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Bongardt, K.
Los Alamos Scientific Lab., NM (USA)1981
Los Alamos Scientific Lab., NM (USA)1981
[en] One possible element for funneling two beams together is a deflector with a constant or time-varying electric-field strength. With such an element, arbitrary beams can be brought together and maintained on the axis, if the appropriate combination of deflector parameters is chosen. A parallel beam can be handled only with a time-varying voltage of the deflector. The six-dimensional transfer matrices are calculated for constant or time-varying fields; all the results are correct in first-order approximation
Primary Subject
Jan 1981; 26 p; Available from NTIS., PC A03/MF A01
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Bongardt, K.
Karlsruhe Univ. (TH) (Germany, F.R.). Fakultaet fuer Physik1976
Karlsruhe Univ. (TH) (Germany, F.R.). Fakultaet fuer Physik1976
[en] Light cone coordinates and field-field anticommutators for the free quark model on the light cone are introduced and light cone charges and light cone currents for the free quark model as well as sum rules for the meson and quark states are derived. The derivation of sum rules for the baryons is attempted. It is seen that it is possible formally to derive the same sum rules for the baryons and for the quarks. The baryon sums were derived through the symmetry properties of the baryon fields. Explicit assumptions about the spatial distribution of the three quarks in the baryons were not utilized. The meson-baryon Σ-terms, Zweig's rules in the SU (4) and a number of properties of the M-matrix are discussed. (BJ)
Lichtkugelkoordinaten und Feld-Feld-Antikommutatoren fuer das freie Quarkmodell auf dem Lichtkegel werden eingefuehrt und Lichtkegel-Ladungen und Lichtkegel-Stroeme fuer das freie Quarkmodell, sowie Summenregeln fuer die Meson und fuer die Quarkzustaende hergeleitet. Die Herleitung von Summenregeln fuer die Baryonen wird versucht. Dabei zeigt sich, dass man formal die gleichen Summenregeln fuer die Baryonen und fuer die Quarks herleiten kann. Die Baryonensummen wurden ueber die Symmetrieeigenschaften der Baryonenfelder hergeleitet. Explizite Annahmen ueber die raeumliche Verteilung der 3 Quarks in den Baryonen wurden nicht verwendet. Die Meson-Baryon-Σ-Terme, die Zweig'schen Regeln in der SU (4) und einige Eigenschaften der M-Matrix werden diskutiert. (BJ)Original Title
Berechnung von Baryonen-Summenregeln und SU(4)-Massenformeln fuer Mesonen und Baryonen
Primary Subject
3 Dec 1976; 96 p; 6 figs.; 3 tabs.; 59 refs.; Diss. (D.Sc.).
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[en] The funneling of heavy ion beams can be achieved by first bending the beams by septum magnets towards the common axis, and then deflecting them onto the axis by rf-deflector elements with time varying electric field strength. The main properties of these deflection elements are discussed. Formulaes are given for calculating the maximal allowed length of any transition section, if the longitudinal phase width should stay below an upper limit. These limits are important for a heavy ion beam funneling section. As an example, beam envelopes are shown for funneling two 100 mA, 1.7 MeV/N Bi+2 beams into one 108 MHz Alvarez accelerator
Primary Subject
Jameson, R.A.; Taylor, L.S. (eds.); Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA); p. 167-170; Feb 1982; p. 167-170; 1981 linear accelerator conference; Santa Fe, NM (USA); 19 - 23 Oct 1981; Available from NTIS., PC A17/MF A01 as DE82013754
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[en] For a high intensity bunched beam the longitudinal acceptance usually is smaller than the beam emittance at injection energy. This causes longitudinal particle loss and emittance increase. A model is presented which explains the dynamics of the trapping procedure and the related particle loss for a high current bunched beam. The model is in qualitative agreement with numerical results obtained from multiparticle calculations. By varying the injection energy and the phase of the bunch center and the matching parameters of the beam the trapping efficiency can be improved
Primary Subject
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA); p. 50-52; Sep 1986; p. 50-52; Linear accelerator conference; Stanford, CA (USA); 2-6 Jun 1986; Available from NTIS, PC A99/MF A01; 1 as DE87005940
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Bongardt, K., E-mail: k.bongardt@fz-juelich.de2001
[en] The scope of the European Bi+ HIDIF study with its 3 MJ total driver energy was to demonstrate the feasibility of an RF linac and storage based scheme for ignition with an indirectly driven low gain target. More recent upgrade scenarios with at least 4.5 MJ total driver energy are focused on energy production and high gain targets. Keeping the linac beam current constant and increasing instead the number of storage rings from 12 to 18 will give the required 4.5 MJ total driver energy. Aiming for high total driver efficiency was not a topic for the ignition facility, however it is a very crucial item for a heavy ion fusion power plant. All RF linac components should be feasible for up to 50 Hz rep. rate in order to be cost effective for energy production. A total driver efficiency of 20% is only achievable at 50 Hz rep. rate. However, it is preferred to have the 20% driver efficiency at 10 Hz rep. rate, which is expected to be the maximal achievable rep. rate for a single target station. One elegant way to get the wanted 20% driver efficiency at 10 Hz rep. rate with 4.5 MJ total driver energy and 12 storage rings only, is to change the HIDIF layout from single charged Bi+ to double charged Bi2+ ions. The layout of a cost effective and less complex Bi2+ separated section main linac from 10 MeV/n on is outlined. Reduced numbers of large apertures, high gradient external quadrupoles, feasible up to 50 Hz rep. rate are used for focusing the high intensity beam. Monte Carlo simulations for a Bi2+ beam with 600 mA particle current are presented, demonstrating the feasibility of such a Bi2+ linac as injector for the storage rings. By adding more target stations later on, the full potential of a 50 Hz rep. rate Bi2+ fusion power plant can be realized
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
S0168900201001541; Copyright (c) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Germany
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 464(1-3); p. 629-635
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[en] As a part of the European Hadron Facility (EHF) a 400 MHz drift tube proton linac has been designed. This linac accelerates a peak current of 50 mA from 2 MeV up to 150 MeV. The linac structure has been optimized to give a low power consumption or a short linac length. The beam dynamics in the linac is tested by multiparticle calculations including space charge. A choice of beam parameters is possible which give almost no transverse emittance increase. The longitudinal emittance increases by 20 to 30%
Primary Subject
Thiessen, H.A. (comp.); Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA); p. 198-207; Dec 1987; p. 198-207; International workshop on hadron facility technology; Santa Fe, NM (USA); 2-5 Feb 1987; Available from NTIS, PC A25/MF A01; 1 as DE88004741
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[en] Geometrical misaligned elements cause displacement of the beam center from the ideal accelerator axis and an increase of the beam radius, which are discussed in some detail in the literature. For any quasiperiodic accelerating structure and independent statistical distributed displacement errors of the single elements, a formalism is presented by which both effects can be calculated. The obtained rms radius increase is almost independent of the beam current. The optimal position for steering magnets can easily be determined. As an example, the radius increase is plotted as a function of the beam energy for the SNQ 324 MHz disk-and-washer proton linac. The main effect here is the transverse displacement of a single quadrupole in a doublet. Rotations of quadrupoles about the beam axis and field errors are negligible. With 5 pairs of steering magnets, the shift of the beam center away from the ideal axis is less than 5 mm everywhere
Primary Subject
Jameson, R.A.; Taylor, L.S. (eds.); Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA); p. 153-155; Feb 1982; p. 153-155; 1981 linear accelerator conference; Santa Fe, NM (USA); 19 - 23 Oct 1981; Available from NTIS., PC A17/MF A01 as DE82013754
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Bongardt, K.
Proceedings of 1984 INS international symposium on heavy ion accelerators and their applications to inertial fusion1984
Proceedings of 1984 INS international symposium on heavy ion accelerators and their applications to inertial fusion1984
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Hirao, Yasuo; Katayama, Takeshi; Tokuda, Noboru (eds.); Tokyo Univ., Tanashi (Japan). Inst. for Nuclear Study; 937 p; 1984; p. 470-474; INS, Tokyo Univ; Tanashi, Tokyo (Japan); 1984 INS international symposium on heavy ion accelerators and their applications to inertial fusion; Tanashi, Tokyo (Japan); 23-27 Jan 1984; Published in summary form only.
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[en] The funneling line of the SNQ-project is described with all its restrictions and components. The line combines two beams, 1800 out of phase, produced by identical 100 MHz RFQ's, into one 200 MHz Alvarez accelerator. Special emphasis is given to the beam dynamics of transporting a high current, bunched, unneutralized proton beam of 2 MeV over a length of about 15 m. Results of multiparticle calculations for the funneling line are presented. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Angert, N. (ed.); Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung m.b.H., Darmstadt (Germany, F.R.); 561 p; Sep 1984; p. 389-391; Linear accelerator conference (LINAC '84); Seeheim-Jugenheim (Germany, F.R.); 7-11 May 1984
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung m.b.H., Darmstadt (Germany, F.R.); 42 p; Apr 1981; p. 17; Published in summary form only.
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