhaengigen Groessen. Das Gleichungssystem wird mittels eines FORTRAN-Programmes numerisch geloest und der Einfluss von Parametern (Anfangstemperatur der Schmelze, Waermeuebergangskoeffizient in der Grenzflaeche zwischen Schmelze und Wasser und Anfangsradius des Tropfens) wird untersucht. Dabei zeigt sich, dass sich stets sehr schnell ein Dampffilm um den Wassertropfen bildet, waehrend der Tropfen als Ganzes noch kaum etwas von der Erwaermung 'gespuert' hat. Fuer die Zeit bis zum Beginn der Verdampfung wird eine Naeherungsformel abgeleitet, die fuer hohe Waermeuebergangskoeffizienten zwischen Wasser und Schmelze gueltig ist. Demnach besteht ein proportionaler Zusammenhang zwischen dem Tropfenradius und der Zeit bis zum Beginn der Verdampfung. Daraus laesst sich ableiten, dass im Rahmen des hier entwickelten Modells auch fuer sehr kleine Troepfchen keine schlagartige Verdampfung des ganzen Tropfens auftritt. (orig.)Original Title
Beschreibung des Aufheiz- und Expansionsvorganges eines in heisser Schmelze eingeschlossenen Wassertropfens
Primary Subject
Nov 1985; 86 p
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[en] The purpose of the study is to calculate the impact four key variables have on the xenon poison fraction in graphite moderated molten salt reactors. Xenon-135 is produced directly and indirectly through fission and is removed through decay, burnup and gas sparging. Xenon does migrate throughout the core somewhat, however, the rate and process is not well understood. Therefore, the magnitude of the variables involved are not well known, yet these variables have a significant effect on the poison fraction. Both the mass transfer coefficient of xenon between the bulk graphite and salt channel interface and the share of salt in the core that penetrates the graphite are examined. In addition, known parameters set in design, power density and gas sparging efficacy are examined. (author)
Primary Subject
Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Ontario (Canada); vp; 2021; [6 p.]; 40. Annual Canadian Nuclear Society Conference (Virtual); Toronto (Canada); 6-9 Jun 2021; 45. Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference (Virtual); Toronto (Canada); 6-9 Jun 2021; Available from the Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Ontario (Canada); 2 refs., 2 tabs., 2 figs.
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Berg, E. von; Buerger, M.; Hocke, K.D.; Schatz, A.
Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme; Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)1989
Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme; Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)1989
[en] In core meltdown accidents a change of flow cross sections inside the cooling channel is of great importance. This may be caused by films of molten fuel rod material flowing down and solidifying at the fuel rod surface. These events are described by a transient, one-dimensional model. Hereby, the temporal and local development of film thickness, velocity, temperature and crust thickness along the fuel rod surface in axial direction can be calculated. Results of first test calculations are discussed. They reveal high masses of melt, thin initial film thickness, low leakage velocities and large temperature gradients along the rod axis as main parameters of influence. These promote the development of thick crusts, which may cause a blockage of the cooling channel. Hereby, further fuel rod coolability is prevented. (orig.)
Fuer den Ablauf von Kernschmelzunfaellen spielt die Veraenderung der Stroemungsverhaeltnisse im Kuehlkanal durch Schmelzefilme, die auf der Brennstaboberflaeche ablaufen und erstarren, eine wesentliche Rolle. Fuer die Beschreibung dieses Vorgangs wurde ein transientes eindimensionales Modell entwickelt. Damit koennen die zeitliche Veraenderung der Schmelzefilmdicke, der Filmgeschwindigkeit, der Filmtemperatur und der Dicke der entstehenden Kruste in axialer Richtung berechnet werden. Ergebnisse erster Testrechnungen werden vorgestellt. Daraus geht hervor, dass grosse Schmelzemengen bei duennen Anfangsfilmdicken, niedrigen Auslaufgeschwindigkeiten und starken axialen Temperaturgradienten im Brennstab eine Blockade des Kuehlkanals durch starken Krustenaufbau foerdern. Hierdurch wird die weitere Kuehlbarkeit der Brennstaebe stark eingeschraenkt. (orig.)Original Title
Modellierung des Ablaufens und Erstarrens eines Schmelzefilms an der Brennstoffoberflaeche nach Huellrohrversagen (Candling)
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Jun 1989; 57 p; CONTRACT BMFT 1500 750/5 (KESS-III)
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[en] There has been a renewed interest to develop new nuclear power systems for commercial deployment. Of the design categories receiving significant attention is molten salts reactors (MSRs). There are many MSR design configurations under development, this paper focuses on the thermal-spectrum, pebble-bed, salt-cooled concept, often referred to as the Fluoride High-temperature Reactor (FHR). Constructing a geometrically accurate model of a pebble bed reactor with double heterogeneity is addressed before any further analysis is conducted. Within the FHR design concept geometric and material parameters can vary considerably. The purpose of the paper is to examine two fundamental design parameters; the level of moderation and the coolant salt selection. Results indicate that additional moderation beyond the graphite in the pebbles is beneficial and alternative salts to 27LiF-BeF2, despite inferior results, do generate an adequately high multiplication factor. (author)
Primary Subject
Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Ontario (Canada); 175 Megabytes; ISBN 978-1-926773-28-5; ; 2019; [6 p.]; 39. Annual CNS conference and 43. CNS/CNA student conference; Ottawa, Ontario (Canada); 23-26 Jun 2019; Available from the Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Ontario (Canada); 2 refs., 4 tabs., 4 figs.
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[en] In this paper we ask whether OPEC still gains from cartelisation in the oil market despite low producer prices and a modest market share. We apply two intertemporal equilibrium models of the global oil market; one consisting of a cartel and a fringe, and one describing a hypothetical competitive market. Comparing the outcome of these models we conclude that there are positive cartelisation gains of about 18 percent in the oil market. In comparison with what Pindyck (1978) found for the 1970s this may be considered as quite modest. Moreover, we study whether the cartelisation gains to OPEC are altered by different moves by non-OPEC producers or consumer countries. Generally, we find that the relative cartelisation gains are unchanged. One exception is exploration activities, where we find that a major increase in non-OPEC reserves could remove the cartelisation gains to OPEC completely. In this case, the OPEC-countries could find themselves better off without the cartel. (author)
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No abstract available
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Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods; v. 111(2); p. 393-396
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[en] 13C- and 2H-labeled retinal derivatives have been used to assign normal modes in the 1100-1300-cm-1 fingerprint region of the resonance Raman spectra of rhodopsin, isorhodopsin, and bathorhodopsin. On the basis of the 13C shifts, C8-C9 stretching character is assigned at 1217 cm-1 in rhodopsin, at 1206 cm-1 in isorhodopsin, and at 1214 cm-1 in bathorhodopsin. C10-C11 stretching character is localized at 1098 cm-1 in rhodopsin, at 1154 cm-1 in isorhodopsin, and at 1166 cm-1 in bathorhodopsin. C14-C15 stretching character is found at 1190 cm-1 in rhodopsin, at 1206 cm-1 in isorhodopsin, and at 1210 cm-1 in bathorhodopsin. C12-C13 stretching character is much more delocalized, but the characteristic coupling with the C14H rock allows the authors to assign the C12-C13 stretch at ∼1240 cm-1 in rhodopsin, isorhodopsin, and bathorhodopsin. The insensitivity of the C14-C15 stretching mode to N-deuteriation in all three pigments demonstrates that each contains a trans (anti) protonated Schiff base bond. The relatively high frequency of the C10-C11 mode of bathorhodopsin demonstrates that bathorhodopsin is s-trans about the C10-C11 single bond. This provides strong evidence against the model of bathorhodopsin proposed by Liu and Asato, which suggests a C10-C11 s-cis structure. Comparison of the fingerprint modes of rhodopsin with those of the 11-cis-retinal protonated Schiff base in methanol shows that the frequencies of the C-C stretching modes are largely unperturbed by protein binding. The implications of these observations for the mechanism of wavelength regulation in visual pigments and energy storage in bathorhodopsin are discussed
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Buerger, M.; Berg, E. von; Buck, M.
Proceedings of the OECD/CSNI specialists meeting on fuel-coolant interactions1998
Proceedings of the OECD/CSNI specialists meeting on fuel-coolant interactions1998
[en] Various descriptions of jet and drop breakup are applied in premixing codes, presently. The main task is to check these descriptions over a wide range of conditions in order to assure extrapolation capabilities for the codes. Jet breakup under non-boiling conditions is relatively well described by IKEJET, based on Conte/Miles (CM) instability description and a relatively detailed stripping model, in contrast to using Kelvin/Helmholtz (KH) theory. Remaining open questions are elaborated. Especially, thick jet behavior with dominance of stripping even at small relative velocities must be distinguished from thin jets with coarse breakup. The application of IKEJET to cases with jet breakup under strong film boiling yielded significantly too little fragmentation. As a possible explanation line, multiphase effects on the wave growth and stripping are considered, due to entrainment of melt and water. Parametric checking calculations are performed with a strongly simplified approach for PREMIX and FARO experiments in order to reveal main effects and the possible physical explanation features as a basis for extended modelling. The results indicate that jet breakup may be essentially sufficient to explain the experimental behavior. Rather coalescence than further drop breakup may be expected. This is also indicated by calculations with IKE drop breakup models. (author)
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Akiyama, Mamoru; Yamano, Norihiro; Sugimoto, Jun (eds.); Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo (Japan); 836 p; Jan 1998; p. 567-590; OECD/CSNI specialists meeting on fuel-coolant interactions; Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); 19-21 May 1997
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[en] Solid-state 13C NMR spectra of the M photocycle intermediate of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) have been obtained from purple membrane regenerated with retinal specifically 13C labeled at positions 5, 12, 13, 14, and 15. The M intermediate was trapped at -40 degree C and pH = 9.5-10.0 in either 100 mM NaCl [M (NaCl)] or 500 mM guanidine hydrochloride [M (Gdn-HCl)]. The 13C-12 chemical shift at 125.8 ppm in M (NaCl) and 128.1 ppm in M (Gdn-HCl) indicates that the C13 double-bond C14 double bond has a cis configuration, while the 13C-13 chemical shift at 146.7 ppm in M (NaCl) and 14.57 ppm in M (Gdn-HCl) demonstrates that the Schiff base in unprotonated. The principal values of the chemical shift tensor of the 13C-5 resonance in both M (NaCl) and M (Gdn-HCl) are consistent with a 6-s-trans structure and a negative protein charge localized near C-5 as was observed in dark adapted bR. The ∼5 ppm upfield shift of the 13C-5 M resonance relative to 13C-5 bR568 and bR548 is attributed to an unprotonated Schiff base in the M chromophore. Of particular interest in this study were the results obtained from 13C-14 M. In M (NaCl), a dramatic upfield shift was observed for the 13C-14 resonance relative to unprotonanted Schiff base model compounds. In contrast, in M (Gdn-HCl) the 13C-14 resonance was observed at 125.7 ppm. The different 13C-14 chemical shifts in these two M preparations may be explained by different Cdouble-primeN configurations of the retinal-lysine Schiff base linkage, namely, syn in NaCl and anti in guanidine hydrochloride
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