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Berger, C.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2008
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2008
[en] We present the first results from BlackHat, an automated C++ program for calculating one-loop amplitudes. The program implements the unitarity method and on-shell recursion to construct amplitudes. As input to the calculation, it uses compact analytic formula for tree amplitudes for four-dimensional helicity states. The program performs all related computations numerically. We make use of recently developed on-shell methods for evaluating coefficients of loop integrals, introducing a discrete Fourier projection as a means of improving efficiency and numerical stability. We illustrate the numerical stability of our approach by computing and analyzing six-, seven- and eight-gluon amplitudes in QCD and comparing against previously-obtained analytic results
Primary Subject
SLAC-PUB--13161; AC02-76SF00515; Available from
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. D, Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology; ISSN 1550-7998; ; (Issue Apr 2008); vp
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Berger, C.
Institut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA), 69 - Villeurbanne (France)1985
Institut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA), 69 - Villeurbanne (France)1985
[en] This invention is more particularly aimed at the electrostatic devices used in time-of-flight mass spectrometers. To obtain a better resolution and a maximum transmission, the mirror is characterized by three annular electrodes with same radius R: - having at least an inner conductor surface related to an electric source, - delimiting by their facing ends cross-sections, - spaced successively with coaxial arrangement, - having an axial length for the center electrode equal to 0,9 R and for the end electrodes a length enough to give to them a behaviour equivalent to a infinite length tube cylinder. Ion beams are reflected by the mirror which in the same time realizes the time-of-flight unicity for ion. TOF unicity means that time of flight will be the same for equal mass ions
Cette invention vise plus particulierement les systemes electrostatiques utilises dans les spectrometres de masse a temps de vol. Pour atteindre une meilleure resolution que celle atteinte actuellement et une transmission maximale, le miroir selon l'invention est caracterise en ce qu'il est constitue par 3 electrodes annulaires de meme rayon R: - comportant au moins une surface interne conductrice reliee a une source electrique, - delimitant par leurs extremites en regard des sections transversales droites, - disposees coaxialement en etant espacees successivement d'une distance egale a 0,4 R, - possedant une longueur axiale pour l'electrode centrale egale a 0,9 R et pour les electrodes extremes suffisante pour leur conferer un comportement equivalent a un cylindre tubulaire de longueur infinie. Le faisceau d'ions entrant est reflechi par un tel miroir qui, en meme temps, realise 'l'unicite' de temps de vol pour les ions de meme masseOriginal Title
Miroir electrostatique de focalisation en temps de vol de particules chargees et son application a la spectrometrie de masse
4 Jan 1985; 28 Jun 1983; 15 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2548448/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 8310941; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 28 Jun 1983
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Berger, C.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Science (United States)2004
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Science (United States)2004
[en] This work extends our previous studies of two-photon annihilation into baryon-antibaryon pairs from spin-1/2 octet to spin-3/2 decuplet baryons. Our approach is based on perturbative QCD and treats baryons as quarkdiquark systems. Using the same model parameters as in our previous work, supplemented by QCD sum-rule results for decuplet baryon wave functions, we are able to give absolute predictions for decuplet baryon cross sections without introducing new parameters. We find that the Δ2 cross section is of the same order of magnitude as the proton cross section, well within experimental bounds
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
8 Nov 2004; 14 p; AC--02-76SF00515; Available from PURL:
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Berger, C.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2008
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2008
[en] We begin an exploration of the physics associated with the general CP-conserving MSSM with Minimal Flavor Violation, the pMSSM. The 19 soft SUSY breaking parameters in this scenario are chosen so as to satisfy all existing experimental and theoretical constraints assuming that the WIMP is a thermal relic, i.e., the lightest neutralino. We scan this parameter space twice using both flat and log priors for the soft SUSY breaking mass parameters and compare the results which yield similar conclusions. Detailed constraints from both LEP and the Tevatron searches play a particularly important role in obtaining our final model samples. We find that the pMSSM leads to a much broader set of predictions for the properties of the SUSY partners as well as for a number of experimental observables than those found in any of the conventional SUSY breaking scenarios such as mSUGRA. This set of models can easily lead to atypical expectations for SUSY signals at the LHC
Primary Subject
SLAC-PUB--13388; AC02-76SF00515; Available from
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of High Energy Physics (Online); ISSN 1029-8479; ; (Issue Dec 2008); vp
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Berger, C.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2006
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2006
[en] We consider a scalar field, such as the Higgs boson H, coupled to gluons via the effective operator H trGμνGμν induced by a heavy-quark loop. We treat H as the real part of a complex field φ which couples to the self-dual part of the gluon field-strength, via the operator φtrGSDμνGSDμν, whereas the conjugate field φ couples to the anti-self-dual part. There are three infinite sequences of amplitudes coupling φ to quarks and gluons that vanish at tree level, and hence are finite at one loop, in the QCD coupling. Using on-shell recursion relations, we find compact expressions for these three sequences of amplitudes and discuss their analytic properties
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
SLAC-PUB--12054; AC02-76SF00515; Also available from
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. D, Particles Fields; ISSN 0556-2821; ; (Issue Aug 2006); vp
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[en] The PLUTO apparatus and experimental procedures are discussed, and results on 2 prong final states and multihadron production are given
Primary Subject
Gunion, J.F. (ed.); p. 60-77; 1979; p. 60-77; University of California; Davis, CA; International conference on two-photon interactions; Lake Tahoe, CA, USA; 30 Aug - 1 Sep 1979
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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Ewald, J.; Berger, C.; Brachvogel, H.
Siemens AG Unternehmensbereich KWU, Muelheim an der Ruhr (Germany, F.R.). Bereich Technik, Werkstoffe; Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany, F.R.)1989
Siemens AG Unternehmensbereich KWU, Muelheim an der Ruhr (Germany, F.R.). Bereich Technik, Werkstoffe; Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany, F.R.)1989
[en] Two 1% CrMoNiV steels were tested at room temperature, 530 and 550deg C normally with CT1 specimens. The material was in the as-received and aged condition (simulating the conditions up to 100,000 h at 530deg C). The crack lengths were measured by potential drop for cycling and static loading conditions in the single tester at the test temperature and in the multiple test machine during unloading of specimen with compliance technique. To compare the test procedure and the evaluation of results, a Round Robin test at 550deg C was performed to measure the cyclic crack growth rate under static loading. For measurements of creep crack growth rates, a lot of specimens were tested (up to about 20,000 h) at 530deg C. With increasing stress intensity factor (KIid) decreases the time for crack initiation. The crack growth rates increased too with increasing load, e.g. stress intensity factor (KIid). The results allow an estimation of crack under creep loading conditions with respect to crack initiation and crack growth. The fatigue crack growth under cyclic loading (R = 0.1) at different frequencies (10, 1 and 0.017 Hz) at a temperature of 530deg C shows an increasing of crack growth rate with increasing time per cycle. (orig./MM)
In diesem Programm wurde versucht, die unterschiedlichen, waehrend des Betriebes einer Turbinenwelle aus 28CrMoNiV 4 9 Stahl auftretenden Einfluesse auf das Risswachstum bei 530deg C und die Bruchzaehigkeit auszuloten. Es wurden daher an CT-Proben bei 530deg C statische Risseinleitungs- und Risswachstumsuntersuchungen und zyklische Risswachstumsuntersuchungen durchgefuehrt, wobei teilweise vorlaufend a) Auslagerungen bei 530/560deg C (mit aequivalenter 530deg C-Larsson-Miller-Wirkzeit bis 105 h; b) zyklisches - vor statischem - und c) statisches - vor zyklischem - Risswachstum vorgenommen wurden. (orig./MM)Original Title
Rissausbreitung unter statischer, zyklischer und kombinierter Beanspruchung bei 530deg C and 1% CrMoNiV-Stahl
Primary Subject
29 Jun 1989; 74 p; CONTRACT BMFT 03K05110; COST 505-D20/D21
Record Type
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Berger, C.; Granacher, J.; Kostenko, J.
Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau e.V., Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstoffkunde (IFW). Funding organisation: Forschungsvereinigung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Eisen- und Metallverarbeitenden Industrie e.V., Ratingen (Germany)1999
Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau e.V., Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstoffkunde (IFW). Funding organisation: Forschungsvereinigung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Eisen- und Metallverarbeitenden Industrie e.V., Ratingen (Germany)1999
[en] The creep equations are based on the well-tried concept of the modified Garofalo equation. They describe the plastic initial elongation as well as primary, secondary and tertiary creep, all with high accuracy. For the first time, parameter-supported creep equations were established for the steels 14 MoV 6 3 for pipes, GS-17 CrMoV 5 11 for cast metal casings, and X 3 CrNiMoN 17 13 for pipes. In the case of cast steel GS-17 CrMoV 5 11, a creep equation was also established for a single material. In the case of a further steel, X 19 CrMoV NbN 11 1 for bolts, the creep equation was established for the steel type first, owing to the heterogeneous behaviour of several compound materials. An optimized creep curve supported equation was established for a 1% CrMoNiV steel for turbine shafts and big forged parts according to SEW 555. Further, a scales-independent optimized creep equation was established for this steel which avoids over-conservative calculation in case of large component cross sections. The equations are suited for calculating components under static or quasistatic creep load and are verified by calculations. For practical application, the equations are available in the form of a program package KARA FW as user subroutines for FE program systems like ABAQUS
Die aufgestellten Kriechgleichungen beruhen auf dem bewaehrten Konzept der modifizierten Garofalo-Gleichung. Sie ist in der Lage, die plastische Anfangsdehnung sowie das Primaer-, Sekundaer- und Tertiaerkriechen mit hoher Genauigkeit zu beschreiben. Erstmals wurden auf diesem Wege parametergestuetzte Kriechgleichungen fuer die Stahlsorten 14 MoV 6 3 fuer Rohrleitungen, GS-17 CrMoV 5 11 fuer Gussgehaeuse und X 3 CrNiMoN 17 13 fuer Rohrleitungen aufgestellt. Beim Stahlguss GS-17 CrMoV 5 11 wurde auch erstmals eine Kriechgleichung eines Einzelwerkstoffes aufgestellt. Bei einem weiteren Stahl, X 19 CrMoVNbN 11 1 fuer Schrauben, wurde wegen des heterogenen Verhaltens einiger Einzelwerkstoffe die Kriechgleichung als Besonderheit sofort fuer die Stahlsorte aufgestellt. Eine optimierte kriechkurvengestuetzte Gleichung wurde fuer einen 1% CrMoNiV-Stahl fuer Turbinenwellen und groessere Schmiedestuecke nach SEW 555 erstellt. Ausserdem wurde fuer diesen Stahl eine zunderunabhaengige optimierte Kriechgleichung aufgestellt, die bei grossen Bauteilquerschnitten eine ueberkonservative Berechnung vermeidet. Die Gleichungen sind fuer die Berechnung von statisch oder quasistatisch beanspruchten Bauteilen im Kriechbereich geeignet und durch Nachrechnung von Verifizierungsversuchen abgesichert. Zur Anwendung werden die Gleichungen in Form eines Programmpaketes KARA FW als User Subroutinen fuer Finit-Element-Programmsysteme wie ABAQUS bereitgestellt. (orig.)Original Title
Kriechgleichungen - Kriechgleichungen fuer warmfeste Kraftwerksstaehle. Abschlussbericht
Primary Subject
1999; 183 p; CONTRACT AVIF A94; CONTRACT FKM 202; Available from TIB Hannover: RA 2383(243)
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Mao, T.S.; Granacher, J.; Berger, C.
21. Lecture meeting, ''Long-term performance of heat-resistant steels and high-temperature materials''. Thermal stresses1999
21. Lecture meeting, ''Long-term performance of heat-resistant steels and high-temperature materials''. Thermal stresses1999
[en] The creep rupture performance of notched specimens of different size and shape made of 1%CrMoNiV forgeable steels was examined experimentally and mathematically in order to test and possibly enhance the capabilities of FE calculations for assessment of the creep strength of structural components over their entire service life. Realistic creep equations were applied for the creep strength calculations. For determination of creep-induced crack initiation and crack propagation behaviour, available fracture mechanics data described with the parameter C* as well as the life fraction rule were used. Applicability testing using results calculated by way of random sampling, describing the creep deformation at the notch root, as well as results assessed for a large number of specimens, describing the creep-to-rupture time, showed good agreement with the experimental results, whereas calculated results for crack initiation processes showed less good agreement. (orig./CB)
An 1% CrMoNiV-Schmiedestaehlen wurde das Zeitstandbruchverhalten von Kerbproben unterschiedlicher Form und Groesse experimentell und rechnerisch untersucht mit dem Ziel, die Moeglichkeiten der FE-Berechnung kriechbeanspruchter Bauteile ueber deren gesamte Lebensdauer hinweg zu erkunden und zu verbessern. Zu den Kriechberechnungen wurden wirklichkeitsnahe Kriechgleichungen herangezogen. Zur Ermittlung des Kriechrisseinleitungs- und Kriechrissfortschrittsverhaltens wurden die Lebensdaueranteilregel und mit dem Parameter C* beschriebene Bruchmechanikkennwerte herangezogen. Als Ergebnis zeigen stichprobenartig errechnte Werte der Kriechverformung im Kerbgrund und an einer groesseren Anzahl von Proben abgeschaetzte Werte der Kerbbruchzeit gute Uebereinstmmung mit den experimentellen Werten, waehrend die Berechnungsergebnisse zur Anrisszeit eine schwaechere Uebereinstimmung zeigen. (orig.)Original Title
Zeitstandbruchverhalten bauteilaehnlicher Rundkerbproben
Primary Subject
Verein Deutscher Eisenhuettenleute (VDEh), Duesseldorf (Germany). Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Warmfeste Staehle; Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe (Germany); 189 p; 1999; p. 140-152; 21. lecture meeting: Long-term performance of heat-resistant steels and high-temperature materials - thermal stresses; 21. Vortragsveranstaltung: Langzeitverhalten warmfester Staehle und Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe; Duesseldorf (Germany); 27 Nov 1998; Available from TIB Hannover: RO 1809(21)
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Moehlig, H.; Granacher, J.; Berger, C.
20th Lecture meeting on ''Long-term performance of heat-resistant steels and high-temperature resistant materials'', Duesseldorf, 28 November 1997. Thermal material stresses1998
20th Lecture meeting on ''Long-term performance of heat-resistant steels and high-temperature resistant materials'', Duesseldorf, 28 November 1997. Thermal material stresses1998
[en] On the basis of various approaches, constitutive creep equations have been developed which permit prediction over a wide range of the uniaxial creep rupture behaviour of typical heat-resistant steels under conditions of constant stress and under conditions of variable tensile or tension-compression lo[s. Normal creep rupture data are required for derivation of the equation constants. It is possible to make temperature interpolation of the constants defined eg. in 50 C intervals. The uncertainty of the prediction of time-to-rupture or limiting strain under cyclic stresses is not larger if derived with scatter band factors of 0.5 and 2 than that derived using the life-fraction rule together with the factor concept of the relative lifetime. For application of the constitutive equations to four heat-resistant, industrial steels, the KORA program has been developed that permits life predictions for any defined creep rupture processes and includes a calculation module applicable as a lifetime specifying tool. (orig./CB)
Auf der Basis verschiedener Ansaetze wurden konstitutive Kriechgleichungen entwickelt, mit denen sich das einaxiale Zeitstandverhalten typischer warmfester Staehle unter konstanter Beanspruchung sowie unter veraenderlicher Zug- oder Zug-Druck-Beanspruchung ueber einen weiten Bereich vorhersagen laesst. Zur Bestimmung der Gleichungskonstanten sind lediglich Normalzeitstanddaten erforderlich. Eine Temperaturinterpolation der z.B. in 50 C-Schritten bestimmten Konstanten ist moeglich. Die Unsicherheit der Vorhersage von Bruchzeiten oder Dehngrenzzeiten unter zyklischer Beanspruchung ist mit Streubandfaktoren von 0,5 und 2 nicht groesser als bei Anwendung der modifizierten Lebensdaueranteilregel mit dem Faktorenkonzept der relativen Lebensdauer. Zur Anwendung der konstitutiven Gleichungen fuer vier warmfeste Staehle im industriellen Einsatz wurde ein Programm KORA erstellt, das eine Lebensdauervorhersage fuer beliebige vorgebbare Zeitstandbeanspruchungsablaeufe liefert und ein als Lebensdauerzaehler anwendbares Berechnungsmodul besitzt. (orig.)Original Title
Beschreibung des zyklischen Kriechverhaltens warmfester Staehle durch konstitutive Gleichungen
Primary Subject
Verein Deutscher Eisenhuettenleute (VDEh), Duesseldorf (Germany). Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Warmfeste Staehle; Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe (Germany); 217 p; 1998; p. 105-119; 20. lecture meeting: Long-term performance of heat-resistant steels and high temperature materials; 20. Vortragsveranstaltung: Langzeitverhalten warmfester Staehle und Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe; Duesseldorf (Germany); 28 Nov 1997; Available from TIB Hannover: RO 1809(20)
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