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Brandt, F.
Nationaal Inst. voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica (NIKHEF), Amsterdam (Netherlands). Sectie H1993
Nationaal Inst. voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica (NIKHEF), Amsterdam (Netherlands). Sectie H1993
[en] It is shown that generally the consistency equation for anomalies of quantum field theories has solutions which depend nontrivially on the sources of the (generalized) BRS-transformations of the fields. Explicit previously unknown examples of such solutions are given for Yang-Mills and super Yang-Mills theories. (orig.)
Primary Subject
1993; 13 p
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Brandt, F.
Hannover Univ. (Germany). Fachbereich Physik1991
Hannover Univ. (Germany). Fachbereich Physik1991
[en] In this thesis the author has classified all BRS invariants for QDS theories. The result is that the non-trivial BRS-invariant functions can be attributed to maximally three classes, which differ by the lowest-homogenity-degree terms in the tensor fields and ghosts. He has proved that in two of these classes all these terms are supplementable. The supplementability of the terms of the third class is dependent on the theory, especially on the constraints. This is demonstrated by means of the minimal supergravity and the globally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. For both theories all BRS invariants are explicitely constructed, and the solutions of the consistency equation with ghost numbers 0 and 1 are given. The solutions yield in some cases the supersymmetric generalizations of non-Abelian chiral anomalies. (HSI)
In dieser Arbeit hat der Verfasser alle BRS-Invarianten fueer QDS-Theorien klassifiziert. Das Ergebnis ist, dass die nichttrivialen BRS-invarianten Funktionen maximal drei Klassen zugeordnet werden koennen, welche sich durch die Terme niedrigsten Homogenitaetsgrades in den Tensorfeldern und Geistern unterscheiden. Er hat bewiesen, dass in zwei dieser Klassen alle dieser Terme ergaenzbar sind. Die Ergaenzbarkeit der Terme der dritten Klasse ist von der Theorie abhaengig, insbesondere von den Constraints. Dieses wird demonstriert mittels der minimalen Supergravitation und der global supersymmetrischen Yang-Mills-Theorie. Fuer beide Theorien werden alle BRS-Invarianten explizit konstruiert, und die Loesungen der Konsistenzgleichung mit Geistzahlen 0 und 1 werden angegeben. Die Loesungen liefern in einigen Faellen die supersymmetrischen Verallgemeinerungen nichtabelischer chiraler Anomalien. (HSI)Original Title
Lagrangedichten und Anomalien in vierdimensionalen supersymmetrischen Theorien
Primary Subject
14 Jun 1991; 117 p; Available from TIB Hannover: DB 4237; Diss. (Dr.rer.nat.).
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Brandt, F.
Nationaal Inst. voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica (NIKHEF), Amsterdam (Netherlands). Sectie H1993
Nationaal Inst. voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica (NIKHEF), Amsterdam (Netherlands). Sectie H1993
[en] For a large class of gauge theories a nilpotent BRS-operator s is constructed and its cohomology in the space of local functionals of the off-shell fields is shown to be isomorphic to the cohomology of s=s+d on functions f(C,T) of tensor fields T and of variables C which are constructed of the ghosts and the connection forms. The result allows general statements about the structure of invariant classical actions and anomaly cadidates whose BRS-variation vanishes off-shell. The assumptions under which the result holds are thoroughly discussed. (orig.)
Primary Subject
1993; 21 p
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Brandt, F.
Freiburg Univ. (F.R. Germany). Medizinische Klinik1973
Freiburg Univ. (F.R. Germany). Medizinische Klinik1973
No abstract available
Original Title
Der Einfluss von einzeitiger und fraktionierter Roentgenbestrahlung der Leber auf die Bildung von Hippursaeure nach Belastung mit Natrium-Benzoat beim Kaninchen
Primary Subject
18 Jul 1973; 59 p; 13 figs.; 19 tabs.; 36 refs. Available from the library of the Freiburg Univ.; Diss. (M.D.).
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Brandt, F.
Nationaal Inst. voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica (NIKHEF), Amsterdam (Netherlands). Sectie H1993
Nationaal Inst. voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica (NIKHEF), Amsterdam (Netherlands). Sectie H1993
[en] It is shown that Baecklund transformations (BTs) and zero-curvature representations (ZCRs) of systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) are closely related. The connection is established by nonlinear representations of the symmetry group underlying the ZCR which induce gauge transformations relating different BTs. This connection is used to construct BTs from ZCRs (and vice versa). Furthermore a procedure is outlined which allows a systematic search for ZCRs of a given system of PDEs. (orig.)
Primary Subject
1993; 21 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] In this short note, we verify explicitly in static coordinates that the non trivial asymptotic Killing vectors at spatial infinity for anti-de Sitter space-times correspond one to one to the conformal Killing vectors of the conformally flat metric induced on the boundary. The fall-off conditions for the metric perturbations that guarantee finiteness of the associated conserved charges are derived
Primary Subject
Conference on renormalization group and anomalies; Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais (Brazil); 17-23 Mar 2003; S0920563203024101; Copyright (c) 2004 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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Brandt, F.
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Duesseldorf (Germany, F.R.)1976
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Duesseldorf (Germany, F.R.)1976
[en] The explanations concerning the Aceeptance Tests for Steam Generators DIN 1942 comprise six sections. After an introduction (section 1) with a short historical development of the acceptance rules, mass and energy balance of the steam generator are treated in section 2. Section 3 contains the combustion calculation and the required material data of the flue gases, and section 4 the information on the measuring tolerances, where on the one hand the measuring tolerances of the individual measured and calculated quantities and, on the other, the measuring tolerance of the efficiency are concerned. In section 5, some remarks are made on the problem of translation to the guarantee requirements. The last section is section 6; here on the one hand, cases having not been introduced into the standard DIN 1942 are treated and, on the other, questions are dealt with which are of principal importance for the further development and the understanding of the acceptance rules. (orig.)
Die Erlaeuterungen zu den Abnahmeversuchen an Dampterzeugern DIN 1942 umfassen sechs Abschnitte. Nach einer Einleitung (Abschnitt 1) mit einer kurzen gschichtlichen Entwicklung der Abnahmeregeln werden im Abschnitt 2 die Masse- und Energiebilanz des Dampferzeugers behandelt. Der Abschnitt 3 enthaelt die Verbrennungsrechnung und die benoetigten Stoffwerte der Rauchgase und der Abschnitt 4 die Messspielangaben, wobei es einmal um die Messspiele der einzelnen gemessenen und berechneten Groessen und zum anderen um das Messspiel des Wirkungsgrades geht. Im Abschnitt 5 werden einige Bemerkungen zum Problem der Umrechnung auf Gewaehrleistungsbedingungen gemacht. Den Abschluss bildet der Abschnitt 6; in ihm werden einmal Faelle behandelt, die nicht in die Norm DIN 1942 aufgenommen worden sind, und zum anderen Fragen angesprochen, die von grundsaetzlicher Bedeutung fuer die Weiterentwicklung sowie das Verstaendnis der Abnahmeregeln sind. (orig.)Original Title
Erlaeuterungen zu den 'Abnahmeversuchen an Dampferzeugern' DIN 1942 (edition 1975)
Primary Subject
Fortschr.-Ber. VDI (Ver. Dtsch. Ing.) Z. Reihe 6; no. 46; Jul 1976; 107 p; VDI-Verl; Duesseldorf, Germany, F.R; DIN--1942; ISBN 3-18-144606-8; ; 32 figs.; 10 tabs.; 15 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] We study the Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory systematically in an effort to generalize the Coleman-Hill result to the non-Abelian case. We show that, while the Chern-Simons coefficient is in general gauge dependent in a non-Abelian theory, it takes on a physical meaning in the axial gauge. Using the non-Abelian Ward identities as well as the analyticity of the amplitudes in the momentum variables, we show that, in the axial gauge, the Chern-Simons coefficient does not receive any quantum correction beyond one loop. This allows us to deduce that the ratio 4πm/g2 is unrenormalized, in a non-Abelian theory, beyond one loop in any infrared safe gauge. This is the appropriate generalization of the Coleman-Hill result to non-Abelian theories. Various other interesting properties of the theory are also discussed
Primary Subject
Othernumber: PRVDAQ000063000008085015000001; 013110PRD; The American Physical Society
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[en] We study the parity-breaking terms generated by the box diagram in (2+1)-dimensional thermal QED. These lead, in the long wave limit, to a gauge invariant extensive action, which behaves as 1/T at high temperature. In contrast, the effective action in the static limit involves leading nonextensive terms proportional to 1/T3 at high temperature, which violate large gauge invariance. We derive a nonlinear large gauge Ward identity, which relates the leading static terms of different order in perturbation theory and whose solution coincides with the all order effective action proposed earlier
Primary Subject
Othernumber: PRVDAQ000062000008085012000001; 044018PRD; The American Physical Society
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[en] We study, to one loop order, the behavior of the gluon self-energy in the noncovariant Coulomb gauge at finite temperature. The cancellation of the peculiar energy divergences, which arise in such a gauge, is explicitly verified in the complete two point function of the Yang-Mills theory. At high temperatures, the leading T2 term is determined to be transverse and nonlocal, in agreement with the results obtained in covariant gauges. The coefficient of the sub-leading ln(T) contribution is nontransverse but local and coincides (up to a multiplicative constant) with that of the ultraviolet pole term of the zero temperature amplitude
Primary Subject
Othernumber: PRVDAQ000062000012127702000001; 013102PRD; The American Physical Society
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