[en] We correlate the lowering of Tsub(c) due to the introduction of magnetic atoms of praseodymium in the amorphous matrix La75Al25 and La75Ga25, with crystal field effects around Pr3+
Nous avons mesure les temperatures de transition supraconductrice Tsub(c) d'alliages amorphes Lasub(75-x)Prsub(x)Ga25 et Lasub(75-x)Prsub(x)Al25 (0< x<6). Nous correlons l'abaissement de Tsub(c) du a l'introduction d'atomes magnetiques de praseodyme dans les matrices amorphes La3Al et La3Ga au champ cristallin autour des ions Pr3+Original Title
Temperatures de transition supraconductrice d'alliages amorphes contenant du praseodyme
Primary Subject
Meeting on cryogeny of superconducting materials; Rennes (France); 12-15 Jun 1984
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Ann. Chim. (Paris); ISSN 0003-3936; ; v. 9(7-8); p. 975-978
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Cantaloup, S.; Ousset, J.C.; Rakoto, H.; Laborde, O.; Bieri, J.B.
Amorphous metals and non-equilibrium processing1984
Amorphous metals and non-equilibrium processing1984
[en] We have studied by magnetoresistance measurements weak localization phenomena in the amorphous alloys La68Pr7Al25 and La69Pr6Ga25. Our determination of the superconducting transition temperature (Tsub(C)) in Lasub(75-x)Prsub(x)Al25 and Lasub(75-x)Prsub(x)Ga25 systems made it possible to compute the magnetoresistance due to electron-electron interaction and we find it to be of the same order of magnitude as the localization contribution
Primary Subject
Von Allmen, M. (ed.); 411 p; ISBN 2-90202731-88-4; ; 1984; p. 337-341; Editions de Physique; Les Ulis (France); MRS symposium on amorphous metals and non-equilibrium processing; Strasbourg (France); 5-8 Jun 1984
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
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