Besson, F.L.; Durand, E.; Fernandez, B.; Faure, S.; Seferian, A.; Mignard, X.; Bulifon, S.; Mercier, O.; Mussot, S.; Mitilian, D.; Mabille, L.; Pradere, P.; Fadel, E.; Blanchet, E.; Chetouani, A.; Bouderraoui, F.; Comtat, C.; Gervais, P.; Lebon, V.; Cherkaoui, H.; Botticella, A.; Caramella, C.; Le Pechoux, C.; Planchard, D.; Besse, B.2019
[en] Complete text of publication follows: Aim/Introduction: To assess the feasibility of a fully integrated dynamic PET-MRI approach applied to the characterization of lung lesions specifically. Materials and Methods: A total of 9 patients underwent a one-hour dynamic PET-MRI imaging protocol for suspected lung cancer. FDG PET and DCE MRI full kinetic analyses (Sokoloff and extended Toft models respectively), together with DWI-ADC and T1/T2-mapping were performed. All the PET-MRI data were warped into the same isotropic reference space before analyses. For each lung lesion, voxel-wise 3D maps of 14 biological features / 4 main categories were computed using an in-house fully integrative multimodal post-processing pipeline developed for this purpose specifically : perfusion/vascularization (Ktrans, Kep, Ve and Vp); metabolism (SUV, k1, k2, k3, Ki, Vb, and MRGlu); diffusion (ADC); and tissular characterization (T1 and T2 mapping). For each lesion, voxel-wise monotonic relationships between all the PET-MRI features were explored (Spearman correlations). Finally, all the lesions were partitioned by using multidimensional unsupervised gaussian mixture approach, and features profiles/relationships were explored at the supervoxel regional level. Results: Relationships between the perfusion/vascularization, metabolism, diffusion and tissular feature categories differed among the lesions. At the feature level, strong correlations (absolute r value superior to 0.5) were observed for the perfusion/vascularization features pairs and the metabolic feature pairs. At the category level, absolute r values were inferior to 0.5 for the vast majority of the feature pairs. Combining the 14 features together, unsupervised clustering provided 2 to 4 supervoxels depending on the lesion. At the supervoxel regional levels, feature profiles differed, as well as their monotonic relationships. Conclusion: Our one-stop-shop fully integrative dynamic PETMRI protocol provided 14 biological features (4 main categories) in the same examination. For all lesions, the heterogeneity of features profiles/relationships at the regional supervoxel level highlights the unique capability of PET-MRI to get better insight of the biological characterization of lung masses
Primary Subject
Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine; Barcelone (Spain); 12-16 Oct 2019; Country of input: France
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging; ISSN 1619-7070; ; v. 46(suppl.1); p. S290-S291
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] After lung-sparing radiotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM), local failure at sites of previous gross disease represents the dominant form of failure. Our aim is to investigate if selective irradiation of the gross pleural disease only can allow dose escalation. In all, 12 consecutive stage I-IV MPM patients (6 left-sided and 6 right-sided) were retrospectively identified and included. A magnetic resonance imaging-based pleural gross tumor volume (GTV) was contoured. Two sets of planning target volumes (PTV) were generated for each patient: (1) a ''selective'' PTV (S-PTV), originating from a 5-mm isotropic expansion from the GTV and (2) an ''elective'' PTV (E-PTV), originating from a 5-mm isotropic expansion from the whole ipsilateral pleural space. Two sets of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) treatment plans were generated: a ''selective'' pleural irradiation plan (SPI plan) and an ''elective'' pleural irradiation plan (EPI plan, planned with a simultaneous integrated boost technique [SIB]). In the SPI plans, the average median dose to the S-PTV was 53.6 Gy (range 41-63.6 Gy). In 4 of 12 patients, it was possible to escalate the dose to the S-PTV to >58 Gy. In the EPI plans, the average median doses to the E-PTV and to the S-PTV were 48.6 Gy (range 38.5-58.7) and 49 Gy (range 38.6-59.5 Gy), respectively. No significant dose escalation was achievable. The omission of the elective irradiation of the whole ipsilateral pleural space allowed dose escalation from 49 Gy to more than 58 Gy in 4 of 12 chemonaive MPM patients. This strategy may form the basis for nonsurgical radical combined modality treatment of MPM. (orig.)
Beim malignen Pleuramesotheliom (MPM) ist nach lungenschonender Radiotherapie das lokale Scheitern an Stellen eines frueheren, sichtbaren Tumors die dominierende Form des Scheiterns. Unser Ziel ist es, zu untersuchen, ob die selektive Bestrahlung nur des sichtbaren Pleuratumors eine Dosiseskalation ermoeglicht. Es wurden 12 konsekutive MPM-Patienten in Phase I-IV (6 links- und 6 rechtshaendig) retrospektiv identifiziert und inkludiert. Ein MRT-basiertes makroskopisches Tumorvolumen (GTV) der Pleura wurde umrandet. Fuer jeden Patienten wurden zwei Typen von Planungszielvolumen (PTV) erzeugt: (1) ein ''selektives'' PTV (S-PTV), das einer isotropen Expansion von 5 mm vom GTV entstammt, und (2) ein ''elektives'' PTV (E-PTV), das einer isotropen Expansion von 5 mm von der ganzen ipsilateralen Pleurahoehle entstammt. Zwei verschiedene Behandlungsplaene mit volumetrisch modulierter Bogentherapie (VMAT) wurden erstellt: ein ''selektiver'' pleuraler Bestrahlungsplan (SPI-Plan) und ein ''elektiver'' pleuraler Bestrahlungsplan (EPI-Plan; geplant mit simultan integrierter Boost-Technik [SIB]). In den SPI-Plaenen betrug die durchschnittliche mittlere Dosis beim S-PTV 53,6 Gy (Spanne 41-63,6 Gy). Bei 4 von 12 Patienten liess sich die Dosis beim S-PTV auf >58 Gy eskalieren. In den EPI-Plaenen betrugen die durchschnittlichen mittleren Dosen beim E-PTV und beim S-PTV 48,6 Gy (Spanne 38,5-58,7 Gy) bzw. 49 Gy (Spanne 38,6-59,5 Gy). Eine signifikante Dosiseskalation war nicht moeglich. Das Weglassen der elektiven Bestrahlung der ganzen ipsilateralen Pleurahoehle ermoeglichte bei 4 von 12 chemonaiven MPM-Patienten eine Dosiseskalation von 49 Gy bis ueber 58 Gy. Diese Strategie kann die Basis fuer eine nichtchirurgische, radikal kombinierte Modalitaetsbehandlung von MPM bilden. (orig.)Primary Subject
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